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单词 Worthy
1. He that desires honour is not worthy of honour. 
2. The labourer is worthy of his hire. 
3. Life, to be worthy of a rational being, must be always in progression. 
4. Their efforts are worthy of your support.
5. He felt he was not worthy of her.
6. The British considered him a worthy adversary.
7. He is worthy of our praise.
8. The bank might think you're worthy of a loan.
9. Leeds United were worthy winners of the competition.
10. The team emerged as worthy victors.
11. This book is worthy of being read.
12. Their latest disc is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.
14. The matter is scarcely worthy of the managing director's time.
15. It's worthy of praise.
16. A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.
17. The frescoes are worthy of note.
18. The money was divided equally between several worthy causes.
19. Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise.
20. We thought it was a worthy enough objective.
21. She lent her name to many worthy causes.
22. We have several other products worthy of mention.
23. It's a matter worthy of our attention.
24. The Minister says the idea is worthy of consideration.
25. The money she left went to various worthy causes.
26. No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
27. We are extremely delighted to hear of your scholarship to Beijing University.You are worthy of success.Best wishes for your bright future.
28. Compassion fatigue among donor countries means there is less money for worthy causes.
29. He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is.
30. If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy.
1. He felt he was not worthy of her.
2. The British considered him a worthy adversary.
3. The bank might think you're worthy of a loan.
4. Leeds United were worthy winners of the competition.
5. The team emerged as worthy victors.
6. This book is worthy of being read.
7. Their latest disc is a worthy successor to their popular debut album.
8. No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.
9. The matter is scarcely worthy of the managing director's time.
10. It's worthy of praise.
11. A number of the report's findings are worthy of note.
12. He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is.
12. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
13. Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.
31. There occurred nothing that was worthy to be mentioned.
32. I'm sure his motives were worthy.
33. A couple of other books are worthy of mention.
34. It was a performance worthy of a master.
35. The money will go to a worthy cause.
36. The exhibition contains nothing that is worthy of remark.
37. This fund is designed to help worthy students.
38. Nothing worthy of remark happened.
39. As a writer she is certainly worthy of admiration.
40. I'm sure she will be worthy successor .
41. She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her.
42. The monument is a worthy testament to the courage of the men who fought in the war.
43. This subject is intrinsically interesting and worthy of study in its own right.
44. He gave a speech that was worthy of Martin Luther King.
45. Dwayne has come up trumps with a goal worthy of winning any match.
46. The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.
47. As a young and spirited politician,[http:///worthy.html] he seems a worthy vessel for the nation's hopes.
48. Every year she makes a large donation to a worthy cause.
49. This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
50. I did not esteem him to be worthy of trust.
51. Two points in this report are especially worthy of notice.
52. He's a very worthy man, I suppose,() but he's very dull.
53. Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.
54. I'm glad she's going into medicine. It's a very worthy calling.
55. His promotion was a fitting climax to a worthy career.
56. He threw a party worthy of a millionaire and attracted a glittering crowd of beautiful people.
57. I would never doubt the worthy intentions of that estimable gentleman.
58. It was an attempt to elevate football to a subject worthy of serious study.
59. I regard your suggestion as worth considering/as worthy of consideration.
60. This is worthy mentioning.
61. You can get fit, and at the same time raise money for a worthy cause .
62. It was difficult to find words worthy of the occasion.
63. Would you please consider donating to this worthy cause.
64. Two other documents are worthy of mention.
65. His manual was a contribution to that worthy objective.
66. Brodkey's book is worthy bedtime reading.
67. Hilary, he's not a worthy opponent.
68. Three Latin American novels are especially worthy of note.
69. It is a setting worthy of grand opera.
70. His 78 was a very worthy contribution.
71. He has proved a worthy successor to them.
72. A worthy aim, well achieved by the camera.Sentencedict
73. It was a good goal; a worthy winner.
74. Be worthy love, and love will come. Louisa May Alcott 
75. Other strategies are worthy of note.
76. Not one among them was worthy of trust.
77. A policy worthy of the suspicion of benign neglect.
78. Find a more worthy group we did not.
79. One further item is worthy of note.
80. But by then Leeds were worthy winners.
81. Here would be two worthy contenders - one Thatcherite, one Rocardian - for the newly defined middle ground.
82. The concept of interleague play in major league baseball is certainly intriguing, worthy of serious consideration.
83. Not one grown man, aristocrat or peasant, is worthy of respect when you really know him.
84. Just about anyone who had interesting or important things to say in dance-men and women, black or white-was worthy of consideration.
