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单词 Gulf war
1. He flew helicopters during the Gulf War.
2. When did the Gulf War break out?
3. S.-led coalition forces in the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
4. Kuwait declared martial law after the Persian Gulf War.
5. The gulf war was fought with cross party agreement.
6. S.-allied forces in the 1991 Persian gulf war.
7. The Gulf war achieved its important aims.
8. She specifically mentioned the victims of the Gulf War which had just broken out when the meeting started.
9. The end of the Gulf war has prompted Rover Group to increase exports of its cars.
10. In the Gulf war the United Nations played a part of immense importance.
10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
11. After the Gulf War he was promoted rapidly and began to mix more in political circles.
12. It was used in the Persian Gulf war to target smart bombs and guide tanks across the desert.
13. After the Gulf war, thousands of Kurdish refugees fled to the mountains.
14. The new gulf war Public culture is left; private culture is right.
15. While attached to Camp Pendleton, however, the Gulf War veteran got swept up in an off-base drug scene.
16. During the Gulf War we'd be doing gigs and getting heckled by squaddies, for example.
17. The Gulf War was a disaster for men and women fighting together on the same battlefield, he maintained.
18. The tensions generated by the Gulf war have not caused as much unrest as December's strikes and riots.
19. They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.
20. Friendly fire is included; that's the euphemism which aroused such anger at the Gulf War inquest in Oxford this spring.
21. Today it is a military base with a long runway from which B-52 bombers were launched during the Gulf war.
22. Saddam's military machine is now thought to have fully recovered from losses sustained in the Gulf War.
23. He is upset with the prime minister for not trying harder to create a non-aligned peace formula to end the Gulf war.
24. The government's international rehabilitation was greatly assisted by the Gulf war.
25. The other night I woke in panic, shell-shocked from the Gulf War.
26. But it took on an extra role during the Gulf War, when it was flown in tandem with Tornados.
27. Maria knew only too well that the ill-health cursing the Gulf War veterans threatened their wives and children too.
28. A third, smaller group will consist of veterans whose illnesses can not be tied to Gulf War service, he said.
29. Defense Department data show that about 35, 884 active-duty soldiers have signed up on its Gulf War medical registry.
30. It is trading ahead of this time last year, when sales were hit by the Gulf war, but exports are slowing.
1. He flew helicopters during the Gulf War.
31. The Gulf war could instead mark the beginning of a kind of Western perestroika.
32. Mercury had expected to provide a non-profit service with Cable and Wireless like its morale-booster during the Gulf war.
33. The advisory committee report did little to resolve the mystery surrounding Gulf War illness.
34. A combination of the Gulf War, recession and the weather conspired to reduce numbers by 20 percent or 700,000.
35. This is particularly marked on the matter of the last major international crisis faced by this country, the Gulf war.
36. During the Gulf War the company worked round the clock to maintain supplies to the forces.
37. The Gulf war, which could have spelt disaster for Airtours and many other travel companies, ended quickly.
38. The sharpest contrast between Vietnam and the Gulf War may be in the way the soldiers were treated when they came home.
39. After the Gulf War, the U.S. disengaged quickly from the Middle East.
40. Sales were hit early on by the Gulf war and profits fell 19 p.c. to £2.8m.
41. By this stage,[http:///gulf war.html] most of the pupils had seen news footage of the Gulf War at home on television.
42. Twenty months ago, at the end of the Gulf War, he seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
43. Mark, 26, is a former Army medic who was called up to man a field hospital during the Gulf War.
44. All this was visible during the run-up to the Gulf war.
45. Amazingly, this tally excluded conferences devoted to the Gulf War where questions about foreign policy would have been expected to dominate.
46. And how does the Persian Gulf War rate as one of the great battles of all time?
47. A military training exercise inside the building during the Persian Gulf War in 1990-91 resulted in all the windows' being shattered.
48. The Gulf war has severely dented business and consumer confidence.
49. During its time in Oxfordshire it's seen active duty most recently in the Gulf War.
50. As their brilliant performance in the Gulf War later demonstrated so vividly, our new management system corrected that vexing problem.
51. Less than two years ago, at the end of the Gulf War, he had the highest poll rating of any President.
52. Though doing so shortly after the Gulf war and in a recession might have seemed risky, Airtours had its reasons.
53. The system involves the same military satellites used in the Gulf war by the Allies to keep track of vehicle movements.
54. They also were achieved in peacetime in the same systems, old and new, years before the Gulf War loomed.
55. The Gulf War and work on a new runway had kept the planes away.
56. In contrast, the military maintained strict control over the information that was available during the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
57. By plunging a knife into the sore spots-dependence, lack of democracy, powerlessness-the Gulf War shattered something deep within us.
58. Roth gave as an example the Gulf War, which he said had spurred more reports of violence against Arabs.
59. Heseltine, in contrast, would have been obliged to seek his own mandate as soon as the Gulf war ended.
60. Kletz also plans to publish a book that Patrick Eddington is writing about his Gulf War findings.
61. Expected early in the year, it had been postponed, ostensibly because of the Gulf war.
62. Instead they saw the effects of a broken down sewage works, destroyed in the Gulf War.
63. Wednesday he re-introduced Kevin Pollak, injured and disfigured by friendly fire in the Gulf War.
64. A disgruntled Gulf War veteran was arrested for the crime, which killed 169 people.
65. Early reports of birth defects l inked to the Gulf War syndrome have been disproved, Whitesides said.
66. How should the arts community protest about the Gulf war?
67. Arabs never understood during the Gulf War, or even before, why the United States was so dead set against them.
68. Faced with public anger about the Gulf war, the royal autocrat did make some concessions.
69. The authorities are said to take the view that the Gulf war will distract attention from civilian casualties in Jaffna.
