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单词 Except
1. There is nothing permanent except change. 
2. No one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. 
3. Envy is blind and kows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others. 
4. Money is like muck, not good except it be spread. 
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes. 
6. You will be punished, I can except no one.
7. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
8. I have everything what I want except you.
9. Except for a small pang, her headache has gone.
10. We work every day except Sunday.
11. Nothing really matters except to live or die.
12. The office is open every day except Sundays.
13. We went nowhere except to school.
14. They all came except Matt.
15. The restaurant is open every day except Monday.
16. The museum is open daily except Monday.
17. We go there every day except Sunday.
18. Nothing was left in the pantry except some eggs.
19. I am pretty useless at everything except music.
20. The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities.
21. The exam went quite well, except at the end when I tripped up on the final question.
22. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
23. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
24. The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.
25. She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.
26. Except for smoking and drinking, he is a thrifty man.
27. You will all have to come on time; I can except no one.
28. I miss you very much in these year.Time can change a lot of things except for my memory of you never change.
29. I have no one to thank for all my suffering except myself.
30. A friend is a gift, whose worth cannot be measured except by heart.
1. You will be punished, I can except no one.
2. The weather was good except for an occasional shower.
3. We work every day except Sunday.
4. The office is open every day except Sundays.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. We went nowhere except to school.
6. They all came except Matt.
7. The museum is open daily except Monday.
8. We go there every day except Sunday.
9. Nothing was left in the pantry except some eggs.
10. The paintings have no intrinsic value except as curiosities.
11. The exam went quite well, except at the end when I tripped up on the final question.
12. Except for a brief Christian interlude at the beginning of the 11th century, Istanbul has been a Muslim city for almost 1300 years.
13. Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
14. The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.
15. She ruled for ten years, except for a brief interval.
16. I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe.
17. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
18. I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.
19. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
20. I didn't see him, except casually, in two months.
21. The suitcase was light to carry, being empty except for two shirts.
22. The translation is well done except for a few small mistakes.
23. The coach said he wasn't worried about any position except quarterback; that was where the shoe pinches.
24. The car was out of control. There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker!
31. Sometimes there is no way out except to say goodbye.
32. I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe.
33. Except for what he spent on haircuts,books and daily necessities he never wasted a penny.
34. I can give up anything in the world except you.
35. You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing,[] space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!
36. Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live or die.
37. You'd swear he was a cardboard cut-out except that he'd moved his rifle.
38. I did not see him again, except for a brief encounter on a train.
39. When I say that the boys are lazy, I except you.
40. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
41. I fundus of sadness, except for you who can see.
42. The matter can't be discussed except at a personal interview.
43. We've all paid our fair share except Portia, who's never got any money.
44. Our dresses were the same except mine was red.
45. I like all the pictures except this one.
46. Arrange all the vegetables except the potatoes in layers.
47. Except for traffic noise the night passed peacefully.
48. He always was the brainy one, except at maths.
49. He could do little except write.
50. They were all there except me.
51. I'd quit except I need the money.
52. Everyone went except for Scott and Dan.
53. His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.
54. No one is to blame except myself.
55. The Marshall Plan did not include Britain, except peripherally.
56. It's cool and quiet everywhere except in the kitchen.
57. He had considered everything except the weather.
58. The guides are unpaid except for basic expenses.
59. The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.
60. We're open every day except Sunday.
61. Everyone in our family is right-handed except Pauline.
62. Everyone was late, except for Richard.
63. All variables except one must be held constant.
64. Everyone was there except for Sally.
64. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
65. Everybody except me looks down upon him.
66. He always wears glasses except when playing football.
67. She can do everything except cook.
68. Most of the country, except the east, is rural.
69. She rarely went anywhere except to her office.
70. I like her except when she is angry.
71. I didn't see him, except casually, in two months.
72. She felt fine except for being a little tired.
73. She won't eat anything except chicken nuggets and chips.
74. Everyone showed up except Jack.
75. They all howled with laughter except me.
76. She talks about nothing except her precious car!
77. The room was silent except for her sobbing.
78. Nothing has the capacity to replicate itself except DNA.
79. She had nothing to do except spend money.
80. I understand everything except why she killed him.
81. She remembered nothing except that his hair was black.
82. The room was silent except for John's crunching.
83. They bagged nothing except a couple of rabbits.
84. There's nothing except sport and repeats on TV.
85. His remark went unnoticed by everyone except me.
86. Every other girl except me is wearing jeans.
87. I received nothing except what was due to me.
88. The walls were bare except for a clock.
89. The landscape was bare except for the odd cactus.
90. Everyone except me got an invitation.
91. The eldest prince precedes all men except the king.
92. Everyone seems busy except us.
93. It's a nice pub, except for the landlord.
94. Nothing remains except for me to say goodbye.
94. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
95. What other sports do you like besides football? You use except when you mention the only thing that is not included in a statement:I like all sports except football. You can use apart from with both these meanings:What other sports do you like apart from football?
