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单词 By contrast
1. By contrast, he was much cleverer.
2. It'seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday's icy wind.
3. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.
4. By contrast, the comparable figure for the Netherlands is 16 per cent.
5. Habituation, by contrast, reduces responsiveness to the familiar.
6. By contrast, solar cells are politically acceptable.
7. Gloucester, by contrast, kept the king's full confidence.
8. The bulge, by contrast, contains little dust.
9. By contrast, Glasgow gave accurate estimates.
10. By contrast, 1995 saw a drop-dead bull market.
11. By contrast, compensatory damages reimburse actual out-of-pocket losses.
12. By contrast, metals enjoyed many advantages.
13. Vermont, by contrast, was pastoral and idyllic.
14. By contrast, the professions of journalism and politics continue to be closely allied.
15. In the little churchyard in Sasbach, by contrast, two inconspicuous marble tablets are set into a wall.
16. By contrast the courtesy ensign has become more of a duty than a courtesy.
17. Spontaneous social orders, by contrast, are evolutionary in nature and are not the product of rational design.
18. By contrast, 1 percent of Channel 4 programmes contained violence, with an average frequency of one violent act per hour.
19. The Simpson verdict, by contrast, was a human drama involving the most famous defendant of the century.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. By contrast, a small saving in purchasing costs can be worth considerably more in terms of equivalent sales value. 9.
21. Britain and the United States, by contrast, are seen as the exemplars of an empirical approach.
22. By contrast, it is impossible to align the elements of organization design at the beginning of a period of behavior-driven change.
23. By contrast, the appeal of the industrial co-operative remains unchallengeable, its ecological niche exclusive to it.
24. By contrast, only 20% of divorced parents with children succeeded in stopping smoking.
25. By contrast, the chances of a major nuclear accident resulting in 100 fatal cancers was set at one in a million.
26. By contrast with our study, the available data for oral cisapride do not suggest that cisapride affects characteristics of oesophageal contraction.
27. By contrast, Sir James is relatively little-known in international circles.
28. When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.
29. The birth rate for older women has declined, but, by contrast, births to teenage mothers have increased.
30. She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.
1. When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast.
2. It'seems quite warm today by contrast with yesterday's icy wind.
31. By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.
32. In autonomous and auratic art, reception by contrast is individualized and the audience is typically immersed in the work itself.
33. By contrast, taxpayer standing is likely to be heavily dependent on the detailed facts.
34. Durkheim, by contrast, maintained a considerably less rosy picture of how social life used to be.
35. The Indo-Aryans, by contrast, mostly but not invariably had pale skins and fair hair.
36. By contrast, all of the parasites gained access to the larvae before they spun cocoons.
37. Theda felt shabby by contrast, and was hit by a passing pang of envy.
38. By contrast, the Reagan administration pursued privatism as a strategy of urban disinvestment.
39. By contrast, there was a general shift from subsistence agriculture to the production of cash crops and the provision of services.
40. Rice, by contrast, can be grown in the same area every year, indefinitely.
41. Earlier we traced the new emphasis which, by contrast, Liberal Theology laid upon the historical approach to the New Testament.
42. By contrast, Gordon says, the Net fails on several counts.
43. By contrast, industry and commerce were concerned with profit and the amassing of personal fortune.
44. By contrast, Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, rarely display affection in public.
45. By contrast, 11, 000 voters cast early ballots in the recent Super Tuesday presidential primaries.
46. Working-class families, by contrast, are less likely to provide an environment that encourages scholastic skills.
47. The philosopher, by contrast, has the right to go far beyond such language.
48. The difficulty is best explained by contrast with a eukaryotic species - for example the house mouse, Mus musculus.
49. By contrast a municipal corporation was a public governmental authority with administrative duties owed to all the inhabitants of its area.
50. By contrast with such complexities(), the rest of the biochemistry is relatively straight forward.
51. Buchanan, by contrast, has waged a vigorous Arizona campaign, wooing voters with his anti-immigrant, anti-corporate and anti-Washington themes.
