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单词 Ballistic
1, Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims.
2, He went ballistic when I told him.
3, China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
4, He went ballistic when I told him about the accident.
5, August registrations have gone ballistic, accounting now for a quarter of the annual total.
6, The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check.
7, I couldn't believe it! She went ballistic just because there were peas in her pasta.
8, The Wyoming was carrying only nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles.
9, He served aboard the Trident ballistic missile submarines Alabama and Florida.
10, A mounted ballistic food processor, maybe I can blend them to death.
11, Last month Putin decided to retire silo-housed intercontinental ballistic missiles as their service lives expire.
12, On ballistic missiles, too, plenty of things other than intelligence determine policy.
13, Fig. 8 Arm muscles Ballistic stretching is more vigorous, as the name suggests,(http:///ballistic.html) and involves bouncing and jerking movements.
14, We need ballistic missile protection now more than ever for three basic reasons.
15, Ballistic evidence suggested that, in the shoot-out, the policeman may have died from a police bullet.
16, Removed flamethrower death critical on ballistic weapons.
17, The Russians first fielded an intercontinental ballistic missile.
18, China now no beat carrier ballistic missile.
19, Axial flow type and ballistic type.
20, If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.
21, We will in addition work for a global ban on chemical and biological weapons and stronger controls to prevent proliferation of ballistic missiles.
22, We must consider whether it would be desirable or possible to do so to sea-launched ballistic missiles.
23, Now, the Pentagon may cast Aegis ships as part of a ballistic missile defense network favored by Cohen.
24, He realized that the Soviets were just as capable of adapting a ballistic missile to carry satellites as he was.
25, It was the clearest possible demonstration that they had mastered the problems of the Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile.
26, The commission was expected to recommend the on-site destruction of ballistic missiles.
27, During the 1950s further work on marine guidance was adapted for use in ballistic missiles.
28, The Western hemisphere would soon be in range of and vulnerable to Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles, carrying megaton warheads.
29, Can you double the number of homes on a plot of land without making the residents claustrophobic or the neighbors ballistic?
30, Several time zones away, a nuclear submarine conducted a surprise test-firing of two long-range ballistic missiles.
1, Ballistic tests have matched the weapons with bullets taken from the bodies of victims.
2, China regrets the abrogation of the Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty.
31, LL: That's different. I said, don't go ballistic.
32, The payload of a ballistic missile is its warhead.
33, Spam makes me go ballistic.
34, Penetration of the ballistic missile in infrared wavebands is achieved mainly by controlling the infrared signatures of its warhead and by implementing infrared jamming to the interceptors.
35, The method has high accuracy being used to calculate internal ballistic performance of other grain configuration motor and plays a important role in spinning motor design.
36, It is reported that Russia's strategic rocket forces have about 500 different types of intercontinental ballistic missiles, including about 300 "Topol RS-12M" intercontinental ballistic missile.
37, Both countries used modified ballistic missiles to achieve their successes.
38, The images appear to show an intercontinental ballistic missile being moved by train from the capital to a launch pad at Musudan-ri in the north-east of the country.
39, Pentagon spokesman said the interceptor was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California and the fake long-range ballistic missile was sent from the Alaskan island of Kodiak .
40, China also deploys three intermediate - range ballistic missile ( IRBM ) and medium - range ballistic missile ( MRBM ) categories.
41, Objective To investigate the therapeutic eff ects of suprapubic ballistic vesicolithotrity followed by transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) in patients with large prostate and bladder stone.
42, Moons can now attacked with interplanetary rockets. Anti - Ballistic Missiles of the planet will defend the moon.
43, Equally important to the ballistic range tests is the design of model and sabot .
44, The tracking law of ballistic trajectory is leaded by infrared camera of the early - warning satellite.
45, Finally, I told Clarissa if she was candid about our debts, I wouldn't go ballistic.
46, The damping derivatives can only be determined experimentally in the wind tunnel or ballistic range.
47, "This technology is intended as a mask for the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile," Gates said in a March 29 interview on the Fox television network's Fox News Sunday.
48, The paper studies the influence of propellant thickness on the interior ballistic performance of an equilibrium launcher, such as, probable error of muzzle velocity, maximum pressure.
