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单词 Dine
1. We're going to dine at David's tonight.
2. Does the Queen really dine off the gold plates?
3. We'll dine with our friends tonight at about seven.
4. He is used to dine off steak and salad.
5. They used to enjoy going out to dine.
6. We rarely dine out these days.
7. The manager's going to dine with us tonight.
8. We always dine out at weekends.
9. They usually dine at six o'clock.
10. You can dine in elegant surroundings .
11. We always dine in on weekdays.
12. Let's dine out tonight. I'm too tired to cook.
13. She wants me to dine with her tonight.
14. They would dine out together once a month.
15. They often dine forth on weekdays.
16. She'll be able to dine out on that story for days.
17. How pleasant it is to dine on fine well - cooked fish and fresh vegetables, in such charming surroundings!
18. I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. How long can she dine out on her former success?
20. We usually dine at a nice little restaurant in town when we have visitors.
21. We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage, and wander in the woods by moonlight.
22. Do you dine out much?
23. So many restaurants to dine at.
24. Dine in interesting dungeon restaurant, drink in the library.
25. Under Dine, the ruling executive committee tripled in size.
26. He liked to dine promptly at eight.
27. I prefer to dine with dignity.
28. Will you dine with me tomorrow, please?
29. I am wondering if anyone would be glad to dine out with me?
30. This does not stop me giving you a little treat. To wit, an invitation to dine at Brown's.
1. We're going to dine at David's tonight.
2. Does the Queen really dine off the gold plates?
3. We'll dine with our friends tonight at about seven.
4. He is used to dine off steak and salad.
5. I am wondering if anyone would be glad to dine out with me?
6. We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage, and wander in the woods by moonlight.
31. Only in cities did we dine in restaurants..
32. Cinderellas Rockerfellas Lush decor. Wine, dine and disco dance.
33. Spelling and his family dine at the White House.
34. They dine out, or they order in.
35. Well-groomed young couples dine in busy restaurants.
36. Although it was very late, Otto whisked us off to dine that night at a restaurant some way along the coast.
37. Look round the lively and colourful capital of Argostoli and dine out in one of its many tavernas.
38. There are a lot of animals that would like to dine off nome, Masklin had said.
39. Rest it on your conscience if you wine and dine your lover and claim client entertainment.
40. While adults dine at restaurants(), their children punch answers into boxes at the bar.
41. In the evening guests dine by candlelight in the terrace restaurant.
42. Dalhousie Castle Hotel 800-year-old castle set in acres of land. Dine in interesting dungeon restaurant, drink in the library.
43. Reached via 100 steps, there is a bar, lift and restaurant where guests can dine alfresco with breathtaking views.
44. And, it seemed, the milkweed invited only the monarch to dine on it.
45. So if you want delicious, healthy options when you dine out, stroke your favorite chef.
46. Although ever watchful of her enviously slim figure she was not obsessive, and loved to dine out.
47. In California Plaza, you can dine while watching the dancing fountain.
48. Earhart left, invitations to dine with Millie Otis in the state dining room came with greater frequency.sentence dictionary
49. Here in sophisticated surroundings you can wine, dine and dance, or simply enjoy a pleasant lunch or good dinner.
50. It's a place where the famous can dine out and not be bothered.
51. You can spend it, you can dine out on it.
52. You insisted I must wear this to dine, and I am certainly not going to change again now.
53. The Contraalmirante had invited her to dine at the C-in-C's residence.
54. They did more; they came to a banquet in his palace; they condescended to dine with him.
55. He went to his usual restaurant intending to dine without paying.
56. They have immense plans for you all, and then you shall dine there.
57. The restaurant overlooks the bay and in high season guests can dine on the terrace.
58. Once, in the seventies, I used to dine in Slavic splendor at places like the Golden Shell.
59. Leadburn Inn Dine in luxurious splendour in a beautifully converted railway carriage, which affords panoramic views over the Pentlands.
