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单词 Gorbachev
1. Gorbachev changed the course of Soviet history.
2. Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.
3. Gorbachev seemed to be surprised by the suggestion.
4. Gorbachev refused to comply with a summons to testify.
5. What has brought about the change in Mr Gorbachev?
6. Gorbachev, appeared on the scene.
7. Gorbachev delivered his opening remarks and Reagan replied.
8. Gorbachev faced an ossified economic system.
9. Mrs Gorbachev was a highly educated woman-a professor of Marxist-Leninist theory.
10. Gorbachev undermined the position of the Politburo when he transferred executive power to the presidency, advised by the presidential councils.
11. The period of glasnost and perestroika under Gorbachev led to a great burgeoning of group activity throughout the republics.
12. Gorbachev, like any husband in his circumstances, kept his peace.
13. As soon as they were uttered, Reagan and Gorbachev were down from the mountaintop and right back where they had started.
14. Gorbachev, Yanayev and the presidents of the autonomous republics were also members of the Federation Council.
15. Gorbachev still identified internationalism as the policy which could deal most effectively with problems of this kind.
16. We had arranged the seating so that Gorbachev faced the windows that looked out over the lake.
17. If Gorbachev expects to untie the Gordian knot, he has over-estimated his powers.
18. Western experts made almost daily predictions that Gorbachev could not survive the growing domestic turmoil, but somehow he did.
19. The media regarded Gorbachev as the odds-on favorite to dethrone the old champ.
20. Gorbachev wanted to make all strikes illegal, but the Soviet parliament refused to accept such a ban.
21. While his foreign policy was winning praise abroad, Gorbachev was coming under growing criticism at home.
22. Gorbachev in a telegram to Landsbergis on March 22 demanded the force's disbandment within two days.
23. The coup against Gorbachev changed the course of the Soviet future.
24. Nothing was said about confining such development to the laboratory, as Gorbachev had originally proposed in his letter to Reagan.
25. The superficial similarities might make a lesser man than Mikhail Gorbachev tremble.
26. His book Perestroika helps establish that from the very start Gorbachev was out to reorient, not dismantle their system.
27. Here Mr Kinnock should set out clearly why, in the Gorbachev era, negotiated rather than unilateral disarmament is almost always preferable.
27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
28. The West will face some difficult decisions if Mr Gorbachev really does make a dash for economic freedom.
29. The strikes were called off on May 23 after an appeal from Gorbachev.
30. Pavlov backed down and the Supreme Soviet voted to refer the proposal for wider Cabinet powers to Gorbachev for further consideration.
31. On the first morning, a Saturday, Reagan and Gorbachev greeted each other amiably and with every indication of good feeling.
32. On the subject of the draft union treaty, Gorbachev introduced the idea of holding a referendum on it throughout the country.
33. It bottomed out at 896 in 1984, just before MiLhail Gorbachev rose to power.
34. Gorbachev began the reconstruction and reform of the Soviet system.
35. The Soviet side sent us the names of people who would be with Gorbachev.
36. The delegation met a number of Soviet officials and leaders, including President Gorbachev.
37. Gorbachev looked shocked by my familiarity, then burst into laughter.
38. It was first enunciated by Leonid Brezhnev on his visit to Bonn in 1981 and then subsequently made famous by Gorbachev.
39. Gorbachev's re-election as general secretary Gorbachev was re-elected general secretary on July 10 by secret ballot.
40. Thus it was Gorbachev who took the lead in promoting the next summit, using rather bizarre tactics to bring it about.
41. Gorbachev also was quick to admit that the process of globalization played a major role in cracking open the closed Soviet society.
42. That would be much more likely if Mr Gorbachev could reduce his conventional forces and weaponry in the Warsaw Pact.
43. It was Mr Gorbachev, after all, who got them into this mess.
44. Mr Gorbachev endorsed the letter, giving Mr Yavlinsky the authority to negotiate a new reform plan with western aid.
45. Mr Gorbachev might well have won such a vote, and added to his formal powers the authority he now lacks.
46. Bush staked much on the ability of Gorbachev to continue his reforms.
47. Gorbachev polled 3,411 votes in favour and 1,116 against, compared with 501 for Avaliani and 4,026 against.
48. A deal would need two big concessions from Mr Gorbachev that he balked at last year.
49. Not surprisingly, both Reagan and Gorbachev said publicly that they did not agree with me about this.
50. Second, and more important, came the succession of Mikhail Gorbachev to the Soviet leadership.
51. No Soviet leader until Gorbachev would have so wide a reformist programme.
52. But today things were changing, with Mikhail Gorbachev trying to renew Soviet society and create a better life for the people.
