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单词 Watch television
1. Do you often watch television?
2. I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room .
3. I need glasses when I watch television.
4. I often watch television in the evening.
4. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. We stay in almost every night and watch television.
6. She settled down in an armchair to watch television.
7. They stay in and watch television every night .
8. He settled back in his chair to watch television.
9. They seldom watch television these days.
10. In the evenings I like to relax and watch television .
11. My children would watch television all day long, but I ration it.
12. You said we could watch television when we've finished our homework.
13. We don't do much in the evenings except watch television.
14. Can you watch television without getting a stiff neck?
15. All I could do was watch television.
16. I would lie on this and watch television.
17. I do my homework and then watch television.
18. I didn't listen to music or watch television.
19. So, people watch television because ...?
20. Mom won't let me watch television till all my homework's done.
21. When children get together, they watch television or play together.
22. They can read, watch television, or snack while they are exposed to the light.
23. You can watch television news programs from now until doomsday and never come across any statement about Manny Freebus.
24. Please clear off the dinner things and then you can watch television.
25. Eventually she moved the phone into the hall and made herself watch television, though she hardly knew what she was watching.
26. I was lucky enough to grow up in a house where staying inside to watch television was not an option.
27. If there is not a Disco I will stay home and watch television.
28. But she loves to read and would rather listen to the radio than watch television.
29. She went into the living room and flopped on to the sofa to watch television.
30. Beach says her generation, however, would rather visit with friends, play sports and watch television.
1. Do you often watch television?
2. I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room .
31. It eliminates your den if your children watch television there or if you watch television there for your own enjoyment.
32. And it's also very comfortable so you can sink into the sofa and watch television.
33. There was usually literally nothing for clients to do but sit, watch television, or walk about.
34. The conservation of electricity, can also watch television less.
35. I find it very difficult to say what would be a reasonable time to watch television.
36. You can have your meals, watch television, and enjoy various recreations in the common room.
36. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37. They won't see anyone else - Keith has no friends of his own and doesn't feel comfortable socialising - but plan to eat lots of chocolate, walk and watch television.
38. Technophobe Sims hate television. They will never watch television except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment.
39. Children should only watch television when there is an educational program showing or on special occasions .
40. Soldiers in charge of protecting a vote counting center watch television in Managua, Nicaragua, Sunday.
41. We seemingly shall not converse, listen to the radio or watch television, until — after you have viewed them for one year — we unseal our images.
42. Many Japanese watch television on 1seg, a mobile terrestrial digital-audio and video-data broadcasting service.




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更新时间:2024/7/21 4:19:04