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单词 Mitotic
(1) The mitotic route can be seen.
(2) Microtubules have dominated our think about the mitotic mechanisms.
(3) A mitotic figure is present near the center.
(4) Biologists divide the mitotic cycle into four phases.
(5) At the same time, coumarininduces the abnormal mitotic of root tip cell, including chromosome bridge, fragment, binucleate cell, lagging chromosome and so on.
(6) The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms.
(7) Karyotype and random arrangement of homologous in mitotic metaphase of Silphium perfoliatum L.
(8) Experiments with mitotic inhibitors, are however, notoriously difficult to control.
(9) The mitotic route is seen, for example, in the slince mold Physarum.
(10) There is minimal mitotic activity, no atypia and no desmoplasia.
(11) A mitotic figure is seen in the center, surrounded by a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with pleomorphic cells and minimal pink keratinization.
(12) A mitotic figure is seen in the center of the image.
(13) The CPD bands exhibited on mitotic metaphase chromosomes corresponded to the prominent bands exhibited on the pachytene chromosomes.
(14) Idiogram analysis of mitotic metaphase cell was carried out using Beta vulgaris L. B. corolliflora Zoss. and their offspring of hybrid VVCC, VVC, VCC.
(15) Volume corrected mitotic index (M/V-index)expresses the mitotic activity of carcinoma as the number of mitotic figures per square millimeter of neoplastic parenchyma in a microscopic field.
(16) Senescent cells; Mitotic cells that cannot divide, but remain metabolically active. Senescence is often caused by stimuli that can cause cancer.
(17) Forcron could decrease the mitotic index and lead to various types of chromosome aberration.
(18) Both incompatibility and parthenogenesis microorganisms alter host chromosome behaviour during early mitotic divisions of the egg.
(19) The neoplastic fibroblastic cells resembled the reactive fibroblasts by containing fine chromatin and small distinct nucleoli without cellular atypia or mitotic figures.
(20) In a sperm cell, a specialized set of tiny support proteins (protamines) pack the DNA down to about one-sixth the volume of a mitotic chromosome.
(21) Tumor cells in some areas are more pleomorphic with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei, but I do not see mitotic activity or coagulative necrosis.
(22) In nature, clones are derived from a single parental organism or cell by mitotic cell division, asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis.
(23) Tight acini creates a near - solid appearance. There is no cytologic atypia. Mitotic figures are rare.
(24) Detachment of cells from transfected epithelial islands or monolayers occurred in correlation to the plane of cytokinesis after misorientation of the mitotic spindle axis.
(25) Angiosarcomas demonstrated an extravascular proliferation of atypical epithelioid endothelial cells, and mitotic activity.
(26) The enteropathy shown here has loss of crypts, increased mitotic activity, loss of brush border, and infiltration with lymphocytes and plasma cells (B-cells sensitized to gliaden).
(27) It is shown that the mean relative lengths and centromeric indices of autosomal SCs agree closely with those of mitotic chromosomes.
(28) In rare cases , mild nuclear pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and mitotic figures may be seen.
(29) However, a nonspecific lipid binding reagent, xylazine , does not affect adipocyte differentiation or mitotic expansing.
(30) The tumor is composed of intersecting bundles of spindle - shaped cells with little atypia or mitotic actiity.
(31) To investigate the expression of nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 22(NMP22)in workers occupationally exposed to benzidine.
(32) In most cases, there is minimal mitotic activity, atypia or necrosis.
(33) As for the percentage of mitotic chondrocyte, there was no significant difference between control goggled eyes and treated goggled eyes.
(34) Meloidogyne javanica, reproducing by mitotic parthenogenesis , is an economically important pathogen of a wide range of crops.
(35) The centrosome, the major microtubule organizing center regulates cell division through forming bipolar mitotic spindles and plays an essential role in the maintenance of chromosomal stability.
(36) Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of 34 species of Drosophila melanogaster species group were examined.
(37) Ascomycetes also important in study of mitotic recombination via a parasexual cycle.
(38) The TUNEL - positive cells were counted as apoptosis index ( AI ) and mitotic cells mitotic index ( MI ).
(39) There is absence of necrosis (of both epithelioid and giant cells) and of mitotic figures, and inconspicuous muscle fibre damage.
(40) To investigate the role of the human mitotic kinesin-like protein 1(MKLP1) in mitosis and cytokinesis, E.
(41) The plane of cell division is, in turn, determined by the orientation of the mitotic spindle.
(42) At high magnification, this poorly differentiated prostatic adenocarcinoma demonstrates cells with nucleoli and mitotic figures.
(43) Microtubules are shown in green, actin is in red and mitotic chromosomes are colored blue.
(44) But the mitotic index of root tip cells decreased at different degrees with dose increased.
(45) With different concentrations of sewage and aluminum sulfate as a mutagen, pea root tip cells in the mitotic index, micro-rate and the rate of chromosomal aberrations are determined.
(46) The dimension and shape of the cells were homogeneous, with acidophilic cytoplasm and round nucleus but rare mitotic figures.
(47) The mitotic index were most high at the fifth day after culture and toboggan at the sixth day.




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