70. In 1991 the second half was definitely cheerier than the first, hit by the Gulf war.
71. He was discharged from the army six years ago suffering ill health which he believed to be connected to Gulf War Syndrome.
72. After the Gulf war everybody wanted Tornados or the Stealth bomber.
73. That critical need is obvious from abundant other evidence, but the Gulf War provides emphatic verification.
74. She said a comparative study of about 15, 000 randomly selected Gulf War veterans is planned for the near future.
75. In fact the Middle East has recovered well after the Gulf War.
76. This was how we perceived our situation, and the Gulf War turned our perception into certitude.
77. The package was aimed specifically at tackling problems created by the Gulf war.
78. Jack covered the Gulf War for CNN then.
79. He covered the Gulf War for CNN then.
80. The complexities of the Gulf War.
81. The fallout a tad worse than Gulf War Syndrome.
82. You think this guy has gulf war syndrome?
83. Colonel Brown saw service in the Gulf War.
84. This is what is called Gulf War Syndrome.
85. David was suffering from a Gulf War Syndrome.
86. Indians wrote a book soon after the Gulf War.
87. How was the Gulf War started?
88. Persian Gulf war; oil spike; recession.
89. Thinks he has gulf war syndrome.
90. But the public health dangers of depleted uranium in the environment are not fully known. Some argue that it causes birth defects, cancers and Gulf War Syndrome.
91. In the Gulf War, the Iraqi Air Force couldn't go into battle.
92. A-I0 attack airplane kills people innumerably in the battlefield, besides 1990 Persian Gulf War, it also participated in conclusion L which Kosovo raided to do.
93. During the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the news media criticized American military restrictions on reporters.
94. The larcenous gulf war soldier he plays in David O. Russell's inventive "Three Kings" (1999) is a tougher, slightly bitterer version of his "Out of Sight" character, and it fits.
95. The Gulf War was a modern three - dimensional war.
96. Iraqi Kurdistan was de facto independent from the central Iraqi government between the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War, but could not declare statehood out of fear of losing international support.
97. First, America's use of precision weapons in Operation Desert Storm during the first Gulf war convinced China that it could no longer base its defence on the weight of numbers.
98. Our eyes were literally pinned to tv during the Gulf War.
99. Four clinics will undertake the tests in a attempt to explain so - called Gulf War Syndrome.
100. This article summarizes the change process of guided ballistic missile Scud B in Soviet and its combat use in Gulf War.
100. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
101. There were big, difficult decisions to be taken during the Gulf War.
102. As the 1991 Persian Gulf War drew to a close, Hussein sent men to blow up Kuwaiti oil wells.
103. Operation Desert Storm came to be known as the Gulf War and it began with a month-long aerial bombardment.
104. Overall, airport security at its highest level since the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
105. The first Persian Gulf war was an effort by 13 different countries including the United States, England and Egypt to get Sadam Hussein out of Kuwait.
106. In this paper, the author adopts a new branch of the game theory-conflict analysis to quantitatively analyse the strategies choice of America and Iraq in the main stages of the Gulf War.
107. During the Persian Gulf War , General Luck commanded the XVIII Airborne Corps.
108. This lesson explained a typical supply dump during the Gulf War.
109. There is no folklore of a Chinese burden comparable to Gulf War syndrome or Agent Orange, sickening waves of foreigners long after their in-country exposure.
110. Overall, airport security stands at its highest level since the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
111. Iraq has been drained of its strength by the Gulf War.
112. For a time, Bush was considered unbeatable because of foreign policy developments such as the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War.
113. The IEA has coordinated the release of strategic petroleum reserves only twice since it was founded, once during the first Gulf War in 1990 and then again after Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005.
114. That regime pledged to reveal and destroy all its weapons of mass destruction as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
115. "In the Persian Gulf War, we didn't have these medications, so our basic philosophy was 'three hots and a cot'" — giving stressed troops a little rest and relaxation to see if they improved.
116. That is close to its status before the U.S.-led war that toppled Saddam in 2003, but below its levels prior to the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
117. Some commodity market speculation is directly related to the stability of certain states, e. g. during the Persian Gulf War, speculation on the survival of the regime of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
118. The Current war - The Second Persian Gulf War - is occurring now.
119. Then, at the conclusion of the Gulf War, the Security Council adopted Resolution 687.
120. American Middle East policy since The Gulf War was unjustifiable.
121. The reserve is called out in the U.S.A. when the Gulf War is impending.
122. In response, the United States defended Kuwait in the Persian Gulf War, and on March 19, 2003, the United States attacked Iraq.
123. Indeed, a release of oil from the U. S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve could savage prices, as it did during the Gulf War.
124. And that is dwarfed by the willful spill of oil by Iraq's Saddam Hussein, who dumped roughly one billion gallons of oil during the 1991 Gulf War, at least a quarter of it into the Arabian Gulf.
125. What was your reaction to protestors during the Gulf War or Vietnam?
126. During the Persian Gulf War, the General served as the Deputy for Operations for the Marine Corps.http:///gulf war.html
127. The Gulf War Syndrome and the Balkan Syndrome led to renewed efforts to assess the environmental consequences and health impact of the use of DU.
128. August 1990, Iraqi troops invade Kuwait 3)sparking the Persian Gulf War.
129. The United States and its coalition partners had similar legal authority in the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and during the Persian Gulf War of 1991.
130. Around the Persian Gulf War, this machine load aerial transport and other operational support duty.
131. The first episode also demonstrated several times: why the U. of Kosovo, the Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Libya war, Xiaoxiao 's victory in the war, again and again procurable.
132. That regime pledged to reveal and destroy all of its weapons of mass destruction as a condition for ending the Persian Gulf War in 1991.




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