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单词 Nationalism
1. Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.
2. Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries.
3. Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
4. Under his leadership, a strong sense of nationalism emerged.
5. I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism.
6. The country was gripped by a frenzy of nationalism.
7. The novel is really a dissection of nationalism.
8. Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.
9. This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.
10. There is something about nationalism in this book, but I can't find the place.
11. His book describes the growth of nationalism in Germany before the Second World War.
12. How does nationalism relate to human survival?
13. Nationalism is a poison that has caused much suffering.
14. Among these symbols are those associated with nationalism.
15. Maxime Rodinson discusses the nature of Arab nationalism.
16. He refuses to endorse Africanism or nationalism.
17. Basque nationalism surfaced during Athletic Bilbao's match against Atletico.
18. The history of war, nationalism and revolutions.
19. The conflict between nationalism and socialism aligned different classes.
20. Nationalism can be a serious disease.
21. Nationalism is linked to deep-rooted human instincts and can not be easily ascribed to clever politicians.
22. This despite the fact that the eventual outcomes, nationalism and defence of territory, are quite similar.
23. Nationalism - from Prague to Paris, from Berlin to Budapest - is a potent, perilous brew.
24. The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
25. There are two serious faults in Hobsbawm's discussion of nationalism.
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.
27. The book documents the rise of the political right with its accompanying strands of nationalism and racism.
28. It was easy, therefore, to touch the sensitive nerve of nationalism.
29. Crell in particular had no scruples about playing on his countrymen's cultural nationalism for the development of the fatherland's chemistry.
30. However, religious identity had taken second place to secular nationalism for a whole generation.
1. Nationalism was rapidly becoming a dangerous force.
2. Xenophobic nationalism is on the rise in some West European countries.
3. Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
4. The creation of independent states has led to a resurgence of nationalism.
5. There is something about nationalism in this book, but I can't find the place.
31. A spirit of nationalism, national self-conscious ness, and loyalty to constituted authority were in embryonic evidence.
32. Boer nationalism merely erected a massive legislative panoply for racial discrimination.
33. Apart from anything else, by both thwarting and manipulating nationalism, it prevented it from learning its limits.
34. The connection between language and lineage can, however, be prised apart in order to combat crude nationalism.
35. A more likely and lasting target, however, will be a demonised view of nationalism.
36. The spread of nationalism into rural areas also reflected the economic transformation that had taken place since 1967.
37. Yet the high tide of nationalism was still to come, from two World Wars and the colonial revolution.
38. Nationalism also produced degenerate offshoots and analogies in various forms of racialism.
39. Europe can only live in peace if nationalism is overcome.
40. The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread.
41. In other words, nationalism belongs with political theory, ethnicity with sociology or social anthropology.
42. The nationalists do not see the emergence of nationalism in this way.
43. But the battles in each market are as often against nationalism as against rival firms.
44. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, enlightened despotism, secularism, nationalism and liberalism had all fanned the flames.
45. This sense is often identified with nationalism and patriotism which can be dangerously close to racism, chauvinism and xenophobia.
46. By 1977 black revolutionary organizations, including those emphasizing black nationalism, had been largely suppressed or had receded in visibility.
47. However, in the period leading up to the birth of nationalism, this small number of literates formed a politically important minority.
48. Anyway, ethnicity is one way of filling the empty containers of nationalism.
49. Gellner stresses that nationalism becomes important when linguistic communication becomes vital for the State.
50. Because of the invariable growth of the counteracting force known as Regionalism, or Nationalism,() the Spiritual Power can not prevail.
51. Basically their nationalism was an ideology closely bound up with the idea of popular sovereignty.
52. Rather than national liberation, it seems to be liberation from nationalism that must be the goal for the 21st century.
53. The full implications of this convergence between state socialism and nationalism only became apparent after war broke out in 1914.
54. The world is now parcelled up in independent States which claim a monopoly in the employment of nationalism.
55. Indeed, as we shall see, in certain circumstances economic integration can heighten nationalism.
55. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
56. Yet with an appealing brew of nationalism and promise of democratic reform, Kostunica has since turned Yugoslav politics upside down.
