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单词 Indonesia
1. The consulate will carryon a political dialogue with Indonesia.
2. We , the people of Indonesia, hereby declare Indonesia's independence.
3. Indonesia, with 216 million people, is the fourth most populous country in the world.
4. The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty.
5. Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world.
6. I got this shirt when I was in Indonesia. It was a real bargain.
7. It even happened in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
8. Indonesian children pack into a cybercafe in Jakarta, Indonesia.
9. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.
10. Indonesia has been criticized for culling of infected poultry.
11. Able to speak in English, chinese, Bahasa Indonesia.
12. Meanwhile affairs in Indonesia had passed through critical phrases.
13. After eight months in Indonesia, Hellman is optimistic.
14. Stimulate blood circulation and ease muscle spasm. Origin: Indonesia.
15. Origin of Iron Ore: Banjarmasin area, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
16. Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania.
17. The directions of Chinese education in Indonesia proposed by this paper are: formalized education system, diversified sources of learners and professionalize teaching staff.
18. Will Chinese medicine culture into the Indonesian society, with Indonesia culture and customs, habits are shirt-sleeve, for people in Indonesia's health will make due contribution.
19. The waters of Bali, Indonesia, are home to this otherworldly creature peacock mantis shrimp ( Odontodactylus scyllarus ) .
20. The first president of Indonesia, Sukarno , was involved with the exact location and the idea for the Samudra Beach Hotel.
21. The violence used against the students sent a chill through Indonesia.
22. Here we find immense virgin forests, similar to those of the Amazon and Indonesia.
23. The Dutch Prime Minister led a 12 member economic delegation to Indonesia to discuss future investments in the country.
24. Opinions vary on emerging markets such as China and Indonesia.
25. Chinese authorities have not commented on his stopover in Indonesia.
26. The book also depicts scenes of Chinatowns in far-flung places like San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles, as well as in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. Saya akan berkonser di Shanghai tanggal 1 bulan September nanti ( sebelumnya di Hongkong , Malaysia dan Indonesia ).
28. This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes .
29. After the marriage failed, a 6-year-old Obama left Hawaii to spend four years in Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro.
30. My name is Sigit, 39 years old, I live in Bali – Indonesia. I am from one of big cities in Middle Java, namely Semarang.
1. We , the people of Indonesia, hereby declare Indonesia's independence.
31. Officials say it will also stop in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and East Timor.
32. Our manufacturing business is currently supported by twelve factories, eleven in the PRC and one in Surabaya, the Republic of Indonesia.
33. About 450 species of this genus and 300 of Lithocarpus in the temperate zone, the subtropical zone and the tropics. Small quantities imported from Sabah, Sarawak and Indonesia.
34. The US success in Indonesia was a more important foreign policy victory, with control of the strategic naval chokepoint the Straits of Malacca at stake, than its subsequent failure in Indochina.
35. It has been translated into the Bahasa Indonesia language for a publication and issuance on CD-ROM, and several other countries have requested translation into their respective languages.
36. An island of eastern Indonesia in the northern Moluccas west of northeast Celebes. Settled by the Portuguese (1521-1574), it was subjugated by the Dutch in 1683.
37. Indonesia first by national legislation form compulsion use biology fuel oil.
38. I am an American President who wasborn in Hawaii and lived in Indonesia as a boy.
39. But the children’s ability in English obscured the fact that, though born and raised in Indonesia, they were struggling with the Indonesian language, known as Bahasa Indonesia.
40. Rooted in metres of thick peat, the rainforests of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia sequester vast quantities of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane.
41. Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia.
42. In addition, are exported to Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea and other countries.
43. Bush commended efforts in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines to "support the forces of moderation" through interfaith dialogues and other steps.
44. During his time, Indonesia was undergoing a transition from a natural economy to a market economy.
45. The Republic of Indonesia is an ASEAN country with the vastest territory and largest population.
46. Indonesia has no jury system, and the final decision rests with these three judges.
47. Seasonal downpours cause landslides and flash floods every year in Indonesia.
48. Hunter-gatherer groups classified as pygmies live in various regions, including Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines and the Andaman Islands, which lie southeast of Burma.
