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单词 Coherence
1. Your essay lacks internal coherence.
2. A common religion ensures the coherence of the tribe.
3. They have struggled to create coherence within the group.
4. He had a coherence of outlook and thought.
5. The anthology has a surprising sense of coherence.
6. There's a strong sense of coherence in the school curriculum.
7. There was no coherence between the first and the second half of the film.
8. What kind of stability and coherence do we have?
9. Time works against understanding, coherence, and even meaning.
10. The first is the question of coherence, a worry which has already been encountered in connection with modular courses.
11. Meisel's second functional characteristic is coherence, which is rather more straight forward.
12. But there is usually some semblance of coherence to the proceedings, and a proper hook to draw us on.
13. A doctrine of creation could give coherence to scientific endeavor in so far as it implied a dependable order behind the flux of nature.
14. We have seen how coherence is created by our interaction with the text and is jointly created by both sender and receiver.
15. An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence.
16. The points you make are fine, but the whole essay lacks coherence.
17. The campaign was widely criticised for making tactical mistakes and for a lack of coherence.
18. She lost consciousness and when she came round she still lacked coherence and focus.
19. It's more useful to think of it as a way of giving coherence and focus to the work of small groups.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. The while there is no recognizable form to the poem, there is a tight coherence in the thematic development.
21. Attention is focused on the programme of public sector renewal initiated by Prime Minister Rocard, its underlying values and intellectual coherence.
22. The other members began to find that he gave the faculty coherence and a sense of purpose.
23. Perhaps as a punishment for having failed to find coherence.
24. But what is extraordinary about all these intricate reworkings of such disparate source material is the coherence of the final results.
25. It is a challenge to tell these separate stories without losing overall coherence.
26. To what extent, therefore, should be continue to seek coherence of theme or form within the exhibition mode of exposition?
27. Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy.
28. Records of achievement also play an important role ill developing this coherence.
29. To design something usually implies careful thought, preparation, organization, and coherence.
30. Furthermore, Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.
1. Your essay lacks internal coherence.
2. An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence.
3. There was no coherence between the first and the second half of the film.
31. By 1924, the party had lost all discipline and coherence.
32. This new perception of celestial motion immediately explained numerous daily observations and solved problems of astronomical coherence.
33. The variety of Smith's endeavours was informed by a vision of great coherence and simplicity.
34. Having disposed of one great story which gave coherence to human life, Western culture substituted another called scientific progress.
35. It became a major confrontation because of disorganisation and lack of coherence within the protest itself.
36. I suggest, following Lakatos, that the crucial difference lies in the relative coherence of the two theories.
37. Firstly, a research programme should possess a degree of coherence that involves the mapping out of a definite programme for future research.
38. Logical coherence has been gained at the expense of empirical relevance.
39. Rarely has a term of public discourse gone so directly from obscurity to meaninglessness without any intervening period of coherence.
40. One approach to the hypertext-to-text coherence problem is a labor-intensive one and treats the hypertext form as a rough draft.
41. You also need a feeling of coherence and consistency between your work and your beliefs.
42. In various animal studies, there is a coherence in the EEG between different brain areas involved in the same task.
43. As a label it conveys a sense of purpose and purveys an often spurious impression of coherence and integrity in working relationships.
44. Like the greatest cardinal number, Russell's class similarly fails to satisfy the requirement of coherence.
45. In 2 we examined the role of cohesive devices in creating coherence, but we also looked at their limitations.
46. That gives us a foundation and a coherence to work from.
47. Check that your structure will give shape and coherence to your essay.
48. The second kind has to do with the conceptual coherence of the theory that the empirical investigation is designed to support.
49. They give a sense of unity and coherence to our cognitive effort( ), but can never themselves be exhibited in sense experience.
50. Having played his last major card without success, de Gaulle's strategy seemed to lose coherence.
51. The coherence is therefore not only a coherence over time but also a consistency or cohesion in action.
52. The report urges greater coherence in research planning and co-ordination between the various funders.
53. For Brooks, Wimsatt and Beardsley complexity and coherence together constitute the key considerations in the analysis of literary texts.