57. Against this powerful combination of socialism and nationalism, liberal economics stood little chance.
58. In time the Soviet bloc might begin to break up as nationalism reasserted itself among the satellite states.
59. This stemmed largely from a lack of political analysis and clarity in relation to nationalism and feminism on the part of Southern feminists.
60. This policy was associated with the radical Arab nationalism of the middle-ranking military officers who had carried out the June 1989 coup.
61. This semantic shift should not necessarily be interpreted as indicating a decline in nationalism or racism.
62. The colonial experience gave him material for his propositions about colonial nationalism, the subject which he quickly made his own.
63. A series of articles outlining this strategy of revolutionary quality rather than quantity was published in Nationalism Today throughout 1987.
64. Out goes secularism and economic reform; in comes Hindu nationalism.
65. The differing interpretations of nationalism referred to above also served to drive the movements further apart.
66. I was told this was a retrograde step: what I was advocating was narrow nationalism in an age of increasing internationalism.
67. Romantic nationalism based on the demand for recognition of cultural identity was a sentiment which moved the educated middle classes.
68. We shall see in a moment that there are problems with the nationalism which goes hand in hand with this outlook.
69. In 1905 he published Studies in Colonial Nationalism, the book which brought him into public notice.
70. Ambitious princes began to recognize the value of nationalism for an extension of their own claims, rather than those of popular democracy.
71. The campaign would not be about personalities, he stressed, but about the stark choice between internationalism and nationalism.
72. He never had a chance to explain how nationalism might have felt inconsistent with his faith.
73. Not until rising nationalism and socialism ousted capitalism from the Third World would capitalism be destroyed.
74. On the continent, political movements are already emerging which thrive on the flow of refugees and exploit naked nationalism.
75. Extreme nationalism is the single greatest danger to peace in the modern world.
76. A particular set of social alliances and historical circumstances led to this specific version of nationalism.
77. Nationalism and dealings with governments are often considered to be the major problems facing a firm trying to sell overseas.
78. The facts are that within a decade of the Vienna Congress, nationalism was gathering furious pace.
79. A great upsurge of popular discontent and nationalism led to the formation of a government headed by Mohammad Mussadeq.
80. Mrowa, who founded the paper in 1946,() was killed for his opposition to the birth of Arab nationalism.
81. Indeed, its appeal to internationalism may have conflicted with the ready nationalism of the audience.
82. As I've said before, the key factor is not one of nationalism but of sporting excellence.
83. But it is only with the development of the nation state that nationalism comes into existence.
84. There is a strong strain of nationalism in the country.
85. The most original part of Anderson's thesis relates to the geographical origins of nationalism.
85. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
86. They are certainly both motivated by the same united Arab nationalism, as well as a move towards social reorganisation described as socialist.
87. In the War of Independence they were the true mass leaders, the prophets of a primitive nationalism.
88. Amongst the themes to be explored are changing north-south and east-west relations; nationalism and religion; global environment and security.
89. Perhaps it is because of a hearty dislike of chauvinism and exaggerated nationalism that I have not become an intense patriot.
90. Nationalism has gained ground to the extent that it has begun to claim mainstream status.
91. Economic success has replaced nationalism and militarism as the dominant force in a region once terrorized by war and revolution.
92. The Vanguard faction, on the other hand, does not discard populist nationalism and racism.
93. Nationalism is out of fashion - except on playing fields and running tracks, where it is overdone.
94. How then is the continuing, and even increasing, strength of nationalism to be explained?
95. It has underlined that Third World nationalism may frustrate zero-sum calculations by the superpowers.
96. His brand of nationalism is wrong for our party and wrong for the country.
97. Talk varied from views on nationalism and child birth to thoughts on mysticism and linguistic oppression.
98. However, let us not - or not yet - infer mass nationalism from separatist movements in all cases.
99. From Evolutionism to Cultural Nationalism: Where to Lead?
100. French-Canadian nationalism was fuelled in the 1960s.
101. Now, China wants to tamp such nationalism down.
102. Others say the returnees'driving force isn't exactly nationalism.
103. It is kind of nationalism as internationalism.
104. This rising tide of Nationalism is dangerous.
105. Proponents of economic nationalism had the president's ear.
106. The military parade was a display of bellicose nationalism.
107. Nationalism is power-hunger tempered by self-deception.
108. He feared the revival of German nationalism.
109. Nationalism is a self-deceiving the power of desire.
110. There are historical reasonabilities and limitations of the visual area for the interpretation of Western postcolonial theory into nationalism by the Chinese postcolonial criticism.
