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单词 Violently
1. Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.
2. He shook her violently by the shoulders.
3. He lunged at me, grabbing me violently.
4. They reacted violently to the news.
5. Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.
6. I was still trembling violently.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.
8. Her heart throbbed violently.
9. My pulse beats violently.
10. Her whole body tautened violently.
11. This drug can make some people violently ill.
12. They are violently opposed to the idea.
13. She violently disagreed with what we said.
14. She became so nervous that she shook violently.
15. They have come into conflict, sometimes violently.
16. The boat rocked violently from side to side.
17. They pulled him about rather violently.
18. Several people have been violently attacked in the subway.
19. She found him huddled in a corner, shaking violently.
20. Some opposition activists have been violently attacked.
21. She fired again and saw the creature twist violently.
22. Police and rioters clashed violently.
23. The prisoner's limbs flailed violently because of the pain.
24. The two friends disagreed violently and parted company.
25. Graham began to cough violently.
26. He kicked violently at the door.
27. She shook her head violently.
28. The explosion pitched her violently into the air.
29. The boat rocked violently in the huge waves.
30. There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.
1. Her heart beat violently when she received the letter.
2. He shook her violently by the shoulders.
3. He lunged at me, grabbing me violently.
4. They reacted violently to the news.
5. Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.
6. I was still trembling violently.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. The junta reacted violently to the perceived threat to its authority.
8. There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.
9. Her heart throbbed violently.
10. My pulse beats violently.
11. Her whole body tautened violently.
12. This drug can make some people violently ill.
13. They have come into conflict, sometimes violently.
14. The prisoner's limbs flailed violently because of the pain.
15. She shook her head violently.
16. They have been violently advocating neutrality.
17. My heart suddenly began beating violently.
18. In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.
31. The body twitched violently and then lay still.
32. He leaned sideways and was violently sick.
33. The wind lashed violently against the door.
34. He fell violently in love with her.
35. They have been violently advocating neutrality.
36. He reacted violently only under provocation .http://
37. Suddenly the train lurched violently.
38. They often clash violently with rival gangs.
39. The boat pitched violently from side to side.
40. His views were violently stormed by journalistic circles.
41. He had gone into shock and was shaking violently.
42. Demonstrators clashed violently with police.
43. She had been violently sick.
44. My heart suddenly began beating violently.
45. The woman had been pushed violently to the ground.
46. The boat pitched violently in a heavy swell.
47. He rushed to the bathroom, where he was violently sick.
48. He shook her violently as a dog shakes a rat.
49. He grabbed her by the lapels and shook her violently.
50. There was a sharp earthquake last night,and the building rocked violently.
51. She was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed.
52. Alex jumped up so violently that he overturned his glass of sherry.
53. The argument set forth in his article was riddled violently.
54. In his anger he grasped the child and shook him violently.
55. The post on the building staggered violently in the wind.
56. She shook the bottle violently and showered us with champagne.
57. The car hit a patch of ice and slewed around violently.
58. The door slammed violently.
59. He claimed to have been violently assaulted while in detention.
60. He was violently sick.
61. I was violently sick the last time I ate prawns.
62. The crowd reacted violently.
63. She must have shaken the baby quite violently to inflict such severe injuries.
64. Then suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
65. Suddenly she gave a low, choking moan and began to tremble violently.
66. Her heart was thudding violently as she went into the room.
67. Demonstrators violently resisted attempts to remove them from the building.
68. A nearby volcano erupted violently,[http:///violently.html] sending out a hail of molten rock and boiling mud.
69. Polly's skin crawled and she shivered violently.
70. Rex turned away and was violently sick. 11 25.
71. The tank twisted violently about at its top speed.
72. When they leave, Ann is violently sick.
73. I was trembling violently from head to foot.
74. Bitterly cold, shivering violently from several causes, but out.
75. The regime reacted violently and furiously.
76. He shivered again, and began to tremble violently.
77. She was trembling so violently that the bed shook.
78. The shrimp growers are reacting violently.
79. He touched her arm and she flinched violently.
80. The basket began rocking violently from side to side.
81. Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard, shuddering violently.