54. Because their legal status and powers are confused, judicial control of their activities lacks coherence.
55. This intervention has the effect both of undermining managerial autonomy and of weakening the coherence of political control by blurring objectives.
56. This has the great plus of achieving a certain coherence and integrity through the whole of the legislative programme and executive actions.
57. Closed societies, marked by a high degree of coherence in belief and custom, can be found throughout history.
58. The first step must be to restore coherence and confidence to the central direction of economic policy.
59. My criticisms are a slight lack of coherence in the product.
60. Strictly speaking the extreme ultraviolet light does not come from a laser, but it does retain the coherence of the original.
61. To the extent that the plan reflected any kind of programmatic coherence, its major thrust was toward housing rehabilitation.
62. This book presents a lens through which to view the emergent corrective efforts so that their coherence might become more clear.
63. These interlocutors, one assumes, were selected at random, for logical coherence in the set as a whole is wanting.
64. The centralizing pressures of the whole school were kept at the lowest level compatible with the necessary coherence of the enterprise.
65. It also produces poor discipline and coherence, and distrust among the players.
66. Certainly there is little coherence in her timetabled day: indeed perversely its very staccato pattern is a feature Susie quite enjoys.
67. The trade-off, as Fraser remarks, is between freedom and coherence.
68. The issue of power brings a thread of coherence to what appear to be divergent reforms.
69. Consequently, the original policy of allowing tariff-free imports into the zone had little coherence with other national policies.
70. But rational coherence is only as good as its premisses; and the Presocratics' premisses are based on guesswork more often than observation.
71. There is no logic to much of what people think and say, no coherence to the views they hold so passionately.
72. They naturally assume coherence, and interpret the text in the light of that assumption.
73. All magazines and newspapers are a kind of conjuring trick - they put a gloss of coherence upon chaos.
74. It possesses fine coherence, impermeability and anticorrosion.
75. Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness, stability and dynamics, and microcosm and macrocosm.
76. Fiber grating is manufactured by application of phase mask means, which is of low requirement of time coherence and monochromaticity for light-source , simple craft and high rate of finished products.
77. If you start screwing around with the event you can lose coherence pretty easily - for example by forcing everyone to go together at a random time to hear a sponsor pitch.
78. Discourse transfer and its negative influence on coherence may go unheeded in writing for their inconspicuousness in grammar perspective.
79. Lexical reiteration is an important aspects in lexical cohesion, and provides a basis for discourse coherence.
80. A method for extracting both effective reflection events and zero-offset trace signals is developed using the lateral coherence and the property that signal amplitude changes with offset.
81. Use is made of a quasi-randon coherence function computer to carry out on-line identification for a typical chydroelectric servo position control system.
82. The power attenuation coefficient and the change of the coherence of the laser through the sediment-laden water are obtained in the experiment.
83. A frequency domain adaptive maximum likelihood (ML) time delay estimation algorithm based on squared coherence function is proposed.
84. Topic, as a functional element of text, can help the text producer achieve coherence by various means, thanks to its two important features: aboutness and giveness.
85. Einstein " never considered coherence ,'surmised Townes, now at the University of California at Berkeley.
86. This character of HLR data is called temporal coherence, which is assured by the real-time performance in the access operation of data.
87. Microscopy and coherence tomography systems, LIDAR and LADAR, fiber - optic sensors.
88. The distorted waves are filtered, and the similarity of the source functions is proved through analysing the coherence function.
89. With PCI address mapping mechanism, this research realized the inter-access between host and backup based on CPCI bus and the coherence between host and backup is thus realized.
90. FAO's report also argues that greater coherence among agriculture, food security and climate change policy-making is urgently needed.
91. The central question in philosophy of logic is about the issue of the coherence between the valid formal argument in logical system and the extra-systematic informal antetype.
92. Then the temporal coherence of a laser source is analysed in particular.
93. Even more coherence and inevitability is to be seen in the life of Alexander I. , the personage who stood at the head of the counter-movement from east westward.
94. An approach to realize dynamic focusing in Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) is proposed by using liquid crystal Fresnel zone lens.
