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单词 high street
释义  Related topics: Tradeˈhigh street noun British English  1  [countable]BBTSHOP/STORE the main street of a town where most of the shops and businesses are 大街〔市镇商业区的主要街道〕 Camden High Street 坎登大街in/on the high street A new bookshop had opened in the high street. 大街上开了一家新书店。high street banks/shops/stores etc 大型银行/商店等2  the high street used to talk about shops and the money people spend in them 〔商店的〕生意 This year was exceptionally difficult on the high street. 今年商店生意特别难做。Examples from the Corpushigh street• The problem is that there's little to offer in between; high street quality seems almost a contradiction in terms.• But once you look at the £10 to £15 bracket, high street champagne is definitely a good deal more impressive.• Its front door opened on to an average Cotswold high street.• The savings we make by supplying direct are passed on to you ... up to 50% can be saved off high street prices.• The high street banks typically charge more than 18 per cent for an authorised overdraft.high street banks/shops/stores etc• Career development loans are also available from high street banks.• Even the lower rate makes the offerings from other high street banks look miserly.• And ten years later most other high street stores were following suit.• However, Halifax is the first of the high street banks to offer generous returns on current accounts.• The high street banks typically charge more than 18 per cent for an authorised overdraft.• The high street shops will feel the draught most keenly.• Look for these products in your high street stores or write for stockists and further information to Abbey Kapok & Fillings, .From Longman Business Dictionaryhigh streetˈhigh street noun [countable] British EnglishCOMMERCE the main street of a town where many shops and businesses areThe fashion industry has established better links through design and manufacturing to the high street (=to shops in high streets, where most people shop).Retailers hope the interest rate cut may boost shoppers’ confidence and high street spending in the run-up to Christmas.ˈhigh street nounChineseSyllable  street where the Corpus town Business a of of main most




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