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单词 Slum
1, Noble as you were, you shouldn't slum here.
2, I can't stand this slum any longer, tidy it up!
3, Jeremy doesn't slum it when he goes away.
4, Several businessmen had to slum it in economy class.
5, This flat would be an absolute slum if I wasn't here to clean it.
6, He made his money by tarting up slum houses and selling them at a huge profit.
7, The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano.
8, Many coloured people live in the slum near the Main Street.
9, While he was studying, Nick had to slum it in a tiny room.
10, However, slum clearance and replacement was for the poor.
11, Ragged slum children,(http:///slum.html) singing their absurd street rhymes.
12, The Chamberlain Act also provided for subsidising slum clearance schemes.
13, His vision included slum brigades, lodging houses, eating houses, legal aid and the first labour exchange.
14, On a big estate - slum clearance - in the North.
15, Elsewhere slum clearance activity was much more piecemeal and avoided spectacular set pieces.
16, Slum dwellers would filter through into better stock, or be rehoused by local authorities in new estates.
17, Their only recourse was to crowd into the slum areas around.
18, When it came to slum clearance, opposition came not from slum landlords but from the residents themselves.
19, Urban renewal was the greatest deceit True, slum property was being cleared.
20, Answers to these questions have important implications for slum dwellers, whose only local source of medical care may be private doctors.
21, We shall try our best to remedy the conditions in the slum area.
22, We ran out of money on holiday and had to slum it in cheap hostels.
23, It was, of course, laudable to clear the rookeries; essential to drive new roads through slum areas.
24, None the less, ignorance and poverty continue to claim victims, particularly malnourished slum children, who are the most susceptible.
25, He found himself walking slowly through narrow and murky slum streets flanked by tall tenement houses.
26, For Charlie Swibel, building the apartment towers was coming a long way from being a flophouse and slum operator.
27, Oscar says that to walk among hills above his slum neighbourhood would make him homesick.
28, Sixty-seven bodies were pulled from under tonnes of sewage and debris in a Bombay slum buried by a landslide.
29, Control over the distribution of cocaine has been settled in the hillside slum communities.
30, Half the populations of Delhi, Nairobi, and Manila are slum dwellers.
1, Noble as you were, you shouldn't slum here.
2, The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano.
31, It also extended them to cover land affected by new town designation orders, slum clearance orders and new street orders.
32, I have shewn middle class respectability... fattening on the poverty of the slum as flies fatten on filth.
33, And what offends against it is the mill chimney and the steam engine, factory-labour and the city slum.
34, Outsiders paid attention to slum conditions only when they burned and a black family died.
35, One of these was a dreadful modern slum in Liverpool - an enclave of vandalised flats surrounded by wastelands.
36, They buy up an entire slum block, raze it and erect a castle containing theaters, concert halls and restaurants.
37, Or Pavitra, who drinks contaminated water in her Delhi slum.
38, Once in his jungle or slum he will learn by trying like anyone else to make the best of his circumstances.
39, In the sequel, Whoopi will play a nun who helps a gospel choir in a city slum.
40, The newspapers' solution was to rake a few of the slum owners across the coals of public opinion.
41, By 1852 James Lowe was reduced to poverty and Bermondsey had become a slum.
42, This success suggested that the general housing shortage was now considerably eased,(http:///slum.html) and attention returned to slum clearance.
43, Not in urban development, not in city slum clearance, not in social welfare.
44, Maria lives with her eight children in a slum outside Montevideo.
45, As the city slumbers, a slum area in a remote corner of the metropolis goes up in flames.
46, Here in these slum streets existed an army of the unskilled, all trying to wrest a living anyway they could.
47, But the end of slum clearance came more with a change in values: away from demolition, to conservation and rehabilitation.
48, Writing about slum life for middle- and upper-class consumption was not a new genre in the 1880s.
49, Who tells Nestle not to promote the bottle feeding that may give a slum child fatal diarrhoea?
50, Humorous description of the appearance and the denizens of this slum area of London.
51, We no longer allow the weak or foolish or unfortunate to perish in the gutters of a city slum.
52, The friend is called Bobby and he lives in a slum near the city centre.
53, Finally, dissatisfaction with housing conditions produced schemes for slum clearance or improvement and substantial house-building programmes.
