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单词 Keynesian
(1) The old planners, with their Keynesian nostrums, were isolated.
(2) National countercyclical Keynesian stimulus policies have simply disappeared.
(3) Involuntary unemployment and enforced leisure are Keynesian concepts which are precluded by assumption.
(4) The winter of Keynesian discontent probably occurred in the early 1980s, since when there have been signs of a marked rally.
(5) The most serious challenge to Keynesian macroeconomic policies, however, has come from Friedman and the monetarists.
(6) In the 1950s Keynesian economic management techniques were employed to try to retain full employment without inflation.
(7) Keynesian and monetarist attitudes towards monetary policy Keynesians and monetarists give very different answers to these questions.
(8) The result was a triumph for Keynesian economics: a vigorous and expanding universe[/keynesian.html], filled with material objects.
(9) Ever since the Keynesian revolution of the thirties government has accepted these commitments.
(10) Nevertheless there is one area in which the Keynesian model leaves much to be desired in its treatment of aggregate supply.
(11) To understand Keynesian theory we have to return to first principles.
(12) The preceding discussion suggests that the operation of Keynesian fiscal policy should pose few problems.
(13) Not even the most unreconstructed Keynesian would ever claim that the General Theory was an easy read.
(14) However critics of Keynesian economics consider that labour markets would clear if government and institutional impediments to greater flexibility were removed.
(15) For Keynesian economists confusion was further confounded when these were accompanied by galloping inflation.
(16) Explain why the Keynesian model has come under increasing attack in recent years. 6.
(17) To a Keynesian this explanation for general unemployment sounds perversely counterintuitive.
(18) The use of some Keynesian terms by Treasury officials does not imply the acceptance of Keynes's precepts.
(19) Keynesian ideas were predominant in the Treasury as well as among academic economists.
(20) The above brief account throws into sharp relief the essential differences between the Keynesian and classical theories of labour market adjustment.
(21) However, we might pause to speculate how the above formulation of the Keynesian labour supply function came about.
(22) It is not true that they have tried traditional Keynesian fiscal policy and it hasn't worked.
(23) Thus arguments for controlling local authorities' spending would appear to weigh even less powerfully within monetarist theory than in Keynesian arguments.
(24) Deflationary gap Gap analysis is a simple way of describing the main policy implications of the Keynesian theory.
(25) As far as its methodology is concerned this approach is firmly grounded in the income-expenditure approach of Keynesian macroeconomics.
(26) The group is composed mostly of university professors, though of every persuasion from Keynesian to libertarian to Marxist.
(27) At crucial moments Churchill swung his weight behind the Keynesian approach.
(28) Real wage cuts, by reducing aggregate demand, raise the level of Keynesian unemployment.
(29) Not surprisingly, expansionary demand management policies will be successful in reducing Keynesian unemployment.
(30) This is the point at which the by now famous distinction between classical and Keynesian unemployment enters the picture.
(31) Both rely much more on arguments from first principles than do either the Keynesian or monetarist theories.
(32) First, the Keynesian function includes current national income, whereas Friedman is using permanent income as a proxy for total wealth.
(33) The supply side was elevated in contrast to, Keynesian demand management.
(34) But for the last twenty-five years, economists have criticized Keynesian stimuli the way pigeons criticize statues.
(35) The Labour Ministers were educated in the language and concepts of Keynesian economics by the academic economists in the government.
(36) The economists Clower and Leijonhufvud have argued that a distinction needs to be drawn between Keynesian economics and the economics of Keynes.
(37) This concerns the analytical deficiencies in the treatment of the relationship between stocks and flows in Keynesian macroeconomics.
(38) Furthermore,[http:///keynesian.html] the coincidence of inflation and unemployment makes the Keynesian policy recommendations very questionable.
(39) His views on the kind of action which would be needed changed as he was educated in Keynesian economics after 1942.
(40) By the late sixties a Republican president would proclaim himself a Keynesian.
(41) If one were to count heads, particularly among younger economists, Keynesian ideas were being eclipsed at quite an astonishing speed.
(42) It made the rough and ready assumption that the underlying cure of unemployment would be provided by Keynesian economics.
(43) In May a paper, Employment Policy, accepted the Keynesian economic argument of using public expenditure to avoid cyclical unemployment.
