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单词 Visceral
1. His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.
2. She had a visceral dislike of all things foreign.
3. The experience supposedly deepened his already visceral anti-Semitism.
4. Seldom before had music possessed such hyper-sensitivity, such visceral intensity, such manic-depressive immediacy.
5. It s a visceral, visual and musical experience which, for economic reasons, has become a rarity.
6. In the most organic, visceral way possible they now felt bonded with utter intimacy to their Chapter, digested by it.
7. Labelled red blood cells and selective visceral angiography have been recommended to establish the diagnosis.
8. Similar RNA analysis showed that the visceral isoform was not expressed in 20 day fetal rabbit smooth muscle tissues.
9. It is more a gut feeling-a visceral distrust of foreigners.
10. We've seen a strong visceral reaction to the flag-burning issue.
11. Gastric or other visceral crises with severe pain are sometimes a part of the syndrome.
12. I never overcame a visceral antipathy for the monarchy.
13. The play is emotionally naked and relentlessly visceral.
13. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
14. If left untreated, visceral leishmaniasis is usually fatal.
15. It becomes indelibly graced with his tangy inner voicings and mix of the cerebral and the visceral.
16. Genomic DNA sequencing and mapping of the exon-intron boundaries showed that the visceral isoform was the product of cassette-type alternative splicing.
17. The bracket shows the location of the seven amino acid insertion which is unique to the visceral isoform.
18. No wonder his theory of evolution remains, today, a visceral point of contention.
19. What Gutfreund said has become a legend at Salomon Brothers and a visceral part of its corporate identity.
20. Images such as this were made to provoke a visceral response.
21. College activists from poor communities will bring their wealthy classmates into a political arena that will give the issue added visceral appeal.
22. We and others have described the histological characteristics of full thickness intestinal biopsies in patients with visceral myopathy and neuropathy.
23. It is as if being on first-name terms with an issue reflects a more visceral public involvement.
24. One reads this account of their activities and comes away with an overwhelming sense of visceral revulsion: The Saatchi brothers stink!
25. The six children with no colonic contractions had a hollow visceral myopathy and constipation.
26. When thought to involve abnormalities of smooth muscle without abnormalities in myenteric neurons the syndrome is termed hollow visceral myopathy.
27. Neither was deterred by the fact that the inevitable visceral animus they are fueling among voters has five more months to fester.
28. Leaving behind the familiar phrasings, Coltrane began to produce swirls of sound and visceral shrieks that puzzled and angered music critics.
29. The results in Fig. 3 confirm that the isoform is only expressed in visceral smooth muscle tissues.
30. Scientists are a step closer to developing the first ever blood test for the deadly infectious disease known as kala-azar, or visceral leishmaniasis.
31. That protection seems to be lost when stress and visceral fat increase.
32. According to the pathological features, this case belongs to the excystic visceral pentastomiasis.
33. Here, the pericardial cavity has been opened to reveal a fibrinous pericarditis with strands of stringy pale fibrin between visceral and parietal pericardium.
34. Typical "zebra" like osmiophilic bodies are the characteristic ultrastrucural change of glomerulus visceral epithelial cells, especially in early stages of disease.
35. Visceral processing helps us make rapid decisions about what is good, bad, safe, or dangerous.
36. These visceral, vacillating lanes, nooks and crannies were his ethical nursery.
37. It erects a barrier that severs the pleasure and immediacy of visceral experience.
38. "Finally they are susceptible to parasitic infections especially a terrible disease called Kala-azar, otherwise known as visceral leishmaniasis. "Dr.
39. They can occasionally appear in visceral organs. There is a central area of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by pallisading epithelioid macrophages and other mononuclear cells.
40. Objective To study the clinical features of post herpetic neuralgia ( PHN ) associated visceral reactions.
41. The cranial nerves handle head and neck sensory and motor activities, except the vagus nerve, which conducts signals to visceral organs.
42. Objective To study the effects of ketamine combined with fentanyl in preemptive analgesia inhibiting visceral referred pain in abdominal surgery and on pain relief after operation.
43. Results: Mesorectum consisted of adipose tissues surrounding visceral pelvic fascia which including numerous nerves, veins and lymph vessels.
44. Pathological changes -- often starting at the visceral pleura between the pleura or leaves.
45. Visceral leishmaniasis — also known as kala-azar — is caused by the Leishmania parasite and transmitted to humans through biting insects such as sand flies.
46. There is a close relationship between the visceral function and emotional activity.
47. But there will always be a visceral aspect to choosing a President.
48. But for Florence a " visceral dread, a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness " is overwhelming her.
