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单词 Judiciary
1 The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momen-tarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.
2 The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.
3 It could fetter the independence of the judiciary.
4 The judiciary will continue to have the last word.
5 Diversify the mostly white federal judiciary.
6 Fujimori suspended the constitution and dissolved the judiciary.
7 As to the judiciary, the Court of Justice, this is a more complicated matter.
8 He also launched a bitter attack on the judiciary, accusing it of corruption.
9 The judiciary is a farce: 80 % of prisoners are awaiting trial.
10 Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? 4.
11 The judiciary only resort to disciplinary action in the most blatant cases, where the alternative would make us look even worse.
12 The judiciary, not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution, I decided.
13 The Senate Judiciary Committee did not make her charges public and closed the confirmation hearings without calling her as a witness.
14 The Senate Judiciary Committee approved it, but several senators said they voted for it just to expedite the full Senate debate.
15 The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
16 The Judiciary Committee rejected a proposal that would have made the sentencing guidelines only advisory.
17 The judiciary does not and can not exist in a vacuum, immune to civic concerns and shifting realities.
18 The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches together make up the US government.
19 Not withstanding that risk, under the Constitution, the judiciary is in the best position to blow the whistle on runaway majorities.
20 Secondly, the judiciary can impose limits on whose views should be taken into account when discretion is exercised.
21 The first job of the new democratic government should be to depoliticize the judiciary.
22 This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
23 Power is shared between three main branches of government: the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.
24 Review over findings of fact has also increased as the judiciary have increased their control over open-textured and subjective conditions of jurisdiction.
25 For these reasons, if none other, the Lord Chancellor, is more than a nominal head of the judiciary.
26 The inevitably open texture of such a document leaves a great degree of discretion in the hands of the judiciary.
27 Many will see Mr De Klerk's decision as a back-handed tribute to the independence of the judiciary.
28 Its big annual event in Dade County, a banquet honoring the judiciary, just made me impatient.
29 Less pressing, but still ubiquitous, is a sensitivity towards the reactions, actual or anticipated, of the higher judiciary.
30 He first came to national prominence as a member of the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.
1 The first job of the new democratic government should be to depoliticize the judiciary.
31 It was in the witch trials that the exquisite symbiosis between Power and the judiciary is perhaps best illustrated.
32 In short, while most judiciaries exercise some discretion in adjudication, the existence of a truly independent judiciary is a rarity.
33 But this assumption rests on a contestable value judgment about the proper role of the judiciary in controlling the government.
34 The day he testified to the Judiciary Committee, his usual confident ease was absent.
35 But they want more time to study the issue, preferably in hearings before the House Judiciary Committee and other relevant panels.
36 Earlier, the House Judiciary Committee approved another component that Democrats view as a bill-killer: limits on medical malpractice suits.
37 Lord Irvine, head of the judiciary, insisted that he had broken no rules nor undermined the integrity of his office.
37 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
38 Faubus had again thumbed his nose at the judiciary by refusing to appear.
39 True, the judiciary has changed for the better since shaking off the yoke of the executive.
40 Until now the judiciary have expressed their views about the tariff period, tacitly if not expressly, in confidence.
41 This is a key factor in preserving the Panel's integrity and independence from the judiciary.
42 This fits the pattern that Mugabe has also encouraged with his attack on the country's independent judiciary.
43 The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Thursday to split the bill into two parts, one each dealing with legal and illegal immigration.
44 The judiciary respects neither the law, nor religious standards, nor public opinion.
45 He was the sixth judge to be rejected by the judiciary committee during the past decade.
46 An immigration-reform measure pending in the Senate Judiciary Committee would cut the length of employment to three years, but Sen.
47 The decisive factor in many of these wrangles may be the judiciary.
48 This Commission consists of five senior members of the judiciary and legal profession.
49 The basic obstacles to tougher judiciary action are twofold, officials say.
50 Hearings are scheduled next week in the Constitution subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee.
51 One of the most frequent criticisms of a bill of rights is the power of interpretation it would afford to the judiciary.
52 Prestige passed increasingly to the financial agencies, which grew in size and importance, overshadowing the judiciary.
53 Hyde, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, was consulted about language changes in the amendment.
54 The Constitution provided for an independent judiciary with special provisions for Melanesian affairs and Melanesian courts.
55 However, there are some political systems where the judiciary is relatively independent.
56 Hyde, House Judiciary Committee chairman, is an urbane conservative respected by members of both parties.
57 We are asked, instead, to perform a function that the Constitution gave to the Executive, not the Judiciary.
58 If the Supreme Court and the judiciary it leads do not change course, the awesome consequences are clearly foreseeable.
59 Conservatives in the judiciary shut these publications, beginning in April, and jailed at least half a dozen editors and commentators.
