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单词 Lining
(1) One lining broken, the whole chain is broken. 
(2) Every cloud has a silver lining
(3) A chain is no stronger than its weakest lining
(4) People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps.
(5) Pin the lining to the outer fabric.
(6) As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
(7) Moss makes an attractive lining to wire baskets.
(8) Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.
(9) Acid irritates the stomach lining.
(10) The lining of my coat is torn.
(11) The coat has a detachable lining.
(12) The birds use small leaves for lining their nests.
(13) Carefully peel away the lining paper.
(14) The coat has a detachable lining inside.
(15) She basted on the lining to the coat.
(16) Aspirin can ulcer the stomach lining.
(17) The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.
(18) Health services are lining the drug companies' pockets, according to the report.
(19) Some painkilling drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.
(20) The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.
(21) Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year.
(22) Dishonest officials have been lining their pockets with public funds.
(23) He made a small perforation in the lining of the tube.
(24) I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.
(25) Staff at the bank have apparently been lining their pockets with money from investors' accounts.
(26) The lining of the boot molds itself to the shape of your foot.
(27) You have to do everything you can. You have to work your hardest. And if you do, if you stay positive, then you have a shot at a silver lining.
(28) A kilo of heroin was found hidden inside the lining of the suitcase.
(29) It is estimated that 5,000 bank staff could be lining their own pockets from customer accounts.
(30) Ulcers occur when the stomach's natural acids eat into the lining of the stomach.
(1) People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps.
(2) Pin the lining to the outer fabric.
(3) As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
(4) Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.
(5) I hate lining up in the cold to go to the cinema.
(31) The drugs were secreted in the lining of his case.
(32) But there's always a silver lining.
(33) Riggers are for letting, lining out and landscape applications.
(34) Teacher Every cloud has a silver lining.
(35) Mind you, every cloud had a silver lining.
(36) Polycotton lining with a removable insole.
(37) Fully taped seams on the Gore-Tex lining.
(38) The coat has a silk lining.
(39) Turn out and discard lining paper.
(40) The lining is disposable, although alternatively you could use a blanket.
(41) A.. It is fiberglass or other form of plastic, and the lining is on the outside of the tank.
(42) Decongestants can be helpful, because they reduce the swelling of the lining of the nose, making air passage easier.
(43) Peel off the lining paper and roll up with the sugared paper.
(44) By instigating a calcium deficiency inside the cells, the drugs cause muscles lining arterial walls to relax.
(45) Use lining fabrics for economy, trimmed with pattern border or edged with braid.
(46) The lid should be metal or plastic with a metal lining to reflect radiation back into the computer.
(47) Still, despite the gripes about the already-crowded playing field, more investors are lining up.
(48) Pin top edges of valance and lining together and drawstitch the folded edges together.
(49) Make sure the lining is lying perfectly flat and smooth against blind fabric and square to it.
(50) The type and quality of the inner lining was dependent on the purse of the purchaser.
(51) But his fingers only felt the lining paper of the drawer.
(52) Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way.
(53) The fur lining the cave was a brindled orange; that of the cat creature too.
(54) Some boots may be insulated with Thinsulate or a fibrepile lining and others may incorporate breathable, waterproof membranes.
(55) The cloud in this particular silver lining is progestogen, a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone.
(56) A typical lightweight construction would be a timber frame with insulation between the studs and an inner lining of plasterboard.
(57) Try lining the upper lids with a soft sage eye-contouring pencil.
(58) Machine along both edges of the tape through the lining and the outer fabric.
(59) Tack, then machine the lining to the outer fabric along these marked lines to form lath channel.
(60) Then carefully peel away the lining paper from the bottom of the roulade.
(61) The street lights gave the pavements a glittering glow as if thousands of diamonds were lining his path.
(62) The head-lamps flashed over bushes and trees lining the sides of the narrow winding lane.
(63) This tactic had the added advantage of lining us up with the village where the jeep would be waiting.
(64) Peel off the lining paper, spread with the whipped cream and roll up from one short side.