82. Pooley clutched at his throat and gagged violently.
83. She spat violently. Water rushed over rocks.
84. As the stage approached, I put one down and waved violently.
85. The new barriers are designed to give way if spectators surge forward too violently.
86. Vasili shook her shoulders violently then slapped her across the face.
87. She was flung violently forward, to land face down in a heap of blankets.
88. In mid-sentence he broke off, turned ghastly pale and rushed to the bathroom, where he was violently sick.
89. Both Digby's parents were deeply religious and almost violently anti-Catholic.
90. She's trembling violently and she starts to retch, leaning against me for support as the heaving racks her.
91. The shuttle trembled violently as it accelerated along the runway. With a lurch, the vibration ceased.
92. He was violently scolded.
93. Jason Tyler tossed pierced canisters of sodium, which reacts violently with water, into the bowls in two cubicles.
94. The shuttle trembled violently as it accelerated along the runway.
95. Shorr has splattered the work with white paint, and violently creased up the photo underneath.
96. The normality of Highly dangerous cars crash violently in comparison with?
97. Should she concoct some story about him having a violently contagious disease?
98. One day he fell to the floor at my feet,[] shaking violently.
99. Passengers said the cabin shook violently during the plane's descent.
100. He had been trembling violently for several hours but now no sound came from the place where he lay.
101. When he finally let her go she was still speechless - and trembling violently.
102. All eyes went to the open drawer from which the President had so violently recoiled.
103. With earache children may screech out, can not keep still with the pain and may be violently excited by it.
104. Saunders' body was twitching violently as his blood leaked out in dying jets, slicking the walkway.
105. A moment later he turned to his right and was violently sick.
106. Since taking over as district attorney last year(), he has vowed to vigorously prosecute anyone who violently preys on streetwalkers.
107. The branch he'd climbed over this morning that had been tom down in the wind was moving, shaking violently.
108. Sometimes an unseen hand rocked the chair so violently that he lost consciousness.
109. Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear. Dave Barry 
110. I managed to drive out of the hospital but I had to stop the car and was violently sick.
111. But her sudden command made him stand violently on the pedal and they were both jerked forward against their seat-belts.
112. His eyes blinked violently in a spasm that screwed up his face in rapid jerks.
113. The jeep left the road and was fishtailing violently through a stretch of gravel as the fire truck thundered by.
114. Leaving the box, she went to the cloakroom where she was violently and unexpectedly sick.
115. Each time the driver braked or accelerated violently she was thrown off balance, barking her shins on various pieces of luggage.
116. On the way home I remember being violently ill in the car because of the pain.
117. Few attendees doubted that some fringe groups would respond violently.
118. The noises insisted upon her serving her sentence: she must allow them to sound violently fortissimo for an hour.
119. Or only down as far as the moment when the Tiber is hurled back violently from the Etruscan shore?
120. Chester and the Wordsworths were violently seasick almost at once.
121. The window frames rattled violently and glass cracked with the sound of a pistol shot.
122. She was shaking violently and leant against the door for support.
123. A tidal wave, coming from the depths of the waters, shook those coasts violently while the burial was going on.
124. Boniface expresses a body of tradition violently hostile to the king.
125. She had been hit violently on the back of the head with a heavy weapon.
126. The wind rushing up the river shook the whole building,[http:///violently.html] and the rain beat violently against the windows.
127. He violently pulled out his shirt and stomped his feet on the ground.
128. Erik claims his father violently abused him from age 6 until a few days before the killings.
129. I turned slowly away and felt the rush and zip of violently animated matter.
130. Stevens and his merry band are severely uniformed in white blazers, violently creased red flares and clean fingernails.
