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单词 opportune
释义  op·por·tune /ˈɒpətjuːn $ ˌɑːpərˈtuːn/ adjective formal  1  an opportune moment/time formal TIME/RIGHT OR WRONG TIMEa time that is suitable for doing something 合适的时机/时间 I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise. 我等待着,希望会有一个合适的时机讨论加薪的事。2  TIME/RIGHT OR WRONG TIMEdone at a very suitable time 适时的,及时的 OPP inopportune an opportune remark 合时宜的话 The law reforms were opportune and important. 法律改革适时而重要。 —opportunely adverbExamples from the Corpusopportune• It makes it all the more opportune.• The publication of this Guide to Exporting is indeed opportune.• her opportune arrival• The timing was opportune because Ned was able to take a year out from his university course.• Most opportune investments in other states have been done.• Meanwhile, he would take up the matter with Archbishop Perier at an opportune time.• The announcement Tuesday may have come at an opportune time.• To her now he was just a young fellow who happened to be in the house at an opportune time.Origin opportune (1400-1500) French opportun, from Latin opportunus, from ob portum “toward port”op·por·tune adjectiveChineseSyllable  is suitable for that a Corpus time doing




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