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单词 Unnecessary
1. I don't want to encumber myself with unnecessary luggage.
2. We should save unnecessary expenses.
3. There's no sense in taking unnecessary risks.
4. She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.
5. All this fuss is totally unnecessary.
6. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
7. There's no point in taking unnecessary risks.
8. I paid that well, but was felt unnecessary pain.
9. They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.
10. We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.
11. Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
12. Explanation is unnecessary, because people know you do not need it.
13. In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
14. We edited out some unnecessary words or sentences from the draft.
15. He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.
16. This comma is unnecessary, mark it out.
17. They viewed his actions as unnecessary.
18. This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.
19. Don't labour the reader with unnecessary detail.
20. It's unnecessary to cooka big meal tonight.
21. You've caused us all a lot of unnecessary worry.
22. We can't afford any unnecessary delays.
23. Don't worry the driver with unnecessary requests.
24. Prune out any unnecessary details.
25. Try to avoid unnecessary waste.
26. Please, Mary, this is all so unnecessary.
27. Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 
28. I found a lot of the violence in the film totally unnecessary.
29. They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
30. She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
1. I don't want to encumber myself with unnecessary luggage.
2. There's no sense in taking unnecessary risks.
3. She often pothers herself over unnecessary details.
4. All this fuss is totally unnecessary.
5. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
6. There's no point in taking unnecessary risks.
7. They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals.
8. We should trim off the unnecessary parts of our spending.
9. I found a lot of the violence in the film totally unnecessary.
10. They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
11. She made one or two snide remarks about their house which I thought was a bit unnecessary.
12. Unnecessary anxiety has been caused by media hysteria and misinformation.
13. In writing this report I have omitted all unnecessary details.
14. We edited out some unnecessary words or sentences from the draft.
15. He cancelled many unnecessary words in his manuscript.
16. This renders it unnecessary for me to do anything.
17. Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
18. While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
19. We shall have to trim away the unnecessary parts of the spending.
31. No, no, that's quite unnecessary.
32. That last comment was a little unnecessary, wasn't it?
33. We always try to avoid any unnecessary complications.
34. He accused Diana of making an unnecessary fuss.
35. Don't involve yourself in unnecessary dispute.
36. This new computer system is completely unnecessary and a misuse of taxpayers' money.
37. The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
38. We were trained to speak fluently and without unnecessary hesitations.
39. A union would infuse unnecessary conflict into the company'semployee relations.
40. If you could prune away the unnecessary adjectives in this essay, it would be improved.
41. Some people feel that experimenting on animals causes unnecessary suffering.
42. He just humiliated her in front of everyone - it was so unnecessary.
43. The bad language in the film was distasteful and unnecessary.
44. This letter expresses our views clearly,(http://) So rewording is unnecessary.
45. The aid agencies have enough on their plate without having unnecessary visitors to look after.
46. Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.
47. All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.
48. You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone.
49. She gave her parents unnecessary worry when she forgot to phone them.
50. You could have spared yourself an unnecessary trip by phoning in advance.
51. He kept asking unnecessary questions which only confused the issue.
52. There is still some hope that the economic blockade will work and make military intervention unnecessary.
53. The British press, making a mountain out of a molehill, precipitated an unnecessary economic crisis.
54. While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.
55. I hate unnecessary waste.
56. The idea is to kill the animal as quickly as possible without causing unnecessary suffering.
57. We shall have to trim away the unnecessary parts of the spending.
58. It is therefore unnecessary to discuss primary education separately.
59. It is expedient to reduce unnecessary expenditure.
60. But objectors say the loo is an unnecessary expense.
61. A full bladder can cause much unnecessary discomfort.
62. Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. Pablo Picasso 
63. It was totally unnecessary, to begin with.
64. They feel that these systems are expensive and unnecessary, especially since they undermine firms' existing facilities for small orders.
65. The tendency to categorize black sportsmen and women differently from the rest is faintly racist and, I believe, totally unnecessary.
66. This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary.
67. They show that 100,000 unnecessary deaths a year are the result of tobacco consumption.
68. The greybeards made a quite unnecessary fuss about this and I was forced to employ my stout stick.
69. Card holders are guaranteed one ticket per person, per gold cards, and queueing, stresses the club, is unnecessary.
70. Misunderstanding and confusion are rife sometimes causing unnecessary damage or expense, personal injury or even death.
71. The approach enables larger cannulae to be used for easier stone extraction, however, and avoids unnecessary trauma to the liver.
71. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
72. The central committee ideology department accused Kharchev of unnecessary interference in the internal affairs of churches and of financial indiscipline.