131. Once they reached the ground they shook their wings violently, until they fell off.
132. I can cheerfully admit that it made no impact on me apart from an overwhelming urge to be violently sick.
133. It was strange and horribly unsettling to have such violently opposing feelings about a person.
134. Empty chairs with harnesses swung violently through the air, high above people's heads.
135. Fishing gear was thrown off the deck and two of the crew were pitched violently backwards into the hold.
136. Yellow taxicabs race past, swerving in front of him, braking violently at stop lights.
137. I was trembling less violently, but my teeth still chattered.
138. Flora roared, without knowing why, just knowing something was violently the matter.
139. As he pulled out, the blast of a horn howled behind him and a juggernaut's air brakes oozed violently.
140. Moreover, the cable will move with the current, more violently in shallow water and close to a shoreline.
141. Community leaders were quick to denounce the police for reacting too violently to the disturbances.
142. It is the Teddy-boy types, young men who are seen as being the most violently aggressive towards Blacks.
143. Even though thousands of people die violently each year in Sri Lanka, the death of an important figure causes national anguish.
144. Zack studied Quinn and the assembly strapped to his chest over his shirt, and swore softly but violently.
145. This does not stop motorists damaging the environment but only stops them destroying it quite so violently.
146. My heart beat violently, almost painfully, and sweat trickled down my face.
147. Don't be tempted to mix similar species of Tanganyikan cichlids - especially Julidochromis, as they will squabble violently.
148. Already emaciated, he would take only occasional bites of food and seemed to shake violently when he drank fluids.
149. Them with terrible majesty, it snap-rolled on to its back and with its nose down began yawing violently to the right.
150. Then he violently shoved her down the small flight of stairs that led off their bedroom to the bathroom.
151. A college-age man violently curses a woman he has never met and practically assaults her.
152. The drama erupted after a resident in the Middlesbrough hostel mixed two household substances, which reacted violently with each other.
153. They watched silently as the car was driven at speed off the road to brake violently on the turf of the headland.
154. Maybe I secreted some hormone that gave the average Tellenorean a violently unpleasant feeling.
155. The yacht rocked violently from side to side as the ship's wake came under them.
156. The stench is so powerful that you feel - and sometimes are - violently sick.
157. His body remained stiff and taut,[http://] even though he wanted to tremble violently.
158. The evening paper flung aside violently and scattering into its separate half-dozen sheets accounted for a good fifty percent of the chaos.
159. And yet you never hear about one sect of Baywatchers violently terrorizing another.
160. His reflex action was to bend and swing round violently, and I was thrown to the ground.
161. The plaintiff rode his horse violently and collided with a pole which the defendant had negligently left in the road.
162. The beans contain an impurity which causes James to become violently ill.
163. My legs and arms tremble violently, but I do not cry.
164. The doorbell rang and she started violently before glancing at her watch with a frown.
165. His hands trembled so violently that he was unable to bring it to his lips.
166. When she heard they had gotten engaged, Jenny protested violently.
167. The engine was started up, revving violently as the car was turned round on the narrow road.
168. The vessel trembled so violently that Robinson thought she would crumble to pieces.
169. It tidies the emotional chaos that comes when a child dies violently.
170. The ship's route is clearly delineated on the surface of the water and is violently consumed by our advance.
171. Then the drop and the slim, lithe body jerking violently at the end of the rope.
172. The attempt to hold it together at gunpoint may succeed only in blowing the Soviet Union apart more violently.
173. The next moment she'd switched off the recorder, so violently that she dropped the remote control.
174. A record-player shuffled a few simple chords violently together, then dealt them out with heavy emphasis.
175. But hydrogen peroxide and hydroquinone don't react violently together unless a catalyst is added.
176. It is said that Scheiner, on hearing this in a Rome bookshop, turned purple and shook violently.
177. She took the paper from him so violently that she tore off the corner.
178. Feeling her stomach churn with the painful memories, she leaned sideways and was violently sick.
179. Infuriated, she wriggled under his barricading arms, whirled around and pushed violently at his chest with all her might.
