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单词 enact
释义  Related topics: Performing, Lawen·act /ɪˈnækt/ verb [transitive]  1  formalAP to act in a play, story etc 上演;扮演 a drama enacted on a darkened stage 在灯光暗淡的舞台上演的戏剧2  SCL law to make a proposal into a law 将…制定成法律 Congress refused to enact the bill. 国会拒绝通过该法案。 —enactment noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusenact• It may not be long before more brutal solutions to this modern menace are enacted.• The immigrant-aid cutoff was controversial at the time the legislation was enacted.• The necessary legislation has been enacted.• A discussion then occurs within the elite, to determine whether this policy should be enacted and how it should be implemented.• The Basic Law will still be enacted, promising a panoply of rights and freedoms for 50 years beyond 1997.• They migrated to Montana, where legislators as recently as 1963 tried and failed to enact similar controls.• Under a new law, universities must enact smoke-free policies on their campuses.• It is the competence to recognize and enact the rules, procedures and forms of understanding of a particular cultural environment.• The characters wear colorful outfits and enact their scenes center stage.• Even Frederick Douglass's Paper enacted this synecdoche.en·act verbChineseSyllable  etc a in play, Corpus to story act




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