49. Later when Columbus' mistake was discovered, Spain renamed them the West Indies, to distinguish them from the Spice Islands (the East Indies), which is in the Pacific Ocean and we now call Indonesia.
50. In Indonesia, they will be more than twice average income per head.
51. A close-up of a blue-eyed moray eel in Indonesia captured an honorable mention in the "Indonesia Residents" category.
52. Q: Two explosive attacks took place on July 17 in two hotels of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, leaving at least 9 dead and 50 wounded.
53. The 7-year-old girl in Banten was Indonesia’s 50th case of H5N1 in a human since 2005, the 32nd case this year.
54. An island of eastern Indonesia in the Moluccas west of New Guinea. It borders on the Ceram Sea, a section of the western Pacific Ocean.
55. Gazetteer Asia: Chao Phraya, Mekong and Mae Khlong basins , Malay Peninsula and Indonesia.
56. The polio eradication partnership is urgently scaling-up both technical and financial assistance to the Indonesia authorities.
56. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
57. Corruption is widely seen as endemic and "extremely difficult to eradicate", Hellman, the senior governance advisor, to the Bank's Indonesia resident mission says.
58. Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.
59. Indonesia is also rich in volcanoes, the most famous being the now vanished Krakatau (Krakatoa), which was located between Sumatra and Java.
60. Defending Olympic badminton champion Taufik Hidayat of Indonesia has been hospitalized with dengue fever and it is uncertain whether he will defend his title at the Beijing Games.
61. Good Asian fossils come only from China (Peking Man, a type of Homo erectus) and Indonesia (Java Man, another erectus, and Homo floresiensis, the much-maligned "hobbit" of the island of Flores).
62. Australia"s neighbouring countries are Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the north-east, and New Zealand to the south-east.
63. Since the Inida and Bangladesh frog-export bans, Indonesia has become the major exporter of frog legs to the the United Stares and Europe.
64. Iron and folic acid supplementation during pregnancy in Indonesia significantly reduced the risk of early neonatal death and could also do so in other low- and middle-income countries.
65. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton has extended an open hand to the Muslim world during a stopover in Indonesia.
66. Harni Koesno, chair of the Indonesia Midwife Association agrees early detection of illness in newborn babies would effectively reduce the neonatal mortality level.
67. Indonesia also experienced large - scale corruption and fraud within the ruling Suharto family from 1965 to 1998.
68. The fish, originated in Indonesia, is carnivorous and classified as the older species in the fish.
69. The C oilfield is located in Sunda basin, the northwestern Java sea, Indonesia.
70. Between 2000 and 2006 Indonesia planted roughly half a million hectares of oil palm a year, mostly on recently deforested land.
71. At least 21 people are dead after a fiery jetliner crash in Indonesia.
72. Built in the 10 th century, this is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia.
73. Australia resumed exports of live cattle to Indonesia, just a month after suspending them because some Australian cows were being slaughtered inhumanely.
74. Flying foxes, or Pteropus vampyrus, are protected in neighbouring Thailand but hunting is allowed in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia.
75. ASEAN members are Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
76. According to a joint survey conducted in 1998 by the British and Indonesian governments, legally lumbered wood only accounts for about half of that transported to sawmills in Indonesia.
77. In Yogyakarta, Indonesia, one guest house owner I interviewed spoke with great pride of how she could now afford to send her children to school as a result of her backpacker business.
78. Data from Indonesia, another popular emerging market, suggests steps enacted there in June may have helped push out some foreign accounts from short-dated debt.
79. Mysticism touches almost every aspect of life in Indonesia and business is no exception.
80. Indo-Australian Archipelago The combined region formed by the Malay Peninsula, northern Australia, and the numerous islands of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Melanesia.
81. But since Indonesia three weeks ago announced rules to push money out of the short-term central bank debt market, preferred by foreign speculators, markets have actually reacted favorably.
82. This woman is the 13th human case of the disease to be confirmed in Indonesia.
83. FEW fireworks enlivened the televised debates between the three candidates in Indonesia’s presidential election on July 8th, conducted in a mood of deference and courtesy.
84. The so-called 'hobbit' found in Indonesia might also have been a member of the genus Homo, and it apparently survived until as recently as 12, 000 years ago.