180. The door before him shook violently and something made him back away.
181. Do you agree with the argument that violence on TV makes people behave violently?
182. Had she driven over a bump in the road too violently?
183. The child stops, judders violently, fills his lungs with air, ready for more.
184. Small children are encouraged to be small tyrants, to react violently if thwarted.
185. For example, water is known to react violently with metallic sodium, another reducing medium utilized commercially.
186. The two men, once so close, fight violently,[] Doug hurling racial epithets at Paul.
187. She hung on tightly as the pole veered violently round.
188. I heard the fat man who had a room beneath me retching violently to spit his all.
189. He knew that, despite all her denials, she was still violently attracted to him.
190. It shuddered violently during the tremor and 30 people were briefly stranded at the top.
191. Monkeying around Above the rainforest in Kakum, the trees are swaying a little more violently than usual.
192. He suggested I violently introduce a turnip up my rectum because I no longer have the power to hire or fire anybody.
193. Watching as he pulled on his oilskins with an ease born of long practice, Polly shivered violently.
194. Under normal circumstances the spacecraft would not be manoeuvring so violently that this would be a problem.
195. His head snapped violently and twisted to follow it, as though it had tethered him, looped around his neck.
196. Garty's head jerked violently sideways; he lurched, stumbled, almost fell, then seemed to find his balance again.
197. Still entwined, the puppets threshed violently against each other as if overcome with concupiscence.
198. The stock index is fluctuating violently.
199. My heart is throbbing violently.
200. The tip of the fishing rod was bucking violently.
201. Too much myrrh can make one violently sick.
202. Ship working violently and secured movable things for seaworthiness.
203. Peaceful conflict resolution conflict non - violently.
204. Nausea surged in him and he retched violently.
205. Israel's envoy retorted that the soldiers responded in self-defence when activists on board the aid vessels violently attacked with the intention of lynching them.
206. Chinese reportage accompanies all the way the violently changing 20 th century.
207. It doesn't take much prodding for the Mac vs. PC debate to transform into a violently passionate flame war, and my list would be incomplete without an example to represent the battle.
208. But this likewise has not to reserve him from fixing this martial skill by the road push in the quondam, one wading on climate of face, entirely regardless of suddenly and violently the wound of body.
209. Neil made a thrust at him and violently overthrew him horse and foot.
210. They were violently to be torn asunder at a coming signal.
211. The international commercial arbitration had been developing swiftly and violently, one of the reasons is the arbitrable issues' expend.
212. To Gaskell, her "dear friend" Charlotte was the heroine, with the rest of the family – eccentric Patrick, masochistic Branwell, pious Anne and violently mystical Emily – left in her shadow.
213. It is the waterfall that interrupts violently the peaceful continuous flow of the river's water.
214. The two groups fought violently and many of them died a violent death.
215. He admits that some hip-hop lyrics display an ungentlemanly attitude towards women, but he doubts that listening to violent lyrics causes people to behave more violently.
216. John Dewey criticizes Herbart's pedagogical doctrines violently,[http://] which shows the serious conflict be- tween the empiricism and the metaphysics out of German classical philosophy tradition.
217. Under the influence of the global economic changing, the rate of foreign exchange waves violently.
218. The market has not been stable lately. Prices are fluctuating violently.
219. Dictator General Francisco Franco, who ruled for almost 40 years, violently suppressed regions that sought more freedom from the central government, especially in Catalonia and the Basque region.
220. In June 2000, the panel members of German television's literary review show Das Literarische Quartett disagreed so violently about his writing that one of them quit after 12 years on the programme.
221. By the biography, the biologist's playing the violet violin violently violated rules.
222. Terminal location update rate (LUR) is a very important index of Marine satellite mobile communication system, which affects the performance of whole system violently.
223. With the development of the market economy in China and the integration of the global economy, the open-end funds have developed swiftly and violently in our country as a kind of new financial.
224. Child throw back your head, bloom in a crying fit Violently our lives begin.
225. God's judgment was about to violently break forth upon them because they refused to hear His Word and do it.
226. This over - organized universe is violently transformed by the cataclysm, becoming fantastic and absurd.
227. Orginally, it is a test marketing, but it "accidentally" turns out to be hot sales, and the price rises violently.
228. The cylinder is made of organic glass. Place less than 0.01 g of nitrocotton in fire-catching tube and press the piston violently. Fire can be seen in it.