52. Dallas investors, by contrast, were 20 percent more optimistic than the national average.
53. The head, by contrast, is obliterated by formless, meandering lines.
54. By contrast defence expenditure was cut, chiefly by reducing national service from 14 months to 12.
55. By contrast, Simpson said he himself was a studious and conscientious straight-arrow.
56. By contrast, the norm for curriculum change is for it to occur piecemeal and gradually over long periods.
57. By contrast, bureaucrats tend to regard advice from superiors as an affront and are not shy about saying so.
58. By contrast, the median income of those with IRAs, savings and pension plans is $ 44, 500.
59. By contrast the Interior Minister, Pierre Joxe, advocated greater internal autonomy.
60. A high-resolution image, by contrast, could easily run as large as 15 million to 20 million bytes.
61. Females, by contrast, gain no advantage by mating with many males.
62. Heseltine, by contrast, seized every opportunity to be interviewed, as well as campaigning actively at Westminster.
63. By contrast the incomes of couples with children have risen significantly above the rate of inflation.
64. The neo-Confucians, by contrast, limited the scope of human destructive power to humanity itself.
65. By contrast, contractionary policies would reap the benefits of lower inflation, but at the cost of higher unemployment.
66. Britain, by contrast, has a distinct orientation toward the empirical approach.
67. By contrast MDC's land reclamation and infrastructural provisions have demonstrated a markedly weaker propensity for attracting private capital.
68. By contrast all the enzyme forms studied were expressed in virtually all adenomas and in over half the carcinomas.
69. By contrast, some Marxists are more inclined to emphasize capitalism's economic success in generating proletarian support.
70. In Belgrade, by contrast, Milosevic had remained a political actor, and a pivot for extreme nationalist forces.
71. By contrast, we found no reduction in deaths attributed to acute lower respiratory infections in the vitamin-A-supplemented group.
72. By contrast older established partners may be less keen on expansion in view of the added pressures it will produce.
73. Heroes, by contrast, may not wear bow ties or neckties, both of which are symbols of the decadent West.
74. By contrast, the Protestant attack on traditional religious festivals was far less successful.
75. Cibo Matto, by contrast, takes a quieter and more accessible approach to its music.
76. The citizens of Hebron, by contrast, hold all the trump cards.
77. By contrast, look which baseball player is getting seemingly all the commercials.
78. By contrast, more dramatic effects are found in people treated with anti-AIDS drugs that attack the virus directly.
79. Many of the larger companies, by contrast, have been buoyed by the strength of their chemical operations of late.
79. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
80. By contrast, this study concentrates on the issue of public understanding as it affects scientists in conservation organisations.
81. By contrast, industrial tribunals in the exercise of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction are concerned with disputes between employee and employer.
82. The second explanation, by contrast, emphasizes the role of the environment.
83. I by contrast contrived to leave my grammar school in the Midlands without A levels.
84. Dole, by contrast, did best among voters who listed the federal deficit as their chief concern.
85. Mercier, by contrast, gives us the working man, drawn with almost Hogarthian candour.
86. Universities by contrast have a tradition of publishing and disseminating the results of their research for peer approval.
87. By contrast the tax burden on the bottom fifth of households has risen from 31 % to 38 % of their income.
88. Personal selling and sales promotion activities, by contrast, tend to be more effective from Stage 3 onwards. 4.
89. The liberal-historical approach by contrast is more forward-looking in character.
90. Chichester, by contrast, acquired a considerable dignity from its role as a religious centre.
91. The Reich chapter, by contrast, draws us away from individual heroic figures towards collective creativity.
92. The episcopalians, by contrast, strongly opposed the Union, which proved to be deeply unpopular.
93. By contrast, the gross margin on an alternative remedy is typically 30 percent, Toth said.
94. Operation Desert Storm, by contrast, seems so far to have been supplied without a hitch - thanks to computers.
95. Hong Kong, by contrast, had no history, no past, only a fealty to the wrecking ball.
96. By contrast, only about one-third of those recently buying on credit gave reasons which could be regarded as positively favourable.
97. By contrast, women move into the contested territory of meaning with assurance and inspiration.
98. New Labour, by contrast, has embarked on the most far-reaching programme of constitutional reform attempted in this country this century.
99. By contrast, both imports and exports are expected to grow at a similar rate.
100. By contrast, a dynamic system involves delegation to the lawmaker of the determination of the content of the decision.