(65) Pin the lining to the wrong side of the band and slipstitch in place.
(66) Other features include the attachment design for the Yeti Attak Gaiter and Cambrelle inner lining.
(67) If the sheer quantity of information about 1992 is clouding your vision, look no further for the silver lining.
(68) The main cause of death is the destruction of the gut lining, which results in severe infection.
(69) Making up Cut the fabric and lining to the measurements plus turnings.
(70) The giant palms lining the road inspected me disinterestedly as I coasted along trying to find the Alcade Apartments.
(70) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(71) They mean 170 fewer troops lining the route for the Birthday Parade.
(72) Laying one hand on the pale blue cotton lining of his sleeping-bag, she stroked it.
(73) Use the following techniques for lining tins for quick and madeira sponge cakes, and for fruit cakes.
(74) They have an elasticated waist and three pockets and a cotton inner lining.
(75) That Hewlett-Packard Co is thought to be lining up for a piece of Taligent, should come as no real surprise.
(76) It will do this by lining them, piping water underground and, in extreme cases, revoking abstraction licences.
(77) There were at least two world champions lining up for the start and many seasoned and experienced drivers.
(78) This further develops and maintains the lining of the womb for a possible pregnancy.
(79) In the prototype, the battery was housed by folding the tie lining around it, and fastening with a staple.
(80) A stream of feature writers was always shuffling in and out, lining up if there were others ahead of them.
(81) The car rattled along, crossing the myriad narrow gauge loco tracks that ran between the factories lining the route.
(82) I decided to line my skirt with anti-static polyester skirt lining material and used a straight skirt paper pattern as a guide.
(83) Having used samples of jackets with the lining, there can be no doubt that it works, but there are disadvantages.
(84) Attaching a deep heading tape Lay the curtains out flat with lining sides uppermost.
(85) Can Eric and the thousands of teleworkers lining up behind him be-come career telecommuters?
(86) The cedar lining that once protected fine cigars from deteriorating is equally efficacious at preserving cardboard rectangles from insect damage.
(87) Its boasts about fanatical recruits lining up for paradise through the martyrdom of suicide-bombing may be bluster.
(88) Here were the upright golden flames of the poplars lining the road, and the willows yellowing down by the creek.
(89) I was not doing a very neat job with her lining, but she said nothing about it.
(90) Spectators lining the route occasionally got closer to the action than they'd anticipated.
(91) Inside, the complex is immaculate, with neatly trimmed shrubs and rose bushes lining each building.
(92) Materials: the outer shell is made from proofed nylon and the lining from cotton giving just that little extra comfort.
(93) The rented villa was identical to a dozen others lining the cul-de-sac.
(94) Michael stared at the tie pin glinting up from the red velvet lining.
(95) In 1905, something happened; a silver lining on the cloud of doom.
(96) Attach webbing tape to the top edge of tails on the lining side, in the same way as for the swag.
(97) It was noticed that some undertakers dispensed with full-length shrouds, preferring to adapt the coffin lining to serve this purpose.
(98) Position this end to the leading edges of the lining.
(99) The endothelial cells lining blood vessels become damaged during treatment and the affected vessels leak fluid into the tissues.
(100) And, in an idle moment, he invented a method for lining women's hat-boxes!
(101) Install joist hangers on each vertical line, lining up the bottom of the hanger with the bottom of the ledger.
(102) The resulting sharp drop in its levels causes the lining of the womb, along with the unfertilised egg, to be shed.
(103) The lining is calf leather and there is a comfortable insole of shaped close cell foam.
(104) This was actually rather brave considering the police marksmen lining the roofs!
(105) By 1965 things had eased, but my detective inspector still railed against my three-quarter length corduroy car-coat with its red lining.
(106) People seemed to be lining the towpaths out of interest.
(107) Crowds lining the banked track cheered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a red handkerchief.
(108) Again they were foiled - this time by a security cage lining the shop window.
(109) Both styles come with an impressive array of features including Gore-Tex lining, Cordura upper and Vibram sole.
