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单词 Dubious
1 The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.
2 I remain dubious about her motives.
3 What he said yesterday was dubious.
4 These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.
5 This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.
6 Max was given the dubious honour of organizing the children's party.
7 The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.
8 I'm dubious about his promises to change his ways.
9 It sounds a morally dubious proposition.
10 The room was decorated in dubious taste.
11 He uses some dubious shifts to get money.
12 He has been associated with some dubious characters.
13 He is a dubious character.
14 He has taken up with some dubious characters.
15 His published account of his travels is of dubious value to other explorers.
16 The results of this policy will remain dubious for some time.
17 Many critics regard this argument as dubious or, at best, misleading.
18 I was given the dubious privilege of organizing the summer fair.
19 They consider the plan to be of dubious benefit to most families.
20 He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.
21 She had the dubious honour of being the last woman to be hanged in England .
22 He ran with a lot of dubious characters when he was young.
23 My parents were dubious about it at first but we soon convinced them.
24 His background is a trifle dubious, to say the least.
25 They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.
26 If his dubious transactions come to the notice of the authorities, he'll get it in the neck.
27 Nagy has the dubious honour of being the first athlete to be banned in this way.
28 The US enjoys the dubious distinction of being the lawsuit capital of the world.
29 The assumption that growth in one country benefits the whole world is highly dubious .
30 'Are you sure you know what you are doing?' Andy said, looking dubious .
1 The firm was accused of dubious accounting practices.
2 What he said yesterday was dubious.
3 These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.
4 This claim seems to us to be rather dubious.
5 Max was given the dubious honour of organizing the children's party.
6 The tests have been shown to be of dubious validity.
7 He uses some dubious shifts to get money.
8 He is a dubious character.
9 He has the dubious distinction of being the first railway baron to go bankrupt.
10 If his dubious transactions come to the notice of the authorities, he'll get it in the neck.
31 The Stephensons had the dubious honor of being the 100th family to lose their home in the fire.
32 I can see you are dubious; take some time to think about it.
33 Some universities are dubious about accepting students over the age of 30.
34 A very self-serving philosophy, albeit dubious mathematics.
35 Mirrors were still very dubious household items.
36 The agency is dubious about the idea.
37 His arguments are undercut by dubious statistics and projections.
38 Obviously genuine pieces, but of very dubious provenance.
39 Annes is a dame of dubious virtue.
40 Doctors, relatives, dubious pressmen(/dubious.html), lawyers.
41 Some of his fellow professionals were equally dubious.
42 Few teams can make that dubious claim.
43 Both of these ideas are very dubious.
44 Newsome failed to explain his dubious personal finances.
45 From somewhere nearby came a very dubious smell.
46 The guard gave them a dubious once-over.
47 Others joined for even more dubious reasons.
48 Snows Ride, a local thoroughfare, was in all probability named in his dubious honour.
49 Considering his own, highly dubious profession, Kirov had his own set of moral values.
50 Congress, of course, never intended to suspend $ 50 million dams to prolong the dubious existence of obscure fish.
51 He was watching Alexei, his head cocked to one side like a bird examining a dubious worm.
52 Most universities are dubious about accepting students older than 30.
53 I therefore inherited the dubious honour of making it available on loan to youth workers.
54 Shell argues that rather than introducing new requirements of dubious value, governments should enforce existing regulations to force sub-standard ships out of business.
55 Jazzy grooves and top-class rapping; this helped invent trip-hop and all manner of other dubious things.
56 This book might be an unputdownable expose of London's underworld, but its moral message is highly dubious.
57 He loves the area and the fans, loves the challenge of trying to craft a winner out of dubious ingredients.
58 And, as it happens, I haven't come to watch you strut your stuff on this dubious little contract.
59 Even if she left the dubious sanctuary of the car she had no clue to the best direction in which to seek help.
60 It would have been a rather dubious double, as Garnett was making history.
61 Aside from its dubious cultural charm, there are serious structural weaknesses which may one day embarrass us.
62 We know oil-rich regimes purchase their safety and others a dubious new credibility in Western eyes.
63 I was a bit dubious at first, but I was hot and sticky and the water looked tempting.
64 Sometimes, dubious studies achieve publicity or may be attractive for other, perhaps political or novelty, reasons.
65 Much of the wealth and property acquired by these people is highly dubious from a legal standpoint.
66 The regents were still unwilling to accept verdicts of such dubious historicity.
67 His renunciation also rested upon a dubious legal sentence of 1202, a punitive measure against King John by Philip Augustus.