49, Secondly, The submarine will be exerted many kinds of force, such as hydrostatical force, hydrodynamic force and reaction of projection while it is projecting the ballistic missile.
50, Conclusion The combination of suprapubic ballistic vesicolithotrit y and TURP is an effective, safe, and economical treatment for patients with bladder stone and large prostate.
51, Seoul is contemplating participation in a U.S. - led ballistic missile defense program for East Asia.
52, The GMD system test began at 3:04 p.m. Eastern time when a long-range ballistic missile target lifted off from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska.
53, The sophisticated ballistic missile defence system is built to thwart any incoming missile from entering the air space of the country.
54, India Wednesday successfully tested a short-range nuclear-capable ballistic missile from a facility in the eastern state of Orissa, a senior Indian Defense Ministry official said.
55, Analogue meters and potentiometers can be replaced by digital meters and non-inductive resistors in the classical ballistic method, so it makes wiring and operating more easier.
56, And the feasibility of the head - on intercepting tactical ballistic missile is also approached in detail.
57, Based on conventional ballistics theory, the mathematical model of the ballistic trajectory which adopts low and high pressure chamber fire mode is established for the small cluster tear bomb.
58, S. and its allies in that region believe it's a test of a range ballistic missile.
59, The ballistic simulator was used to make experiments of ignition simultaneity of the normal centre core ignitor and the LVD centre core ignitor to propellants.
60, Studied the low temperature sensitivity coefficient (LTSC) effect on high-energy nitroamine propellant throgh the termination experiment, closed bomb experiment and interior ballistic experiment.
61, After a short, ballistic flight to about 40 feet (12 metres) altitude, the rocket, which was not equipped with a recovery system, landed nose-first in the frozen ground.
62, The experiment results shows that the wave- absorbed layer improves the ballistic performance of composite ...
63, A rapid iteration algorithm adapting to ballistic missile trajectory design is presented.
64, These new capabilities will be built upon an open systems infrastructure to facilitate the ability to incorporate any sensor and weapon system into the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).
65, Based on the principle and the characteristics of the gas-gun, the mathematical model of the interior ballistic is constructed and the practical interior ballistic equations of gas gun are derived.
66, The open program boasts Prithvi Air Defense anti - ballistic missile interceptor.
67, This article summarizes the change process of guided ballistic missile Scud B in Soviet and its combat use in Gulf War.
68, The Russians remain implacably opposed to letting Bush build a ground-based mid-course interceptor—the GBI—base in Poland to try to shoot down any future Iranian intercontinental ballistic missiles.
69, The German Chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, has told US President BillAnti-missile missile launch Clinton that he is worried about US plans for a new anti- ballistic missile defence system.
70, They are applicable to ballistic analysis, re-entry analysis, guidance and aerodynamic calculations to save machine time and inner storage required.
71, (Source; Voice of America news; issued May 29, 2007) Russia has successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile and a tactical shorter range cruise missile.
72, The main technologies it involves including TV video image imitate; exterior ballistic simulation, waterspout coordinate processing; range bearing spotting imitate and real-time calculating.
73, Secondly, the article calculates a number of ballistic flight trajectory in the use of six degrees of freedom rigid body model,(http:///ballistic.html) provides the parameters for design the control system.
74, China also deploys three weapons in the intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) and medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) categories.
75, The DF - 3 is China's first operational intermediate - range ballistic missile.
76, The UH-1N fleet is used by the Air Force to patrol intercontinental ballistic missile fields in the United States and to transport VIPs throughout the Washington region.
77, "I do not know anyone at a senior level in the American government who does not believe this technology is intended as a mask for the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile," he said.
78, Czechs in the crowd were divided in their reactions when the American leader reiterated his support for an anti-missile defence system designed to ward off the threat from Iranian ballistic missiles.
79, Britain's space technology development is carries on through the research solid rocketsonde and the liquid ballistic missile.
80, The utilization of many large costly and rare implements needed in the test of high-angle fire, such as the photograph theodolite, ballistic camera etc, are avoided by using the method.
81, One touch of a female's egg sac and they go ballistic, grappling any other male within reach.
82, Aiming at geosynchronous orbit infrared detection system, the infrared detection performance of the ballistic missile plume is analyzed.
