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单词 Unconditioned
1 What's the unconditioned response? Nausea.
2 When the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus are brought together over and over and over again, pretty soon the conditioned stimulus gives rise to the response.
3 The Buddha explains nirvana as "the unconditioned" (asankhata) mind, a mind that has come to a point of perfect lucidity and clarity due to the cessation of the production of volitional formations.
4 Conditioned reflex, different from the inherent unconditioned reflex, is an advanced nervous activity gradually developing in human's life.
5 The conditioned response is a preparation for the unconditioned stimulus.
6 However, this method is not unconditioned because it must not affect the cooling efficiency of hydro - generators.
7 You might take descriptions of Unconditioned and apply them to what you're experiencing.
8 Life which is unconditioned, free, whole, is entirely delivered from all plans.
9 You might take descriptions of the Unconditioned and apply them to what you're experiencing.
10 Continued presentation of the scenes within the pairing phase is extremely unlikely to result in an unconditioned response.
11 In the conditioning stage, experimenter present the pairing of conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (UCS) to the participants so that they could form attitude towards CS.
12 So, the idea here is, repeated pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will give rise to the response.
13 A type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a reflex response or respondent behaviour - Also referred to as Pavlovian Conditioning.
14 Well, you show the thing that would cause you to have the fear without the unconditioned stimulus.
15 A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld.
16 It was observed that intraventricular injection of 6-OHDA caused suppression of nictitating membrane conditioning without affecting the unconditioned nictitating membrane response.
17 It predicts that the best timing is when the conditioned stimulus, which is the signal, comes before the unconditioned stimulus, which is what you have to prepare for.
18 A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together.
19 Bernstein and her colleagues also proposed a model that associative learning takes place when a conditioned stimulus is followed by an unconditioned stimulus, triggering convergent neurons.
20 The Article 31 in Labor Law of China stipulates one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation, which implies a severe paradox of law theory.
21 The article "Notice in writing ahead of 30 days" is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet.
22 And as you cannot bring down that which is unconditioned and which can never be controlled, your plan cannot then correspond to life which is free.
23 To cause an organism to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.
24 And it says the conditioned response may be different from the unconditioned response.
25 Light(40W) was used as the conditioned stimulus, and the electric shock as the unconditioned stimulus.
26 When Pavlov put food powder in the dog's mouth and saliva was generated, that's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response.
27 Fear conditioning reflex is a form of defense responses that subjects come to express to conditioned stimulus(CS)that are paired with unconditioned stimulus(US).
28 The imaging technique showed that some neurons were activated by the saccharine, or the conditioned stimulus, and others were activated by the lithium chloride or the unconditioned stimulus.




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