53. During Yeltsin's campaign for the presidency Gorbachev had at times quite blatantly attempted to thwart him.
54. President Gorbachev, with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact, clearly gave his approval.
55. In the ensuing debate Gorbachev found himself assailed by conservatives and radicals alike over his policies and his record.
56. Gorbachev did not reply. After a long silence, Reagan assumed that the Soviet leader had nothing more to say.
57. Its radicals, who dominate the leadership, want no truck with Mr Gorbachev.
58. You are too enthusiastic about Gorbachev and his reforms for my tastes.
59. President Gorbachev continues to behave as if the middle ground were still there, because without it he is nothing.
60. More interesting will be the presence of Mikhail Gorbachev, whose reforms are viewed with disapproval and alarm in East Berlin.
61. This agreement was the most substantive evidence yet that Gorbachev was now seeking to build a coalition of centre and left-wing forces.
62. Part of the attraction for Gorbachev was, no doubt, that he was viewed as bringing peace.
63. Gorbachev also reiterated his proposal for inspection access to foreign military bases.
64. Mr Gorbachev is resisting centrifugal pressure, but leaving the door open for future change in party's status.
65. The question of an invitation to Gorbachev to attend the G-7 meeting was also raised at these meetings.
66. Reagan and Gorbachev spent nine hours and forty-eight minutes in face-to-face negotiations.
67. Among his many far-reaching reforms, Gorbachev effected a transfer of power from Communist Party to executive presidency.
68. In June of last year Mr Gorbachev met secretly with leaders of the radical opposition.
69. In the end the plan was repudiated by Mr Gorbachev and rejected by the Soviet parliament.
70. It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.
71. Mr Gorbachev has endorsed both the plan and the idea of soliciting western aid.
72. The independence referendum had provoked warnings from Gorbachev that it would lead to a breakup of the Union and hence disaster.
73. Even Gorbachev proclaimed the Soviet Unions' interest in participating in the management of the world market economy.
74. Gorbachev had stressed the urgency of creating the new presidential system in order to safeguard democratization and perestroika.
75. To all appearances the personal relationship that Reagan had hoped to establish with Gorbachev was quick in the making.
76. In 10 or 15years, Gorbachev warned the forum, there could be war in the Middle East over water.
77. At home and abroad, Mr Gorbachev has an awful lot to lose from a fight.
78. That was why Gorbachev wanted to negotiate-and that is why, in my opinion, President Reagan was holding the trump card.
79. Through 1986, Gorbachev maintained a unilateral ban on nuclear testing.
80. Ivashko adjourned the meeting, and the politburo went into emergency session, emerging to announce its unanimous backing for Gorbachev.
81. On the basis of this analysis of the problem, I urged the President to stay strong in dealing with Gorbachev.
82. Various arrangements were tried when Gorbachev established a presidential system in the late 1980s.
83. Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, chief military adviser to Gorbachev, committed suicide on Aug. 24.
84. There is still a way out of this economic mess, if Mr Gorbachev can summon up the courage to take it.
85. Gorbachev took the abstract idea of reform and made it a reality.
86. Gorbachev and Reagan sat in the middle of the table on opposite sides, flanked by their aides.
87. President Gorbachev demanded and got more and more personal power,(http:///gorbachev.html) although he was hardly able to use it effectively.
88. For much of the way he talked about his disappointment, going over the details of his discussions with Gorbachev.
89. Bush worked closely with Gorbachev to improve Soviet relations with the U.S.
90. Mikhail Gorbachev achieved the same goal during the 1985 Geneva Summit meeting with Reagan.
91. Presidential decrees enacting reform Gorbachev used his emergency presidential powers to issue during October four decrees marking critical steps towards market reform.
92. This is the last thing President Mikhail Gorbachev needs, as he tries to contain a staggering economic crisis.
93. One idea in the wind is that Mr Gorbachev should be present at the mid-July meeting of the G7 in London.
94. Following a debate on Nov. 23 it passed a resolution giving Gorbachev two weeks to produce detailed plans.
95. Khasbulatov returned to announce that Gorbachev had agreed to withdraw the troops on the following day.
96. Gorbachev reacted calmly to these reports, noting that he had already experienced similar opposition in several other fraternal countries.