83, The paper also studied the method in measuring the burst point and tracking ballistic trajectory.
84, SSBN is the United States Navy's hull classification symbol for a fleet ballistic nuclear missile submarine.
85, Tests of a new nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava-M, designed to be mounted on Borei-class submarines, have been a mixture of failure and success.
86, Japan has been engaged in efforts to improve its sea-borne based ballistic missile defense capabilities in the wake of North Korean missile tests and saber rattling.
87, The static magnetization curves and hysteresis loops were measured by the ballistic galvanometer.
88, Also on exhibit are the DF 21 intermediate-range ballistic missile and DF 11 short - range ballistic missile.
89, If you send eight people to a hearing because there is an outside chance they might have to speak at that hearing and you try that outside of bankruptcy the client will go ballistic.
90, As China's nuclear-powered attack submarine programme entered full-scale development in the late 1960s, the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine programme was also given go-ahead.
91, It is all too easy to lose your temper and go ballistic on your kids.
92, Theupper digestive tract hemorrhage after anti-rejection ballistic method could be treated by blood dialysis to stabilize homeostasis and strengthen coagulation mechanism with the view to hemostasis.
93, In addition, Russia's No. 6 equipment, "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile shot well the strategic missile group will appear in Saratov.
94, The real-time solution for differential equations of exterior ballistic on antiaircraft artillery is an important research problem in fire-control domain.
95, The basic structure, amplitude frequency response characteristics and ballistic deficit effect of the algorithm were studied with both theoretical analysis and computer simulation methods.
96, A more immediate threat is posed by China's adaptation of an intermediate-range ballistic missile - the DF-21D - to target US aircraft carriers.
97, Japan's top government spokesman says it does not appear that North Korea is about to test-fire a long-range ballistic missile.
98, TanDEM-X was carried into space atop a converted intercontinental ballistic missile from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
99, Clinton changes the name of SDI to Ballistic Missive Defence Organisation as the fresh focus on smaller so-called "theatre" missiles is reinforced.
100, The principle of star patterns matching for celestial guidance to correct the initial localization and orientation errors occurred in mobile launching of ballistic missile is described.
101, Because many weapon systems, such as aircraft carrier battle group, ballistic missile, cruise missile, long-range fighter-bomber, etc. , are various kinds of moving targets.
102, With the cubic fragment as the impact body, a lot of ballistic impact tests are conducted in the UHMWPE composites.
103, This paper mainly studies how to accurately fit the air dynamics parameter by the ballistic data of projectiles' free flight.
104, Two models are developed for ballistic impact of thick metallic plates struck by non-deformable projectiles with conical or ogival noses by considering two interconnected perforation stages.
105, Experimental results show that the relations of ballistic limit and area density for the thin UFRP are different from those for the thick ones.
106, Ballistic Architecture Machine ( BAM ) is a design and art studio based in Beijing, China.
107, Nitrogen alloyed austenitic steels showed excellent ballistic property, higher than that of martensite steel.
108, Axial flow type and ballistic type. The speed of impeller depends on the speed of wind.
109, This newly redesigned shoe employs a rugged feel through a leather toe box and ballistic nylon upper.
110, Both of the above systems appear relevant should China develop anti - ballistic missile weaponry also.
111, Two methods used in the microanalysis of semiconductor interfaces, Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (BEEM)and Scanning Internal Photoemission Microscopy (SIPM), are described.
112, For years, Russia has been very critical of U.S. plans for a ballistic missile defense system in Europe.
113, Such systems include intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine - launched missiles and heavy bombers.
114, Objective To evaluate the clinical usage of the air pressure ballistic lithotriptor in the endoscopic management of ureteral calculi.
115, Pakistan conducted successful tests of two ballistic missiles Saturday, which the army said can carry conventional and nuclear warheads.
116, The arrival raises the obvious question if the Jin-class is finally reaching a point of operational readiness where it can do what it was designed for: launching nuclear long-range ballistic missiles.
117, The detection and discrimination ability of the ground-based radar (GBR) is an important support of the discrimination ability of the whole ballistic missile defense system.
118, North Korea has threatened to test-fire an intercontinental ballistic missile .
119, Objective To evaluate the availability of ballistic lithoclast in treatment of ureteral calculi.