111. Nakasone's political thought is a complicated mixture which is deeply impacted by Conservatism, Nationalism , Neo-conservatism, forming a japanesque. Neo-conservatism and Neo-nationalism.
112. Nationalism social mobilization is throwing out more and more under globalization background.
113. The law is intended to combat far-right nationalism, but many artists have been caught in its wide net.
114. The unique experience of the diplomacy of France and the evolution of its nationalism, since modern times, constructs the historical basis and the foundation of De Gaulle's doctrine.
115. Even more than other nonkosher foods, pork is seen by many Israelis as an affront to Jewish nationalism.
115. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
116. The word & quot ; nationalism & quot ; is used in at least two distinct senses.
117. So, we should firmly resist calls for protectionism, isolation and economic nationalism.
118. Outbreaks of Berber nationalism in the Kabyle region were suppressed with only token concessions.
119. Secondly, the poverty of the thoughts of absolute monarchic powers and the rise of nationalism offered the advantage for the spreading of republicanism.
120. Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism?
121. It is noted that the problem of Palestine become more and more sharp , and become a flag of Pan-Arab Nationalism movement.
122. Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism.
123. The nearly three - year - old credit crisis has generated economic nationalism around the world.
124. So how do we reinforce the modern concept of nationalism?
125. With its sweepingly original theoretical and comparative perspectives on nationalism and imperialism, this book will be essential reading for all those interested in contemporary history.
126. Nationalism is a silly cock crowing on its own dunghill.
127. This is our internationalism, the internationalism with which we oppose both narrow nationalism and narrow patriotism.
128. Pakistan, with 170m people and nuclear weapons, is vulnerable to the Taliban's potent mixture of ethnic-Pushtun nationalism and extremist Islam (see article).
129. Indeed, such dark forces as extreme ethnic nationalism, aggression, hegemonistic tendencies, intolerance, racism, xenophobia and terrorism have been unleashed to wreak havoc on a global seale.
130. The extremity of nationalism is the provenance of the international terrorism.
131. Over the years, the Chinese government has stoked nationalism as a way to legitimatize itself amid a diminishing communist system.
132. In addition, we must adhere to nationalism, opening-up and innovation, integrate various cultural resources in order to sublate and transcend Chinese traditional culture and western culture.
133. Chinese pride and boosterism veer dangerously close to nationalism. Healthy criticism is seen as unpatriotic.
134. Nationalism be a silly cock crow on It own dunghill.
135. With the beginning of modern Iran's nationalism movement, Islam Shiah gradually became important factor affected social development.
136. They preserve their heritage but subsume its display under the broader complexion of Singapore nationalism.
137. The countries carry out the policies of nationalism and neutralism.
138. The next decade may see the resurgence of Tang nationalism in southern China in opposition to northern Han nationalism, especially as economic wealth in the south eclipses that of the north.
139. Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - nationalism.
140. "The challenge they face in large corporate deals is one of resource nationalism," said Neil Beveridge(), an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein.
141. According to Kryshtanovskaya, Putinist Russian doesn't have an ideology as such - beyond what she dubs a "chauvinistic nationalism".
142. The torch attacks sparked an outpouring of angry nationalism among Chinese at home and abroad.
143. He was one of the earliest apostles of collectivistic nationalism in Germany.
144. Gamal Abdel Nasser's brand of nationalism proved no more of a success than Ismail's.
145. As to its characteristic, by reading text, it analyses the oriental _ western culturals, and transcends erstwhile nationalism.
146. In the late 1990s, the climate has been one characterized by nationalism and jingoism , with foreign influences again blamed in some quarters for a degeneration of morals in china.
147. Faced with growing discontent, as rising expectations clash with lowered economic performance, post-communist rulers turn to nationalism to preserve their own power.
