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单词 Intellectual
1, Sontag has always been that rarity, a glamorous intellectual.
2, His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.
3, He was an intellectual, scholarly man.
4, You don't get any intellectual stimulation in this job.
5, He did not regard himself as her intellectual equal.
6, Maths is an intellectual exercise.
7, She considered everyone her intellectual inferior.
8, Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.
9, Happy birthday to an attractive,intellectual,(http:///intellectual.html)sophisticated and all round splendid person.
10, High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children.
11, They were very intellectual and witty.
12, His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual.
13, Intellectual pretension was never one of his vices.
14, He's a kind of intellectual superman.
15, The laws on intellectual property are murky.
16, Do you know the intellectual property rights?
17, He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.
18, We should not despise our intellectual inferiors.
19, The two newspapers are on completely different intellectual planes.
20, This town is a cultural/intellectual desert.
21, Games like chess are rather intellectual pursuits.
22, His intellectual pretensions are all sham.
23, She is an intellectual woman.
24, Her arguments lacked intellectual rigour.
25, He's an intellectual lightweight .
26, She castigated him for having no intellectual interests.
27, He read a lot so as to learn about the intellectual history of Europe.
28, This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.
29, If college degrees remain an entree to wealth and status in the 21st century, males may have to get used to the same second-class status that American women so long endured, as highly educated females become the majority among the nation's intellectual, economic, and even power elite.
30, It's time to celebrate your birthday.Happy birthday to an attractive and intellectual girl.
1, Sontag has always been that rarity, a glamorous intellectual.
2, His writing has been dismissed as mere intellectual posturing.
3, He was an intellectual, scholarly man.
4, You don't get any intellectual stimulation in this job.
5, Companies should protect their intellectual property with patents and trademarks.
6, This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standard of the whole country.
7, High levels of lead could damage the intellectual development of children.
31, Without continued learning, graduates will lose their intellectual vitality.
32, I was sick of his intellectual flimflam.
33, He lacks the intellectual equipment to succeed in politics.
34, She was in her intellectual prime.
35, The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.
36, Those learned intellectual historians all profess literature.
37, He has a reputation for rudeness and intellectual arrogance.
38, As a child, she was starved of intellectual nourishment.
39, He likes to set himself up as an intellectual.
40, Artistic and intellectual people tend towards left-wing views.
41, Intellectual life in France was smothered by the occupation.
42, She was an intellectual snob.
43, The firm was found to have infringed intellectual property rights.
44, The film was attacked in many intellectual quarters from both the left and the right, for being false or simple-minded.
45, UK organisations are not nourishing their intellectual and emotional capital.
46, Mary was of a far less intellectual cast of mind.
47, There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company transitioned to an intellectual property company.
48, Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn't provide much intellectual stimulation.
49, You need ruthless intellectual honesty about your own skills, weaknesses and motives.
50, She is not an intellectual, but is quick on the uptake.
51, I like detective stories and romances - nothing too intellectual.
52, These advances were the result of the intellectual appliance of science.
53, They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors.
54, She was too much of an intellectual to find popular films interesting.
55, This argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint.
56, She was a forceful intellectual unafraid to speak her mind.
57, The task was beyond the intellectual grasp of some of the students.
58, The wish to impose order upon confusion is a kind of intellectual instinct.
59, She sets up a rigorous intellectual framework to deconstruct various categories of film.
60, Throughout her marriage she never considered her husband as her intellectual equal.
61, He was one of the intellectual/political giants of this century.
62, Perhaps the present concern with the values of liberal arts education portends an intellectual anemia.
63, She is known for her deep thought and intellectual ways.
64, The intellectual and moral potential of the world's culture must be put at the service of politics.
65, He is now at the meridian of his intellectual power.
66, While she was at home looking after her children, she felt deprived of intellectual stimulation.
67, Isabelle is quick to refute any suggestion of intellectual snobbery.
68, He was more bookish and intellectual than many of his fellow students.
69, There is no serious intellectual challenge to it.
69, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
70, Tests show that many intellectual activities are highly correlated.
71, But there was next to no creative intellectual stimulation.