120, "We're running into more and more people who go ballistic at having their cars towed away, " Del Valle said.
121, China's official press identified them as a Xia - class ballistic - missile submarine and a Han - class attack submarine.
122, Normandie is a French radar system for ballistic missile tracking and measurement.
123, The Soviets proposed the withdrawal of American ballistic - missile submarines from forward bases.
124, The simulation of ballistic trajectory provides the foundation for gunning simulation in antiaircraft artillery.
125, North Korea defied the U.N. Security Council today by firing off a barrage of ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.
126, China's disapproval was justified, since anintercept ballistic missiles would deprive it of its nuclear retaliatory capability.
127, It has been building large numbers of relatively inexpensive but highly accurate non-nuclear ballistic missiles, as well as sea- and air-launched cruise missiles.
128, The structure design of a leveled unit with high accuracy for the antenna pedestal of a phased array ballistic measurement radar is introduced, several schemes are compared in this paper.
129, Comparing with normal ballistic missile, the lateral dynamical property analysis for cruise missile is more complex.
130, The discrimination problem of active decoy and radar target was studied based on the ballistic trajectory's planarity in the background of missile defense.
131, This paper mainly experiment research and numerical analyzed the submunition ballistic trajectory condition of hard munition.
132, The cannon shot muzzle velocity is the mainly parameter which influences outer ballistic performance.
133, During the test, the sensors detected, tracked, and assessed a long-range ballistic missile target launched from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska.
133, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
134, The security council imposed sanctions after a ballistic missile launch and a nuclear test in 2006.
135, People see the lie above and go ballistic with dreamy-eyed optimism.
136, Pakistan successfully tested a short-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile with a range of 200 kilometers (124 miles) Saturday, the Pakistan Army said in a statement.
137, In separate comments, he said North Korea was "becoming a direct threat to the US", predicting Pyongyang would develop nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles within five years.
138, A new engineering model is developed for analysis of ballistic impact of moderately thick metallic plates struck by non-deformable projectiles with conical and ogival noses.
139, Many early launch vehicle s were derived from intercontinental Ballistic missiles.
140, It is studied the problem of tracking a ballistic object in reentry phase from radar observations.
141, For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as Atlas is guided to its target.
142, Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of ureteroscopic ballistic lithoclast in the treatment of ureteral calculi.
143, If the North does test such an intercontinental ballistic missile again, American forces will have to consider blowing it up on the launch pad or shooting it out of the sky.
144, Methods Choledochfiberscope(CHF) combined with air pressure ballistic lithoclast(APBL) under ureterscopy were used on 28 cases of large or impacted residual gallstones.
145, LL: Didn't you tell me before that you used to go ballistic on your old roommate all the time?
146, It is planned to purchase 1000 helicopters, 600 military airplanes, 100 military ships, including 8 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.
147, Dives the intercontinental ballistic missile disposition in the nuclear power submarine.
148, The theoretical method calculating infrared radiation distribution of ballistic target above aerosphere is discussed, and relevant computer program is designed.
149, It is home to a Chinese ballistic missile base and other important Chinese military facilities.
150, Conclusion: The ballistic lithoclast , as a new technique, is claimed to be safe and a high success rate and less trauma, which is valuable to be greatly spread.
151, The distributing defense simulation is an important means to evaluate the combat effectiveness of ballistic missile.
152, In response, Japan and the US have jointly developed a ballistic missile defence system that includes interceptor missiles on board ships and Patriot missiles dotted around Tokyo.
153, The country like US, USSR chocked out program of Ballistic Missile defenses (BMD) – to intercept the opponents attack by ICBM .
154, The two primary ballistic missile test facilities are at Wuzhai and Shuangchengzi.
155, This paper presents a Time-Delay Recurrent Neural Network (TDRNN) for exo-atmospheric ballistic space infrared target discrimination.
156, From the experiment, students could develop a good understanding of the concept of capacity for the further application study on the ballistic method.
157, India is likely to test the nuclear-capable Agni II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile in eastern state of Orissa Monday, according to military sources.
158, A further search through Virtual Earth shows a ballistic submarine in an East Coast shipyard with its missile tubes open.
