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单词 Modesty
1) Modesty is the ornament of woman. 
2) Scantiness of modesty is short of knowledge. 
3) Rules and modesty destroy genius and art. 
4) Modesty is not only and ornament, but also a guard to virtue. 
5) Wherever valour true is found,(http:///modesty.html) true modesty will there abound. 
6) He won praises for his modesty.
7) She accepted their congratulations with becoming modesty.
8) Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.
9) Pride hurts, modesty benefits.
10) His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself.
11) The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance.
12) She spoke with characteristic modesty.
13) Modesty helps one to go forward.
14) He accepted the award with characteristic modesty.
15) Modesty is not his long suit.
16) She received the praise with becoming modesty.
17) They tried to disguise the modesty of their achievements.
18) Bennett accepted the award with typical modesty.
19) Her modesty is all put on; at heart she is very vain.
20) Industry and modesty are the chief factors of his success.
21) I think in all modesty that I can take some small credit for the team's success.
22) Don't be such a prude you can carry modesty too far!
23) The speakers cast modesty aside and talked about their success.
24) As conceit makes one lag behind, so modesty helps one make progress.
25) Quite frankly, and in all modesty, we'd probably have lost the game if I hadn't been playing.
26) His modesty is proverbial.
27) 'Anyone else would have done the same thing,' he said with typical modesty.
28) The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
29) I'd like to tell you all about my success but modesty forbids.
30) He shows great pride in his work and has no false modesty about his success.
1) He won praises for his modesty.
2) She accepted their congratulations with becoming modesty.
3) 'Anyone else would have done the same thing,' he said with typical modesty.
4) Modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.
5) His modesty does him credit, for the food he produces speaks for itself.
6) The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance.
7) As conceit makes one lag behind, so modesty helps one make progress.
31) Modesty urges,conceit hinders.
32) There were shrieks of em-barrassment as the girls struggled to protect their modesty.
33) The modesty of the town itself comes as something of a surprise.
34) She does a lot of work for charities, but her modesty forbids her from talking about it.
35) He behaved with a becoming modesty/with a modesty becoming his junior position.
36) Casting modesty aside(), she outlined the reason for her success.
37) "Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit," she said.
38) I hate false modesty.
39) 'You played brilliantly.' 'Not really,' Ian replied with false modesty .
40) But the appearance of modesty was somewhat misleading.
41) The bride spoke her vows with tremulous modesty.
42) I say that with no false modesty.
43) Sacrificing cleanliness to modesty, I left my trousers on.
44) Rod isn't known for his modesty.
45) At such moments, scientific etiquette demands modesty.
46) He comports himself with modesty.
47) But he respected her modesty and did nothing more.
48) Fox jumped ship after Modesty Blaise in 1966.
49) Anderson's respect appears undiminished, however, and is further indicated in his upholding of the modesty maxim.
50) There is no false modesty here, no subtle, indirect swaggering; the author's honesty rings true.
51) Miranda was not one for false modesty. She enjoyed being told that she was beautiful.
52) A policeman famously put his helmet over my chest to protect my modesty.
53) This was in no way false modesty - he considered engineering one of the highest possible callings.
54) His modesty, considering his world-wide fame in his field, was endearing.
55) But in private he affected too much modesty, and before 1922 had been junior to too many of them.
56) The room was very grand and Mark longed for modesty.
57) With those five words, Lili managed simultaneously to convey exhaustion, indomitable, spirited arrogance, and shocked, virginal modesty.
58) That was a fact she accepted without false modesty or pride.
59) I was not surprised, although I was rather gratified, to find the semi-detached house one of incredible modesty.
60) With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium.
61) But then, city dwellers have never been long on modesty.
62) She had received the plaudits with becoming modesty, of course.
63) Be like the sun for grace and mercy. Be like the night to cover others' faults. Be like running water for generosity. Be like death for rage and anger. Be like the Earth for modesty. Appear as you are. Be as you appear. Rumi 
64) Donald sat beside her, listening with a modesty that seemed sly.
65) He answers with modesty when asked about his role in the war.