68 The Appeal Court judge said that his conviction was of dubious legality.
69 The death under somewhat dubious circumstances of a racehorse belonging to his son was frankly the least of his problems.
70 But it was dubious whether the consumer will notice much change.
71 Czechoslovakia reached the quarter-finals on the dubious claim of one win and three draws.
72 He also outraged his first family by his second marriage to an actress of dubious reputation.
73 It is certainly good for me physically, though I am a little dubious about its ultimate good.
74 I have had the dubious privilege over the years of debating with him on many occasions.
75 This means that many cylinder records surviving today have highly dubious provenances, as we shall see later.
76 Their utility in servicing traffic from Earth to the asteroid belt is, however, dubious.
77 This in itself is why the panda's survival is becoming more and more dubious every year.
78 It does not mention the sacrifice of Iphigenia, and makes only a dubious allusion to the Judgment of Paris.
79 But many industry and government watchdogs remain dubious about the oversight measures.
80 That must be extremely dubious, considering that for a number of years the payments were made under protest.
81 A dubious reform written in the Senate, Proposition 112 in 1990, barred legislators from receiving speaking fees.
82 Why, though, have other more dubious initiatives been received so favourably?
83 Those who were dubious or just cautious missed out on historic advances in financial asset values.
84 Honest answers to these questions suggest that the general assumption that growth in one country benefits the entire world is highly dubious.
85 There was little point in remaining in the transit room; the onward flight to Changsha was an extremely dubious bet.
86 Mr Edmond has the dubious honour of being tried by the District of Columbia's first anonymous jury.
87 Sarah, left alone, had the dubious distinction of being the last of all the Titfords in Frome.
88 Though men are more likely to approach a woman and deliver a dubious line, they rarely do so unprompted.
89 Some suggest segregating girls from boys in math and science courses, relying on dubious research on child development.
90 Plutonium mining for dubious ends was one of the plots foiled by Dan.
91 Vicky's mother has warned parents to get rid of any dog they are dubious about.
92 Guests step off the elevator into dimly lit halls, a dubious signature of Starckdesigned hotels.
93 He was standing with three friends and telling a tale in which he'd conned some adversary into covering a dubious investment.
94 It was quite ridiculous and so very obvious that he was doing this for many dubious reasons of his own.
95 The Macanese, who had seen five hundred years of modernization projects founder in their little backwater, were dubious.
96 Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support this explanation, apart from some rather dubious circumstantial evidence.
97 The provision restricting investment income was also thought to be of dubious constitutionality.
98 The first exposes the limitations of modern medical practice, often exposing its claims to scientific status as dubious.
99 What dubious manipulation of the system would they use for their own political ends?
100 The East Kilbride team adopted a religious theme coming dressed as priests and nuns and some nuns of a rather dubious order!
101 Thus their dubious loyalty to the new regime was eroded even further.
102 But the analogies which are used to justify the transition are dubious at best.
103 He drew new conclusions about the authenticity of the dubious dialogues, and the chronology of the entire corpus.
104 Both accepted what might have been regarded as a rather dubious honour.
105 The declaration exposed him to accusations of hypocrisy after each revelation of arms sales to dubious regimes.
106 Local people are dubious about whether that will ever happen.
107 Though Demjanjuk was convicted and sentenced to death, Buchanan believed the charges were dubious and hammered at the case.
108 The argument that, with compulsory supervision, mentally ill people in the community may be offered better service is dubious.
109 However, you must be very honest when looking at your mare, because dubious mares breed dubious foals.
110 There are more dubious politics than sensible economics in the budget deal negotiated by the White House and the Republican leadership.
111 In the years 1899-1904 Hooley was involved in a series of dubious companies concerned with exploiting concessions on foreign territories.
112 For men, manicure has often been associated with slightly dubious characters.
113 This contradictory fidelity to and departure from methodological rigour undermines the already dubious self-sufficiency of discourses of psychology as a science.