60. Dine at the restaurant, traipse through the shops - laugh at the exhibits.
61. Ven had invited her to dine out with him that night and she had accepted.
62. The pounds pile on as they break for split-pea soup, munch chocolate-chip cookies, dine on shrimp and pasta.
63. But there have been grander times when dozens of guests from the Royal Family down would dine from their silver service.
64. The Foresters Dine in the original atmosphere of an old Coaching Inn.
65. Leadburn Inn Dine in splendour in a beautifully converted railway carriage.
66. Central, loud-music joint where you can get in free if you dine at the attached burger place first.
67. I have received an invitation to dine with the Mayor.
68. Cramond Brig Hotel Dine in style in the restaurant, or choose to eat in the bar buffet.
69. The winner will receive two free wine and dine tickets on the preserved railway of his/her choice.
70. Adjacent to the hotel, guests may dine in the lively garden restaurant overlooking the river.
71. It all looks very attractive, particularly on a warm evening when you can dine outside.
72. At separate tables, couples talk; the late-shift workers dine alone; the waitresses pour coffee.
73. She wanted to dine with him, of course she did - but that was just the trouble.
74. Will you dine in or out this evening?
75. Let's dine out for a change, Tom.
76. We dine out once a week.
77. You can't dine out on previous success forever.
78. How many can you dine in this hall?
79. Shall we dine in tonight?
80. Cameron : Let wine and dine you, then decide.
81. You don't have to wine and dine a beer.
82. I dine out every Monday.
83. Will you dine a la carte or take d'hote?
84. Today teachers' day , we dine together!
85. I always dine and wine them.
86. Let's dine a la carte.
87. Spartan, today we dine in the hell!
88. Open area, nice to dine in during night time.
89. Leonidas: Spartans ! Tonight we dine in HELL!
90. Do you dine in on Sundays?
91. Improve the ambience and dine by candlelight saving electricity.
92. Bob, shall we dine out somewhere?
93. The table set, we began to dine.
94. We have received an invitation dine out today.
95. We have received an invitation to dine out today.
96. Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty(), for tonight we dine in hell!
97. We wine and dine, did them things that couples do when in love.
98. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal.
99. A marine conservation zone that is closed to commercial fishing helps save the targeted fish species, or so one would hope. But what about birds or other top predators that dine on those species?
100. Jones used to dine out on his popularity as a poet.
101. It is my pleasure that you dine with me in Wadi Rumm!
102. When the couple go to the farm, their relatives dine and wine them splendidly.
103. I don't need some guy to wine and dine me all the time.
104. Lan Kwai Fong and SoHo will also be Wine and Dine Carnivals during this festive period.
105. Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight we dine in the Hill!
106. He also had made it a practice to dine there regularly, though he would have preferred being at home.
107. With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to wine and dine free of charge.
108. When do you dine?
109. Dine in a different ambience with nice mix of music played by resident DJs.
110. I asked Rube how she managed to afford to dine out at this swanky place.
111. Our honour derives from your satisfaction and pleasure dine in our restaurant.
112. Easy to carry away the travel time, it concluded,[] we dine outside of a lot easier.
113. They dine 4)lavishly on fresh meat, while I am forced to eat dry cereal.
114. I wanna take walks in the park, and we'd wine and dine until it's dark...
115. Toward evening we were told that the manager's going to dine with us tonight.
116. We usually dine in.
117. Sit down, please. Will you dine a carte or the take table d'hote?
118. Table Mountain, South Africa – It's as if the gods themselves hammered this mountain into a place where they could wine and dine.
119. You can wine and dine at the nearby restaurants that serve a wide range of delicacies for you to feast on.
120. Local produce is served bento-box-style onboard, or you can toddle ashore, past lobster fishermen unloading their catch, to dine at Peppermint Bay, adjacent the quaint hamlet of Woodbridge.