101. A man, by contrast, is seeking a mate who will use his sperm and his money to produce babies.
102. King, by contrast, reasoned that Yosemite Valley had been precipitated by earthquakes.
103. By contrast, productivity for the control group rose just 3. 9 percent.
104. Ford, by contrast, was forced by the inertia of labour relations institutions to forgo a programme-driven process of obtaining consent.
105. By contrast, books such as Randi's have a hard time finding enthusiastic editors.
106. By contrast, it said, the Florida law simply banned all cross-burning.
107. By contrast, the memories of people my age are spookily familiar.
108. By contrast, in patients with chronic constipation fasting transit of marker was not recorded.
109. By contrast, total quality and continuous improvement concern themselves with improving performance in smaller chunks.
110. By contrast, we want to do more to encourage the wider distribution of wealth throughout society.
111. By contrast coaching is a continuous process which may be incorporated into both counselling and appraisal sessions.
112. By contrast, San Francisco was a fascinating city of charm and not a little culture.
113. By contrast, it is easier to confirm an academic skill weakness through the use of standardized achievement tests.
114. Adult players, by contrast, feel the need to equip themselves with the best.
115. In the home, by contrast, communications other than voice telephones, are unfamiliar and comparatively rare.
116. Employers, by contrast, can call upon powerful ideological forces in our culture to legitimise their interests.
117. By contrast, the share of industrial economies has dropped from 73% to 54%.
118. This action of the mutant protein is by contrast with the recently established tumour suppressor activity of the wild type protein.
119. By contrast, in the subtropics it is one of the most important causes of parasitic gastroenteritis.
120. Brookside, by contrast, declared from the start that it wouldn't be upbeat or hopeful.
121. Obtaining equity financing, by contrast, could be accomplished through more traditional managerial approaches.
122. By contrast, legalising something may either clarify the law where it was previously unclear, or introduce or extend rights.
123. Stream of life always gain by contrast and pebbles.
124. By contrast, indexes on traditional SQL data always involve the entire column's content.
125. Its European neighbors, by contrast, their histories indelibly stained by tyranny, military defeat, and imperial barbarity, seem eager to subsume themselves in a suffocating superstate.
126. By contrast, a non-blocking synchronous call returns control to the caller immediately.
127. By contrast, both Mnemosyne and SuperMemo hold all of the missed cards at the end, making you view all of the cards for the day before repeating any.
128. Doak, by contrast, is a neo-classicist , and rub of the green, so long as it serves the interest of the strategic variance.
129. An internal-combustion engine, by contrast, produces maximum torque only at certain speeds.
130. The biggest nonregistered NGOs, by contrast, are thought to have about 20 people – without legal status, they have trouble fundraising and may not open multiple branches.
131. By contrast, IPv6 uses 128-bit web addresses, creating billions of possible new web addresses – experts estimate it could assign a unique address for every blade of grass on the planet.
132. By contrast, their same-aged peers from the control condition failed to move their hands.
133. By contrast, Pfizer Inc. had an average 20% net profit margin from 2006 to 2010.
134. Ichthyosaurs and other contemporary viviparous species, by contrast, gave birth to multiple offspring.
135. Structure of digital transducer arrays and multiple voice coils, mechanism of sound pressure field, as well as other possible techniques are expressed by contrast.
136. Balzac's is a dense and actual world; Cooper's, by contrast, is a mythological place, where in earlier times the knight-errant might have performed.
137. By contrast, the parliament building cost roughly $ 6 million.
138. By contrast, Newsweek said, the first reaction of the pundit class was near hysteria.
139. First, by contrast, total export steel 398 million tons, up 213%, The amount of exports 33.2 billion us dollars, up 119%(), growth were significantly higher in imports.
140. By contrast, people who were underweight, with a B.M.I. under 18.5, were more likely to die than those of average weight.
141. The extraction methods of aloin and aloe-emodin in Aloe barbadensis was explored by contrast experimentation.
142. By contrast, in the surgical group, just one failure occurred and that was a conversion from myomectomy to hysterectomy at the time of the initial operation.
143. Left ventricular function can be assessed by contrast ventriculography, radionuclide ventriculography, or echocardiography.