95. In actual producing "603" liquid have to be supplied in time to ensure furnace temperature and carbon deepness equality and coherence and to improve badminton racket performance and quality.
96. Objective To establish visualization methods of the commissural fibers in the human brain by using diffusion tensor tractography, and to investigate the coherence with known anatomy.
97. The partial coherence function is defined and its correctness has been verified. Then this result is extended to the linear system of multi-input and multi-output. Finally, its applications...
98. For a strong cavity field, we proposed two schemes for controlling atomic tunnelling, that is atomic coherence control and velocity selection control.
99. Stabile Output Power strengthens Lamp Lifespan and keep color temper coherence.
100. The entanglement detection based on the shot noise is important to the quantum computation, and the spin coherence transport detection is a necessary subject of spintronics.
101. Optical Coherence Tomography ( OCT ) is a new technology cross sectional images of objects.
102. Result Intra ocular pressure and near vision showed a wavelike decrease change during bed rest, and there exists a certain coherence between them.
103. All these factors contribute to curbing and handicapping the coherence and effectiveness of the Common Commercial Policy.
104. For the detected signals, virtual input matrix in virtual coherence function was used to determine the number of independent signal sources and independence among them.
105. Bluish-grey negative triangles are handled for halo or shadow, these four small paintings have certain coherence, accord with stories of logic.
106. Signal detection; Periodic signal; Signal coherence function; Statistical theory; Periodogram.
107. During the model test, integrity modal parameters are obtained via the single-input multi-output analysis method. The reliability of tests signals is also evaluated by the coherence function.
108. Objective To investigate the application of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) in traumatic macular disease.
109. The oscillating period decreased with increasing, the electron-LO-phonon coupling strength,() and it showed that the existence of phonon resulted in decreasing the coherence of qubit.
110. RESULTS:After 12 months, coherence rate of miction and defecation increased from 60.40%and 55.60%to 95.50%and 90.10%, and the burden of home caregivers decreased obviously.
111. The system of cadastre established on the basis of geographic information system is convenient, intuitive, quick and accurate. It can keep good coherence of graphic data and attribute data.
112. Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics, and and macrocosm.
113. Its main concepts are cohesion—the feature that bind sentences to each other grammatically and lexically—and coherence—which is the notional and logical unity of a text.
114. Viewed from the rhetorical perspective, a discourse is an organic combination of unity, coherence, and foregrounding.
115. This paper introduces the mathematical basis and method of 3D coherence technology firstly, and then together with real data of Chengdao oilfield and inverse theory qualitatively analyzes the corr...
116. In the research on indirect anaphora, the current focus is not the formal ties in traditional grammar, but the mental representation and mental coherence of the text.
117. The focus throughout Part 3 is on tonality as a framework for generating coherence.
118. Decentered parameter along with the propagation distance decreases more slowly as turbulent strength decreases, twisted parameters increase and coherence slows down.
119. The theory of coherence function and spectrum of vibration and noise signals is applied in gearbox noise analysis in the paper. The basis of fault diagnosis of gearbox is theoretically introduced.
120. Objective To investigate the changes of the neurosensory retinal thickness in the macula in high myopia eyes by optical coherence tomography (OCT).
121. And the mark of cohesion is good for quean tentative analysis of text coherence.
122. After a sufficient condition of the deadlock-free design has been given, the directory-based invalidate cache coherence protocol is introduced and its cache coherence is verified using belief.
123. We propose and show that the integral of magneton for the neutral atom of coherence along its motion-path in electric field will contribute to a geometric phase.
124. Under counter rotating wave approximation, the influences of the field frequency on the degree of second order coherence of field are also discussed.
125. Besides, the physical science teachers' concept for nature and conservation of mass of gas particles are coherent, but with low coherence on the concept of distribution of gas particles.
126. The basic theory of wideband signal processing is discussed and presented. The coherence among CWT, WCP and WAF is pointed out emphatically.
127. The property of coherence is important in many systems, including the psychophysical.
128. Water was replaced by the unsaturated polymer in this experiment in order to raise coherence and tensibility in compound material.