114 The new strategy of stopping drug smugglers is untested and dubious.
115 But the symbolic gesture is likely to be of dubious long-term value and will depend entirely on the personalities and circumstances involved.
116 This suggests that theories linking football hooliganism to changes in working-class community life are based on a somewhat dubious history.
117 There are some very dubious practices and we want to put a stop to them.
118 Northampton Town's followers bestowed the well-meant, if dubious, honour on Graham Reed, a vigorous and gritty right-back.
119 The economist does not enter into the dubious moral arguments about the importance or virtue of the wants to be satisfied.
120 As for Hellinck and Lupi, their work is a chaos of dubious attributions but motets bulk largely in it.
121 A dubious pleasure because Jack, as in most of his activities, was unpredictable.
122 It reflects the contested and dubious nature of the new president's mandate.
123 The whole thing was, he had to admit, in very dubious taste.
124 Close attention and hard work would be needed to follow the dubious logic of such explanations.
125 Are we all prepared to accept these price increases for the sometimes dubious advantage of seeing our environment improved?
126 The changes proved successful and Gregs won an early, though dubious, penalty stroke.
127 She was a dreary, promiscuous, disorganized piece of human driftwood, who kept having babies of dubious provenance.
128 Quite apart from the dubious legitimacy of generalising from one such fragment, it is uncertain how the data itself should be interpreted.
129 Of interest is not so much their dubious factual basis as their plausibility.
130 Might it be that Marx faced facts while others sought the dubious shelter of wishful thinking?
131 The fifth would-be author, former privatization chief Alfred Kokh,(/dubious.html) had quit over a similarly dubious book deal three months ago.
132 Corrupt border-officials collude with importers of dubious goods wanting to grease their way into the country.
133 Of course, she thought, still clinging to the dubious shelter of the doorway. Charcoal burners.
134 That some of his hypotheses are biologically dubious does not destroy the interest of his general approach.
135 The first proposal struck us as scientifically dubious, and the second as intellectually indefensible.
136 Mr Customer Smith did however acquire a dubious reputation for dealing in prize goods.
137 In one corner lay some ironmongery of dubious aspect.
138 The result is still dubious.
139 It was a dubious punt back then.
140 I was rather dubious about the whole idea.
141 The testimony given by him is dubious.
142 Background is interlaced, uncertain, ambiguous and dubious.
143 Soho was still a highly dubious area.
144 He often hangs around with some dubious characters.
145 He applies the same insouciance to other dubious choices.
146 Most Chinese customers remain dubious about electric vehicle reliability and repair costs, he said.
147 Americans might take their imperial responsibilities for running the global system more seriously, Ferguson suggests, were they not befuddled by dubious theories of economic determinism.
148 They would now find some dubious pretext to restart the war.
149 The flamboyant slippers might also have dubious fashion value today.
150 The Shakespearean shylock is of dubious value in the modern world.
151 El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.
152 Like teenagers with their first credit card, local officials armed with cheap state loans and money from land sales are splurging on lavish projects of dubious value.
153 Although much of that investment will no doubt boost China's competitiveness in the long run, billions have also flowed to make-work, vanity projects of dubious quality.
154 This is leading it to pour resources into dubious innovation champions while at the same time strewing obstacles in the path of the vast majority of private-sector companies.
155 The wisdom of using bigness as a benchmark dubious also in the financial world.
156 Havingentered the U.S. under dubious circumstances and without working papers, shelived with family members for some time, eking out an income braiding hair andthen working in a bodega in the Bronx.
157 Of course, Bartenev's story also appears dubious in places, especially his claim to be an ecologist.
158 The police raided the club and arrested several dubious characters.
159 At that time scholars dubious, Zhang Binglin directed it as forgery.
160 Since the Seven-ties a dwelling place for artists and writers who settled there because living was cheap, the village had long enjoyed a dubious reputation for Bohemianism and eccentricity.
161 In truth, there is not much that is ethically dubious about making a bacterium from scratch.
162 You burst in on her doing something dubious and she is trying to neutralise it by involving you.
163 Just take 1931, the year that has the dubious distinction of having the worst April-through-December performance of any since the Dow was created in the late 1890s.