144. By contrast, women lie 728 times a year-around twice a day.
145. In view of the spherical surface numerical control milling question, the paper has analyzed the advantage and disadvantage of automatic programming and the manual programming by contrast.
146. By contrast, America is now, as it was then, the world's biggest debtor nation.
147. By contrast, the average woman will lie 728 times a year-around twice a day.
148. By contrast, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) remained relatively unaffected and are found in the millions in the northern arctic regions today.
149. By contrast, what are we to make of what killed tragedy—Socratic morality, dialectic, the satisfaction and serenity of the theoretical man?
150. Spain, by contrast, has seen its borrowing cost shoot up in recent weeks, reflecting growing fears of a possible future default.
151. By contrast to a cost center, a profit center has control over both cost and revenue and it would be concerned with marketing its goods as well as producing them.
152. By contrast, the blue - chip Hang Seng index jumped 323.74 points , or 1.6 per cent, to 20,430.16.
153. If he is running late, by contrast, he may try to push his way to the front of the ticket line before sprinting for the platform.
154. By contrast, the Aka people number about 10,000 living in close relations with Koro speakers in a district of the state of Arunachal Pradesh, where at least 120 languages are spoken.
155. In the Netherlands (and most of the rest of Europe), by contrast, merchants and artisans commonly used coats of arms, called " burgher arms."
156. The caves of Valporquero, 4,000ft up in the mountains, by contrast, are a dimly lit subterranean world of vast, pink-tinged chambers and narrow hallways.
157. By contrast, growth in export volumes in Sub-Saharan Africa averaged only 2 percent per year, in part because world trade of the products they export grew at half the rate of growth of world trade.
158. By contrast, value investing employs a bottom-up strategy by which individual investment opportunities are identified one at a time through fundamental analysis.
159. Complex, hard-to-use features just don't get used. By contrast, simple, elegant designs that perform their function well are a joy to use.
160. By contrast, on television, where he has been appearing more frequently, he acts with uncanny sangfroid.
161. Phase Congruency Model avoids the hypothesis of the edge type in advance, and is invariant by contrast.
162. In the area of adjudication, by contrast to the experience approach of the parties and others, the cognitional approach of the fact-finder is deductive cognition.
163. Going short on bonds by buying a CDS contract carries limited risk but unlimited profit potential; by contrast, selling credit default swaps offers limited profits but practically unlimited risks.
164. By contrast, the report notes that there is now "convincing evidence supporting the anthropogenic nature of observed climate warming".
165. The leading household appliance brands, by contrast, are cheaply priced domestic makers such as TCL, Changhong and Little Swan.
166. By contrast, the porphyritic distribution of mountain hazards caused by volcano-tectonic activity is quite obvious.
167. In men, by contrast, good looks appear to count for little, with handsome men being no more successful than others in terms of numbers of children.
168. By contrast, plasmas aren't efficient to make at small-screen sizes.
169. By contrast,(/by contrast.html) an abort or failure in a non-critical region of code affects only the task in which the error occurs.
170. By contrast, the ECB has already announced plans to sterilise its bond-buying, absorbing back the funds released by taking one-week deposits from banks.
171. By contrast, luring the victim to a specific location or wearing a ski mask to prevent identification would constitute more than minimal planning.
172. By contrast, Italian CPI moves more slowly than in most European states due to the disproportionate importance of excise duties.
173. Little-league sports, by contrast, are fundamentally egalitarian institutions, inclusive, unselective and welcoming (at least in theory) of different levels of ability.
174. To point out the advantages of water bath heat - treatment by contrast with lead bath heat - treatment.
175. The suitable news background can set off the leitmotiv by contrast and deepen its subject. It can help readers understand the content of news. It can indicate its reasons and presents its meaning.
176. Furthermore we can detect the size of contaminated area on the base of the electrical abnormal area and make clear it change by contrast the detecting result of different date.
177. By contrast, the most successful approach is to let asset prices fall to discover the extent of the damage, take over failed banks, recapitalize them, and later sell them back to investors.
178. Absolute - performance - oriented investors, by contrast, are willing to hold cash reserves when no bargains are available.
179. By contrast, a previous IVF live birth and the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection were associated with increased chances of success.