148. They add ominously that this risks flirting with Euroscepticism, even nationalism.
149. From the 19th century on, the ultra-right political force came into being. It was characterized by extreme nationalism and opposition to parliament democracy.
150. The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modern nationalism thinking history.
151. German cultural nationalism had the features of laying stress on culture, weakening politics, strong cultural self-defence, self-contradiction, romanticism and being abstract and ambiguous.
152. The battles of Waterloo and Borodino, at the dawn of European nationalism, are part of British and Russian culture.
153. I have watched how Billy Graham comes into a city, spreading what he calls the gospel of Christ, which is only white nationalism.
154. While protecting its own rights, developing economy and fighting for regional hegemony, economic nationalism in the Middle East shows parochiality and obturation.
155. Mikado idea, the family - country view and Bushido are three big characteristics of the Japanese nationalism.
156. It was nationalism, quintessence of Chinese culture and pragmatistic thought that led him to the idea of calendar reform.
157. Superman and Batman were born in an era when nationalism raged 2 worldwide.
158. Both the biological basic needs and the political requirements of a nation-state cause nationalism to interweave with territory problems.
159. Europe's evil genie, said people like Kennan, Assistant Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and future ERP Ambassador Averell Harriman, was nationalism.
160. I do not know how to escape from the strait-jacket of political nationalism.
161. The splintering of solidarity within the euro zone has seen a reawakening of zero - sum game nationalism.
162. You can talk about the origins of French nationalism in the middle of the eighteenth century, but it's very closely tied to this dynasty, at least until they lop off the guy's head in 1793.
163. Many in western Europe are predicting outbreaks of populist nationalism, demagoguery and social unrest.
164. Question : In what way does Nelson Mandela unite the ideas of nationalism and democracy?
165. The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modem nationalism thinking history.
166. European nation-states developed from national kingdoms, wherefrom the concept of modern nations and the stream of nationalism stemmed and spread.
167. Your acts are acts of exploitation, possessiveness, nationalism, ill-treatment of women and children, cruelty to animals.
168. His slogans come from the world of nationalism not the world of technocracy.
169. Complete independence form Denmark after World War inspired the Icelandic nationalism to flourish anew.
170. And I watched as a nation drank deep from that very dark elixir of American nationalism ... the flip side of nationalism is always racism, it's about self-exaltation and the denigration of the other.
171. A retreat would mark a return to nationalism, militarism and national bankruptcy.
172. In 1984, Los Angeles was all Hollywood pizzazz and exuberant nationalism.
173. It represented a remarkable triumph of reason over selfish nationalism.
174. But there is another side to the country. Nationalism is a powerful, growing and potentially disruptive force.
175. This was planned by students of the army non-commissioned school and those in the radical faction of extreme nationalism. They attempted to transform their country by such an incident.
176. The standard technique is to invoke nationalism as a conduit for dissatisfaction.
177. In other nations, such as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia(), the rise of nationalism led to mandates for majority ownership by the indigenous population.
178. A strong current of nationalism runs through ideology and politics in the Arab world.
179. Muslims in England tend to abhor nationalism, associating it with the British National Party (BNP) and its white-supremacist nonsense.
180. Instead, we conceive of home mostly as a site of enclosure and closure, of narrow-mindedness and nationalism.
181. Perhaps the best example of capitalism was the right wing libertarian "New Zealand Experiment" which was inspired by Thatcher and Regan but with much less traditionalism and nationalism.
182. In other words, Napoleon War directly influenced Deutschland modern nationalism.
183. The tide of nationalism is still running high in a number of republics.
184. In its homeland, the Gulen movement is seen as a counterweight to ultra - nationalism.
185. Because of rising nationalism and reassertion of traditional values in Asia, shoving "the white man's Christianity" upon Asians is no longer advisable.
186. The nationalism and regionalism are indispensable properties to architectural creation, rootage in the loess, taking its own road arc the fundamental way out for the creation of western architecture.
187. In the modern phase, Universalism, internationalism and Particularism Nationalism leads the role one after another.
188. I think nationalism is just a code word for racism.
189. Mr Ostler suggests that two new factors—modern nationalism and technology—will check the spread of English.
190. Nations rise on economic nationalism; they descend on free trade.
191. There are two positions toward this question:one is nationalism that it emphasis the nationality, and taking it as the basic for syncretizing the comment rules of internationality.