85. But there was no doubt that it was Rangers who deserved to emerge from this memorable encounter as worthy victors.
86. The same logic extends easily to all sorts of other apparently worthy causes.
87. One may on the other hand consider that the ancient traditions and methods of training for the Bar are worthy of preservation.
88. Membership of these and other worthy causes mean that our countryside is not lost to over development.
89. This is a worthy goal, but it should have nothing to do with the famine.
90. Even the author appears undecided as to whether to present herself as blockbusting siren or scrubbed worthy.
91. Out of the team, only Platt, Ince and Ripley were worthy of mention.
92. Like Gaiety Girls they had been judged worthy of a separate identity.
93. Purists and protectionists had insisted that only products made from cocoa butter were worthy of the name.
94. Few contemporary feminists would consider the Bible sufficiently central to our oppression to be worthy of this sort of attack.
95. Lord's celebrated its centenary of Test cricket and produced a match worthy of the occasion.
96. These, and related, areas of marketing are worthy of detailed investigation.
97. Did those figures improve because of creative bean-counting techniques in which fewer calls are deemed worthy of investigation?
98. Belfast proved worthy opponents, attacking tenaciously and not giving at the back.
99. Thus the Premiership's most enduring fairytale has reached a dark denouement worthy of the brothers Grimm.
100. The stonking irony is that a disappointing Fall gig remains worthy of two of most other bands.
101. Any spare cash he preferred to donate to more worthy causes.
102. No one but a native would consider such details, uninformative to the outsider[/worthy.html], as worthy of note.
103. Others, however, thought that there were other health problems more worthy of their attention.
104. Before this happened, however, there were two minor incidents worthy of comment.
105. This, it seems to me, is an issue worthy of careful analysis.
106. Paradise does not exist, but we must nonetheless strive to be worthy of it. Jules Renard 
107. He never fails to awe me with his ability to paint a word portrait worthy of a museum that charges admission.
108. Worthy ideas all-but none seemed to me to be the right one at the right time.
109. Suddenly, blood sacrifice and small armed groups rising up against the state seemed worthy of three cheers.
110. And having such high quality drawings on view is worthy of celebration.
111. Suman Fernando points the way to a view of mental health that would be worthy of our rich and diverse world.
112. He simply could not find enough worthy small-growth companies and old fallen angels to absorb the cash.
113. Any man worthy of the name must seize his opportunity when it came and exploit it to the hilt.
114. The story of his being signed to Restless Records is itself worthy of inclusion in an anthology somewhere.
115. A number of measures of lesser importance but worthy of note were passed during Pinay Cuevas' ministership.
116. The book is full of good fellowship, worthy characters and music.
117. Teeth are especially worthy of admiration, being capable, with proper maintenance, of cracking nuts for something like forty years.
118. No longer will high status evoke deference and admiration or envy and resentment from those in less worthy positions.
119. In your conduct in battle you must be worthy of the great deeds of this regiment's history.
120. Ex-Ornette Coleman sideman Ronald Shannon Jackson was on drums, occasionally adding creepy blues vocals worthy of a serial killer.
121. Elizabeth Dole and Wendy Lee Gramm would each have been worthy winners.
122. But such a trifle was not worthy of being brought by such a gentleman as you seem to be.
123. This service is superb and worthy of note in your magazine.
124. Richard Lamm or billionaire Ross Perot would make the most worthy presidential candidate.
125. Some one else had been here before him, tearing open the bags of perishables in search of anything worthy of rescue.
126. A colony of 25 rare striped lychnis moth caterpillars has been found in a churchyard at Headbourne Worthy in Hampshire.
127. In the current debate about Maastricht that policy is worthy of public and Government interest.
128. You need to behave as though you are worthy of, and deserve, recognition.
129. The pre-race hype had been worthy of any world heavyweight boxing match, on a par with Ali and Frazier.
130. John Major will need to do more than provide a discreet crossing from worthy words to anti-social acts.
131. Evidence of this surfaces in the opening page of the preface to the Almagest which contains a revealing statement worthy of quotation.
132. Fortunately[ ], Bachmann deemed his side show worthy of further exploration.
133. Secondly, the ancestors of Doctor Who are worthy of note, especially considering the nature of the show.
134. There are, however, several decrees of a political nature worthy of consideration, not previously discussed.
135. Except all these worthy causes will be lucky to see half that $ 40 million.
136. The issues the Republicans deem worthy of constitutional protection are a motley lot of special-interest pleadings.
137. Are they to take pride of place, as they should in ballets worthy of the name?
138. In all, it seems that Leapor has, at last, been recognized as a poet worthy of serious consideration.
139. Worthy mentors work to build you up, not tear you down.
140. This idolatrous crowd postulates an ideal worthy of itself and appropriate to its nature, that is perfectly understandable.