60 Successive Lord Chancellors have gone on record stating their keenness to create a judiciary more representative of the population as a whole.
61 Behind this lay the complaint that the judiciary had been effectively excluded from policy-making.
62 My greatest frustration on the bench is the lack of support of the government for the judiciary.
63 When the session was adjourned, the judiciary and defence lawyers gave conflicting accounts of the outcome.
64 The senior judge in question is former chief justice Eusoff Chin, who ran the judiciary throughout the Anwar trial.
65 The country's judiciary has become bolder following the arrest of Gen Pinochet in London in October 1998.
66 A similarly combined immigration bill in the Senate was split last week by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
67 We also have an over-compassionate bench and judiciary more concerned with the theory of justice than with its practical implementation.
67 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
68 The charges came as a House Judiciary subcommittee heard testimony on legislation introduced by Rep.
69 There is a move to increase the independence of the judiciary.
70 This approach, however, is open to charges of functionalism and presumes a conspiracy between judiciary and government.
71 The federal judiciary in the United States is nominated by the President and appointed with the consent of the Senate.
72 Hardliners in the judiciary then began to jail reformist journalists.
73 On April 8 a Superior Court judge ruled that Gates could return to full duties pending a judiciary hearing.
74 Child welfare workers joined physicians as the authorities in service to the judiciary.
75 Though his subsequent report did not directly criticize Campbell, it did attack the overall structure of the police and judiciary.
76 In a perfect world, presidential campaigns should leave the judiciary alone.
77 Efforts by the government and the judiciary to combat the cartels had been further damaged by two recent incidents.
78 The independence of the judiciary is rightly regarded as a cornerstone of our liberties.
79 Probation should in no sense be seen as a soft option by the judiciary.
80 Now the suspected subservience of the judiciary to the politicians seemed to be made manifest.
81 Most remarkable was the language used by some senior members of the judiciary.
82 To do this it had to gain the support, both of the judiciary and the public, for its new measures.
83 If we consider the independence of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of all legislation.
84 The discussion of the judiciary asserts that every set of judicial structures is political.
85 Even in 1970, public schools produced 62 percent of top civil servants and 80 percent of the top judiciary.
86 A new power to suspend sentences of imprisonment was added by Jenkins, at the instigation of the judiciary.
87 In the Watergate scandal, obstruction of justice was number one in the articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
88 Scandals have proliferated in business and banking, and have tainted the civil service and the judiciary.
89 The core of the problem is simply that the judiciary is the creature of the legal profession.
90 Discussion concentrated on electoral reform, the decentralization of state power and the need for an independent judiciary.
91 At least a bill of rights would provide standards - laid down by parliament - against which our judiciary would have to operate.
92 The English judiciary wear their traditional horsehair wigs.
93 The federal judiciary is hierarchical.
94 I tell you the Libyan judiciary are really good.
95 State courts operate independently of the federal judiciary.
96 The president'power can not go across into judiciary territory.
97 The judiciary is built on the reasonableness of judges.
97 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
98 The judiciary has / have been consulted.
99 It allows us complete financial autonomy, it establishes Hong Kong as a separate customs territory. The Basic Law guarantees the independence of our judiciary.
100 The Library will be located in the former Courthouse and the headquarters of the Judiciary Police on Avenida da Praia Grande and Rua Central which comprise a total floor space of 22,000 sq meters.
101 The fifth part further put forward the possibility and condition for folk law availability to judiciary.
102 Consideration network is belonged to into addiction contract invigorative disease this one element, undoubted meeting increases a judiciary to deal with the difficulty of criminal case.
103 But names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American Bar Association and appointment is usually made only with its approval.
104 Their goal was a peaceful and legal limitation of the powers of the central government, a restoration of local self-government, an independent judiciary, and the abolition of special privileges.
105 Last year, the Judiciary introduced a two - year pilot scheme for mediation of construction disputes.
106 But two years later, finally , the judiciary has restored my wife's reputation.
107 Seven Bahai leaders have been sentenced to 20 years in prison this week by the Iranian judiciary. The sentences were met with widespread condemnation.
108 Nationalist leader Ronald Ngala told the conference that "the best form of safeguard for all races in Kenya was a Bill of Rights enforced by an independent judiciary."
109 An independent federal judiciary is considered essential to ensure fairness and equal justice for all citizens.
110 The judiciary has itself recognized and articulated these concerns periodically.
111 That may be the greatest lasting legacy of this decision: the unchecked and uncheckable power of the judiciary.
112 Using identity law in judiciary trials, the properness and consistency of asking and answer can be guaranteed to improve the efficiency of dealing with case.
113 Only 5% are in the federal judiciary and 10.1% in private industry.
114 This means no Western - style parliamentary democracy or balance of power between the executive, legislature and judiciary.