49. Since there is no visceral feedback you will often find yourself going faster than you thought.
50. But environmentalism offers no economic theory, only a visceral dislike of any economic calculus.
51. All patient had severe cytopenia, and of which(), 38cases were combined with visceral hemorrhage and12cases combined with bacterial or fungal infection.
52. Used in clinical veterinary surgery, animals are prone to incomplete analgesia, muscle relaxation adverse, visceral issues such as stretch reflex.
53. AIM: To study the interactions between skin tactile and visceral nociceptive inputs in the ventroposterior lateral (VPL) nucleus of the rat thalamus.
54. Results In normal kidney tissues, ILK was mainly located in the glomerular visceral epithelialcells.
55. Dyspeptic Patients With Visceral Hypersensitivity : Sensitisation of Pain Specific or Multimodal Pathways?
56. Conclusion Carbachol can improve visceral blood flow in rats with scalded injury, and it might be beneficial to the early treatment of burn shock.
57. The dense white encircling tumor mass is arising from the visceral pleura and is a mesothelioma.
58. Chest CT scan showed diffuse masses on the visceral and parietal pleura.
59. It was speculated that the somatic primary myelinated fibers and the visceral primary unmyelinated fibers possibly converged onto SDCN neurons to produce new neuronal effect by functional integration.
60. Systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) is an inflammative desmosis related to unknown autoimmunity and involvement of several visceral organs. Dr.
61. The portion of the skull derived from the visceral arches and composed of endochondral bone and cartilage. Also called viscerocranium.
62. PM 2.5 exaggerates diet - induced insulin resistance, adipose inflammation, and visceral adiposity.
63. At a single millimeter in thickness, the visceral pleura is barely half the width of the parietal pleura.
64. Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD.
65. Probing into the effect of Changyanning syrup about colonic electrophysiology and motility of visceral hypersensitivity rat.
66. Data of visceral leishmaniasis cases since 2005 were collected through the National Infectious Disease Monitoring System.
67. Methods The visceral pleura intersegmental surface on 40 adult left lung specimens were incised and intersegmental planes were sought along "natural line of cleavage" in adjoining segments.
68. Systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE) is an inflammative desmosis related to unknown autoimmunity and involvement of several visceral organs.
69. Face - honour and prestige - is a visceral issue in China.
70. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, large carcinoma was considered as "accumulation", "hemorrhoidal hemorrhage", "visceral mass", and "dysentery", not named as large carcinoma.
71. Reflective processing can enhance or inhibit behavioral processing but has no direct access to visceral reactions.
72. Conclusions IPO is the rare but severe complication of SLE. The coexistence of IPO, ureterohydronephrosis and thickened gallbladder wall probably suggests a visceral smooth muscle dysmotility.
73. Results Visceral nociceptive evoked responses of 148 neurons in ACG to stimulating contralateral GSN were recorded.
74. There were large amount of serious fibrino and suppurative fibrino exudation on the serosa of liver hepar , lung, spleen, parietal layer and visceral layer of pericardium.
75. Look , I know that many economists a visceral dislike for this kind of confrontational policy.
76. Objective: To study the effectiveness of punctate midline myelotomy (PMM)for the treatment of intractable visceral cancer pain.
77. Objective To explore representative region of sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating visceral organs of abdomen in the celiac-superior mesenteric ganglion.
78. Conclusions The results indicate that neurons in ACG are involved in visceral pain perception.
79. The clinical laboratory tests revealed functional impairment of visceral organs due to metastatic calcification.
80. Many video recording of visceral disease can be gathered by laparoscopic video recorder system.
81. At present(), anthroponotic visceral leishmaniasis has been controlled in most areas except Xinjiang.
82. AIM : To develop a simple and accurate technique for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and identification of Leishmania pathogen.
83. The ease of which it can be removed is dependant on which of the pleural surfaces becomes malignant: the parietal pleura or the visceral pleura.
84. It concludes S. aureus L forms have teratogenicity , which may be a comprehensive effect on the visceral yolk sac function and embryos.
85. Objective To evaluate the best cut-off point, sensitivity and specificity of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference(WC) and Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) in predicting of abdominal visceral obesity.
86. The ELT (euglobulin lysis time) of healthy rabbits and visceral rheumatism patients was measured in order to find out the effect of ascorbic acid on fibrinolysis system.
87. To test the effectiveness of his new version of amphotericin B, Wasan sent samples to a laboratory at another university, where it was used to treat mice infected with visceral leishmaniasis.
88. Car sickness, nausea, airsickness and space motion sickness are due to the vestibular system abnormality activity leading the disorder of visceral function.
89. The autonomic nervous system is also called the visceral, vegetative, or involuntary nervous system.
90. There had been strong female role models in rock before, from Tina Turner to Janis Joplin, but no one had ever combined performance and poetry in such a visceral way.