141. At best, it might offer local television worthy of the name.
142. Worthy replacements for batsmen nearing the end are hard to find.
143. We have established, have we not, that the public house is not worthy of a celebration dinner.
144. Is it worthy of that manly fortitude that ought to characterize republicans?
145. The child who has been bumped typically views the act as intentional and worthy of appropriate retribution.
146. These are worthy of repetition to the extent that they give some indication of the prevailing mood of practitioners.
147. Perhaps if the rest of the writing had had the same approach we would have a worthy materials reference book.
148. He will not need to rig the election, or buy voters, let alone do anything worthy.
149. Dauntless had been a young boy then, newly recruited into the order and eager to prove himself worthy.
150. But his matchwinner ten minutes from time was worthy of any international striker.
151. Finally, one general feature of the framework of this subsection is worthy of note, in order to facilitate comparisons between models.
152. Like any movie scientist worthy of his white coat, Bridges goes slowly mad.
153. Luther and others scaled Mary back down to a merely human, but eminently worthy, model of faith.
154. An invaluable source of reference for the aircraft historian, and a worthy addition to the bookshelf.
155. There is very little pretty here, only the limestone ravine of Swinnergill Kirk being worthy of the camera.
156. One day he would have a collection of sad sentences worthy of being donated to a library.
157. None really, but a couple of points are worthy of mention.
158. To me, this would seem to be a worthy object of the game.
159. The lawyers, we think, are in waiting to commandeer any dispute, worthy or not.
160. I mean, wouldn't a nice tortoise be a more worthy beneficiary than the reptilian Jamie?
161. Bob Stevenson has been a worthy successor to Methodist leaders who stamped their personalities on the county.
162. No expense was spared to produce a station worthy to stand beside the other civic buildings.
163. In an ending worthy of Marilynne Robinson, she gives up housekeeping.
164. Therefore, any management book worthy of the name should have that as a pivotal issue, not give it short shrift.
165. A worthy churchman more addicted to hunting than to academics.
166. But at least the people of Limoges had been reminded that royal favour and displeasure were worthy of consideration.
167. Surely the great corporations had done something right and were worthy of great respect.
168. The question then arises: What might Morris say that might be worthy of mention before the lecture?
169. Now it could be argued that this likelihood is so remote as not to be worthy of consideration.
170. They record thoughts which apparently, at some moment in time[], seemed worthy of the written word.
171. Does he agree that minimising the regulatory burden on business is a worthy objective for any Government?
172. Often, the columnists give criteria to sellers for appraising the buyer as worthy.
173. Could I in fact have chosen in a manner more worthy of my dignity as a rational agent?
174. Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety. Plato 
175. Our request for bagels worthy of note drew more than 500 responses.
176. A seemingly simple recipe for a secure investment has, however, developed complications worthy of a 007 plot.
177. Although this godsend might do palpable good for needy individuals and worthy institutions, I feel that it is still somehow unclean.
178. During these few years, the school was attended by four boys, each of whom is worthy of our attention.
179. This time the hat-trick chance was taken and Sandrock emerged worthy winners.
180. Swansea's victory kept them top of the First Division and was another display worthy of any defending champions.
181. This three-disc, 49-cut set is worthy of four stars only if you are willing to give it a serious listen.
182. Many persons have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification but through fidelity to a worthy purpose. Helen Keller 
183. If this loyalty is stretched over a period of 28 years, it is certainly worthy of note!
184. Three aspects of such approaches are worthy of particular note.
185. Citizenship and political leadership were vested in those most inherently worthy.
186. The landscape, familiar since childhood, was not worthy of remark.
187. Never tell the truth to people who are not worthy of it. Mark Twain 
188. A worthy successor has emerged with the Annual Gala, raising funds to help village projects and renovations.
189. Certainly we're called on to make a large number of personal appearances, frequently for worthy causes.
190. In other words, it might dissuade worthy lawsuits even as it fails to protect against outlandish ones.
191. Extremely accomplished and complex, Steinem is worthy of a competent and well-researched biography.
192. Careful and systematic dating of the fragments, however,[] may show the site to be important and worthy of further exploration.