97. Even as Bush talked arms limitations with Gorbachev, he pursued a hard line on defense.
98. That politico, Gorbachev, is an amateur, a provincial hick who thinks he's made it big.
99. Gorbachev wrote that only he and Reagan, talking together, could resolve the questions he raised.
100. Even more than most of his predecessors, Gorbachev was virtually unknown in the West when he came to power.
101. In Geneva, Reagan and Gorbachev were supported by large, hardworking staffs of diplomatists.
102. The good news is that this gives Mr Gorbachev one last chance to pull away from disaster.
103. During and after the Gorbachev regime many political groups were formed.
104. Mr Gorbachev has three instruments that, he hopes, will make the press more pliant while falling short of complete censorship.
105. For the first time no government ministers were included, and only Gorbachev and Ivashko remained from the old politburo.
106. On Jan. 14 Gorbachev publicly denied prior knowledge of the attack on the television station.
107. There were portraits of Gorbachev and Mandela, glinting with red, in the window.
108. Three hours of frantic work in the afternoon produced a new one, pushed through without ceremony by President Gorbachev.
109. Gorbachev threatened to declare a state of emergency throughout Moldavia.
110. Gorbachev was eager to meet with Reagan, as a part of his overall policy of glasnost, or openness.
111. This is clearly implicit in the major reforms introduced by President Gorbachev.
112. With hindsight, one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week's changes.
113. Gorbachev could not have remained in power without the support of the Red Army.
114. Mr Gorbachev may well use his powers to rule by decree to push the reform through.
115. Gorbachev evaded this question in his Vladivostok speech.
116. Gorbachev has been something of an enigma.
117. Gorbachev downed his meal with gusto.
118. Mr. Gorbachev -- Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
119. Gorbachev is a master of linguistic gestures.
120. Gorbachev joins German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Poland's former president and labor hero Lech Walesa at a 2009 ceremony to mark the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
121. He shared the Grammy for Best Spoken Word Album for Children with another former world leader, ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and actress Sophia Loren.
122. Gorbachev and Raisa descended together from their plane at Heathrow Airport.
123. This request came on the heels of a twelve-page letter from Rajavi to “Dear Comrade Gorbachev” in which he began by praising the Soviet Union’s efforts “against imperialist adventurism.”
124. But she had to measure up against Gorbachev, Mitterrand and Reagan and she did.
125. In Moscow the university learns law major when the Mikhail Gorbachev is young.
126. In the Soviet Union the leader at the time , Mikhail Gorbachev , was pursuing Glasnost, or'openness.
127. Gorbachev saw Russia's shadow economy as an asset he could build upon.
128. It was signed in 1991 by U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. It came into force in 1994.
129. At the time Deng Xiaoping and Gorbachev came to power, domestic trade was dominated by state trading networks.
130. The negotiations surrounding SALT I and SALT II provided a foundation for Reagan's far-reaching arms control agreements with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the last years of the Cold War.
131. When Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union, he was appalled by the economic decay.
132. Nevertheless, Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly.
133. The most prominent faces were those of Vladimir Putin and Mikhail Gorbachev.
134. Gorbachev inherited an economy in which virtually the citizenry worked for the state.
135. This is the vision I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki.
136. By the time Mikhail Gorbachev initiated perestroika and glasnost in the late 1980s, the Soviet Union was all but bust.
137. In 1988 Mikhail Gorbachev cited high cost and withdrew his troops.
138. Gorbachev prophetically adds that "Life punishes those who come too late."
139. The narrative says that Russia failed because the tempestuous Gorbachev ignored the Chinese reform model, moved too quickly, and allowed the party monopoly to fall apart.
140. In an energy security brief accompanying the letter Gorbachev warned of the dangers of continued reliance on oil, gas and nuclear power while relegating renewable energy to secondary status.
141. , and by 1989 Mikhail Gorbachev was in power promising perestroika—a comprehensive restructuring of Soviet politics and economy—and glasnost, a policy of openness and transparency.
142. According to his memoirs, Gorbachev reacted sharply: "I've had enough of demagoguery.
143. There are echoes here of the last Kremlin - dweller who embraced pragmatic foreign relations Mikhail Gorbachev.
144. When ethnic clashes broke out in Osh 20 years ago Mikhail Gorbachev sent in Soviet troops.
145. It was this political class of intelligentsia that prepared for perestroika and became the main support base for Mikhail Gorbachev.
146. Gorbachev snapped that the man was just repeating American provocations.
147. Flanked by Mr. Gorbachev and former Polish President Lech Walesa, Ms. Merkel expressed her gratitude at ceremonies in Berlin marking the 20th anniversary of the wall's opening.
148. Mr Gorbachev narrates the introduction and the epilogue to the story.
149. START was signed July 31, 1991, by Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and President George H.W. Bush; President Ronald Reagan originally proposed the treaty in 1982.
150. Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of his party in March of 1985.




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