(44) The Labour government was elected at a time when Keynesian economics was moving towards being accepted as economic orthodoxy.
(45) Mainstream Keynesian economics is facing its last hurrah.
(46) Keynesian theory suffers from a rather glaring logical fallacy.
(47) That is the essential Keynesian prescription for fighting depressions.
(48) This leakage dramatically decreases the effectiveness of any Keynesian stimulus.
(49) Therefore, China does not need to Keynesian economics, China needs Deng Xiaoping Theory.
(50) All this is reminiscent of the history of Keynesian economics.
(51) Besides, like many researches, this paper also finds non - keynesian effects of shock from real tax.
(52) This paper mainly analyses their applicability of Chinese practice and theoretical guidance by discussing the bonds theory of Ricardo's school, Neoclassical school and Keynesian school.
(53) IS - LM analysis is is a major tool of Keynesian theory.
(54) I worry that mainstream Keynesian macroeconomics is little more than fancy camouflage for make - work bias.
(55) Even new Keynesian economists are suspicious of the efficiency of short-term policy in long run.
(56) As for the collective action failure implicit in the Keynesian savings paradox and the Fisher debt deflation mechanism, governments solved it by dissaving and debt accumulation by the public sector.
(57) Keynesian (or Hitlerian) policies unleash the sword of the state on the whole population.
(58) Any New Keynesian will tell you that Hazlitt was right about the Old Keynesian economic program.
(59) The current Keynesian mindset rightly observes that we have a shortage of aggregate demand.
(60) In a Keynesian model, government deficit spending energizes a depressed economy and can stimulate investment and consumption in the private sector.
(61) The Keynesian fantasy is really a monomania because ultimately it is a fixation on a single panacea — more government spending.
(62) The Keynesian case for tolerating a budget deficit almost made itself.
(63) Though regarded as America's leading standard-bearer for Keynesian economics, he called himself a "cafeteria Keynesian", just picking the bits he liked.
(64) We knew this from Milton Friedman's permanent income hypothesis, or even from good old Keynesian multiplier theory.
(65) Because the United States to take the Keynesian state intervention policy after World War II increase in national strength, the world's more powerful position impregnable .
(66) No, the Keynesian and monetarist wizards in the government and Federal Reserve have unleashed a string of deadly blows to the already weakened economy.
(67) But one should not confuse corporate welfare with a Keynesian stimulus.
(68) Keynesian interventionism was still the overwhelmingly dominant paradigm in the mid-1970s, though it was already on the cusp of decline.
(69) Since world war two, economic policy in most western democracies has been based on Keynesian economics.
(70) Its super - Keynesian expansionary response to the global recession has put the economy back into top gear.
(71) One can view the short - run effects of these tax cuts from a classic Keynesian perspective.
(72) The Keynesian consensus view was that the government could be treated exogenously.
(73) This only confirms what common sense and elementary Keynesian theory would lead one to expect.
(74) The usual Keynesian starting point, however, is to assume that the demand for exports is exogenous.
(75) Group of Aedes aegypti with guarantees, Keynesian guards held in the suburbs 24.
(76) My approach is Keynesian: in extreme moments, the excess of desired savings over investment soars.
(77) NARRATOR: Kennedy's council of economic advisors had drafted his speech along Keynesian lines.
(78) Twentieth-century macroeconomic theory — both Keynesian and monetarist — championed the idea that a growing economy needs easy credit.
(79) As a result, the recession is prolonged indefinitely and the economy does not recover and ceases to respond to any stimulus involving monetarist credit expansions or Keynesian methods.
(80) The fashion now is to deprecate the positive contributions of Keynesian economics.
(80) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(81) At the heart of the New Keynesian doctrine stands the so-called dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model.
(82) Miyazawa multiplier and semi-closed multiplier are two mainly used methods in structuring Keynesian multiplier by input-output technique.
(83) For those who do not know Paul Krugman is one of the few who still claim that Keynesian progressivism is the answer to America's (and Europe's) problems not their cause.
(84) So any stimulus then may have had a Keynesian effect.
(85) The creation of an international currency unit, based on the Keynesian proposal, is a bold initiative that requires extraordinary political vision and courage.
(86) Keynesian theory of employment for China's economic development has an important reference.




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