164 So that controversies, wranglings, disputes, and positiveness, in false or dubious propositions, are evils unknown among the Houyhnhnms.
165 Critics argue that they legitimise exploitation and abuse, providing dubious working conditions and spawning a vast knock-on industry of illegal street prostitution.
166 Although the EFF has condemned the attacks on both sides, the 1000s that have resorted to such tactics reveal it as an effective, if legally dubious, outlet for protest.
167 Keen-eyed merchants are old hands at spotting these clipped coins, and will charge higher rates to accept such dubious looking currency.
168 Bestowing favor on a dubious sycophant often lead to the downfall of dynasties.
169 Take Indonesia, where 80 % of deforestation is of dubious legality.
170 Once you've established that what you have is a true money market fund, it's not realistic to think you can comb through the portfolio and detect dubious securities.
171 She is the new Russian princess, heir apparent to the dubious crown of Anna Kournikova.
172 Method : 300 patients with insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx were examined and treated through rhinolaryngofiberscope.
173 Could the Swiss " protection " hold in such a case, considering their dubious status?
174 There were many illegal immigrants had become "Sabahan" through dubious ways or other legal ways, and their numbers are in the hundreds of thousands.
175 James A. Garfield holds the dubious distinction of being the only President who attended church with his assassin.
176 In Tolstoy's dubious theory of war, Napoleon was a mere monky riding an elephant.
177 I remember feeling dubious about starting a new life in Taichung.
178 Places and dates grow dubious a jumble of guesswork and speculation.
179 It was a very dubious - looking , nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless.
180 You probably would have written a few more test cases than I did, but imagine if that dubious conditional in Listing 7 had more than one short-circuit operation.
181 Tien also questions the practice that the bid-winner can reserve the plots "with a sea-view" for themselves while putting the "dubious plots" – with no sea-view – along Canton Road up for open tender.
182 That is why I am so dubious about all these fantasy leagues, rotisserie baseball and the like.
183 Those figures alone are a dubious basis for such a conclusion.
184 PARTNERS BANK of Naples, Florida, earned a dubious distinction on Friday October 23rd. It became the 100th American bank failure of the year.
185 Is it sufficient reward as you wake up bleary-eyed, wondering if it was worth the effort of hauling yourself out of bed merely to win some dubious brownie points?
186 Of dubious merit, perhaps only to correct an otherwise ill-fitting shoe.
187 Mr Ibrahim's stridency[3] was, perhaps, inspired by America's decision, in March, to keep Libya on its official list of state sponsors of terrorism, a dubious distinction it has held since 1979.
188 Last Sunday was the 90th day of bombing in Libya, but Mr. Obama — armed with dubious legal opinions — is refusing to stop America's military engagement there.
189 A slang term a high - risk bond a high return but is considered to a dubious backing.
189 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
190 The first is a dubious generalisation made by the greatest of novelists, Leo Tolstoy.
191 Objective:To search for the newly examination and treatment method of the insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx and larynx.
192 Meldrum—who has followed Bigfoot lore since he was a boy—had heard that Freeman was a hoaxer, "so I was very dubious, " he recalls.
193 Why people are prepared to tolerate a four hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country is beyond my ken.
194 A flat tyre 10 miles beyond Mount Barnett Roadhouse, a cross-threaded wheel nut, a dodgy jack handle, a dubious spare and a temperature of 100F (38C) had made for a taxing last couple of hours.
195 Carbon trading, based on dubious economics, has become a massive scandal, replete with overgenerous emissions allowances, misreporting and fictitious projects.
196 eBay would be the most logical acquirer, given that they already own a 25% stake through a rather dubious stock sale by a former trusted employee of Craig's.
197 One investor is dubious not only about the U.S. dollar but all currencies in general because central banks are churning out massive amounts of new cash to fight the downturn.
198 The only real question mark concerning Cattermole is that a return to his native north-east may prompt a return to the dubious socialising which did not exactly enhance his progress at Middlesbrough.
199 When repressed, they do not hide behind any trifling thing but behind ideas and figures that have already become problematical for other reasons, and intensify and complicate their dubious nature.




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