72, Mrs Goreng was in no mood for intellectual badinage.
73, And yet, we still describe symbols as intellectual abstractions.
74, Altogether, they sound like a formidably intellectual bunch.
75, The dethronement of learning is one of the most exciting intellectual frontiers we are now crossing.
76, Perhaps it is beyond their intellectual grasp; or maybe the language it is couched in is too complex.
77, He has traveled widely, lecturing on such obscure but important topics as cryptography, intellectual property and cognitive theory.
78, I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30. Groucho Marx 
79, The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot. Mark Twain 
80, Intellectual property: Restrictive intellectual property clauses in employment contracts or restrictive covenants could force the brightest free workers to walk.
81, But pleasure, and intellectual challenge, is in response to individual installations rather than to the exhibition as a whole.
82, This was true across a wide range of political and intellectual constituencies.
83, Hegel detected this dialectical progression in the progress of human consciousness and intellectual - emotional growth.
84, This is the academic discipline which is the intellectual concept of both theories and methods.
85, Thus collectivism has historical roots in religious or intellectual ideals, and in communal social practices.
86, He was awarded several honorary degrees in recognition of this intellectual and institutional contribution.
87, There is, she says, little intellectual challenge, hardly any praise, not even much blame.
88, The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity, though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate.
89, We must forget the notion that the highest intellectual achievement is that of specialized and detailed knowledge.
90, Finally, she lists the intellectual pursuit model, which is self-directed and self-motivated by intellectual curiosity.
91, The argument from intimidation is a confession of intellectual impotence. Ayn Rand 
92, My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. George Washington 
93, Chimp behavior holds insights into teaching humans self-esteem, intellectual curiosity and the ability to get along with others, she says.
94, It is difficult to conceive of such thinking taking place without the growth and development of intellectual ability.
95, Vygotsky was concerned with the question of how social and cultural factors influence intellectual development.
96, Books are the spiritual and intellectual food of the mind, and reading is a great enjoyment for those who desire to improve their mental power. Dr T.P.Chia 
97, In short, they're advertisements not just for your financial status, but for your impeccable intellectual and social credentials.
98, I try and meet the intellectual types at bookstores, but all the attractive men tend to congregate in the porno sections.
99, When intellectual influences of this sort have to be considered by the general historian(http://), he can not go far for himself.
100, Religion is part of the human make-up. It's also part of our cultural and intellectual history. Religion was our first attempt at literature, the texts, our first attempt at cosmology, making sense of where we are in the universe, our first attempt at health care, believing in faith healing, our first attempt at philosophy. Christopher Hitchens 
101, Although we think about affect as being different from cognition, they are united in intellectual functioning.
102, More literary games, but here intellectual conceits are mixed with bawdy farce.
103, These differences are perhaps more acute on an intellectual level than in reality.
104, Ayrton Senna is always carrying on about the intellectual and spiritual fascination of discovering his own limits in a racing car.
105, The examples developed here are heavily biased towards the leadership and intellectual rationalization for the movement.
106, It was then but an intellectual elision to view abstraction as the purest of all styles, since it depicted nothing at all.
107, Reading this book, I am struck by how much intellectual work can revolve around playing with blocks.
108, They can be valuable purely as a means of providing social companionship, activities of all descriptions, and intellectual stimulation.
109, First, Piaget did his research on and wrote primarily about the cognitive aspects of intellectual development and cognitive structure.
110, The subject of International Relations grew out of this intellectual and political setting; and it bore the birthmarks of its origins.
111, Though the war had interrupted her schooling, her intellectual precocity had quickly been recognized and appreciated by Stewart.
112, These investigations of the sun's luminosity are not just intellectual curiosity.
113, An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. Aldous Huxley 
114, All this is concurrent with a decline in intellectual egocentrism and an increased ability to see the viewpoint of others.
115, The pride he should be enjoying from his intellectual achievements is buried beneath his morbid obesity.
116, A native Nebraskan and a West Point graduate, Wedemeyer had an intellectual bent and a capacity for strategic thinking.