85. The results indicate that the Indian Ocean SSTA would mainly influence the climates of Bengal, Indo-China, Indonesia, India and China.
86. "But the money spent on junk food can reforest the entire equatorial belt," said Rachmat Witoelar, the minister of state for environment in Indonesia.
86. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
87. Celebes Crested Macaque This black macaque is found only in northwestern parts of Indonesia, mostly on the island of Sulawesi — also known as Celebes .
88. Nationalists such as Sukarno, Indonesia, set up the Republic of Indonesia to strive for national self-determination.
89. This ecological boundary has been called the Wallace line and is often given as the boundary between Asia and Australasia, as such making Indonesia a bicontinental country.
90. Indonesia alleged that the popular East Timorese FRETILIN party was communist.
91. International airlines have suspended flights to and from Jakarta, capital of Indonesia because of intensified volcanic activity on Mount Merapi, the Jakarta Post reported.
92. The history of Garuda Indonesia is closely connected to the history of the nation and the struggle for independence.
93. The power of conversation has been proven time and time again to me. Wherever I go, whether it's Pakistan, Indonesia, or Iraq, I ask for an open dialogue and I invite honest criticism.
94. Indonesia produced 0.4 billion ltrs and Malaysia 0.3 billion ltrs.
95. He is a black face Stump - tailed monkey , living in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia.
96. The transmigration program has exported Muslims to Bali, Borneo, the Celebes, the Moluccas, and Papua, making Indonesia the most populous Muslim-majority nation in the world.
97. Wants to discuss your firm Indonesia cream-colored blank with you the price.
98. The most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history occurs on Krakatau , a small, uninhabited island located west of Sumatra in Indonesia.
99. Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels The warts of a frogfish blend in with the bumpy texture of a sea sponge as it awaits unsuspecting prey in the Lembeh Strait, Indonesia.
100. Every year, Dec. 26 remains a somber day of remembrance in Aceh and throughout Indonesia.
101. Last year, the Indonesia Ulema Council, an influential Islamic clerical body, sounded the alarm about Christian proselytization and called on Muslims to more staunchly guard their faith.
102. Officials say it will also stop in Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Timor.
103. Nomura, a Japanese bank, reckons Indonesia is creating a middle class (defined as one with disposable household income of over $3,000 per year) helter-skelter.
104. In the theory and the legalization of the regime of archipelagic states and the archipelagic principles, both the Philippines and Indonesia play an important role.
105. Neal Wilson's parents spent their lives ministering for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Indonesia, North America, Africa, Southern Asia, and the South Pacific.
106. Given that Barack Obama spent the bulk of his childhood in Indonesia and Hawaii, America's 44th president is the first to be able to claim a degree of Asian heritage.
107. We have exported the equipments to some countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam, west and north of Africa and South Caucasia for three years.
108. Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Lao PDR and Viet Nam committed to pilot testing the project for three years.
109. Jose Ramos-Horta was prominent in the campaign against Indonesia rule, after the Portuguese withdrew from their former colony in 1975.
110. "The rate of human death is distressingly high with Indonesia increasingly becoming the country which causes all of us, including the Indonesian authorities, very great concern," Nabarro said.
111. To reduce food miles, we use coconut cream produced in Indonesia instead of milk and cream. French cuisine with a South Asian hint.
112. If you're hell-bent on buying new furniture instead of second-hand, then try Tree, which uses recycled teak from Indonesia and reclaimed wood from the Philippines in its collections.
113. For example, the U.S. government helped establish an online project tracking system for the Government of Indonesia and donors to monitor assistance and program results.
114. The terror that is reigning across Indonesia is making everyone fearful.
115. Air controller is fearing the worst after losing contact an Adam air jet in Indonesia.
116. Steep declines forced officials in Russia and Indonesia to suspend trading indefinitely.
117. Indonesia, which has had 68 confirmed bird-flu cases,[http:///indonesia.html] has the highest human death toll from the disease in the world.
118. Take Indonesia, where 80 % of deforestation is of dubious legality.
119. Take one of their principal objects of desire, two-wheel scooters. Last year about 8m were sold in Indonesia, dwarfing sales in the rest of South-East Asia (1.7m in Thailand, for instance).
