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单词 Scarred
1 His face was badly scarred by the fire.
2 He showed his scarred arm.
3 The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.
4 The cut on her face scarred over finally.
5 The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts.
6 His face was badly scarred after the car accident.
7 She will probably be scarred for life .
8 The accident scarred him for life .
9 His face was horribly scarred.
10 His hands were badly scarred by the fire.
11 She was profoundly scarred by her father's suicide.
12 Their minds were scarred with bitterness.
13 His face was badly scarred.
14 Her face was horribly scarred.
15 The accident left him permanently scarred.
16 The wound gradually scarred over.
17 Her face was hideously scarred.
18 She may have been scarred for life.
19 The land was scarred with bomb craters.
20 The hills are scarred by quarries.
21 He was scarred for life during a pub fight.
22 The experience left her scarred for life.
23 His scarred face crumpled with pleasure.
24 He was scarred as a result of the fire.
25 She was both physically and mentally scarred by the accident.
26 She tried not to look at the scarred[],[] disfigured face.
27 The scarred side of his face was a livid red.
28 She'd be scarred for life.
29 Older, richer, wiser and more scarred, Capt.
30 His friend will be scarred for life.
1 The past has been scarred by countless mistrials and perversions of justice.
2 The accident left him permanently scarred.
31 His whole face was lopsided, one cheek badly scarred.
32 The abuse left him scarred for life.
33 It scarred those forced to lean on it.
34 The scandals have scarred Garcia's life.
35 Her arm was scarred with cigarette burns.
36 I was partially sighted and doctors talked about scarred retinas.
37 Nowadays, the tree is used mainly to provide a quick vegetative cover on the scarred landscapes left after strip mining.
38 A glow behind her shaggy head is moonlight, cloud scarred at the change of seasons.
39 Davis' siblings appear less scarred by their loveless upbringing, according to prosecutors.
40 I got drunk and dialled Hire-A-Heap and rented a scarred Boomerang on a budget four-day buy.
41 Scarred across the beach the children's fathers had dug a system of moated castles.
42 Then she meets Martin, another person alone and internally scarred, and their lives begin to have meaning once more.
43 Where the land is badly scarred and broken, the simplest treatment is to plant trees and produce small patches of woodland.
44 It was battle scarred, but mountains are not vulnerable to conventional weapons.
45 She is scarred by family violence and deformed by her own ravenous need for love.
46 Rock and ice falls scarred the slopes and the valley bottom was a sea of fine sand.
47 I was recently in a Mercedes minicab driven by a 97-year-old retired gangster called Scarred Harry.
48 Children are particularly at risk, and can be scarred for life from a serious encounter.
49 Rams quarterback Tony Banks may be permanently scarred playing against the 49ers.
50 The Formica-topped tables were scarred with cigarette burns and discoloured by spilled coffee.
51 The children who had suffered a trauma would survive the experience, scarred by it and a little flawed by it.
52 Wang's face and lips were scarred from his burn wounds,[http:///scarred.html] but he appeared otherwise healthy.
53 The rain fell silently and invisibly, kissing his scarred forehead.
54 Scarred with rust, its shark's teeth no longer gleaming, it looked almost harmless.
55 Some of you have the look of lords, yet you bear the mark of hard travelling and your steeds are scarred.
56 It was not just the adults who were scarred by this vicious legal battle.
57 The forest was razed and the land was scarred with bomb craters.
58 The blue paint of the practice stalls was scarred with initials and hearts and anarchist signs among others.
59 But with Veronica there was the sense of a real face behind the mask, scarred by experiences, passions and hurts.
60 A lover dying of smallpox - Miss Phoebe was scarred from it.
61 Meanwhile, Steve's coming to terms with being scarred for life.
62 Almost everyone caught it and almost a third of the population either died from it or had their faces permanently scarred.
63 An encrusted gash scarred his forehead, and one side of his face was swollen with dying yellow bruises.
64 Just another morning in just another primary: just another crop of emotionally scarred children.
65 In the scarred, sacred land, myths continue to distort the past and shape the future.
66 Maybe the scarred man had suspected something and wanted a cut of the ransom.
67 Now, her face is a scarred and sightless mask that evokes horror and disgust from strangers.
68 There is nothing uglier than a redundant ski-tow out of season, with its pylons marching up a scarred, broken hillside.
