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单词 Brigadier general
1 A brigadier general has been put in charge; dozens of police commanders have been replaced by military officers.
2 In November 1917 he was made a brigadier general in command of a brigade of 3,000 men.
3 A colonel is subordinate to a brigadier general.
4 His superior was Brigadier General Ennis Whitehead, deputy commander of the Fifth Air Force and just as irascible as Pappy.
5 He became a brigadier general before leaving the military in 1966.
6 Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said Iran would teach Israel a lesson, if the company is trying to attack the Islamic republic.
7 Retired Brigadier General Mehmood Shah served as a senior official in North West Frontier Province.
8 The Commander of the China Air Task Force, Brigadier General Claire L. Chennault, seen in his headquarters at Kunming, China.
9 Pakistani military spokesman Brigadier General Syed Azmat Ali emphasized that no Pakistani military personnel have been detained in relation to the Abbottabad raid.
10 Brigadier General William J. Nicholson made a patriotic speech: “Any person who would commit such a crime or connive in its commission should be put to death, ” he said.
11 A spokesman for the Nato-led force, Brigadier General Josef Blotz, said the Taliban were trying to reverse NATO gains.
12 The elected President of CISM is Brigadier General Gianni Gola (Italy), and the General Secretariat is located in Brussels under the management of the Secretary General, Colonel Morisod (Switzerland).
13 Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.
14 Immediately he was recommended for the grade of brigadier general.
15 He was posthumously promoted again to Brigadier General, and is buried in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
16 US Air Force Brigadier General did conduct an inquiry behind closed doors into what went wrong. Its findings were never released.
17 Brigadier General Murdah Dulaimy told Iraqi TV that his men were sent to Anbar province to keep order and will clamp down according to the army's security plan.
18 IRGC air force commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami said Iran will test-fire its home-made long-range Shahab 3 missile Monday. Shahab 3 can travel about 2000 km.
19 Brigadier General Marshall Webb an assistant commander of JSOC took a seat at the end of a lacquered table in a small adjoining office and turned on his laptop.
20 Brigadier General Jeffrey Dorko was in stable condition after being injured by a roadside bomb in northern Baghdad. Dorko was evacuated to a US military hospital in Germany.
21 In 1931 he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general.
22 Meanwhile, three miles east of Gettysburg, Stuart's cavalry was engaged by Federal cavalry under Brigadier General David Gregg.
23 This is not only the main effort for ISAF, but also for the Afghan government and also for the entire international community, " NATO's Brigadier General Josef Blotz said."
24 Jackson served only briefly as a colonel before receiving a promotion to brigadier general under General Joseph E. Johnston (1807-91).




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