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单词 Watered
1 Plants of learning must be watered with the rain of tears. 
2 He watered down the wine.
3 The plants are wilting because they haven't been watered for days.
4 The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
5 The English teacher watered down the course for the slow-learning students.
6 His mouth watered at the sight of roast.
7 The horses had been fed and watered.
8 The plants want to be watered daily.
9 The report of the investigation had been watered down.
10 Colombia is watered by several rivers.
11 Have the horses been fed and watered?
12 The lawn is crying out to be watered.
13 His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.
14 The valley is watered by a stream.
15 They watered the thirsty fields.
16 The garden is crying out to be watered.
17 Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers.
18 The plants need to be watered every few days.
19 The milk has been watered down.
20 This plant needs to be watered twice a week.
21 Proposed legislation affecting bird-keepers has been watered down.
22 The wine was watered down for the children.
23 The plants want watering/ want to be watered daily.
24 Our ship watered at the port.
25 I'm sure this whisky has been watered down.
26 The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains.
27 The criticisms had been watered down so as not to offend anybody.
28 The story was watered down so much it was no longer interesting.
29 They have returned with a watered down and more acceptable version of the proposal.
30 After a tour of the grounds,[] the guests were fed and watered.
1 He watered down the wine.
2 The plants are wilting because they haven't been watered for days.
3 The party has watered down its socialist ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.
4 The English teacher watered down the course for the slow-learning students.
5 They watered the thirsty fields.
6 The valley is continuously watered by the melting snow from the mountains.
31 They watered down the soup to make it go further.
32 I looked down at the light blue watered silk.
33 Geraldine hoovered the living room and watered her plants.
34 His mouth watered with the hot buttery smell.
35 A serving wench brought us flagons of watered beer.
36 Keep fuchsia well watered during prolonged dry spells in summer and feed regularly with a potash-rich liquid fertiliser.
36 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
37 He smilingly proffered me a cup of watered wine in one of the goblets I had hidden away the previous evening.
38 Extra humidity can often be provided by the use of well watered pot plants.
39 First I fed and watered the spirits, who grew restless in their hunger.
40 Use composted bark or coir Keep well watered until well established.
41 She had brought a bowl of hot chicken broth, freshly baked white manchet loaves and a tankard of watered ale.
42 But any bill that gets signed by President Clinton will probably be watered down to the point that it is meaningless.
43 We are well fed and watered by our willing support and once more I am into the fear of the unknown.
44 He watered the vines so little that the leaves drooped and the tendrils withered.
45 His mouth watered and his eyes became lost in dreamy contemplation.
46 My mouth watered as I looked at those great big berries.
47 I was so hungry my mouth watered; my eyes drooped with fatigue.
48 Plants in containers made of porous material(), must be watered more often than those in plastic pots.
49 The containers are made of peat and wood fiber laced with soluble fertilizer and peat pellets that expand when watered.
50 This mains-pressure hosepipe controller is designed to keep your garden watered while you are away from home.
51 Soil should be free-draining and well prepared, with plenty of compost - keep plants watered during the first season.
52 The Piedmontese plain is well watered by the run-off from the Alps.
53 Lucy wore a petrol blue watered silk dress with matching velvet jacket and had hyacinth pips in her hair.
54 The plain is watered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
55 The party machines, however, are being oiled and watered for an early poll.
56 Live animals are transported across the continent packed tightly into lorries, often arriving half dead without having been fed or watered.
57 After a tour of the facilities, our guests were fed and watered.
58 Everything is growing apace, especially the weeds; there are plants to be watered and crops to be gathered.
59 Keep aster plants well watered to help prevent attacks of mildew.
60 I prepared the soil with humus, watered the plants and sprayed with a garlic solution to deter bugs.
61 Wherever you go, there will always be a mountain gasthaus somewhere close at hand to keep you fed and watered.
62 They are worn with their roots intact and if the hydrogel is watered, the shamrock will continue growing.
63 Jackie from Marriage Lines takes us through day and evening invitations embossed with clinking champagne flutes and bordered in watered silk.
64 His family had land, but as the forests were cleared, the rain ran off and no longer watered the earth.
65 He sipped slowly at a cup of watered wine and decided to return to his church.
66 Its walls were ornately corniced in gold and papered in watered silk,[] a delicate bluebell colour.
67 Late in the second day, they passed miles and miles of spinach fields watered with sprinklers.
68 I've watered my fuchsias and patted potted petunia plugs into a grow bag.
69 One bill actually passed Congress in 1965, but was watered down under threat of a Lyndon Johnson veto.
70 A light covering of soil must be given and the pans watered with a fine rose attachment.
71 We watered the pots of white geraniums which bordered an improvised set of steps, boards on bricks, covered with sheets.
72 Based on measured rock pressure and experimental data under thick watered loose bed of Wanbei mining area, dimorphism and mutation characteristics of ultrathin bedrock working face roof are discussed.
73 Mother watered the pearl blue Cineraria Cruenta out on the balcony and brought her a little box of strawberries that tasted sweet and sour.
74 The district where the experiment was carried out was the area watered by the Tennessee River in the U. S. A.
75 A province of east-central China. It is a major agricultural region watered by the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). Wuhan is the capital. Population, 49,30,000.
76 I shall bring you dark - green watered silk for a frock to match the bonnet.
77 Her nipples, the color of watered wine, were erect with their unceremonious exposure to air.
78 'I have, sir,'said Silver.'I've watered there with a trader I was cook in.'.
79 Disease: Aphids, mealy bugs, powdery mildew, fungal leaf spot, stem and root rot if over watered.
80 A seed from a sacred lotus fruit that had been buried in a dry lake bed for around 1, 000 years sprouted when it was dug up, planted and watered.
81 Rooting depth and root and shoot biomass were measured for seedlings of 20 species in both watered and unwatered sand columns.
82 The flowers scorched as they were not watered for a long time.
83 Democratic attacks will fizzle, and farreaching reform bills will be watered down before they become law.
84 Sidewall coring techniques are used in field development to determine the watered out degree.
85 Afterwards one of the (damsels) came (back) to him, walking bashfully . She said: "My father invites thee that he may reward thee for having watered (our flocks) for us."
86 It can be watered down and applied in thin washes over a painting or applied opaquely .
87 I attached the hose to the hydrant and watered the flowers in the garden.
88 He carried water and watered the wheat all by himself.
89 According to the related program such as keep ground cable watered.
90 Last week, the budget proposal was watered down by the state government.
91 An allele can not be " watered down " by outcrossing.
92 Coal body is watered by deep hole high pressure above mid-hard coal seam to soften the harder coal so as to improve the working efficience. It's a new way for mechanization mining in harder seam.
93 It is thought that Chinalco would be amenable to a watered - down version of its convertible bond.
94 Luminosity glows through pale velum walls. Watered neutrals and translucent colors converge in this opaque - defiant palette.
95 Down below there is watered , bountiful vacant land with groves right on the road.
96 I have watered the red huckleberry, the sand cherry and the nettle-tree, the red pine and the black ash, the white grape and the yellow violet, which might have withered else in dry seasons.




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