192. Neo-Nazism, with "skinhead" as its representative, is the result of political evolution from traditional Russian nationalism to extreme nationalism during the social transformation in Russia.
193. If the Foreign corporation has controlled the native place enterprise, also initiates the nationalism mood frequently.
194. In the period of the OAU, there were Pan-Africanism, state nationalism and local nationalism.
195. While Tagore praised the industrial civilization emerging in the West, he strongly criticized the selfishness and ruthlessness of chauvinistic nationalism upheld by the West and Japan.
196. Rising nationalism had flared through Europe as a result of Napoleon's dictatorial rule.
197. Due to the duplicity of the religious nationalism, we need to a dialectic judgment of it.
198. The important historical events in the Balkan Peninsula in the 20 th century are directly or indirectly related to nationalism.
199. The coexistence of nationalism,() localism and internationalism is emerging in the Tibetan Han language novels.
200. Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized, but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations.
201. So there are between either of these and for instance Scottish nationalism, Zionism, Antisemitism or Trotskyism.
202. In Fukuyama's opinion, literalism and nationalism originate from the human desire of being accepted and are two ways of realizing acceptance.
203. Perhaps nationalism has succeeded Communism as the creed of Red China, but its rulers show signs of wanting to make their country a good citizen of the world.
204. International safety dilemma has multiplex structural dimension such as imbalance, extreme of religionism and nationalism, terrorism.
205. Say here that has been adopted by Chinese scholars also believe that the Yellow Emperor and Chinese Nationalism starting at the Kunlun Mountains.
206. "It means the post-1989 policy to imbue youth with nationalism through 'patriotic education' has succeeded, " Zweig says.
207. Then the author tries to figure out the origins of this sort of nativistic discrimination in light of the conflict between globalization and the emerging neo-Taiwanese nationalism.
208. His Nation of Islam represented a cultish offshoot of a venerable American movement, black nationalism.
209. In England, if one simply considers the number of people involved, it is probable that the dominant form of nationalism is old-fashioned British jingoism.
210. The modern higher learning has the particular characters of nationalism and ethicism and liberalism and scientism since people have gone to a modern society.
211. Nationalism can exist both in a mono - ethnic state and a multiethnic state.
212. In recent years the cult of Rama has become associated with Hindu Nationalism.
213. But Mr. Modi's extreme nationalism and divisiveness may also be his biggest sticking points.
214. To modify the Fundamental Law of Education to promote nationalism color with the " patriotism. "
215. With the elevation of the integrated power of China, nationalism turns to renascent tendency.
216. In 1946, Onn bin Jafar founded the United Malays National Organization, which got a broad representation among the Malays and accordingly, became a living symbol of Malayan nationalism.
217. Sun Yat - sen based his idea of revolution on three principles: nationalism, democracy, and equalization.
218. Probably the best we can hope for is that they will avoid the beggar-my-neighbour economic nationalism of the 1930s.
219. After the cold war, a trend of "New Nationalism" thoughts went rampantly in the Japanese politics, which sought for a big power position in the international politics.
220. Inspired by the spirit of nationalism each country hoped to gain for itself additional territory.
221. This paper holds that the idea of " Subjectiveness " is part of the reformation that the Left Wing made in the ever increasing national crisis and nationalism.
222. In Israel's early life Zionism was a mainly secular movement and the dominant force on the other side was a secular Arab nationalism.
223. It is generally thought that the virus arrived with Haitian professionals returning from Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo) following a wave of nationalism there in the 1960s.
224. What people don't remember is that Hitlerism was about more than just militarism, nationalism,(http:///nationalism.html) and consolidation of identity politics.
225. The new esthetic spirit emphasized science , democracy, nationalism and popularization.
226. You say you don't want war, but you encourage all the causes that breed war, like nationalism, communalism, and so on.
227. After World War II, the position of the British Empire became perilous under the impact of the tide of nationalism and decolonization.
228. He added: "Later there is of course the issue of the role of Arminius and the battle in fostering the idea of German nationalism.




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