66) Indeed,(http:///modesty.html) modesty forbade him to contemplate too long what he could count a personal success.
67) Then, though he boasted of this and that, it was with an underlying modesty which often spilled over into self-mockery.
68) You come from a modesty culture. Work ethic, and all that.
69) So a government scientist, whom out of modesty I forbear to name, had to expose the fraud.
70) From the time of Stalin, at least, modesty and megalomania have gone hand in hand.
71) It would be false modesty to say that we win games on luck alone.
72) It was a horrifying proclamation, when modesty caused the legs even of pianos to be decently covered.
73) Whereas he, Auguste modesty forbade him to continue the thought.
74) Humbleness is good sense and wisdom. Modesty invites encouragement and support. Dr T.P.Chia 
75) That, say friends of Gbagbo and independent analysts, shows the modesty of Ivory Coast's new president.
76) The modesty of the Arab woman is the linchpin of the whole political system.
77) Under this thin veneer of modesty lies a monster of greed.
78) It is appropriate to contrast the modesty of his home with those of more affluent politicians.
79) And there was great admiration for Livingstone's transparent honesty, self-effacing modesty and determination to stick to his guns.
80) Miranda, while not vain, did not suffer from false modesty.
81) In all modesty, I think I've matured quite a bit since those days.
82) Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise. Lord Chesterfield 
83) Plaudits still flow his way after the match, but Sole accepted them with typical modesty.
84) Women writers were expected to remain within strict bounds of modesty.
85) But the positive value of this female-identified modesty remains outweighed by the disadvantages which a lack of egotism implies in psychology.
86) Spring's new swimwear is a finely tuned balance between modesty and brazenness.
87) But he bowed his head, and made Rosalba, practised in modesty, worry whether she should curtsey in response.
88) Modesty has settled on the organ of conviction; where it was never meant to be.
89) Some may think it lacking in that beguiling modesty which is so much in fashion in social comment.
90) But here he is in these pages, still holding his corner, with the same modesty and courage.
91) He does this with a modesty and a delight in enquiry which has lost none of its adventure in thirty years.
92) His honesty and modesty endeared him to many people who valued his wise advice.
93) Last year, I had what in all due modesty I shall call a brilliant idea.
94) There's nothing wrong with modesty.
95) With science,(http:///modesty.html) modesty or immodesty is not the issue.
96) To take introspection with modesty.
97) Mr. Lin sighed and smiled in wry modesty.
98) His disinclination for modesty is well known.
99) His modesty and generosity predispose people to like him.
100) Modesty is a big issue in Nigeria these days.
101) Modesty is her middle name.
102) Without modesty beauty is ungraceful and wit detestable.
103) In the black-and-white photo, Bruni is stark-naked and covering her modesty with her hands.
104) "Few 'letters home' of successful men or women display the graces of modesty and self-forgetfulness" (H. G. Wells).
105) Wherever valour true is found , true modesty will there abound . ( W . S . Gilbert ).
106) Yvonne Taylor, left, and Lucy Groom proved quite a dish when they covered their modesty in bits of lettuce and campaigned on the streets of Kazakhstan's capital, Almaty.
107) Thus no-action should not interpret as stagnancy. It should be meant no arming, no hostility, modesty, humbleness, amiableness to people.
108) Immodest words admit but this defense, That want of modesty is want of sense.
109) The talk with him further gave evidence to his simplicity, modesty amiability, ingenuity, and wide interests.
110) Our friends'standard of living impressed me, but their modesty floored me.
111) For me, this kind of print has to be worn with modesty, please no total look, it's just too much!
112) His modesty [ air of joviality ] was all put on.
113) A man of practice hence possesses naturally of various abilities, such as art, understanding of religious rite, prophecy, heaven eye and ear, apprehension of world rules, modesty and courtesy.
114) He plays the character with tremendous concentration combined with a pleasing modesty.
115) He did not want anything crossed out ( by our modesty ).
116) But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.
117) Wherever true valor is found , true modesty will there abound.
118) Immodest words admit of no defense, for want of modesty is want of sense.
119) It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.
120) Modern man wears clothing for three purposes: for protection, for decoration, and for modesty.