54, Most slum children do not go to school, are very poor, and speak only Hindi.
55, King tried moving into a slum to dramatize the housing crisis, but Chicagoans already knew about the slums.
56, You never were, although the slum people were complaining that a monster was preying on them.
57, Everywhere was thick with greenish slime and off-white guano in this great bird slum.
58, It was a prosperous and fashionable area in CD's days but deteriorated into a slum in the late nineteenth century.
59, The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief.
60, He came finally upon a miserable slum.
61, I'm not staying in that slum.
62, These children came from a slum area.
63, The slum is to be dynamited.
64, The family lived in a deplorable slum.
65, It was a story about slum life in Chicago.
66, George Obama, 26, was arrested yesterday for possession of marijuana, after allegedly being caught with a single joint of "bhang" near his home in a Nairobi slum.
67, The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack squatter slum.
68, As they neared the slum, they felt a growing tension in the air.
69, He gazed recently at the 11-story structure, in a slum that has begun to take on the trappings of a lower-middle-class district.
70, In the afternoon, a tap outside the slum is suddenly turned on, and Chaya, smiling triumphantly, hauls back a full, ten-gallon jug on top of her head.
71, Leaving the slum behind her , she turned into a squalid alleyway./slum.html
72, No one wants to carry around extra pounds, lout few people know how to slum down effectively.
73, A girl stood outside a school in the Mukuru kwa Njenga slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday.
74, Preparations in the impoverished riverside slum of Klong Toey, are underway. Community organizers are scrambling to evacuate the elderly and the young.
75, He works hard to improve the sanitary condition of the slum.
76, His family lived in a slum. They were very poor.
77, On January 6, a huge fire tore through a slum area in Quezon City of Manila in the Philippines leaving 836 people homeless. Tzu Chi volunteers immediately began a program of aid relief.
78, Children of slum dwellers play under a pushcart in New Delhi, India.
79, Slum tourism is a one-way street: They get photos; we lose a piece of our dignity.
80, We studied 132 children without head lice who lived in a slum in north-eastern Brazil.
81, It must have been a shock for the newcomers; this time around, Chid and Adam had hired the entire group from the slum of West Point.
82, Foggartism having met with high disfavor and unpopularity, Michael became interested in slum improvement.
83, The results slum that the larger is the pretilt angle of nematic on the orientational layer in the action of the same force field, the more is the degree of the twist distortion.
84, There was once a boy who lived in a slum in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
85, Police said the pilot, contracted to take an actor dressed as Santa to the party in the Nova Mare slum, was flying over the neighboring Vila Joao shantytown when it was fired upon on Sunday.
86, A woman passes by a police operation in Petare a slum in Caracas, Venezuela.
87, What a wretched existence the people in the slum lead!
88, Except for some rather tame scenes in the slum, the scenery of the city is unequalled.
89, The slum now began to stir into life , and the factory hooter sounded its imperious summons.
90, In Carate, the part of the slum patrolled by youths involved in the drug trade, residents say they feel caught between the police and the gangs.
91, Slum area communities are helped by donations and financial assistance.
92, Larousse Dorcent runs a small grocery store from a shipping container in a dusty slum above the Haitian port city of Saint Marc.
93, Chu Kuei - ying's destination was the east end of the slum , about fifteen yards away.
94, The redevelopment of the slum area is well under way.
95, So when he heard that the new “peace police” force in the City of God slum was offering free karate classes, Mr. Bento signed up, hoping he would at least get to beat up the karate instructor.
96, Preparations in the impoverished riverside slum of Klong Toey, are underway.
97, Then, given the crowd , you have the slum ready - made.
98, A special model contest was held in the Korogocho slum in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, where female residents displayed their best attire on shabby catwalk, AFP reported.
99, Our record of slum - clearance cast other cities in the shade.
100, A few blocks away, residents of the slum, which has no public water or sewer system,(http:///slum.html) pay 3 shillings to fill used 20-liter cooking oil jugs with fresh water from a Coke-sponsored well.
101, Something to shout about: Due to Dharavi's prime location, Mumbai officials have created a top-down plan for developers to raze the slum and erect office towers and middle-class apartments.




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