120. When I was 3 years old my family moved to Indonesia(then Dutch East Indies)where I experienced the cruelty and hardship of war by the Japanese who occupied Indonesia.
121. Australia lowered bank rate 25 bps to 7.0% (1st reduction in 7 years) to fight against its slowing economy, while Indonesia increased bank rate 25 bps to 9.25% to fight against rising inflation.
122. However, if mandatory under the law to use Bahasa Indonesia, the person should be reminded to pay attention to this president.
123. Tapi saat ini, ada fenomena baru di Indonesia, dimana opini dan wacana masyarakat adalah vonis bagi si tersangka.
124. Indonesia is considering leaving the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, because of the country's declining crude oil output.
125. I veer towards the earthy art of India, Indonesia and Malaysia.
126. Benefit cost ratio under balanced fertilization regimes exceeded 2.5 for oil palm in Thailand and 7 for food crops in Indonesia.
127. With his Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Prabowo took a nationalist stance, obviously trying to appeal to the grass roots in a manner echoing former President Sukarno.
128. Clinton will visit Japan February 16–18, then Indonesia February 18–19, before heading to South Korea February 19–20 and concluding the foreign mission in China February 20–22.
129. In the Indonesia it is served warm with palm sugar syrup that has been flavored with pandanus leaves and ginger.
130. The examples given are Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Lebanon and Liberia.
131. It was used to create a national identity, and it worked, because all of us spoke Bahasa Indonesia.
132. Reports of human cases occur only very sporadically, apart from Egypt and Indonesia, following the progressive control of H5N1 in poultry.
133. The joint commission is set to meet next in Indonesia in 2011.
134. Still(), the World Bank currently ranks Indonesia one hundred twenty-first out of one hundred eighty-three economies in ease of doing business.
135. For the citizens of China, Indonesia, and Russia, which together account for over 1/4 of the world's population, a sickly gerontocracy means perpetual speculation and uncertainty.
136. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.
137. I'm a native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia. How can I help you about the language ? Just message me if you wanna learn about it.
138. We have several mining location around 150 locations at Sumatera Island, Java Island, Kalimantan Island, Sulawesi Island, NTT, NTB, and Papua Island in the Republic of Indonesia.
139. Spice consisting of the seed of a tropical evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans), native to the Moluccas in Indonesia.
140. According to reports, the earthquake's epicenter was located in the Banda Sea, Indonesia, Ambon, about 510 km southwest. Quake of 5.1 magnitude.
141. A drill testing the tsunami warning system was held in Bali Indonesia.
142. But the most vulnerable areas of all, occupying four of the top ten hotspots out of a total of 530, were in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.
143. While Indonesia faced internal political, economic and secessionism turbulent in 1998 Asian Financial Crisis, East Timorese grabbed the timing and attained independence under UN's mediation.
144. For their research, published in the American Journal of Primatology, scientists studied chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas from zoos in Japan and Indonesia.
145. Indonesia sent its troops to East Timor in 1975 and annexed it in the following year.
146. Australia has offered to help Indonesia investigate the Bali bombings.
146. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
147. Rising affluence also has turned populous nations like China, India and Indonesia into major markets for goods, helping to make up for some of the demand drop-off from Europe and the United States.
148. This brilliant purple sea star was photographed in the waters off Sulawesi, Indonesia.
149. General Electric has announced a deal to sell 50 engines to Garuda Airlines of Indonesia for $1.3 billion, accounting for an estimated 5, 000 jobs across the United States.
150. Version 5.1 extends support for languages in Africa, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Vietnam, with the addition of the Cham, Lepcha, Ol Chiki, Rejang, Saurashtra, Sundanese, and Vai scripts.
151. This is the language of the Malayan Peninsula. malayo-polynesian languages stretch from Madagascar to Hawaii and include many languages spoken in the Philippines and Indonesia .
152. The territory was declared the 27th province of Indonesia in July 1976 as Timor Timur.
153. Indonesia and the Philippines have for over 40 years been joined with Malaysia and Singapore in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), and have stopped pursuing irredentist claims.
154. In its external relations Indonesia has for a long time pursued a non - aligned foreign policy.
155. During the Asian Crisis, there was a 22 percent increase in anemia among pregnant women in Thailand. In Indonesia, the average weight of children under three years old declined.
