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单词 Comprehensible
(1) Her speech was slurred and barely comprehensible.
(2) It's written in clear, comprehensible English.
(3) His French was barely comprehensible.
(4) The system is perfectly comprehensible to most people.
(5) Her writing is barely comprehensible to me.
(6) Our aim is to make the students'speech comprehensible.
(7) He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic.
(8) The instructions should be easily comprehensible to parents.
(9) The procedure must be clear and comprehensible to all staff.
(10) The summary should be comprehensible without reference back to the source work.
(11) You often find a writer's books more comprehensible if you know about his life.
(12) The man croaked a few hardly comprehensible syllables.
(13) They must be comprehensible to the user.
(14) What communication reduces to is comprehensible input.
(15) Articles should be comprehensible to readers without a specialist knowledge.
(16) The music was experimental[http://], and not comprehensible to the average concert-goer.
(17) We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible.
(18) More than a third of directors want more summarised information and want to see it in a more comprehensible, graphic form.
(19) The solution to our problems as teachers, then, is to provide comprehensible input.
(20) They then worked as a class to produce a new rewritten version which they hoped would be more comprehensible.
(21) Anything of quality was exciting in those days, for the usual run of food was of a dullness today hardly comprehensible.
(22) At the same time, of course, it assures them of comprehensible input.
(23) Photographic reportage(), the cinema and television have produced a lingua franca of universally comprehensible pictures.
(24) To mention infantile sexuality is now commonplace, although far from being fully acceptable or comprehensible to many people.
(25) In fact, they obey the conventions of the oral tradition, reducing complex phenomena to single comprehensible causes.
(26) Land warfare sixty-five years after Waterloo would still have been comprehensible to Napoleon.
(27) Metaphor, it turns out, is the key to making computers comprehensible.
(28) But Luke turned out to have the rare gift of making his subject not merely comprehensible, but absorbingly interesting.
(29) In this respect, the learner exercises his own initiative to ensure the proper supply of comprehensible input.
(30) Visual aids can make lessons much more interesting and comprehensible.
(1) Her speech was slurred and barely comprehensible.
(2) We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible.
(3) His French was barely comprehensible.
(4) Our aim is to make the students'speech comprehensible.
(31) His uncertainty is comprehensible, but he appears to have jumped the wrong way.
(32) Most avant-garde music is not comprehensible to the average concertgoer.
(33) Each entry in the guide is brief and immediately comprehensible.
(34) Governors must ensure that the procedure is clear and comprehensible to all staff.
(35) The more directly comprehensible parts of the Challenger's programme were thus made available to the public at a provisional stage.
(36) In so doing, it gave them system and continuity and went far to make economic life comprehensible.
(37) Magnificence is admirable if not always comprehensible, humility is very unattractive to the modern Western mind.
(38) As we acquire knowledge, things do not become more comprehensible, but more mysterious. Albert Schweitzer 
(39) The present system is no more comprehensible to the public in this respect than was its predecessor.
(40) Our treatment in this chapter will try to be as informal as possible in order to be comprehensible.
(41) They should be simple and comprehensible to both manager and surveyor.
(42) Lotus is also expected to streamline its Notes pricing, making it uniform across platforms[ ], and comprehensible as far as multiple licenses go.
(43) Your writing is concise , clear, fluent and comprehensible.
(44) The book is written in clear , comprehensible language.
(45) Your writing is concise,() fluent and comprehensible.
(46) Your Chinese is concise, fluent and comprehensible.
(47) It is comprehensible to ordinary minds.
(48) Your writing is and comprehensible.
(49) A book that is comprehensible only to specialists.
(50) Comprehensible experience means a experience thin as a target.
(51) An analytical mechanism is proposed to make terms comprehensible.
(52) Proposing a GA based multiple objective optimization for designing interpretable and comprehensible NNTree with reference to achievement of the limited input NNTree.
(53) So it is justifiable to apply Freud's psychoanalytical theory to the study of the play so that it might be more comprehensible and accepted by the western readers and audience.
(54) But the basic ideas behind relativity and quantum physics are, in fact, simple comprehensible by anyone.
(55) Composers write music that is more easily comprehensible without sacrificing originality.
(56) Comparedwith the previous syllabuses, the Standards convey more comprehensible concepts offoreign language ability and curriculum.
(57) A woman who goes to war against the 19-year-old boy who knocked up her daughter and then posed for Playgirl is far more comprehensible to most Americans than deficit spending is.
(58) In the immensity of the unfolding tragedy, this littler one, this moment of its death, seemed comprehensible to me, significant.
(59) Teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is teachers' knowledge about how to process and transform the subject content knowledge in a comprehensible form to their students.
(60) It’s a bit awe-inspiring to be confronted with a number like that — a number far more comprehensible than yesterday’s deceptively complex statement about the amount of data we’re producing daily.
(61) The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.
(62) You can use Chinese pinyin to express familiar meanings clearly and comprehensible.
(63) The puzzling behavior of friends and co - workers finally became comprehensible.
(64) Data mining is a process of extracting valid , previously unknown, comprehensible and actionable infonnation from database.
(65) The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.
(66) But the basic ideas behind relativity and quantum physics are, in fact and comprehensible by anyone.
(67) The technological by - products of science are more readily comprehensible than fundamental science itself.
(68) Your writing is concise,[http://] fluent and comprehensible. It is amazing!
(69) Reason, which is a function of memory, organizes perceptions into comprehensible patterns.
(70) For natural acquisition of a language, a huge amount of comprehensible input must be offered to the learners who, in turn, must be able to convert them into effective output.
(71) The Affective Filter Hypothesis implies that our pedagogical goals should not only include supplying comprehensible input, but also creating a situation that encourages a low filter.
(72) User stories are comprehensible by both you and the developers.




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