(110) William I mean-today's newspapers will be lining tomorrow's waste paper bins.
(111) Glass cases lining one side of the corridor are full of books, stuffed birds, globes and charts.
(112) It is also more dense than a normal lining and is thus able to cut out more light.
(113) The dark clouds of red ink and layoffs at Apple Computer Inc. may contain a silver lining for consumers.
(114) Remember those glittering parties, the lanterns lining the drive, the string quartet playing Viennese waltzes?
(115) Wallpaper them or cover them with fabric: felt, hessian, sacking, lining fabric or printed cotton.
(116) For instance, a black jacket has a midnight blue lining rather than black, while all tailored jackets have four inner pockets.
(117) Machine along the bottom edge of the tape, trapping the lining, and across the ends to neaten them off.
(118) It retains the Sympatex lining of the earlier model - belt and braces if you like.
(119) These are the people who, however, hard it may seem, should really not even contemplate lining up at Blackheath.
(120) Counter Assault Teams were rushed to the rooftops of buildings lining the park.
(121) Both are inner-city areas, with tall residential buildings and workplaces lining narrow turn-of-the-century streets.
(122) Lining figures numerals that align on the baseline and at the top.
(123) Persian lining, thin silk used for lining gowns, petticoats, etc.
(124) Lo is lining up the $ 50, 000 bail she needs to obtain her own release from San Francisco County Jail.
(125) Paul D looked at the black trees lining the roadside, their defending arms raised against attack.
(126) He would arrive with scraps of fabric dropping from his waistcoat, bits of lining from his corduroy trousers.
(127) The boots have a soft lining to prevent your toes from chafing.
(128) It was a bit unnerving at first and the lining stank of old aftershave.
(129) Also the lining, the types and varieties of which are many, is quite unnecessary!
(130) If implantation of a fertilized egg does not occur, this lining breaks down and is expelled from the uterus.
(130) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(131) This needs no breaking in, has a waterproof Goretex lining and weighs in at just over a pound a pair.
(132) Gurdon transferred cells from the intestinal lining of tadpoles that had already begun to feed.
(133) The runners are now lining up for the start of the race.
(134) The lower internal lining also sports a couple of pockets, one zipped.
(135) You will need the same amount of lining as outer curtain fabric, less allowance for pattern matching.
(136) Trim the lining to the same level as the curtain at the top.
(137) I looked down on the houses lining the steep streets of Saltville.
(138) Stretching the lace as I sewed, I machined the lining to the lace with a multi-zig-zag stitch.
(139) Aromatic residues lining the binding pocket are shown in purple.
(140) But it's certainly how can I put it - the silver lining.
(141) The lining paper used should be non-stick, whether greaseproof, parchment, baking paper, bakewell or brown.
(142) Their cannon were very evident, as they closed, crews lining the bulwarks.
(143) The funeral procession started peacefully in Brooklyn, with thousands following the coffin and lining the streets.
(144) Why don't journalists hold to the light those who grasp and grab, lining their pockets?
(145) Lining the road are hundreds of what look like workers leaving hotels.
(146) We stroked the silky Rue de Rivoli lining, poked our fingers into exit wounds.
(147) This new locomotive was an impressive machine gleaming in its blue livery not quite complete with lining but ready for action.
(148) She is led out of the cell, and the firing squad is lining up.
(149) He drew his parang, lining Kaptan up with his clenched left fist for the blade blow with the right.
(150) Lining Cut the lining as for the outer fabric and join the widths together in the same way.
(151) Inside, Titford and Barwick could apply the soft-talk while lining their elegant pockets with silver.
(152) If you then loop the curtains back you will get glimpses of the new lining, which will give it fresh interest.
(153) Simple cuboidal epithelium lining a tubule (longitudinal cut).
(154) Base with a large brick lining.
(155) Plastics, rubber, clay, glass steel, glass flake lining works.
(156) Industrial furnace wall lining, masonry insulation layer.
(157) They are lining up in position for the kickoff.