229. The windstorm blew so violently that it is almost impossible to walk against the wind.
230. War Secretary Stanton and the other members of the cabinet were violently opposed to it. They said Sherman had no power to make any kind of political settlement.
231. While the reentry target passes through the earths atmosphere at ultrasonic speed, the RCS of the Reentry Capsule changed violently because of the plasma sheath and wake.
232. They violently dragged us back across the ice to North Korea and marched us to a nearby army base, where we were detained.
233. The vapor explosion discussed in this paper is defined as a kind of physical explosion that takes place when liquid is violently gasified under large superheat, causing the rapid increase of pressure.
234. The best part is to see Jackie reinterpret drunken fist , and li agile and violently against.
235. Fagin took hold of the Dodger's collar and shook him violently.
236. It reacts violently with oxygen difluoride and barium peroxide .
237. He couldn't insert his notepaper into the roller properly, his fingers were shaking so violently.
238. Withe-business grows swiftly and violently, every department in the commercial society needs the help of enterprise application system.
239. Inside the car, Wu Sun - fu's heart was pounding violently.
240. The analysis indicated: because the randomness of random traffic flow samples was violent, the endogen force and deflection of arch rib and deck and also the impact coefficient fluctuated violently.
241. The evil spirIt'shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek.
242. LINDA : cutting Happy off, violently to Biff? Don't you care whether he lives or dies?
243. The tiny state of Bahrain was thrust into the international spotlight this month when its regime violently suppressed pro-democracy protests.
244. "Some were shaking so violently when they approached me with their otoscopes—the pointed device for looking in the ear—that I feared an imminent lobotomy,[/violently.html] " she writes.
245. The placid waters stirred violently , and a loud noise broke the stillness.
246. As they climbed into dinghy, it began to list violently.
247. In Petersburg, 30 patrolmen have died violently in the past five years.
248. Riot police detained about 60 protesters on Saturday who tried to violently break up the Balkan country's first gay pride parade that defied severe opposition by the church and far right groups.
249. One of our strikers was violently charged by a defender, ie in a game of football.
250. I held out my hand, and the terrible, soft-speaking, eyeless man took hold of it like a dog biting a bone. He pulled me violently towards him.
251. The mouth was slightly open, and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner.
252. The ship rocked violently from side to side, causing many passengers to feel seasickness.
253. And the city was on edge even before the attacks, after ethnic Russian nationalists lashed out violently at migrants from the troubled region in mid-December.
254. Without the ability to understand their fate they lash out violently against anyone they cross.
255. It may then be bent or crumpled, but on reheating, will violently untwist, reforming its original shape.
256. Many sickly ones have there always been among those who muse, and languish for God; violently they hate the discerning ones, and the latest of virtues, which is uprightness.
257. The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade honours the millions of Africans violently removed from their homelands and cast into slavery.
258. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro.Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.
259. She was just in time to see Brasi thrust violently at the bundle, crushing the newborn infant against Filomena's chest .
260. After having quarreled violently with the guy, on the way home the ladies are attacked and kidnapped by a sadistic, cannibalistic "family"!
261. Two cars hit each other violently. The explosive sound frightened all the pupils.
262. Even with a razor, he would be no match for William Strickland, who had murdered his old aunt so violently. Mr.
263. He reread what he had written, and then crossed it out violently.
264. Spindle - shanks is anxiously watching a pan of congee , till the smoke makes her start coughing violently.
265. Then, every time, his left wing stalled on an upstroke, he'd roll violently left, stall his right wing recovering, and flick like fire into a wild tumbling spin to the right.
266. The boat ran into a windstorm , and began tossing violently.
267. Her head twitched violently, more quickly than usual, and her hand gave that queer spasmodic gesture.




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