193. The intrigue, if one existed, was worthy of the inner circle of the Imperial court on far distant Knossos.
194. However worthy his motives, the good doctor is on a nice little earner.
195. The pair have been at loggerheads over which of them was more worthy of the player of the century accolade.
196. It therefore follows that it is worthy of your closest attention and your most energetic practice.
197. Local sporting traditions were ignored in favour of a handful of sports which were singled out as worthy of national broadcasting.
198. It was, after all, an advance to see pottery as worthy of study and publication.
199. They were to be worthy members of the Arsenal family off the field as well as on.
200. I found one other instructive quote from the right hon. Gentleman - a delphic utterance worthy of William Wordsworth at his best.
201. Two of these we shall not need here, but they are worthy of a mention.
202. Before I leave the period of the great map makers and engravers, there is one more map worthy of mention.
203. An Orc's life is therefore spent in constant battle either with his fellow Orcs or against some worthy opponent.
204. To prove worthy of the 20, 000 prize, a clock had to find longitude within half a degree.
205. But the miners' sense of anger at the prolonged destruction of their industry is also worthy of note.
206. Such a fund would put more control in the hands of managers-a worthy goal in itself.
207. Now, 20 years later, it was given a performance worthy of the anniversary occasion.
208. Jo Saunders, a Re-evaluation Co-counsellor came to suss me out and see whether I was worthy of her efforts.
209. The Hospitality Inn was looking for a worthy home for unwanted furniture and bedding after refurbishment.
210. Social reform was very worthy, of course, but I confess I'd rather hear about the battles.
211. Of them all Claythorpe watermill is the one most worthy of exploration.
212. It was also considered worthy of inclusion among the gifts presented to Tsars by envoys from the Electors of Brandenburg.
213. That was cowardice worthy of franchise forfeiture, because the Broncos were at least a competent team.
214. He tends to jump to conclusions with feats of illogicality worthy of Sir Nicholas Fairbairn.
215. The tourists came here principally to win the Test series and they proved to be worthy winners.
216. It worked, it was adopted as a design worthy of further development.
217. He believes everyone has ideas worthy of attention and that earth-saving decisions are best made at local level.
218. The events have raised more than $ 900,000 for worthy philanthropic organizations throughout greater Los Angeles.
219. How do I know you are as worthy as he?
220. A worthy mentor will never misuse or abuse you sexually.
221. She hoped that she did not appear to others like a worthy cause. Poor old Meredith, all on her own.
222. But now I knew that I was worthy of a nod from the back of a hog.
223. Roper, who is as sharp with a put-down as he is with a knockdown, has run out of worthy opponents.
224. Over the past three years they have turned one of the most dishonourable Soviet professions into something worthy of admiration.
225. Thus, we respect a worthy opponent in the sense that we are alert to his strength.
226. The 49ers want to validate their 7-1 first-half record with a victory over a worthy opponent.
227. Finally the congregation received a worthy one who made peace with his people but never with the Reformed faction.
228. Still others, who are initiated by those making a craft of sacred rites, are worthy of astonishment and pity.
229. As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.
230. Drunk or crazy, the tall man had made an entrance worthy of Henry Irving.
231. My view is that most new season lamb is not worthy of the name.
232. She figured the awkward silence was partly the result of people believing that only big topics were worthy of being discussed.
233. Lion Cavern came from last in a slowly-run race and displayed commendable resolution to emerge a narrow but worthy winner.
234. But like anything else worthy of our attention, it takes a little educating.
235. Too bad; the lighthouse is worthy of a visit and the setting offers a prime spot for whale-watching.
236. Exhibitions in Connecticut this year have generated a number of worthy catalogs that will remain valuable long after their respective shows close.
237. The service has also agreed to expedite final consideration of 900 species believed worthy of protection.
238. Lastly, they want to give tax advantages to causes deemed worthy, or at least popular.
239. Why should the Stephens family have seized on this as an event worthy of becoming a story?
240. It also raises thousands of pounds which are distributed to charities and worthy groups and individuals of the area.