96. There was silence except for the crackling of the fire.
97. I know nothing about it except what I have read in the papers.
98. Your composition is good except for some overcolouring here and there.
99. Most of the Chinese people usually go to work on the bike except when it rains.
100. The building was darkened except for a single light burning in a third-story window.
101. The street was deserted except for a cat lifting its paws off the frosty stones.
102. The overnight train runs every night of the week except Saturdays.
103. I have not any power in the firm except to recommend.
104. They look very similar except that one is a little taller.
105. There is nothing to indicate the building's past, except the fireplace.
106. Clarissa could think of nothing to say except that she was so sorry.
107. A wide area round the two-storey building is sealed to all traffic except the emergency services.
108. The government has few options except to keep interest rates high.
109. I know nothing about him except that he lives next door.
110. They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.
111. You can have any of the cakes except this one.
112. The suitcase was light to carry, being empty except for two shirts.
113. There was no light except for the occasional glow of a cigarette.
114. At school, it simply wasn't done to show that you cared for anything except cricket.
115. Mr Muite refused to talk to them except in the company of his legal colleagues, whereupon the police officers departed.
116. The party then searched the whole cave thoroughly but did not find anything except an empty tin trunk.
117. We would have come straight here, except our flight got in too late.
118. One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation".
119. There's nothing to do in this town except mooching around the streets; no wonder young people get into trouble.
120. They didn't have to do anything except sit back and enjoy life.
121. There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
122. Except in a few rare cases, bee stings are not dangerous.
123. She had done little to personalize her room, except hang a few posters on the walls.
124. Everyone knew each other well, except for the new guy Jason[Sentence dictionary], who was the joker in the pack.
125. The cat was black except for a patch of white on the very tip of its tail.
126. The two books are the same except that this one has an answer key at the back.
127. Except for the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess.
128. The room was empty except for a wardrobe standing in one corner.
129. I'm as good a cook as she is except when it comes to pastry.
130. The translation is well done except for a few small mistakes.
131. Benson kept the studio locked except when he was working there.
132. The soldiers slept at night, except for one who stayed awake on watch/to keep watch.
133. Many of the bodies were unidentifiable except by dental records.
134. The retired worker usually waters his garden every day except on rainy days.
135. She knew it was dangerous to visit him except at night, but she set out regardless .
136. The coach said he wasn't worried about any position except quarterback; that was where the shoe pinches.
137. It's a classic case of the bored-housewife syndrome - she's got nothing to do all day except drink and go shopping.
138. Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives.
139. The first song, "Blue Moon", didn't go too badly except that everyone talked throughout.
140. The vase is in excellent condition except for a few small flaws in its base.
141. The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses.
142. No one can open mail except the person to whom it has been addressed.
143. His head has been hung over with thick bandage except two eyes.
144. I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds.
145. Liz would have run, except that she didn't want to appear to be in a hurry.
146. The proposed change in the law would make abortion illegal except for strictly defined medical reasons.
147. She is pretty except for the fact that her eyes are too big.
148. I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
149. My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private.
150. After she had taken my rook, there was nothing I could really do except resign.
151. There is nothing we can do except dig in and wait.
152. Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bridegroom.
153. "People round here dress so badly - except you, Justin, " she hastened to add.
154. He hadn't eaten a thing except for one forkful of salad.
155. I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books.
156. The language of this document would be impenetrable to anyone except a specialist.
157. The car was out of control. There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker!
158. You can visit the whole palace except for the private apartments.
159. He wouldn't talk about work[sentencedict .com], except to say that he was busy.
160. Except under clearly defined circumstances, it is illegal in Britain for a company to purchase its own shares.
161. It was dark by now, except for strips of coloured lights.
162. You'd have a good view of the sea from here except for the block of flats in between.
163. The streets were empty except for a few stray passers-by.
164. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth.
165. He's not very talkative, except on the subject of his plants.
166. Except for the gun, he did not look very dangerous.
167. I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money.
168. The speaker answered most questions well, except one that he tripped over because he didn't have the necessary facts.
169. She was unlike him in every way except for her coal black eyes.
170. I can answer all the questions except for the last.
171. Money was a commodity she never thought about except in the abstract.
172. Freddie would tell me nothing about what he was writing, except that it was to be a Christmas play.
173. His report is correct except that some details are omitted.
174. A date book would make a great gift, except that a lot of people already have one.
175. She rarely ventured outside, except when she went to stock up on groceries at the corner shop.
176. All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.
177. We don't do much in the evenings except watch television.
178. As he grew older he lost interest in everything except gardening.
179. The law will apply equally to men and women except in the case of maternity leave.
180. Staff are not permitted to make personal phone calls except in an emergency.
181. He thinks that everyone is out of step except him.
182. We cannot command Nature except by obeying her. Francis Bacon 
183. Except, of course, their love for the accordion.
184. Anything, in fact, except a normal, healthy,[http:///except.html] adult female.
185. We'd never have found Pion's people except by accident.
186. There is no failure except in no longer trying. Elbert Hubbard 
187. No admittance except on business.
188. I can resist everything except temptation. Oscar Wilde 
189. I am fond of children - except boys. Lewis Carroll 
190. Further, there are no adverbs or adverbial phrases except those of time and place.
191. The B.A.A. prohibited the drivers from entering the airport except as bonafide airline passengers.
192. The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.
193. The basic search algorithm is as before, except that actions are of two sorts.
194. Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power. Oscar Wilde 
195. I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. Rita Mae Brown 
196. Except where * indicates that overnight accommodation for 3 nights in Budapest is on a bed and breakfast basis.
197. So that morning there was life in abundance(), except in Charlie's garden.
198. Remember God's bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. Hide the dark parts, except so far as they are breaking out in light! Give this one day to thanks, to joy, to gratitude! Henry Ward Beecher 
199. Americans detest all lies except lies spoken in public or printed lies. Edgar Watson Howe 
200. Computer and software stocks led the advance, which would have been larger except for sliding prices for automakers and retailers.