(158) the viscid lining of the intestine.
(159) But its passage has a silver lining for them.
(160) Also, the inner lining can be removed.Sentencedict
(161) I believe in a silver lining.
(162) Margaret Herring, 35, savored the beauty of the Texas countryside --- the afternoon sunlight glinting off amber fields of waist-high grass lining the road.
(163) Like many authors, I envisioned hundreds of bookstore customers lining up for me to benevolently sign copies for them.
(164) Goblet cells ( blue ) scattered throughout simple columnar epithelial lining ( special quad stain ).
(165) The GFP signals were mainly enriched in the embryo of immature eggs, ovaries, vitellarium and the lining membrane tissue of the gut lumen of the female worms.
(166) Our beautiful drawer lining papers add an elegant touch to drawers, closets and armoires and leave clothing and linens scented with the clean, fresh scent of English lavender.
(167) The core element of multifunction lining lies in the blackbody, with emission rate 0.96.
(168) The inner wall of induction coil of large capacity electric furnace is cast with imported high temperature resistant insulation material to prevent of furnace lining leakage.
(169) Blast furnace body mainly includes internal lining refractory, lining methods and lining cooling methods.
(170) Single shell lining is a reflection of the mechanical concept, namely, the lining without isolation layer which can well bare the external applied load together.
(171) Los Che president Manuel Llorente is reported to be lining up Benitez to replace current coach Unai Emery.
(172) The temperature distribution and its changing rule of ladle lining at each turnover stage were studied.
(173) It prepares the lining of the uterus for the possible implantation of a fertilized egg.
(174) This way people lining - u on side of the undertaker makes the entire pharmacopoeia look silly.
(175) Inside zip pocket. Multifunction pocket. Zipper closure . Fabric lining.
(176) Construction of concrete lining at the time of the basic lofting lofting method consistent with the excavation.
(177) To prolong furnace lining′s service life, refining furnace lining is rammed with magnesia ramming material instead of magnesia brick.
(178) It is an ideal material for unshaped refractory material, the final products are used in open hearth furnace, eletric furnace bottom and furnace's lining tamping.
(179) The cartons are well protected against moisture by polythene sheet lining.
(180) Structurally, an automotive brake system contains these major parts like brake drum, brake shoe, brake lining, etc.
(181) Since the SiC brick was applied , the life of taphole and lining on the furnace was prolonged .
(182) It is found that the internal stress of the lining obtained by means of field monitoring is smaller than the strength of the concrete lining.
(183) And we also have brake lining, clutch facing, the models are completed.
(184) The silver lining with the FBI is that at least they're nonpartisan in their non-cooperation with Congress.
(185) Epithelial regeneration takes place principally from the epithelial lining of the sweat glands and hair follicles.
(186) The superposition between fracturing and explosive spalling plays a key role in the multi-layer damages of the lining concrete.
(187) In the meantime, the ladle shell temperature data was measured from spot in WHISCO, which would verify the feasibility of ladle lining model and lining material parameter.
(188) Voters were lining up at polling places as early as 6.00 this morning, an hour before voting started.
(189) Safety shoes in smooth full leather, anti-bacterial lining and insole, Polyurethane double density sole, oil-resistant, anti-static, water-proof available, steel toecap, steel midsole available.
(190) The plane trees lining the main street are leafing out.
(191) The houses lining the avenue are all of modern construction.
(192) Plylight muttilebrick is widely used as inner lining for furnace[sentence dictionary], soaking pitfurnace door for coke oven.
(193) Padded textile lining and suede-covered footbed offers cushioned comfort and moisture control.
(194) Considering the gap between steel lining and concrete lining as the imperfect contact, contact layer is proposed to simulate the gap in the combined work analysis.
(195) You are safe with a plain text version, but that does not allow for much in the way of lining up your work ( tabbing ).
(196) Cortisol causes erosion of your intestinal lining, which can lead to ulcers.
(197) Solidification and heat treatment structures of high boron cast alloy lining plate, its mechanical properties and wear resistance after heat treatment are researched.