91. This article reviews the development on drug treatment for Visceral leishmaniasis.
92. Somatic epileptiform activity could be effectively inhibited by the integration of visceral afferent information in cortical and hippocampal parts.
93. Li Zhenlu said that these virus can only in the cuticular layer survival, not affect the visceral organ, most leaves behind a scar.
94. The posterior visceral space was the principal route of spreading infection from the oropharynx into the mediastinum.
95. The clinical spectrum of tuberous sclerosis also includes cutaneous, ocular, and visceral manifestations.
96. Objective: Our aim was to study the spontaneous biological electric activities of visceral nociceptive and non nociceptive neurons in left anterior cingulate gyrus of cats.
97. The basic reasons of nutriture deterioration are the nutrient intake reducing and the hyp ercatabolism and visceral consumption.
98. Using the ISPC deice was shown to improve cardiac output and visceral perfusion during pneumoperitoneum ( PP ) .
99. And how does the visceral malaise affect the behavioral response to the intake of sapid solution?
100. It is concluded from this experiment that TOCP induced delayed neuropathy can affect vagus nerve which, to some extent, related to visceral function.
101. Accompanying the biochemical, metabolic, and visceral changes are a series of endocrine alterations.
102. had a major impact on the control of malaria, Chagas disease, visceral leishmaniasis and other tropical diseases.
103. Pathology. —Interstitial emphysema is characterized by air dissecting within the interstitium of the lung, typically in the peribronchovascular sheaths, interlobular septa, and visceral pleura.
103. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104. Objective To investigate the epidemiological status of visceral leishmaniasis in Hamangou coal mine area of Korla City of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
105. Our results indicating that spinohypothalamic tract play an important role in direct transmission of noxious visceral sensory information from the spinal cord to widely distributed areas in the brain.
106. Purpose To study beta - cell function and insulin sensitivity in abdominal visceral obesity.
107. Loewenstein, similarly, is inclined to see the procrastinator as led astray by the "visceral" rewards of the present.
108. In Pakistan, your primary loyalty is to your biraderi, an untranslatable word, something like clan, but more visceral and entailing greater responsibility and connection.
109. We studied the time course of changes of P2X4 receptors expression in the nucleus of tractus solitarius (NTS) and dorsal horn of the thoracic cord in rat with the visceral pain (VP) induced by i.
110. These results indicate that somatic and visceral input may converge on single type A spinal ganglion neurons via dichotomizing primary afferents.
111. Our patient experienced a major thrombotic event with a thorough evaluation revealing no evidence of inherited thrombophilia or acquired conditions associated with visceral venous thromboembolism.
112. The parietal pleura lines the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura encases the lungs.
113. Matt Samia: Whether we're doing a story-driven piece like Diablo II, or a more visceral piece like the World of Warcraft Intro, the process is pretty much the same.
114. Sequestrations are classified anatomically as intralobar sequestration, located within the normal lobe, and extralobar sequestration, located outside the normal lobe and with its own visceral pleura.
115. The body weight, body temperature, mean retention time of chyme in digestive tract, gastric emptying velocity, gastrin and motilin levels, and visceral index of mice.
116. NA, together with dorsomedial vagal- solitary complex, area postrema, ventrolateral medulla and intermediate reticular formation, forms the medullary visceral zone (MVZ).
117. It directly covers the lung itself, which makes extraction of the visceral pleura without subsequent damage to the lung very difficult.
118. Cantor's top spokesman, Brad Dayspring, accused the White House and congressional Democrats of having a "visceral reaction," to GOP efforts to "save taxpayers' money.
119. This is used for the deadly parasitic disease known as visceral leishmaniasis — or black fever — that is spread by the bite of the sandfly.
120. BACKGROUND:The nucleus tractus solitarius(NTS) is one of the key relay stations of various visceral primary afferent information.
121. These results indicate that both somatic and visceral input may converge on single type A DRG neurons via their dichotomizing peripheral processes.
122. Iranian scientists have shown that a rapid and non-invasive diagnostic test for visceral leishmaniasis, or kala-azar, can distinguish between active, subclinical and latent cases of the disease.
123. The CT shows that this patient is referred for lipoatrophy of thigh and cnemis, increased visceral fat, adiposis hepatica.
124. Objective To investigate the epidemiological status of visceral leishmaniasis in Minfeng county, a newly identified endemic area in south Xinjiang, China.
125. Leishmaniasis is spread by the sandfly, and in the dog as well as human has both cutaneous and visceral forms.
126. Visceral adipose is a different tissue from subcutaneous adipose in morphology, steatolysis and cytokine production.
127. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most frequent visceral neoplasia worldwide and is and multistage pathogenesis.




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