201. There are no antiprotons or antineutrons, made up from antiquarks, except for a few that physicists produce in large particle accelerators.
202. She was naked except for a tampax and a lot of acrylic paint.
203. You can conquer almost any fear if you will only make up your mind to do so. For remember, fear doesn't exist anywhere except in the mind. Dale Carnegie 
204. It has no other being except that which is bestowed upon it by human activity and consciousness.
205. The thing is, hardly anybody installs a silent alarm these days, except as a supplementary sys-tem.
206. Except for an entitlement to a police car and driver when attending official functions, they receive no formal allowances.
207. None of us will ever accomplish anything excellent or commanding except when he listens to this whisper which is heard by him alone. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
208. I knew of no virtues except truthfulness, obedience, self-sacrifice, total abstinence from alcoholic drinks ....
209. One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation. Oscar Wilde 
210. There is little to fight over except narrow policy niceties that interest only foreign affairs buffs and bore most voters.
211. Everything changes except death. Life changes, time changes, weather changes, ocean changes. And people change in order to survive and advance in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
212. A woman in love will do almost anything for a man, except give up the desire to improve him. Nathaniel Branden 
213. Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. Robert H. Schuller 
214. I believe in equality for everyone, except reporters and photographers. Mahatma Gandhi 
215. The statistics prove that absolutely, and everybody except the hon. Lady knows it.
216. Unlike other large animal phyla all nematodes look alike except for size - at least to the common man.
217. Hobbies of any kind are boring except to people who have the same hobby. This is also true of religion, although you will not find me saying so in print. Dave Barry 
218. There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music. George Eliot 
219. Everyone else had gone back out into the cold night air, except her three companions and the proprietor.
220. Do not ask for or accept information, advice, or direction except from railway officials or the Travellers' Aid.
221. Water has a greater capacity to absorb heat than any other natural material except for ammonia.
222. Meat did not have a place in the diet, except in old age.
223. Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power. Rene Descartes 
224. A painter should begin every canvas with a wash of black, because all things in nature are dark except where exposed by the light. Leonardo da Vinci 
225. William is your father in everything, except an accident of birth.
226. There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men. Edmund Burke 
227. Faces were closer to hers than faces had ever been, except those of lovers in the act of love.
228. He would even abolish all state and local tariffs except property and sin taxes.
229. A woman will doubt everything you say except it be compliments to herself. Elbert Hubbard 
230. This Article does not require amendments or modifications to be registered, except where they constitute a new treaty.
231. In practice the gliders became much like any other aeroplanes, except that they had no engines.
232. As she might have expected, it was almost empty, except for an air hostess sitting on the toilet, smoking.
233. All things are inconstant except the faith in the soul, which changes all things and fills their inconstancy with light. James Joyce 
234. Everyone lies except the fool - people lie in different circumstances for different reasons. Dr T.P.Chia 
235. Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
236. All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it. Samuel Butler 
237. Every bit, that is, except the actual process of setting-up.
238. There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. Mahatma Gandhi 
239. Paying cash had the added benefit of leaving no record of our visit except a pencilled telephone booking under two untraceable names.
240. Feminist psychologists tend not to deal with these other discourses, except by adopting numerical strategies.
241. Don't believe anything you read on the net. Except this. Well, including this, I suppose. Douglas Adams 
242. Love is like war, except without all the blood and death and stuff. Jarod Kintz 
243. "My country, right or wrong," is a thing that no patriot would think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying, "My mother, drunk or sober.". G.K. Chesterton 
244. Live without meaning is not life, it is death. It is like being in the graveyard except that you still have a breath. RVM 
245. The court of appeals upheld all except the spousal-consent requirement, a judgment affirmed by the Court.
246. Libraries should be open to all - except the censor. John F. Kennedy 
247. All kinds are good except the kind that bores you. Voltaire 
248. I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. Woody Allen 
249. The ecological setting was similar to that of today, except for an alkaline lake which has long since evaporated.
250. Now the choir and the south choir aisle were empty except for the Chapter clergy and the cathedral policeman.
251. Men are all alike - except the one you've met who's different. Mae West 
252. To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable. Oscar Wilde 
253. No one can help you in holding a good job except Old Man You. Edgar Watson Howe 
254. Up until now most advanced snowboarders have firmly resisted anything except a non-release binding.
255. Law and order, to take an important example, wins few votes except by the threat of tough actions and crackdowns.




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