117, Relaxation or withdrawal of treatment before mid-childhood has been associated with a further decline in intellectual ability.
118, Intellectual and biological activity are both part of the overall process by which an organism adapts to the environment and organizes experience.
119, The campaign against apprenticeship in 1837-8 required no great dialectical ingenuity or intellectual departures by the abolitionists.
120, The issue of intellectual ability is especially important when considering the prevalence of mild dementia.
121, Her work, and her person, came to symbolize the moral and intellectual principles on which the open admissions experiment rested.
122, Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
123, But modern culture is now proving to be vulnerable on two counts, one social, one intellectual.
124, It is rich in intellectual curiosity and academic and cultural diversity.
125, A shy, self-effacing man, Williams was self-taught, and showed an independent and determined intellectual curiosity.
126, On this subject as well as others, Cooley avoids raging controversies as an intellectual source.
127, There is far more high-mindedness, racial tolerance and intellectual curiosity than you might expect.
128, We also know how deeply a person is committed to certain intellectual concepts.
129, To split up work into its components mirrored the intellectual tradition of calculus.
130, As a poet, I think I write intelligently,(http:///intellectual.html) but I’m not an intellectual. Gulzar 
131, If we fail to develop emotional intelligence, or cannot control or restrain our emotions, we will lose our intellectual ability to think, reason and live rationally and intelligently. Dr T.P.Chia 
132, The paucity of resources, the lack of an intellectual and artistic community in the institute made conditions intolerable.
133, There is, in fact, a considerable amount of intellectual insecurity in the press room.
134, In neither ease was the omission a necessary consequence of the intellectual stance of the two schools.
135, He says the compulsion of scientists to find the absolute truth can lead to a kind of intellectual tyranny.
136, Learning, education, and intellectual growth in most cases were restricted to the period from childhood to young adulthood.
137, In the chapter by Martin Hughes on children's uses of computers, both intellectual and social issues are addressed.
138, This bespoke greater intellectual confidence than was to be evident at later stages of controversy.
139, Almost all of the identified work-inhibited students had average to superior intellectual ability scores.
140, They felt a need to reorder a broken world, a need that contributed greatly to their intellectual growth.
141, These thoughts, which approached problems from many different angles, were not necessarily expressed in a very intellectual way.
142, This part of building a successful presentation demands a degree of intellectual honesty that may test even the most confident manager.
143, Piaget s system for conceptualizing intellectual development was greatly influenced by his early training and work as a biologist.
144, He says he wanted to find out if he had the intellectual ability to complete a degree starting from nothing.
145, Juxtaposing criminal law and legal theory offers a number of intellectual enquiries.
146, Only one student had a score that fell below the average range, and most had above-average intellectual ability scores.
147, To his intellectual flair and imagination was added considerable experience.
148, I at once sensed the physical austerity and the quality of social and intellectual superiority characteristic of the best public schools.
149, Pedantry and intellectual theorising were not Basil's stock-in-trade; all such, he seemed to short circuit.
150, I found him a most agreeable man, a sharp observer, and the possessor of intellectual attainments of no mean order.
151, In short, there is no simple answer to whether caffeine is, or is not, helpful in performing intellectual tasks.
152, Acknowledging that connection has been one of the major intellectual breakthroughs of this century.
153, Problems, puzzles and policy issues Puzzles are mental tasks or games that present some intellectual challenge but are easily solved.
154, Words are only essential to put across more abstract concepts and intellectual ideas.
155, Johnson's mother stressed intellectual and artistic achievement, while his father considered intellect and culture to be unmanly.
156, All abstract, intellectual concepts that children will master at later ages are based on concepts they learn in their early relationships.
157, An intellectual entrepreneur stands a much better chance of getting a new initiative off the ground than a corporate Republican.
158, While Cooley bets his intellectual life upon inquiry that depends upon such methods, these strategies for learning may fall away.
159, She was a theorist whose intellectual speculations placed her at the cutting edge, even among civil rights activists.
160, And so on the City College campus a vague and indistinctly demarcated intellectual struggle assumed, amazingly, the form of melodrama.
161, Preoccupation with status itself may be the greatest barrier to intellectual achievement.