69 Good workmen they must have been, to lay stones, so scarred by time and events, and still so true.
70 Time to put aside the hopelessly scarred and old, to allow something new to be born....
71 Sometimes scarred tissue feels tough, its resilience like a stale marshmallow.
72 He dressed and looked in the polished mirror, seeing a scarred, bearded face glaring out at him.
73 Meanwhile, the scarred veteran Inman is experiencing his own harrowing, perilous odyssey as the Civil War rages on.
74 And it has also got rid of the yellow lines which once scarred them.
75 Their faces scarred with dirt, their uniforms filthy, the miners look like refugees from another age.
76 A tumour had manifested itself. Fine fabric had been scarred.
77 The favorite of these visitors was a girl named Lily who had a badly scarred hand.
78 His pristine shield with the glittering cross was scarred and broken by blows of which he had no recollection.
79 The skin disease scarred his face permanently.
80 His face was scarred by small - pox.
81 His face was scarred and oddly puffy in places.
82 Rio Tinto, in the throes of spending $3.8 billion on buying Riversdale, a coal producer with interests in Africa,[http:///scarred.html] is deeply scarred by its disastrous overpayment for Canada's Alcan in 2007.
83 The third parasite, Leishmania major, causes severe skin disease that can leave infected people heavily scarred.
84 Chapter three expatiate the pathos experience of modern Chinese clerisy by depicting their life stories such as scarred memory, marginalized status and extravagated life.
85 Visual pollution, which can refer to the presence of overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms (as from strip mining), open storage of trash or municipal solid waste.
86 If you don't treat priapism? The penis can become permanently scarred, which can lead to impotence.
87 The mountain pine beetle is one step closer to crossing North America and turning eastern pine forests into the same bleak landscapes that have scarred the Mountain West in recent years.
88 New blood vessels sprout under the retina, leaking blood and fluid. The macula swells and becomes scarred, and central vision can be lost in weeks.
89 Only for the money men and laughter, spick - and - span appearance and charm, heart scarred.
90 Or perhaps JT himself, crocked and battle scarred but still voted best defender in the Champions League last season.
91 In the scarred northern city of Mosul much of the battle damage is recent.
92 Imitation Queen Anne furniture, chipped and scarred by cigarette burns, a plush purple carpet in which rodents could reproduce, and the king-size, four-poster bed were the same as his honeymoon night.
93 A few days after mating, females begin to lay their eggs, using an ovipositor to slice into branches. She leaves behind scarred trees hundreds of eggs in deeply-cut slits.
93 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
94 Objective To evaluate the effect and security of mifepristone combined with rivanol used in the induction of labor in the second trimester for the scarred uterus.
95 She instead scarred her with her blade, and severed the Rhen-Orm biocomputer antenna.
96 The bos'n's mate was a heavy man, bald, with a scarred and brutal face.
97 In MS, the myelin coating of nerve fibers becomes inflamed and scarred.
98 The past has been scarred by countless perversions of justice.
99 It causes the liver's plumbing system of bile ducts to become inflamed, scarred, and blocked, leading to extensive tissue damage and irreversible, and ultimately fatal, liver cirrhosis.
100 Each cargo lander will vary according to its place of manufacture, but almost all are brutal, ugly lumps of heat scarred metal with large open cargo bays hidden within.
101 The lunar highlands are scarred by innumerable craters ranging up to 236 km in diameter.
102 Greece is painfully familiar with militant extremists, its modern history scarred by the violent acts of groups like the Revolutionary Organization 17 November and the People's Revolutionary Struggle.
103 Conclusion Application of carboprost in induced labor with scarred uterus may reduce volume of postpartum hemorrhage, shorten duration of third stage of labor, and decrease rate of placenta residue.
104 Darker-skinned people of the same ethnicity grow up emotionally scarred and completely unrepresented by the media images they are subjected to daily.
105 Crater - scarred Rhea floats in the distance, peeking out from behind Saturn's partly shadowed rings.
106 To paraphrase Ecclesiastes, better to be a scarred and living dog than to be a dead lion.
107 The only furniture some steel locks, a table scarred with old cigarette burns, and several straight-backed chairs.
108 Battle Scarred ( Level 15 ) - You are nearly impervious to damage.
109 Conclusions The induced abortion by rivanol isn't absolute verboten for pregnancy of scarred uterus.
110 Many were also scarred by memories of appeasement in the 1930 s.
111 Even Piell was a small humanoid with pink skin, large drooping ears, a topknot and a scarred face.
112 Teacups, a cream pitcher and a sugar bowl teased the teapot about her broken and scarred lid all the time.
113 JAKE SULLY a scarred and scruffy combat vet sitting in a beat up carbon - fiber wheelchair.




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