159, Based on the theory and method of Monte Carlo simulation, random trajectory is computed by solving the ballistic equations with random initial parameter inputs.
160, A method for dim ballistic trajectory detection based on multiscale morphological reconstruction is presented.
161, The extended range and penetration design theory of the surface-to-surface rocket missile were explained, and the missile ballistic model was established.
162, Sure, Gates said, "this technology is intended as a mask for the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile."
163, According to LR Hubbard, the enemies go ballistic because you are winning.
163, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
164, Russia has successfully test-fired a new intercontinental ballistic missile and a tactical shorter range cruise missile.
165, LAST July North Korea fired ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan.
166, At first the ballistic model of rocket projectile vertical launch is established, then it researches lift-to-drag ratio and influence of the angle of flight path on the firing range.
167, A focal plane imaging is limited in catching object when spot-focusing horn lens antenna is applied in ballistic wake microwave interferometer.
168, Last year, India showed the world how Prithvi anti - ballistic missile interceptor achieved all the mission objectives.
169, A closed set of the interior ballistic equations is established under some assumptions.
170, If Linda finds out she failed this class, she'll go ballistic.
171, NATO leaders are also expected to unveil a new strategic concept for the alliance, to include stronger defenses against cyber-terrorism and ballistic missiles.
172, But their command also includes operational control of all strategic and defensive ballistic missiles.
173, The decision to go ahead with an expanded missile defence system to cover all NATO countries is a response to the spread of ballistic missiles capable of reaching alliance territory.
174, The passive countermeasure proposed here can replace the heavy decoy with the energetic mini corner reflector and widen the option for reentry ballistic missile passive countermeasure penetration.
175, It is gradually replacing its older, liquid-fueled ballistic nuclear-capable missiles with solid-fuel missiles, which will make launching them faster and less cumbersome.
176, We have developed a method that uses a magnetic double barrier tunnel junction to study spin flip scattering in nanometer sized spacer layers near the ballistic limit.
177, Further work on ballistic missiles led to the R-2 in 1950.
178, Pyongyang is angry at Seoul and Washington's annual joint military drill, while the latter fear the North is planning to launch a ballistic missile next month.
179, Early warning radar in Turkey belongs to NATO plans to deploy anti-missile systems as part of NATO's aim is to resist the Iranian ballistic missile threat.
180, This paper presents the effect of electrical leakage on the measurement in measuring capacitance by ballistic galvanometer.
181, A group of complex differential equations must be solved for the ballistic calculation of air-to-air missile.
182, In order to quicken and broaden the applications, this paper systematically studied the loop structure, in-plane mechanical and ballistic properties of MBWK reinforced composite.
183, The test of the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system began at 4:01 p. m. Eastern when a long-range ballistic missile target lifted off from the Kodiak Launch Complex in Alaska.
184, This obturator can satisfy requirement of rocket engine on the interior ballistic and exterior ballistic.
185, This azimuth motion is known as the ballistic deflection error.
186, In April, North Korea launched a test rocket that the United States, Japan and others said was cover for a ballistic missile test.
187, India carried out a night-time test of a nuclear-capable, medium-range ballistic missile off its eastern coast Monday, a defence official said.
188, Based on the analysis of flight trajectory of ground-to-ground ballistic missile, a simplified mathematical model for missile impact point calculation was set up.
189, After-working impulse is main source to ballistic missile flight trajectory error and hit error.
190, In addition, people also devised a special dye with deadly missiles and intercontinental ballistic missile.
191, The US Navy (USN) has conducted the 120th consecutive test launch of a Lockheed Martin Trident II D5 Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM).
192, The agreement also limited the range of any Iraqi ballistic missile to 150 kilometers or less.
193, Japan's top government okesman says it does not a ear that North Korea is about to test-fire a long - range ballistic mi ile .
194, With the development of missile defense system, the penetration of ballistic missile will faces with a greater menace,(http:///ballistic.html) and the midcourse of ballistic missile is the focus of countermine.
195, The ballistic coefficient formula of the energetic mini corner reflector is derived.
196, The security council imposed sanctions a ballistic missile launch a nuclear test in 2006.
197, This paper introduces the structural design, composition selection for G01 electric igniter and the effect of charge process on ballistic performance.




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