156. Boulle joined the army in French Indonesia during World War II, then became a special agent to help resistance movements fuck up the Nazis wherever they went.
157. Shifts in the global economy have created new centers of economic wealth and influence, and emerging powers — from India to Indonesia, from South Africa to Brazil — are making their voices heard.
158. LAST week, Indonesia announced its 43rd human death from bird flu.
159. Heavy selling led exchanges in Austria, Russia and Indonesia to suspend trading, and the losses on Australia's markets caused traders to call it "Black Friday."
160. In an interview with the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service, Taymor talked about the influence of her travels to Indonesia, where she witnessed a ceremony for young men in Bali.
161. An island group of eastern Indonesia, part of the Moluccas in the Arafura Sea southwest of New Guinea. The islands were discovered by the Dutch and colonized by them after '23.
162. However, he subsequently obtained Spanish nationality in order to serve the Spanish Crown, so that he could try to find a westward route to the Spice Islands of Indonesia.
163. Rangea broad : East Africa to northern South China Sea, Japan, Indonesia, Australia and New Caledonian.
164. For some reason nobody gave much of a thought to Seaman White, who was already halfway to Indonesia on a tramp steamer piled high with rusting metal barrels of a particularly toxic weedkiller.
165. Gazetteer Indo- West Pacific: Sulawesi (Indonesia) to Philippines and Ryukyu Islands.
166. Obama lived in Indonesia as a child with his U.S.-born mother and stepfather Lolo Soetoro, a native Indonesian.
167. Washington -- The Navy hospital ship Mercy has treated approximately 9,700 patients since it arrived off the coast of Indonesia in the aftermath of three earthquakes and a tsunami.
168. As influenza virus activity in Indonesia may increase during the wet season, from November to April, human exposure to animal virus could be greater during the coming months.
169. The dream of our forefathers for a thriving Asia is coming true in our time. And China and Indonesia are important force driving in this epoch-making change.
170. Indonesia, has been criticized for resisting mass culling of infected poultry.
171. The newly confirmed cases bring the cumulative total in Indonesia to 48.
172. The good news from Indonesia was the recent arrest of the alleged top two leaders of Jemaah Islamiyah.
173. Indonesia bank offers quite a decent interest rate for Singapore dollar deposits.
174. The annual war games, Cobra Gold 2010, involve 14,000 military personnel from six nations: the U. S. , Japan, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia.
175. Patterns in Nature: Food Red peppers pop against a blue cloth at a Sumatra , Indonesia, market.
176. From the two kinds of narrative, we can feel that Indonesia Chinese 's strong volition of self- construction and complicated mentality during the double spallation of modernization and localization./indonesia.html
177. ASEAN 10 includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
178. Scientists say they have discovered the world's smallest known fish in threatened(1) swampland(2) in Indonesia.
179. One possibility occurred 70, 000 years ago, when the Toba super-volcano erupted in Indonesia and triggered a nuclear winter that fewer than 15, 000 individuals survived.
180. In 1962, President Sukarno of Indonesia used the Jakarta Games to assert Indonesian leadership in the Third World, and angered both rival India and the International Olympic Committee as a result.
181. Sukarno believed all of Borneo belonged to Indonesia and announced his intention to arm a million leftist peasants and workers to do battle with Malaysia.
182. This civet lives in Indonesia, and eats insects, fruit, and berries—including the raw red coffee berry.
183. China is in Group A with top seed Indonesia, unseeded Sweden and Finland. Group B consists of second seed Denmark, defending champion and third seed Malaysia, South Korea and Tail and.
184. What are the names of the straits that separate Singapore from Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia?
185. Kopi Luwak Coffee, Indonesia. This coffee is made from beans that have been digested by the Asian Palm Civet (a cat sized mammal).
186. Membership includes Thailand, Cambodia , Laos , Vietnam, Brunei Daru alam , Indonesia , Malaysia , Myanmar, Phili ines and Singapore.
187. Swiftlet 's are found in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian countries.
188. To drive that message home, the President will co-launch a Bahasa Indonesia version of “The Right to Tell: The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development” co-published by the Bank and Tempo.
