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单词 Collide
1. The interests of the two countries collide.
2. They regularly collide over policy decisions.
3. I thought the boats were going to collide, but one sheered off/away at the last second.
4. What happens when the two interests collide will make a fascinating spectacle.
5. It was predicted that a comet would collide with one of the planets.
6. Business realities will almost certainly collide with such sentiments.
7. Two taxis collide in Kilmarnock. 37 injured.
8. He and Carter were doomed to collide head-on.
9. What was happening, and why did the super-powers collide just here and just now?
10. Where two continents collide neither experiences significant subduction but some crustal thickening occurs and a mountain belt is formed.
11. This was suspected because when the particles collide they emit radio signals.
12. They can collide head-on with what we believe to be right.
13. Blunt changed course just enough to collide with Peacock head-on.
14. There are times when our daily orbits collide with those of other creatures.
15. The most likely fate is to collide with one of the terrestrial planets.
16. I wanted all those wonderful colors to collide in ways that could blow your voice box right off.
17. Some playing positions are prone to collide with a Floyd's fine tuning system and this one seems to be especially sensitive.
18. When the highly energized particles collide with atmospheric gases.
19. The aims of the negotiators in New York again seem likely to collide with the aims of the warriors in the field.
20. The figure on page 28 shows the make-up of these simplest nuclei and illustrates what happens when two deuterium nuclei collide.
21. The first sections of the converging continental margins to collide suffer the most intense deformation.
22. Ah... everyone would be forgotten, even Goethe, if the earth should chance to collide with a comet.
23. The two co-exist as memories of their cultures, with a healthy clash where the two collide in the entrance foyer.
24. Investigations are continuing to discover how the two cars came to collide at the Great Stainton crossroads on the narrow road.
25. The ultimate fate of most of this collision debris is to collide again with the satellite from which it was originally ejected.
26. Quartermaine is the oblivious pivot around which the other members of staff at the Cambridge language school circulate and occasionally collide.
27. Tornadoes usually form when rising warm, moist air rotates, as winds from opposite directions collide.
28. They were politely kind to each other, as people always are whose ambitions temporary collide in public.
29. When the plates of land that form the earth collide or slide past each other, earthquakes result.
30. All of the Amor asteroids cross the orbit of Mars and could collide with it.
31. Gratingly around the end of the truck and, still spinning and sliding, was about to collide with me again.
32. At present paper, we deduced the relative velocity distribution of mixed ideal gas molecule. Then we got the average collide frequency and average free distance.
33. so anyone creating an XPath has to be prepared to create new prefixes to disambiguate these collisions, and make sure those prefixes don't collide with any others already in use.
34. Dec 1987 - A total of 4,386 die in world's worst peacetime shipping disaster, as ferry Dona Paz, owned by Sulpicio Lines, and an oil tanker collide off Mindoro Island.
35. The tides slide on the tidy wide beach and collide each other.
36. Australia's commercial relations with its biggest trading partner tend to collide with China's unhappiness over its political stance, especially over human rights.
37. Environmental protection and freedom of trade become world trends, which might collide with each other.
38. The only remaining viable alternative is the heat produced when asteroids collide with one another.
39. His works are unified by an acute awareness of the tragicomic, often conjuring up visions of childhood and collective memory in a space where the modern and the traditional collide.
40. Some of the electrons or ions then collide with the drops and stick to them.
41. He doesn't stimulate, collide with, hurt and offend others as he can as possible.
42. These annihilations are thought to occur when two WIMPs collide,[] generating gamma-rays which can be picked up by detectors such as those on board Fermi.
43. When a meddlesome mother enrolls in university with her son, old and new worlds collide.
44. At those high densities the atoms frequently collide with each other.
45. March 27, 1977. Two Boeing 747s, operated by KLM and Pan Am, collide on a foggy runway at Tenerife, in Spain's Canary Islands killing 583 people.