180. By contrast, the relationship between policy measures such as tax cuts and the health of the economy is often a two-way street.
181. By contrast of four urban minority children, the differences of somatotype were found between Han nationality and four minority children .
182. By contrast, evolutionary systems theory does formulate an overarching hypothesis.
183. By contrast, Brazil has sought to develop a modern Latin American social democracy that marries a globalised capitalist economy with vigorous government efforts to attack deep-rooted inequalities.
184. In order to inquiry into the grinding characteristics of cemented carbide cutting tools, the ground point appearances of eight kinds of cemented carbide inserts are investigated by contrast test.
185. By contrast, the bottom 80% by income account for 39.5% of all consumer outlays.
186. Influence of soft and hard groove of steel sheave on fatigue life of wire rope is studied by contrast test.
187. By contrast, foreign direct investment has more than doubled in this period in the Philippines, quintu- pled in India and soared more than eightfold in Vietnam.
188. Aviall , by contrast, focuses its investment on service - driven requirements and ensuring its inventory remains productive.
189. By contrast, Nazareth says, the well-developed regulations for equity trading took shape over decades.
190. Cheerful Skewering. By contrast, their early music had exuberance and an occasional oasis of unexpected harmony, but otherwise blended monotonously into the parched badlands of rock.
191. In response to increasing engine loads and higher speeds, two-mode technology, by contrast, variably shifts the power transfer from the electrical path to the mechanical drive path.
192. By contrast, a paper back novel might contain two million bits of information.
193. By contrast, diabetes receives six times more money for research and development even though its estimated cost to a society's productiveness is about one-third of that of malaria.
194. Using a micro-robot, by contrast, might involve only one incision and smaller surgical instruments.
195. While sexology is the science of sex, by contrast, the ideology of sex is sexosophy, a set of principles and propositions that constitute a moral, religious, and legal philosophy of sex.
196. This time, by contrast, the prospect of a two-speed Europe is bound to undermine Europe's political cohesion – and thus its ability, when necessary, to act in unison.
197. But the generation in power in 1954 looked at enforced separation without the more revolting background of slavery to make it look unexceptional by contrast.
198. By contrast, well-informed people are more likely to ask others for help.
199. By contrast, there are no significant features of right branch such as stratiform cloud, thunderstorm high and cold pool in the left branch of the squall line.
200. By contrast, Japan's government is throwing its full weight behind Tokyo's bid in providing a 100 percent financial guarantee.
201. The Siemens system, by contrast, consumes only 1.8kWh per cubic metre, and the firm hopes to get that down to 1.5kWh.
202. White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat.
203. By contrast the traditional zinc oxide catalyst and from the point of preparation cost, we decide use sulfuric acid activated solid superacid as synthesis catalyst.
204. The worst dictators, by contrast, grind down civil society, breeding poverty and sectarian hatred and pulverizing all the institutions from which liberalism might grow.
205. The master suite by contrast is a more cellular division of spaces that control views and privacy.
206. They were all pale, flabby, sunken-eyed , hollow- chested, with eyes that glinted and shone and lips that were a sickly red by contrast.
207. The moral hypocrite, by contrast, has convinced himself that he is acting virtuously even when he does something he would condemn in others.
208. By contrast, the Steady-State model said that the only light that should be around is starlight, either coming directly from stars or reflected off of the gas throughout the Universe.
209. The chloroplasts of the mesophyll, by contrast, appear normal and contain grana , but do not form starch grains.
210. By contrast a popular culture is a large heterogeneous group often highly individualistic and a pronounced many specialized professions.
211. By contrast, PC keyboards are not only cheap, stable and reliable but also a kind of coded keyboard which can be scanned and send the scan code via a standard 5 core socket automatically.
212. By contrast, if you are a "pressurizer," you are firm from beginning to end.
213. By contrast, the budget gap that lawmakers closed with cuts this spring was about $300 million.
214. T. E. Lawrence, by contrast, was the farthest thing from a proper British Army officer.
215. In the nighttime version, by contrast, violent white lines cross the image in all directions, obfuscating a washed-out bed of flowers reduced to a symbolic recollection of its previous likeness.
216. By contrast, an L-Value refers to an object (in its wider sense), or a chunk of memory, to which you can write a value.




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