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单词 Uniformed
1. A uniformed chauffeur stared straight ahead.
2. Suddenly the wrecked car was surrounded by uniformed figures.
3. But that was the uniformed branch's pigeon, not his.
4. Other uniformed staff have moved to new Portacabin.
5. The desk and its uniformed guard were just ahead.
6. A uniformed man, there to ward off sightseers, saluted.
7. They loomed up, two uniformed constables.
8. Several more uniformed policemen came in.
9. There were two uniformed guards outside the building.
10. Cops happened by, two casual burly uniformed cops.
11. A uniformed security man met them at the gate.
12. The uniformed cops and a couple of detectives were watching their superiors slug it out.
13. That means that we have even fewer uniformed officers on our streets because they have to do civilian tasks such as manning telephones.
14. That effort produced only modest reductions in uniformed personnel and military units and preserved all major procurement programs.
15. Uniformed policemen, shirt-sleeved detectives with snub-nosed thirty-eights tucked into their holsters, defendants and prosecutors streamed through.
16. Uniformed men and Wycliffe's detective constables were questioning the very few people who actually lived in the street.
17. P.C. Clifford and the other uniformed constable lent a hand in getting the stretcher with its heavy burden up the steps.
18. We had observed a uniformed man standing there, on the inside.
19. You could see part of the uniformed arm that held the door open for him.
20. We recruit uniformed officers into plain clothes so that people like yourself, who are being eliminated, won't feel under pressure.
21. From behind the wire fencing, a uniformed guard eyes us with binoculars.
22. Today, uniformed warders break that first ethereal stillness with their peremptory warnings about smoking and taking pictures.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. He went up to the next floor, where uniformed footmen and maids were dispensing coffee and cakes, biscuits and ices.
24. But Tuesday afternoon rescue workers were still searching the rubble, cordoned off by dozens of uniformed soldiers and police.
25. Her last tribute was a most fine rendering of the Hallelujah Chorus by our uniformed organist.
26. On landing, Sly was shown to his chalet by a uniformed and armed guard.
27. As the people opened their doors and windows, they saw several uniformed men with four cannons.
28. Gaggia machines burbled on marble bars, new secretaries clicked across polished floors, uniformed valets twirled glass doors.
29. Eva Hendrix started to chatter in her persuasive voice while the uniformed chauffeur drove them into the ancient town of Freiburg.
30. She had been prepared to tolerate them for the sake of Nicolai's handsome uniformed appearance and dark romantic gaze.
1. A uniformed chauffeur stared straight ahead.
31. Two uniformed men were on their hands and knees, brushing at the carpet with their fingers.
32. They were uniformed men, closing in on Tess with slow purposeful steps.
33. And then he disentangled himself from the last uniformed peer and reached Hardin.
34. He told the operator where he was, what he had found, and asked for two more uniformed men.
35. All the students had successfully completed Longlands College's preparation for entrance to the uniformed services course.
36. Stevens and his merry band are severely uniformed in white blazers, violently creased red flares and clean fingernails.
37. She'd been sitting on the edge of the bed when they'd arrived, two large uniformed men.
38. The two uniformed highway patrolmen stared at him with expressionless faces.
39. Hence, there are now two uniformed security guards at the gate to Treasure Island at all times, Florin said.
40. There are eight governor grades and 174 uniformed staff at Maidstone.
41. He'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door.
42. A uniformed policeman stood under a lamp, his hands clasped behind his back.
43. At the same instant, the uniformed regulars from the North decided to spring their trap.
44. We have a sense that, even soldiers, regimented and uniformed as they are, still have some basic entitlements.
45. The uniformed men asked to see papers, and Pastor Braun, who carried a ledger with him, interceded for inmates.
46. There was a uniformed constable by the bed all the time, but David Evans was hanging about as an unofficial extra.
47. He had been too engrossed in the anguish of his own thoughts to notice the approach of the two uniformed policemen.
48. It took some time for the uniformed Secret Service guards to accustom themselves to this.
49. Its state regiments are well equipped and lavishly uniformed in a mixture of red and blue.
50. Opening the front door of the flat, she came face to face with an out-of-breath uniformed policeman.
51. They declared: ... were involuntary witnesses of wholly unnecessary violence inflicted by uniformed Blackshirts on interrupters.
52. Uniformed cops went on shift in pairs, joking, or came off singly, depressed.
52. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
53. He knew that Buddie hated all detectives and uniformed policemen.
54. Two uniformed men sat inside an armour-glass fishbowl in the centre of the floor.
55. They run upstairs and push past the uniformed policeman guarding the door of the apartment.
56. The door was bolted but Wycliffe banged on it and was admitted by a uniformed policeman.
57. She was followed out on to the patio by a fresh-faced, uniformed policeman.
58. A team of around 30 detectives and uniformed officers has been working on the inquiry.
59. Like his uniformed colleague, Schiller gave a low whistle when he saw the contents of the master bedroom.
60. To the outsider they would be mistaken for smartly uniformed security guards rather than the trained storm-troopers they were.