46. Fender - bender . In the distant future, Earth could collide with another planet.
47. This is because they collide with the water molecules and are pushed this way and that.
48. Tangential air makes the particles rotating and intensifies particles' turbulent motion, so the liquid drops are easier to collide with particles and wet them.
49. When the line collide with the surface in the space, the atmosphere was warm and cordial.
50. The NLRB argues that under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, if federal and state laws collide, the latter must yield—that is, the state law is "pre-empted" by federal law.
51. The broad communion of the eastern and western art gives the post -modernism art and the aesthetics of Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi a chance to fuse and collide .
52. Western wedding contains various custom culture has become a kind of trend, but young Chinese wedding flow shirt-sleeve west the process is a tide of friction with the traditional process, collide.
53. If multiple universes exist, they may collide with each other and leave behind signs in the cosmic microwave background radiation, researchers say.
54. Abstract: Valve may collide with piston wnen diesel runs , so we calculate dimensional train.
55. Social media, local search and mobile search all collide in today's online world to provide an ultimate user experience.
56. Bulges and elliptical galaxies ( that is, diskless bulges ) form when galaxies collide and merge.
57. Two Boeing 747s, operated by KLM and Pan Am, collide on a foggy runway at Tenerife, in Spain's Canary Islands killing 583 people.
58. The colliding Antenna Galaxies, a hyperkinetic smashup in space, may approximate what will happen when the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 2.5 billion years.
59. For example, if Newtonian mechanics governed the workings of an atom, electrons would rapidly travel towards and collide with the nucleus.
60. When the motion tracks of two objects intersect, they may collide and have interference. Before and after their collision, they meet law of conservation of momentum and law of conservation of energy.
61. Realistic physics - bamboo structures will bend, break, and collide with the environment.
62. The message in her work reflects her own situation in the art market where she gets pressure from, and seeing artists at her age facing the early profit collide between interpersonal relationships.
63. When two waves of opposite direction but similar frequency collide, they create a special kind of pressure wave that carries energy to the ocean bottom.
64. Furthermore, these atoms would collide with a high-speed spaceship with incredible energy, a situation Edelstein equates with standing in front of a particle beam in the Large Hadron Collider.
65. Before the two neutron stars collide, they would orbit each other as a binary system.
66. Aura's design gives form to an ethereal space that doesn't collide with the beauty and harmony of Palladian interiors nor does it hide the perception of its frescoes.
67. Auroras occur when charged particles outside the Earth's atmosphere collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere.
68. This is because they collide with the watery molecules and are pushed this way and that.
69. Valve may collide with piston when diesel runs[http://], so we calculate dimensional train.
70. During the slow, hundred million year collision, however, one galaxy can rip the other apart gravitationally , and dust and gas common to both galaxies does collide.
71. The youth is the sharpest range pole that era change and develop, while the city is the place where culture blend and concept collide fiercestly .
72. I hear the trains collide, the chains rattle , the locomotive chugging, snorting, sniffing steaming and pissing.
73. The removal of these particlesbysettling requires reduction of this energy barrier by neutralizingtheelectric charges and by encouraging the particles to collide witheachother.
74. Like in The Matrix's 360-degree slo-mo effect, it slows down split-second actions for our viewing pleasure -- showing just what gruesome things happen when cars collide with nubile young bodies.
75. When truths collide, compromise becomes the first casualty ( Henry A. Kissinger ).
76. North Korea and Iran are where China's local imperatives and great-power interests collide.
77. But the LHC is also designed to collide heavy lead ions relativistically to help physicists peer back into the beginning of time.
78. Meteors are bits of dust or rock that collide with Earth's atmosphere.
79. These particles do not resile but they unite after they collide.
80. Mercurian atmosphere is thin enough to be described as an exosphere, meaning the constituent atoms never collide.
81. Two masses constrained to move in a horizontal plane collide.
82. The jade accouterments on her collide with each other, and give out a tinkling sound.




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