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单词 Penalized
1. Speeding on city streets is penalized.
2. Foul play will be severely penalized.
3. He was penalized for time-wasting.
4. He claims he was unfairly penalized.
5. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
6. He was penalized for hand ball.
7. You will be penalized for poor spelling.
8. They were penalized for too much rough play.
9. Such a system penalized the poor.
10. Such a system penalized the jobless.
11. Their team was penalized for intentionally wasting time.
12. He felt penalized because of his age.
13. The team was penalized for wasting time.
14. All fouls in football should be penalized.
15. He was penalized early in the match for dangerous play.
16. The scheme should ensure that borrowers are not penalized by sudden rises in mortgage rates.
17. They were penalized for having too many players on the court.
18. Students will be penalized for mistakes in spelling and grammar.
19. Women feel professionally penalized for taking time off to raise children.
20. High protective tariffs penalized the peasant consumer.
21. Wallace was penalized twice for false starts.
22. He is penalized five hundred dollars for answering incorrectly.
23. The inefficient and unprogressive were penalized by extinction.
24. He also was penalized for an illegal shift that nullified his 1-yard touchdown reception late in the second quarter.
25. Parents of caretakers, however, would be penalized substantially relative to parents whose children stay in the labor force full time.
26. People who drive when they are drunk should be heavily penalized.
27. People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalized.
28. Some of the players may, on occasion, break the rules and be penalized.
29. People normally are not conscious of, or do not pay attention to their habits - until they have been penalized by their unhealthy or harmful habits. Dr T.P.Chia 
30. However, parents who could not afford to pay for the meals were to be in no way penalized.
1. Speeding on city streets is penalized.
2. Foul play will be severely penalized.
3. He was penalized for time-wasting.
4. He claims he was unfairly penalized.
5. Two students were penalized very differently for the same offence.
6. People who drives when they are drunk should be heavily penalized.
31. Cal is the most penalized team in the Pac-10, with 54 infractions for 501 yards in four games.
32. No one at the company is penalized for taking a day off for child care.
33. Athletes are penalized for transferring, but coaches may leave on a whim.
34. Public hospitals should not be penalized for providing a needed service whose costs they can not escape.
35. The laws of life are fair and just - human strengths are rewarded, and human weaknesses are penalized. Dr T.P.Chia 
36. When a man is penalized for honesty he learns to lie. Criss Jami 
37. This move alone will not ensure that the working partner of an unemployed person is not penalized for working.
38. She was rejected, penalized for a racist history not of her making.
39. I thought you could be penalized only for the actual time you were late.
40. Thus women continued to forgo having children rather than be penalized for fulfilling their biological role.
41. Women who dropped out temporarily to rear children found themselves professionally penalized for the rest of their lives.
42. Good luck applauds responsibility, honesty and truthfulness & irresponsibility, dishonesty and hypocrisy are likely to be penalized by bad luck. Dr T.P.Chia 
43. As a result, the school penalized the student publishers, and they took their case to court.
44. Why should I be penalized just because everyone else did a bad job?
45. He who pays not no attention to his future is always penalized. Dr T.P.Chia 
46. C., were penalized for catching a car ride to the end.
47. How would it be monitored and regulated to ensure that those who cheated were penalized?
48. I watched the tape of the game, and the guy could have been penalized on every play.
49. It is unfair that the whole class should be penalized because of the bad behaviour of a few students.
50. Team members will be penalized for lateness.
51. He was penalized for bad timekeeping.
52. A choppy or stilted gaIt'should be penalized.
53. Lateness will be penalized a draconian fashion.
54. Missing teeth in the Powderpuff are to be faulted. The Hairless variety is not to be penalized for absence of full dentition.
55. A wrestler is penalized one point or even be disqualified for committing a foul.
56. Proctor was hit in the pocket by Matt Milner,(/penalized.html) who was penalized for roughing the passer.
57. Overabundance of coat, or cottony texture, impractical for field work should be penalized.
58. A wrestler will be penalized one point, or may even be disqualified for a foul.
59. Shaving or barbering of the head, neck or body coat must be severely penalized.
60. Many black or brindle dogs have sprinklings of white or silver hairs in their Coats which are normal and are not to he penalized.
61. Any reserve, protectiveness or lack of enthusiasm when exhibited should not be penalized provided the dog can be properly evaluated.
62. Article 11. A deaf-mute or blind person who violates the administration of public security due to his physiological defects shall not be penalized.
63. A method for getting the values of the unknown parameters of the semiparametric model is given under the principle of penalized least squares with a positive definite regular matrix.
64. We then describe an entropy penalized AMS learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture.
65. In stroke play,() the fellow-competitor is penalized two strokes and the ball is played as it lies.
66. Anyone who disturbs the social order in disregard of dissuasion shall be penalized in accordance with the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
67. Out at the shoulders or out at the elbows should be penalized.
68. Use of the car is penalized by increasing the fares of parking lots.
69. Plagiarism, cheating, and similar anti-intellectual behavior are serious violations of academic ethics and will be correspondingly penalized.
70. The spoliation of evidence has gone bad litigant's right of proving and the equal between them, so that the behavior needs to be penalized.
71. Almost 2,000 pupils were penalized for bringing "unauthorized material" into the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A-level exams last summer.
72. Section attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absence from section will be penalized.
73. Any evidence of stripping or scissoring of coat to shape or stylize should be strongly penalized as a fault.
74. Right now on the TTR when you change members of a team the team rating is penalized 150 points.
75. Many black and brindle dogs have sprinklings of white or silver hairs in their coats which are normal and not to be penalized.
76. Qin Hui : It's a travesty that people are still being penalized for their words and such.
77. Rival Penalized Competitive Learning can cluster and get a proper cluster number automatically.
78. An oversized or undersized Samoyed is to be penalized according to the extent of the deviation.
79. Excessive tearing or evidence of entropion or ectropion is to be penalized.
80. The foregoing description is that of the ideal Giant Schnauzer. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation.
81. A short thick neck, or a ewe neck, should be penalized.
82. Wiry, woolly, curly, and flat coat textures are not correct, and are to be penalized to the degree of severity.
83. The foregoing description is that of the ideal Doberman Pinscher. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation.
84. Whoever fails to act on the provision in the first paragraph herein may be penalized by the suspension of the whole or part of tariffs as the shipping administration authority deems necessary.




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