129. Objective To measure the thickness of the neurosensory retina of macula by optical coherence tomography (OCT) in normal eyes to get criterion for clinical practice.
130. The beam quality factor of partially coherent ChG beams decreases with increasing spatially coherence and decreasing decentered parameter.
131. MA has many functions including evidential function, emotive function, and discourse coherence function, and it is the key point of SLA.
132. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has shown that residual pockets of subretinal fluid may be present despite being undetectable by both biomicroscopy and fluorescein angiography.
133. Result shows that the values of the coherence function are larger than those of the on coming span wise wind velocity fluctuation, and the strip assumption has limitation in some instances.
134. Arnold Schoenberg's early works of atonality, because of the structural functioning of missing of "tonality", can only keep unity by dint of "strengthened theme coherence".
135. This paper deals theoretically with the influences of various kinds of mutual coherence function and the degree of coherence on the distribution of straight-edge generated image field.
136. Implementation of coherence between host and backup based on PCI address mapping system.
137. Exploiting the frame coherence, we construct the texture data as quadtree, and integrated with geometry quadtree, which handle the problem of large texture in real-time.
138. Reiteration and collocation are two types of lexical cohesion to complete text coherence by the selection of vocabulary.
139. Then, the empirical physical model of the stochastic coherence function of real wind field was researched and established by means of the real wind field data.
140. The study through an experiment investigates how speakers and writers organize discourse and achieve coherence during narrative production.
141. All these institutional factors contribute to curbing andhandicapping the coherence and effectiveness of the Common Commercial Policy.
142. Calcium is important in the physiologic process of muscle or nervous reaction, nervous impulse transmission, heartbeat rhythm maintenance, blood solidification, cell coherence and so on.
143. This paper mainly discusses the nonlinear effect induced by the quantum coherence of the ground state fine structure energy-levels in a cascade-type four-level system.
144. Visual episodes within an unfolding epic tale of cultural regeneration, the monitos keep alive the customs and daily practices that give meaning and coherence to Chicano identity.
145. Result shows that wave passage effect and coherence loss have significant influence on the seismic peak response of self-anchored suspension bridge.
146. CONCLUSION:Patients with Chinese conduction aphasia have difficulties in the cohesion of sentences, but they are not affected in global coherence.
147. The constructional process of cognitive context is analyzed emphatically, and the fact that the constructional process effects on the discourse coherence is illustrated.
148. A spectroscopic optical coherence tomography(OCT) system based on the principle of spectroscopic OCT was built, and the reflectance spectrum of multilayer film was measured.
149. Radiation from X-ray tubes with a source size of the order of micrometer is also applicable for X-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCI), because of its fairly good spatial coherence.
150. The span wise coherence function of the aerodynamic lifting force in the buffeting response of bridges is analyzed by using the lifting surface theory of airfoils.
151. A method of generating radar multi - target phase - coherence echo based on DDS is discussed.
152. According to the invention, at least one scanning device (32) designed as an optical coherence tomograph and provided for surface scanning is associated with the machining head (16).
153. As nonmetallic materials , diamond has high interfacial energy with metallic surfaces, resulting in low coherence.
154. The cariogenic ability of cariogenic bacteria is related not only with coherence, and acidogenic ability, but also closely with acid resistance.
155. The aim of Einstein using ideal experiment is that emphasize inherent logic coherence and law of causation of quantum theory, and this was in accord with his philosophy idea .
156. And then analysis of the light intensity is given by using the Fourier transform which is based on the homogeneous coherence function.
157. It is significant to understand the atomic coherence by studying the optical pumping spectrum.
158. But in English academic writing theme carries new information to enable effective organization of information and heighten coherence and effective communication.
159. Furthermore, banding with Coase's dissertation of the "organization costs", we can also explain the boundary of the firm with the coherence between the history and the logic.
160. Fluency and Coherence: Do you express ideas and opinions clearly and coherently, without long hesitations?
161. With the method of dynamic focus, the focus point can be located in the coherence gate during the whole depth scanning. So, the lateral resolution keeps constant.
162. It is embodied that continuity, coherence, certainty of economic bodies' behavior at the base, which takes economic order for the carrier.




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