162, Music is the best vitamins for the brains, and the best teacher of the mind. It increases the power of the mind in learning, reading, attention, concentration and memory performance. It also improve literacy skills, mathematical abilities, intellectual and emotional intelligence. Dr T.P.Chia 
163, War and the military had become unpopular in academic and intellectual circles.
164, A new intellectual independence can also be correlated with longer-term social trends.
165, Most of them applied themselves to their exercise books, their faces contorted with intellectual effort.
166, The sequential maturation of the intellectual and social aspects fosters a sense of assurance in the child and acceptance by others.
167, Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
168, The revolutionary intelligentsia became fanatically convinced of its own exclusive moral and intellectual superiority.
169, Mills refers to this intellectual ability as a certain flexibility or quality of the mind.
170, Width often leads to superficiality and depth may produce a blinkered approach and an intellectual treadmill.
171, It did not present the kind of intellectual challenges that had attracted me into science.
172, The quality of the work submitted by candidates for the Test has improved, but more in presentation than in intellectual calibre.
173, Certainly there was abundant evidence as to how the centre-left had lost its entrenched intellectual and ideological ascendancy.
174, Still, he is impressive as the surly, enigmatic intellectual who offers Jane a glimmer of hope for a better life.
175, Moreover, creating large bodies of worthwhile intellectual property is a specialised and costly business.
176, Nevertheless, the intellectual climate of the Cortes of Cadiz was anti-aristocratic.
177, They could see how much they enjoyed actually selling and missed its intellectual challenge and glamor.
178, May I hope, however, that some of your magazine's future escorts might be of a slightly higher intellectual calibre?
179, Havel, an intellectual with many contacts in the West, is conversant with various analyses of modern and postmodern conditions.
180, The rise of the eugenics movement in the early twentieth century crystallized the intellectual and political imperatives of evolutionary biology.
181, The style is emotive but the intellectual understanding informing it has an astringent clarity which is very moving.
182, Intellectual contemplation and the raw physicality of the athlete happily coexist in Renaissance man.
183, Last April, Kantor identified 38 countries who either denied protection of intellectual property or supported copyright and patent piracy.
184, As mentioned in Chapter Two, Terry began with an appeal to intellectual understanding.
185, He combined outstanding intellectual ability with a vigorous, highly disciplined, and formidable personality.
186, Critical seminars within the university may sometimes blur this distinction if they contain elements of genuine intellectual exchange.
187, Similarly, Labour in 1964 won because its message was in tune with the prevailing intellectual climate.
188, A peasant stands next to them; behind is a bespectacled intellectual.
189, Emily considered lots of options for being in a more intellectual environment.
190, If our political economy remains backward,(http:///intellectual.html) our intellectual economy has leaped ahead.
191, A loose-knit band of authors, bibliophiles and intellectual gadflies began showing up at Library Commission meetings to denounce the New Main.
192, These were themselves deeply implicated in the political and intellectual struggles of the conjuncture before the First War.
193, Our novelist's intellectual humour is asserting itself beneath the narrative.
194, Management critique A fact and figure analyser, who approaches issues in a theoretical and intellectual way.
195, At some point Rudi seemed to have accepted the fact that he would never satisfy his intellectual ambitions.
196, It was the 1960s, and the military had become unpopular among academic and intellectual circles.
197, Most of this century's scientific advances stemmed from intellectual curiosity, not a desire to patent.
198, The law of confidence can be a very useful adjunct to other intellectual property rights.
199, Lent was also the season when the Church confronted perhaps its most vexing intellectual challenge.
200, Two important intellectual operations that develop are seriation and classification, which form the basis of number concepts.
201, Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor. Sigmund Freud 
202, Very few physical science students stressed the intellectual enjoyment of the degree course.
203, Judge Bork responded that it was the intellectual challenge that appealed to him.
204, But to suggest that the conflict was over political rather than intellectual matters is to introduce a false antithesis.
205, This led him to conceptualize intellectual development in much the same way as biological development.
206, Where were the important elements: inventiveness, initiative, adaptability, intellectual curiosity, sensitivity, confidence, determination?