61. She arrived at the Herald building at half past three, and walked past the uniformed commissionaire to the lift.
62. A uniformed doorman smiled in welcome and confirmed Miss van Ryneveld was expecting her.
63. The best-class rubbish is found at the gates of high-walled mansions, their privacy protected by barking Alsatians and uniformed guards.
64. There were to be no less than 2,000 uniformed Blackshirts, marching and parading as the advance guard of revolution.
65. However, the uniformed, sixteen-legged crocodile was an easy target for ridicule.
66. A uniformed policeman gave me detailed directions and along with several others I made my way to Court No. 4.
67. A uniformed chauffeur identified me among the crowd.
68. Uniformed policemen lined the President's route.
69. The uniformed superintendent unfolded a large - scale map.
70. Nine uniformed groups participate in the Rendezvous.
71. Uniformed Secret Service agents led the protester away.
72. In fact, the photograph flashed around the world of jolly uniformed Hitler.
73. First, the economic rent on the implementation of the uniformed soil and Yong modulation, so that farmers are likely to stable production, farming and sometimes, to promote the economic development.
74. There were the smartly uniformed provodnitsas (train attendants) standing territorially by their carriage doors while they scrutinised tickets.
75. More than 10,000 plain-clothed and uniformed police are on duty across the Ghanian capital, Accra, to maintain security during the president's visit.
76. Natalie was clutching her ticket, and trying to understand the shouts of the uniformed attendants.
77. A uniformed officer handcuffed her and threw her in a squad car.
78. Only a uniformed guard stultified with boredom might have overheard them.
79. "They have beaten many, injured hundreds, " says Rajab, who was himself arrested and beaten by uniformed security forces in the early hours of Friday morning.
80. The highly advanced production facility of MCID will secure a uniformed dry cargo container of high quality.
81. In one episode, "Black, White and Blue," uniformed officers transported and left a young man in a crime-ridden area as punishment for some minor offense, and he was murdered there.
82. Use a payphone and an image of a uniformed woman appears,[/uniformed.html] bowing.
83. The white uniformed waiters were always stepping about so dignified amid white - clothed tables.
84. 'If you make up a story about a uniformed valet with a name badge in a valet parking lot with a Lion chasing him around the car, it should provide enough information to get his name right.
85. A uniformed guard opens the door, and Lentil gets out . You get out.
86. At one Wuqi high school, uniformed students walked down a hallway beneath photographs of Amherst College and N.Y.U.
87. O'Brien walked into the cell . Behind him were the waxen - faced officer and the black - uniformed guards.
88. The protocol specification of Bluetooth communication designed by Special Interest Group is a kind of global uniformed technical standard.
89. Three men, a waiter, a charcoal burner, and the uniformed chauffeur of wealthy travelers sleeping in the inn, workedall night on the engine.
90. There was a police car in front, along with two uniformed officers.
91. At every intersection stands a uniformed policewoman -- handpicked, they say, for their beauty -- directing traffic with parade-ground precision.
92. The rotational inertia of some uniformed bodies is obtained without doing integral.
93. A uniformed ostiary ushered us into the reception area, a temple of understatement in exotic marbles and dark, gleaming woods.
94. We are uniformed and naked in the rising of today.
95. When I got to LAX[http:///uniformed.html], I approached the uniformed Transportation Security Administration agent nearest the entrance to the security screening area.
96. In a separate protest, hundreds of uniformed and plain-clothes police marched to Tahrir Square shouting "We and the people are one" and vowing to "honour the martyrs of the revolution".
97. Finally, a uniformed officer showed up and called an ambulance, he said.
98. Therefore the cross-domain Single Sign On based on uniformed standards under the portal system has become a focus of the researches in the security field at home and abroad.
99. Several uniformed and plain-clothes police rushed her, yelling at her to surrender her camera and come with them.
100. That house is guarded round the clock by uniformed soldiers with guns.
101. The department manages 3 961 quarters, of which 3 681 are for other ranks uniformed officers.
102. The demeanour of the black - uniformed men suddenly became more subdued.
103. Indonesian television showed uniformed soldiers pulling bodies from smoldering debris.
104. We will travel in luxury coaches with experienced uniformed drivers.
105. Secretaries and uniformed orderlies moved softly at a peacetime pace.
106. But if we're going to politicize the military, we need to figure out a way to air the views of the uniformed skeptics, too.




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