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单词 Purposeful
1. Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
2. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
3. He has a quiet, purposeful air.
4. She looked purposeful and determined.
5. They dealt with the problem in a purposeful way.
6. Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders.
7. Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful work[], even if unpaid.
8. For young children, workbooks are often not purposeful enough.
9. They make life meaningful and purposeful.
10. A bothersome creature, willing, cheerful, purposeful, maladroit.
11. Mr Yarrow made a purposeful face and turned foolscap pages before him.
12. Second, it is purposeful, directed towards improving the effectiveness of education.
13. The danger in viewing the organisation as a purposeful entity is that one ends up with a highly abstract and artificial analysis.
14. During one such purposeful visit weeks ago, a simple black velour dress hooked me.
15. Examples of purposeful and pleasurable uses of print should be displayed in classrooms, foyers and school libraries.
16. There must be a belief that, through purposeful activity, the objectives can be achieved.
17. The tremor is generally diminished or abolished on purposeful movements, but there are notable exceptions to this.
18. But all students should have a purposeful course of study that goes beyond the formality of signing up for classes.
19. The individual bees appear very purposeful in carrying out their manifold tasks ....
20. The Bible beginning is a beautiful, purposeful design, bringing order out of chaos.
21. Think how time flies in periods of intense, purposeful activity.
22. No - he was buttoning his jacket in a purposeful manner, and they were about to leave the scene.
23. Their eyes are yellow, their focus unsteady and their stride is either exaggeratedly purposeful or shambling.
24. Even playtime breaks and lunch time seemed to be lost in a day of intense and purposeful activity.
25. The battle did not last long, bursts of automatic fire interspersed with the sharp purposeful cracks of single shots.
26. The language and procedures for dealing with that alienation encompass conflict and confrontation at the expense of planned purposeful strategies.
27. They were uniformed men, closing in on Tess with slow purposeful steps.
28. This suggests that self-stimulation can, to some extent, be competed out by engagement in purposeful activities.
29. The best time to nudge children toward functional writing is when they are in the midst of doing purposeful work.
30. To do this, infants use their motor systems to produce a variety of purposeful actions and behaviors.
1. Her purposeful stare showed she meant business.
2. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.
3. Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful work, even if unpaid.
31. They can also be extraordinarily well organized and methodical, as well as deliberate and purposeful.
32. She noticed his long, powerful legs, the immaculate cut of his close-fitting breeches, his purposeful stride.
33. Even an outsider felt it, the nervous excitement that translated into endless, purposeful motion.
34. Right back Gary Fleming's renaissance at international level is now complete, exemplified by another purposeful display.
35. Each of these has specific purposes, may require different reading speeds and demands a purposeful, critical attitude on your part.
36. Throughout this book, I have emphasized that we must not think of genes as conscious, purposeful agents.
36. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
37. And sometimes no purposeful movements result, in which case we talk of deep coma.
38. The very act of looking or listening involves organized, purposeful movement patterns.
39. I sense a growing self-confidence in our mood and a more purposeful attitude towards clients and our future prospects.
40. Not the gentle swaying to the tide that had lulled her to sleep last night but a definite purposeful movement.
41. She keeps walking, her long legs taking long, purposeful strides.
42. What does resonate is the fantasy of being unemployable, of being an unmotivated object rather than a purposeful subject.
43. In this sense, daydreaming is purposeful - not merely a random response to a superfluity of mentally unoccupied time: Daydreaming?
44. This material forms the basis of planning for purposeful social work activity.
45. This may include some purposeful interviews along the lines of one of the approaches to be suggested in this chapter.
46. She changed from an aimless, pregnant teenager into a purposeful young woman.
47. If our Dean's sudden death was not accidental, it must have been purposeful.
48. If purposeful, goal-directed activity is to take place, clear objectives need to be set for all the organisation's activities.
49. Even in the nuclear age, war must be approached as a purposeful political act.
50. Taking my final leave of the President, I turned toward the door, erect and with a dignified, purposeful bearing.
51. His absence was purposeful, so the teacher punished him.
52. Hegel s tragic view is a purposeful fatalism , which has been criticized by Cherlishifski.
53. When I helped the woman, I felt pure and whole, purposeful.
54. That is, we avoid the kind of self-examination and purposeful imagining needed to pinpoint the things we want most out of life –and so we can never really chase after them.
55. This boy is not a boy at all, but a strong, purposeful man.
56. She's a purposeful, 29 - year - old actuary who rarely smiles but loves nothing better than a party.
57. Our lives in Christ are meant to be extraordinary, incredible, meaningful and purposeful but never trouble-free.
58. Innovation. Purposeful creativity that effects change and advances the business.
59. On the surface, it bears all the marks of intelligent, purposeful , and free action.
60. And the rejection of this motif or this idea in Genesis 1 is pointed and purposeful. It's demythologization.
61. Always handle your horse in a calm but purposeful manner.
62. Introductive words should be purposeful, inductive, feeling passing, amusing, pertinent and recapitulative .
63. One sort of behavior is incomplete or distorted information disclosure mentioned by Williamson, especially purposeful misguide, distortion, concealment and confusion, etc.
64. A school-based reading program with a wide variety of purposeful learning activities to build up students' reading habits, reading comprehension skills, multiple intelligence and generic skills.
65. He is a master of finagle and accommoda - tion ; he is purposeful and principled.
66. Innovation is the to create purposeful, focused change in an enterprise according to the changeful environment.
67. Labor is the production product that the mankind needs to satisfy oneself and has and the purposeful activity that provide a service.
68. A staged, goal-oriented , purposeful activity in which speakers engage as member of our culture.
69. I gave up the shelter of an orderly, purposeful, lawful existence.
70. I saw Mansfield's move as a purposeful ploy in the congressional campaign.
71. Be a diligent gardener and cultivate a purposeful, productive and happy life.
72. His mouth was twisted into purposeful half - grin, and his eyes happy about.
73. Apraxia is a collective term used to describe impairment in carrying out purposeful movements.
74. This is what you get out of a subsumption architecture: complex, seemingly purposeful behavior out of a set of simple(), layered behaviors.
75. Quietly, almost reverentially, I closed the door and, taking a purposeful deep breath, I walked back along and out through the front door, turned and slammed it shut on my old life.
76. Italians often find businesspeople from other countries too direct, too purposeful.
77. They were in starched white shirts and paper hats, and moved with a purposeful discipline.
78. Oral Communication language as a purposeful activities, it has timeliness, mobility, the scene of integrated features.
79. I had rather undertake some purposeful labour than stay idle.
80. The Seduction Science guy across the room deliberately, with purposeful control.
81. Cheung's drawing skills used for composition are clear and purposeful.




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