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单词 Drawing room
1 He ushered me into the drawing room.
2 Shall we repair to the drawing room?
3 The table had once graced a duke's drawing room.
4 His portrait graces the wall of the drawing room.
5 The old drawing room serves her as both sitting room and study.
6 The drawing room is particularly notable for its splendid oak panelling.
7 Birds are the theme of the drawing room.
8 There was a scene in a panelled drawing room.
9 Jett threw open the drawing room door just on the stroke of twelve.
10 When I returned to the drawing room, a clergyman was talking about the hardships being suffered by children in Berlin.
11 The drawing room is an impressive room; a vaulted hall with exposed rafters and a large inglenook fireplace.
12 In the drawing room a pair of pink marble pillars supported the embrasure of the windows.
13 The drawing room with its magnificent chandelier and antique furniture is in a wing of the house built by John Nash.
14 She greeted Charlotte in a drawing room strewn with plants and pictures where an impassive bloodhound dozed before a blazing fire.
15 The desk in the drawing room had not been locked.
16 She went back into the drawing room and poured herself a whisky and soda.
17 When Dorothea enters the Lydgate drawing room, she sees distraught Will comforting weeping Rosamond.
18 She stood aghast at the black shadow in the drawing room.
19 We took time to relax in the cosily decorated drawing room.
20 Look, Neil, you'd better get along to the blue drawing room.
21 Inside I would sit on the dirt floor smoking cigarettes stolen from the drawing room.
22 The four-course evening meal is served by candlelight and afterwards coffee is served in the drawing room by a log fire.
23 He has begun composing again,[] so he spends a lot of time in the drawing room.
24 Less than a minute later noise erupted from the drawing room and excited voices drifted down the hall.
25 But Charles and Elaine were sitting on the rug before the open wood fire in the drawing room.
26 It was a conversation they had begun in the drawing room before dinner.
27 He looked as if he had just stepped out of a drawing room in the shires.
28 And knowing the rules, you don't allow smoking in the drawing room.
29 In one episode, the platoon gathered in the Mainwarings' drawing room for a buffet.
30 We stood on an upper gallery overlooking the main drawing room.
1 The drawing room is particularly notable for its splendid oak panelling.
31 The house being packed up in the Mansfield Street drawing room.
32 From the drawing room door she turned to her right into the small vestibule at the stair foot.
33 The drawing room is a quite spectacular octagonal room,(http:///drawing room.html) with a 17-foot ceiling.
34 Another thing he did was picture himself and his wife in the drawing room receiving dinner guests.
35 She switched on the lights for the drawing room on her right though she did not go into the room.
36 It was a relief to see Sophia standing in the window of the vicarage drawing room and beckoning her to come in.
37 In the drawing room they sat together on the large settee.
38 At the end of the collation the objects of this relentless pedagogical experiment were suddenly in the drawing room.
39 He wandered along the thick carpets through to the main drawing room.
40 It was also very hot, for the drawing room faced due south and the hot sun beat on the glass.
41 Here, black has come up from the streets and into the drawing room; overleaf, neutral tones assert themselves.
42 She nodded towards the drawing room. "He's in there."
43 The Princess's sitting-room leads off the drawing room.
44 The butler ushered the visitor into the drawing room.
45 Looking into the drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.
46 Mrs Chick made this impressive observation in the drawing room, after having descended thither from the inspection of the mantua makers upstairs, who were busy on the family mourning.
47 Dragged unceremoniously to the drawing room, he confessed that he had forgotten all about the appointment.
48 There are several barometric pressure water bottles on the tea table in his drawing room.
49 Big drawing room, two bedrooms and nursery are situated on the second floor(the wardroom).
50 "I have seen the painting several times in the Red Drawing Room at Newbridge House, and it was always thought to be Walter Raleigh, '' he said. "It is an amazing discovery.
51 The housemistress fussed up the drawing room with many flowers.
52 Dipendra, wearing a battle-dress uniform and wielding several weapons, including an M-16 assault rifle, lurched into a family gathering in the main L-shaped drawing room of the palace, Shahi said.
53 Following the performances there were chummy gatherings in the drawing room.




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