121. Wine and dine at the Restaurant and bar located at the second floor of The Linden Suites.
122. WOLVES dine on moose and caribou, creatures favoured by Alaska's human hunters.
123. The family recently vacationed in Virginia Beach, Va., and likes to dine on Porterhouse steaks.
124. He learned to ride high winds far inland, to dine there on delicate insects.
125. With Fann on board we are out to scout for vintage pieces high fashion and wine and dine the hong kong way...
126. As the Culinary Capital of Asia, one of this year's many highlights is the Hong Kong Wine and Dine Month offering you a month of gastronomic pleasure.
127. If any guest failed at the eleventh hour , Todd was to dine.
128. Will you dine a la carte or take the table d'hote, sir?
129. Dining Passport holder will enjoy a special complimentary item when dine in.
130. Miller used to dine out on his popularity as a playwright.
131. The family recently vacationed in Virginia Beach, Va. , and likes to dine on Porterhouse steaks. Since losing his job, Mr.
132. When I dine in a restaurant, I like a table to myself.
133. She had also asked him twice to dine at Rosings, and had sent for him only the Saturday before, to make up her pool of quadrille in the evening.
134. Chinese salespeople routinely wine and dine prospects before they sit down to talk business.
135. My daughters could dine on caviar and champagne for the rest of their lives.
136. Does she dine out everywhere as well as at my sister's?
137. While it doesn't cost a dine to dream, acting on your dreams can be pretty pricey.
138. Fellow - townsman lad closes chalaza,[http:///dine.html] the wind that dine together never is defeated.
139. How many times do you dine out per week on average?
140. I'll dine out tonight.
141. So the king and Haman went to dine with Queen Esther.
142. Guests dine on the freshest local seafood, Maldivian specialties and international gourmet treats, all prepared by Rania's skilled private chef and served at their leisure.
143. However it adds a touch of cosiness to the little corner we dine...
144. Let's dine out tonight.
145. A size is building tent, put the baby that just was born in tent, next largish child child and parents dine together together libertinism.
146. I dine in town.
147. A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt's invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters.
148. New observations of "pack ice" killer whales roaming the waters off the Antarctic Peninsula show they dine almost exclusively on Weddell seals, which make up just 15 per cent of the seal population.
149. Little as the Vander Luydens encouraged unannounced visits , he could count on being asked to dine.
150. The clastic rock reservoirs of Upper Devonian and Silurian and the carbonate reservoirs of Middle and Lower Ordovician are mainly distributed in the pen- dine area around central Tarim basin.
151. Great, my friends, the toastmaster little deer announce that:Our dine together is started now.
152. One of the directors has offered to wine and dine me so he is probably looking for a favour or trying to sell me something.
153. All of you and big son daughters-in-law are faithfulness to dine Kui of, take talk of this words today, merely I am to order you, in the hereafter alive to look later your Niang and younger sister.
154. Spartan King Leonidas: Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight, we dine in Hell!
155. "The country is cash-strapped but we hear they had gone to wine and dine, " says Majiri.
156. Most often be used to the place of pensile droplight is to be used to normally the have dinner interval that xenial guest and family dine together.
157. In fact, people often visIt'sao Paulo just to dine out.
158. Will you dine a la carte or take the taBle d'hote?
159. There's nothing like the human touch. Show me a vibrator that can wine and dine you, tell you that it loves you and fix your fence.
160. I wold dine at the best Italian restaurant and drink the best wine.
161. Wine and dine you at the best restaurants every weekend?
162. I don't like to cook so I dine out every day.
163. The two beetles, E. dejeani and E. circumscriptus, readily dine on toads,[] frogs and salamanders.
164. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant.
165. Spartan King Leonidas: Spartans! Enjoy your breakfast, for tonight we dine in Hell!
166. A green turtle, whose back attracts scavengers eager to dine on a fine carpet of seaweed.
167. Nearly half (49 percent) admitted that finding someone prepared to wine and dine them was top of their wish-list.
168. They often wine and dine at the local bar after work.
169. The interaction of ECo - superoxide dismutase ( ECoSOD ) with dine in buffer has been studied by UV - VIS spectroscopy.
170. Restaurant hostess'primarily responsibility is to greet and seat all guests that dine in the restaurant.




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