207, There had been a determined attempt to root out abuses among the clergy and to raise their intellectual calibre.
208, Milton's ideas, for instance, were developed in an age when the state exercised enormous controls over intellectual and cultural life.
209, Each has set the archivist and potential historian technical, organizational, and intellectual problems of increasing complexity.
210, This was a matter of both intellectual curiosity and national security.
211, In a transforming instant, the est intellectual truth is seen to be that intellectual truth is of no account.
212, However, the very preoccupation with identifying causal influences begs more fundamental questions about whether contemporaries shared intellectual assumptions.
213, All that and an accolade from the intellectual socialist weekly!
214, All our limitations are bound up in our intellectual mind with its boundaries and imperfections and its tendency to emotional distortion.
215, Now, as the debilitating treatment runs its course, Vivian's intellectual skills no longer serve her.
216, Tapping into that courage demands more than intellectual commitment and tough decision making.
217, Her professor had begun the course with an intellectual curve ball.
218, Additionally, the development and reform of jurisdiction of international civil case practice also be possible for conflict of laws for Intellectual Property.
219, Reader resource is a kind of active resource, which lies in an implicit state, be in a dynamic resource flow(/intellectual.html), need librarians input high intellectual and need an appropriate motivation measures.
220, The main intellectual biography of Blanchot is by Christophe Bident: Maurice Blanchot, partenaire invisible.
221, Furthermore, the development unit does not pay out the price to ac-quire the related intellectual property, but only pays out the price to ac-quire the real right of the construction.
222, Passivity places persons in an intellectual coma and is anathema to passion for learning and life.
223, It is evolving through a daily flow of ideas among the conservative forces of caste and religion, the liberals who dominate intellectual life, and the new forces of global capitalism.
224, The project has its own intellectual property and the production line of short stage limit core rod seamless steel pipe tandem rolling has reached international leading standards.
225, During the sixteenth century the intellectual climate in many parts of Europe was slowly changing.
226, On the other hand, Bellarmine the intellectual admired Galileo's science. A paradox.
227, Not only did he believe that Google had performed a bait and switch on him... but he also felt Google had stolen Apple's intellectual property to do so.
228, Intended as ironic, this remark empurpled the anti-anti-Communists who predominated on the intellectual left.
229, The paper described the design of high-power intellectual charger for the lead-acid accumulator, including the research on charge method and charge power supply.
230, China's first self - owned intellectual property in the commercial AC drive electric locomotive!
231, With the intangibility of intellectual economy, current accounting mode is now being impacted.
232, The intellectual decision business flow and management component to combine XML technology, has realized the function of the service locator and business procedure controlling.
233, The highest class would be composed of the intellectual aristocracy.
234, Payment of damages will not in any way affect the seller's rights to stop the buyer's continued use of the seller's intellectual property.
235, Goodwill is a special intellectual property right in terms of nature, exclusiveness and space - time quality.
236, As an intellectual Goebbels looked down on the crude philistines of the leading group in Munich.
237, With apologies to Matthew Arnold, that, anyway, is one of the promises of journalism: to give readers intellectual access to the best that is thought and said in the moment.
238, It is a heated issue to apply intellectual technology into embedded system.
239, The thesis first discusses the general theories, its main content and practice of administrative protection system of intellectual property rights protection of our country.
240, Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.
241, Penalty interposition should be taken when the tort of intellectual property is very serious and endanger the society and mere civil adjudgement and administrative disposal are not enough.
242, The negative wear phenomenon certified the existence of "dynamic self-repairing mechanism ", which will strongly support the development of intellectual self-repairing technology of equipment.
243, T.S. Eliot, who was in many ways associated with the New Criticism, one of its intellectual forebears, nevertheless took a somewhat dim view of it and called it "lemon squeezer criticism."
244, In 1984, the act was amended to define failure to protect intellectual property as an unfair trade practice.
245, Highflier company has launched the R/C helicopter 50 with multinomial independent intellectual property –Aeolus 50.
246, My fleeting impression was of an intellectual face of great shrewdness.




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