115 Sonia Sotomayor is testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
116 Modern spirit of the rule of law and rational concept of litigation sparkplug supervision of power to prevent corruption in the judiciary .
117 The Chinese judiciary is endeavoring to deepen the reform of its judicial system.
118 This judiciary is not just al - Zeidi's brother, Dargham, said tearfully after Wednesday's verdict was announced.
119 The approximately 180 judges in the Judiciary a strong collegiate spirit.
120 Later I was elected as a district judge, and then appointed by the President to the federal judiciary as a U.
121 But fellow members of Egypt ostensibly secular judiciary have proved harder to convince.
122 Names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American Bar Association and appointment is usually made only with its approval.
123 Towards evening on that day, when the judiciary officers of the bishop came to pick up from the pavement of the Parvis the dislocated corpse of the archdeacon, Quasimodo had disappeared.
124 Or does it suggest that the judiciary is politicised, ready to violate the presumption of innocence and tear up the writ of habeas corpus?
125 As a corollary, democracy is held to require the establishment of an independent judiciary and courts.
126 No date has been set for confirmation hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
127 Using identity law in judiciary trials, the properness and consistency of asking and answer can be guaranteed to improve the eff...
128 I have not been undergoing any of the following: imprisonment, being wanted by judiciary, sentenced for insurgence, treachery, corruption or homicide.
129 But critics say he wants to curb the power of the judiciary.
130 Reform the mechanism working in the propose procedure of arbitration, perfect judiciary in solving labor disputes.
131 At the very least, the court should make itself subject to the code of conduct that applies to the rest of the federal judiciary.
132 No date has been set for confirmation hearings by the Senate judiciary Judiciary Committee.
133 If a political leader refuses to accept the election returns, a strong, independent judiciary capable of resisting that recalcitrance is crucial.
134 Be short of judiciary supervision; Law oversees corresponding supporting system no completely waiting.
135 Te 64th clause also stipulates the French president as the independent guarantor of the judiciary.
136 The judiciary is the safeguard of our liberty and of our property under the constitution.
137 Wi th the judiciary reformed more deeply, litigation intermediation, this kind of"in formal assize", was turned by the limit in the creation process of judge system.
138 Judge's discretion right is the core of judiciary. It is also a basic research topic of nomology.
139 A man found guilty of adultery has been stoned to death in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, judiciary spokesman said Tuesday.
140 But Iran's judiciary chief , Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi, said the Iraqi actedwell in approving the pact.
141 But the banks have different definitions and procedures on outward bill operations, so the judiciary section can not find an accurate identification for legislation.
142 The independence of the judiciary in France is guaranteed by statute.
143 In contemporary criminal litigation, droits of the criminal injured party in different countries are various because of different judiciary systems.
144 1998 - Lewinsky scandal: The United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against US President Bill Clinton.
145 The Federal Judiciary had asked high schools in Dover City of Pennsylvania immediately stop teaching the theory that human is made by god and returned biology class to be science class.
146 The US House of Representatives voted Wednesday to send a Bush impeachment bill to the House Judiciary Committee for review.
147 Any stakeholder can buy a printed copy or browse online the law-making process and offer opinion through the Judiciary Legislative Council and consultation channels.
148 The structure and role of the judiciary affect the policy process.
149 The main theme of this thesis is to explore the development of the restraint of trade doctrine and to discuss its application by the judiciary.
150 In the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an in dependent legal system and judiciary (Court of chancery)which competed with the ordinary common law courts.
151 In practice the judiciary is the weakest, as Alexander Hamilton cautioned in "The Federalist Papers", because it controls neither sword nor purse.
152 Others called for a greater focus on overhauling Afghanistan's corrupt judiciary.
153 Break the law to be suspected of violating discipline, deliver discipline check in time censorial mechanism and judiciary penalize lawfully according to discipline.
154 The Expected Possibility theory poses a challenge on our traditional value and criminal legislation and judiciary.
155 From the 70's the Restorative Justice is come into vogue, and is extended energetically by United Nations as one kind of new judiciary pattern in the Western countries.
156 Do you think the judiciary was aware of the consequences to come?
157 The rightward turn of the judiciary will probably be the most lasting achievement of Reagan and his movement.
158 History: The Office of the Attorney General was created by the Judiciary Act of 1789 as one of the original Cabinet posts, but was intended to be a one-person, part-time position.
159 The ancient office of Lord Chancellor—formerly the head of the judiciary,( ) presiding officer of the House of Lords and a cabinet minister all at once—was broken into three.
160 The judiciary has shied away from turning political personalities into martyrs.
161 Separately, Attorney General-designate Eric Holder testified at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
162 For all practical purposes, local self-government disappeared completely, the independence of the judiciary was destroyed, and the new leaders became supreme.




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