(198) It is to shape and firm the body without a bulky lining or a vise - like girdle.
(199) This paper summarizes some research findings in respect of support forms, water resistant performance, smoothness and design method of single shell lining tunnels both at home and abroad.
(200) Lining a corridor is a wall of photographs spanning his rugby days.
(201) Endocrine disrupting compounds in tap water mainly stem from the pollution of raw water for water supply, concrete tank and lining of still pipe in water supply system, and chlorination process.
(202) The utility model relates to a burst - proof inner tube with a foam plastic lining.
(203) This paper introduces excavation of the unfavorable geological section of tunnel project of Wanjiazhai YRDP, temporary brace and construction of concrete lining.
(204) Once it has reached the required temperature, rennet - taken from the stomach lining of calves - and a fermentation culture is added and the stirring stops.
(205) According to the basic theory of concrete damage, the concrete piecewise curve damage model is applied into the finite analysis of shotcrete lining.
(206) When grouting gallery of depth-curtain, lining and consolidation grouting to full-face of the gallery is necessary to meet the needs of the grouting pressure.
(207) This paper deals with the design principle and design consideration of LTM car used for tunnel kiln. Some types of lining structure for LTM car are presented.
(208) Considering the effects of coupling mass, the transient dynamic response of a cylindrical lining structure subjected to sudden internal uniform loading is studied.
(209) Packaging should include: material state thickness closure inner lining outer securing and unit weight.
(210) By correcting the axes of operating kilns, the service life of refractory lining is positively prolonged and the running rate of kiln increased.
(211) Secondly, the procedure of tunnel lining based on First Order Second Moment(FOSM) and JC method is presented to calculate the reliability of tunnel lining.
(212) A silver lining is emerging again a year - round practice.
(213) For tunnel sections with good surrounding rocks, the U-shaped rock-bolted section is selected as a final optimized section instead of the original circular reinforcement concrete lining section.
(214) With cotton lining, the inside offers cell phone and PDA pockets.
(215) It mainly includes a hydraulic pressure main engine, a stripping power supply, a male die, two female die composite units together with a lining board and a parison push-out mechanism.
(216) Still, he is lining up an impressive stable of writers and professors for the American edition, including Noam Chomsky, Anthony Burgess, Eric Jong and Norman Mailer.
(217) It is the ideal material for improving the service life of converter lining.
(218) Production tests show that reasonable knotting[], drying and fritting technology of rammed lining rises the furnace life significantly.
(219) The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.
(220) Steel pipes with inner cement lining slightly cracked or scratched on the edge.
(221) If there is a silver lining to these catastrophes, it may be that U.S. policymakers come to understand just how valuable these nontraditional activities can be.
(222) The temperature of converter shell rises sharply with the utilization of MgO-C brick lining, it results in the shell permanent deformation.
(223) Recharge to the aquifer happens through cracks in the clay lining of the playa floor and at the edges of playa basin.
(224) With the company's experience and ability, we design and provide cost-effective fire-resistant lining materials, general contracting and engineering services.
(225) It can be applied to any kinds of cloth: for instance, clothes, leather bags, umbrella, weave strap, lining, swimming suit, underwear, ski suit, and military bag.
(226) The first shed we came to, the preacher was lining out a hymn.
(227) Men in kilts in a crowd wearing everything green marked this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City. It's the country's largest parade and the spectators lining the streets proved it.
(228) Corrosion reason of the ladle lining of Panzhihua Iron and Steel Company was analyzed.
(229) And the pill also provides long- term protection against endometrial cancer, which affects the lining of the uterus.
(230) Wave motion response of tunnel lining embedded in unbounded nonuniform soil medium is studied.
(231) On the cards and membership cards to make pressure, lining regulated under blanket, fault.
(232) I spent several weeks in scouting out an overcoat with fur lining.
(233) Parvo " is a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system . "
(234) The mechanism of frost heaving of canal lining blocks is studied and the methods of calculating frost heaving and freezing of canal are discussed.




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