241. And surely the cenotaph itself is as worthy a target as Churchill.
242. He is an extraordinary figure in modern world history, and in William Duiker he has a worthy biographer.
243. She hoped that she did not appear to others like a worthy cause.
244. Already sumo experts are calling the equally athletic and handsome Takahanada a worthy replacement.
245. But the brick dropped by a local Sunday newspaper last weekend is worthy of mention.
246. DataEase is a worthy contender, although it's a bit long in the tooth.
247. Tributes were largely unknown to Ford's injected Cologne V6, but it is a worthy enough trooper.
248. Rhino Records has been a steady source of worthy boxed sets.
249. Had he found a partner worthy of him, she thought, he would have danced as nimbly as the king.
250. So much more worthy an impulse for taking an interest in a competition than patriotism.
251. If they're going to carry the banner, they're very worthy.
252. And as all worthy Austen women eventually do, I met and married a man I loved and respected.
253. Among these new titles are some worthy of special note.
254. If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy...Truth is everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. Bob Marley 
255. But, even if not properly speaking a science, it is still worthy of systematic pursuit.
256. The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. Denis Waitley 
257. And worthy of acceptation. Fire is bright.
258. Doubt, fear, unbelief; fear that thou art not worthy!
259. Presider: In memory of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Father, this life-giving bread, this saving cup. We thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you.
260. If nocturnal man king knows perfectly well him Hanchaobi to be gotten greatly, cannot compare, he asks so even, that he just be worthy of is a person that lost sensible bumbledom !
261. He resolved that his conduct should be worthy of an aspirant who a model of discretion.
262. And the experience and apocalypse its bringing to us are also worthy of studying, summering and making use of.
263. Special skills could include acrobatic attacks worthy of their feline heritage.
264. I don't think I am worthy of such an honourable title.
265. Greatness is a spiritual condition worthy to excite love, interest , and admiration ( Matthew Arnold ).
266. I am not worthy to touch the hem of her garment.
267. Celebration of fallen enemies –without self-reflection –may be no more worthy than celebrating a victory at a football match.
268. Keep the car-shopping clientele happy and keep your profits high to put together a speed demon worthy of the racetrack.
269. No matter what form as, the design of content'show and the specific mode of practice are worthy to be deep thought.
270. He had changed back into Chinese dress today, and his lean frame was draped in a long, navy-blue flannel gown, giving him the air of a worthy descendant of some famous scholar.
271. Judith is certainly one of the very best extant specimens of old Jewish story-telling, and forms a worthy companion-piece to Tobit, which it surpasses in vividness of style.
272. She is writing a transgressive fairy tale, not a worthy book for a school list.
273. The grass-blade is worthy of the great world where it grows.
274. A special offering to someone you are attracted to should set the stage for a lengthy relationship that is worthy of your time and affection.
275. Conclusion Conserved blood of sample collecting and Na 3PO 4 in template making are the best methods in multiplex PCR diagnosis of malaria, and are worthy of wide use.
276. The treatment of CBP by puncturing with injection of Radix Astragali and Rocephin is effective and the therapy is worthy of clinical use.
277. A separation between heaven and earth worthy of the Chinese nation and a single unmarried man:Bless you!
278. How should a judge wield the power of judicial discretion properly in the practice of civil action is a task worthy of researching for the melioration of our trial system.
279. Hadleigh Pomeranian more compared to other types of enjoying the dog, are many worthy of note.
280. Therefore, the construction of Yi ethnos and of its literature history will become the main point worthy to pay attention to.
281. People say: " Guilin's scenery is peerless in the world . " It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation.
282. This five - second bridge is, to be honest, ridiculously great - so ROLL it's worthy of a hearty laugh.
283. As your Commander-in-Chief, I owe you a mission that is clearly defined, and worthy of your service.
284. Is BBC worthy of the name of impersonality and impartiality?
285. In Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC), efficient supplier-management can always be a topic worthy of studying.
286. He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
287. It has got around the state monopoly on advertising by deploying its trademark blimps, and pre-empted objections to that by using them to advocate a worthy cause: safe driving.
288. All of the rating agencies still read rate California as worthy of an investment.
289. You have to go from one house to the next, and check if it is worthy to be kept, not only for the people who are living there but for the area allowance.
290. Living alone or living with roommates is worthy to be considered.
291. In the meantime, it also is the rich origin of the microelement such as potassium magnesian zinc, be be worthy of the name " the king of the fruit " .
292. A life of slothful ease, a life of that peace which springs merely from lack either of desire or of power to strive after great things, is as little worthy of a nation as an individual.
293. Is a mere emissary such as you worthy of Klara?
294. Conclusions: Choledocholithotomy with laparoscope and choledochofibersope, T tube drain is a kind of very good and effective method worthy of being generalized.
295. It provides a new approach to limb functional exercise after radical operation of mastocarcinoma and is worthy of wide clinic application.
296. With the improving of networks and the developing of multimedia applications, IP network has been worthy of the name of Integrated services network from a simple data network.
297. This paper analyzes the possibility of flotation separation automatic monitor and gets the train of thought. It has a worthy value to existent automatic monitor system and future research.




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