189. The World Bank's country director in Indonesia Joachim von Amsberg said there are a number of advantages to involving communities in planning and implementing the recovery process.
190. Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Brunei allquarrels with China.
191. The United States has active trade and investment dialogues with Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei and is working with Laos to support its WTO accession.
192. Nutmeg: Spice made from the seed of a tropical fragrans, native to the Moluccas of Indonesia.
193. On the other, he touts his biracial , multicultural background (he lived in Indonesia for four years as a child) as an advantage when it comes to representing the U. S. abroad.
194. Institute Strikes Clauses (cargo) in the currency of the credit, with claims payable in Indonesia irrespective of percentage.
195. "Israel is planning to broaden its propaganda into Indonesia, " Dr Ma'ruf Amin, deputy chairman of MUI, told IOL.
196. The good news for Indonesia is that the scandal appears to be unconnected to KPK business.
197. Not only would China's regional trade partners take a hit, but so would commodity exporters such as Australia and Indonesia.
198. Children scavenge at the large Bantargebang rubbish dump in Bekasi near Jakarta , Indonesia, Feb. 17 , 2007.
199. Hellman says corruption has been one reason Indonesia has struggled to mobilize domestic investment and attract foreign investment.
200. In Indonesia and Vietnam it took second place, to Japan.
201. Because, this is BAHASA INDONESIA TEST , i'm an indonesian , i speak bahasa.
202. This in turn led to vessels turning to Indonesia for spot supplies only to find that heavy rains and flooding have made this not possible in all cases.
203. A free-standing arch and crescent - shaped gate frame a mosque in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
204. Its central bank has offered yuan to Indonesia and Argentina in return for rupiah and pesos.
205. This suggests that the Chinese government is unlikely to introduce measures to stabilize prices of cooking oil for local consumption as has been seen recently in Indonesia.
206. The Philippine Islands ride on the edge of the Eurasian Plate tongue holding Indonesia.sentencedict .com
207. A four - day old male Nile hippopotamus plays with his mother , Dolly , at Bogor, West Java, Indonesia.
208. East Malaysia, consisting of the federal territory of Labuan and the states of Sabah and Sarawak, occupies the northern part of the island of Borneo, bordering Indonesia and the Sultanate of Brunei.
209. Generally speaking, People in Indonesia are still not mentally prepared to carry out democracy, and they are still probably enduring throe brought by political and economic transition for a long time.
210. Worries are also high in Indonesia, for example, as a trade deal it signed with China as part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations began to take effect this year.
211. The U.S. has made similar progress with Indonesia, signing an agreement in April that will allow greater American capital flows into Southeast Asia’s largest economy.
212. In the meantime, Philippine's export keeps plunging and falling price of palm also begins to threaten the export situation of Indonesia and Malaysia.
213. The nations with great petroleum exploration potential include Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Brunei.
214. As for cities, those most at risk are Calcutta in India, Manila in the Philippines, Jakarta in Indonesia and Dhaka and Chittagong in Bangladesh.
215. We produce quality Desiccated Coconut, Coconut Cream, Coconut Water, Crude Coconut Oil, Coconut Fiber, Nata De Coco, Coconut Shell Charcoal, Virgin Coconut Oil in Indonesia for the global market.
216. This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia.
217. She added: “In some families, the grandchildren cannot speak with the grandmother because they don’t speak Bahasa Indonesia.
218. A sea cucumber of the genus Holothuria of the southern Pacific and Indian oceans, dried or smoked for use as an ingredient in soup, especially in China and Indonesia.
218. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
219. It may look like a gremlin, but this tiny animal is actually a pygmy tarsier, recently rediscovered in the forests of Indonesia.
220. It resembles the outlawed morning - star flag, a symbol for Papua's fight for independence from Indonesia.
221. Within Asia, Indonesia has been a beneficiary of commodity demand.
222. Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: western and southern coasts of India and off Sri Lanka to Indonesia, the Philippines and Ryukyu Islands, and south to the northern part of Australia (Ref. 3131).
223. Work center is a strong demand for tobacco in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia and Russia.
224. Rescuers recover a victim at the mine tunnel in West Sumatra, Indonesia, on Tuesday.




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