121) In April of this year, however, things soured when Taylor caught Barmy getting intimate with another avatar, named Modesty McDonnell.
122) In fact the campaign, in which her modesty is protected by strategically placed lion cubs, was deemed to risque for the city of Venice and removed after complaints.
123) The photo clarifys the model in a pigeon-toed pose and covering IT modesty with IT hands.
124) Yet she will be saved through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and holiness with modesty.
125) It was Blanche who, when the conversation flagged and the youth's modesty came rushing back and overpowering him, knew how to reanimate her companion.
125) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
126) This, however, is probably a simple expression of modesty .
127) No one likes a show-off, but false modesty can be a big turn-off too.
128) K è q ì not only means considerate, polite, and well mannered, but also represents humbleness and modesty.
129) These Demand Siders have very high I.Q.'s, but they seem to be strangers to doubt and modesty.
130) Modesty helps one advance, whereas conceit makes one fall behind.
131) To a teacher, knowledge is not enough. addit wisdom and modesty.
132) Though modesty be a virtue, yet bashfulness is a vice.
133) I had marked neither modesty, nor benevolence, nor candour, nor refinement in her mind or manners.
134) It was not wifely modesty at all . By so much was her pride satisfied.
135) Nike produces an all - enveloping athletic uniform to protect the modesty of Muslim women athletes.
136) Modesty helps one to go forward [ make progress ]; conceit makes one lag behind.
137) The mass line in Party work, therefore, demands that the Party leadership conduct themselves with modesty and prudence.
138) A repugnant form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster.
139) She railed against hypocrisy, pretentiousness and self - regard, while lauding modesty, fidelity, decency, and achievement.
140) In many writers modesty is a pose, but in Ford it seems to have been genuine.
141) Wherever true valour is found , true modesty will there abound.
142) His life motto is: " integrity, trustworthiness, goodnaturedness, modesty & moderation ".
143) Wouldn't you agree that our traditional culture is always credited with modesty, politeness and respectfulness , which have always been treasured for more than five thousand years?
144) Wisdom is a gemstone. If set with modesty it will be more brilliant.
145) In western world, politeness lays focus on interpersonal equality and cooperation. In China, politeness owns four primary elements: respectfulness , modesty, attitude and refinement.
146) Wisdom is a gemstone. If set with modesty, it will be more beautiful.
147) When a woman puts off her tunic she puts off her modesty also.
148) The photo shows the model in a pigeon - toed pose and covering her modesty with her hands.
149) Cyprian, for example, talks of exhibitions of shame and modesty.
150) Her modesty is as fresh in screenland as her pixie-cute looks and sensitive eyes.
151) Another retrogressive aspect of the modesty movement is its disconcerting message that women are responsible for men's behavior.
152) At the name- inquiring ceremony of wedding in Shi Hun Li, the inquiry is of profound ethical code, of which Zheng's interpretation as "modesty" is far from its purport.
153) Until recently, China's official policy was of demonstrative modesty - the dragon as gecko.
154) But for all her modesty and restraint, she was not prim.
155) Their pride seems to be more inordinate for their modesty.
156) But very, very thank all friends of zhoushan, they each without modesty smiling face let me happy again.
157) If you show such lack of modesty, you'll come to grief.
158) There are two types of self- depreciatory addressing forms in "A Beacon out of a Crossroad": terms indicating respect and terms indicating modesty.
159) Solitary life shirt little pity, charity, his modesty generous, approachable.
160) Friends, Lao Wang sells melons for a living. How could he carry on business if he by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melons?
161) Friends, Lao Wang sells melons for a living. How could he carry on business if he, by imitating the affectations of us intellectuals, were to show false modesty about his melon?
162) A repugnant(2) form of false modesty somehow the winners always end up pulling out some chicken scratch speech written on a lottery ticket or coaster(3).
163) That doesn't mean the schools should fall all over themselves to raise cash, but a policy emphasizing help for the less affluent, modesty and restraint makes sense.
164) Handling affairs with modesty gains you respect. Doing business sensibly teaches you right and wrong.




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