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单词 opportunist
释义  op·por·tun·ist /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnɪst $ ˌɑːpərˈtuː-/ noun [countable]  1  CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYsomeone who uses every opportunity to gain power, money, or unfair advantages – used to show disapproval 机会主义者,机会主义分子〔含贬义〕 Voters dislike opportunists – politicians who change their policies according to opinion polls. 选民不喜欢机会主义分子——那些根据民意调查结果来改变方针的政客。2  CRIMEsomeone who commits a crime because they have a chance to, and not because they planned to 临时起意的作案者 Most burglars are opportunists. 大多数入室盗窃者都是临时起意的。 an opportunist crime 临时起意的罪案 —opportunist adjective the opportunist policies of wartime leaders 战时领导人的机会主义政策 —opportunistic /ˌɒpətjuːˈnɪstɪk◂ $ ˌɑːpərtuː-/ adjective opportunistic thefts from cars 临时起意的车内物品盗窃案Examples from the Corpusopportunist• It is difficult to tell whether he really wants to help May or whether he is just an opportunist.• Some of the crime is committed by opportunists who wander into students rooms and take cash and credit cards.• As the finance company started to fail a few opportunists managed to make more money out of it.• The herring gulls are local resident birds, and great opportunists, able to change their feeding habits to whatever is available.• The ships have gone and so has the Black Rat, but the opportunist Brown Rat remains a threat ashore.• There are basically two types of thief: the opportunist and the pro.• The woman I had spoken with was directly responsible for deciding what the opportunist was paid.• The opportunist was told what he deserved to know: nothing.• The opportunist, too, deserved applause.• an unethical opportunistFrom Longman Business Dictionaryopportunistop‧por‧tun‧ist /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəstˌɑːpərˈtuː-/ noun [countable] a person or organization that is willing to use every chance to gain an advantage or make moneyThese companies represent a growing band of economic opportunists - they move with lightning speed whenever an opportunity opens. —opportunistic adjectiveWe’re a very opportunistic company, continually looking to strengthen ourselves strategically in individual market segments. —opportunistically adverbWe’re learning how to sell much more opportunistically.op·por·tun·ist nounChineseSyllable   Corpus Business or every who gain money, someone power, uses opportunity to




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