73. The new laws support yearly renewable consumer choice, and at the same time reduce unnecessary and costly culinary options.
74. It would have been an unnecessary and cruel blow for her to see her old home in its state of decay.
75. And the leisure department is to be ordered on to a tough economy drive, paring back all unnecessary expenditure.
76. But any conscious attempt to disregard this proportionality would inflict unnecessary losses and suffering.
77. Churchhill was said to have a dislike for unnecessary formality.
78. First, it will act as a safeguard against today's widespread and unnecessary breakdown of faith.
79. An unnecessary signal: the radios had been dead since the crash landing.
80. This hypothesis not only flouts accepted biological principles but is unnecessary.
81. However, some work is discretionary, taken on to fulfill ambitions or to purchase unnecessary luxuries.
82. However, the concern was gender-specific, focusing on men and appearing unnecessary or irrelevant for women.
83. He eventually decided against this but did move to take unnecessary letters out of many words.
84. Conservative councillors will cut unnecessary expenditure - and slash your community charge bill.
85. But the convincing portrayal of childhood fantasies, fears and rituals is marred by the unnecessary melodramatic final sequence.
86. Both these features give unnecessary complexity to the termination of the contractual relationship.
87. But some doctors have a history of abusing that trust for profit, prescribing unnecessary and ineffective diet regimes to all comers.
88. He had carried out a deliberate act causing unnecessary suffering and cruelty.
89. The agnostic who doubts the existence of God, and the free thinker who feels that the existence of God is unnecessary and not justified, constitute a majority of non- believers. Dr T.P.Chia 
90. The provision has been criticised as unnecessary as most organisers liaised with the police on a voluntary basis.
91. The longer intervals will also avoid the costs of unnecessary testing.
92. Get the truth from Piper, make the best use of it, then unload a few unnecessary encumbrances.
93. The Interactions have been considerably improved and unnecessary co-ordination removed from the interface.
94. In such cases, the X-ray leads to unnecessary discomfort, expense and emotional distress.
95. There is no point in dimming fluorescent light; although it is possible, it is extremely costly and unnecessary.
96. It is unnecessary to produce a person who fears for his safety.
97. The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
98. If the Government were likely to meet the full cost, the proposal would be unnecessary.
99. Removal can cause unnecessary complications to the middle and internal ear.
100. We feel that this is a very unnecessary expense and would be very time consuming for us to calculate.
101. It is a day to celebrate the rich variety of people within our parish rather than create unnecessary divisions.
102. The Salinas government is adamant that a large devaluation would be both damaging and unnecessary.
103. This misleading view of intonation must have caused unnecessary anxiety to many learners of the language.
104. This was despite the government's stated aim that the definition of regulated activities should be sufficiently clear to avoid unnecessary registration.
105. Another factor led to frustration, annoyance, and an unnecessary expenditure of about $ 800, 000.
106. This simply slows the flow of traffic and causes unnecessary and frustrating delays.
107. Parking where you have done seems a rather unnecessary expense, doesn't it?
108. Of course, if his tasks are badly designed they may well make unnecessary demands.
109. Her unnecessary decision to do the dirtiest work in the place struck them as alarming.
110. Unsubstantiated half-truths and distortions of fact cause unnecessary argument and are an inefficient use of people's time.
111. Avoid at all costs unnecessary negative comments when speaking to a work-inhibited student.
112. This will be appreciated by the candidate and prevent any unnecessary bad feeling that would affect the outcome.
113. Since the president was unavailable, I spoke with her assistant to arrange an appointment. unnecessary repetition.
114. Most men consider them an unnecessary expense, if they consider them at all; contraception is a women's issue.
115. Factors which correlate strongly with autonomy are: Strong goal orientation, even to the point of creating unnecessary hurdles.
116. How should couples manage this testing to avoid unnecessary anxiety?
117. I do not complain about that so far as he is concerned because no doubt it would be an additional and unnecessary expense for him.
118. It also made Julia angry, pointing up the unnecessary rudeness of Comfort's dismissal of David.
119. The first, simplest, and strongest argument was that it was wrong and unnecessary to place eleven-year-olds in separate schools.
120. It was probably unnecessary, she thought, but old habits died hard.
121. The avoidance of unnecessary institutional care by assessment of need for care.
122. If a rest follows the solo passage the asterisk is unnecessary.
123. First is the possibility of an unnecessary increase in the number of old people consigned to institutional care.
124. Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival.
125. In a world instantly connected by a finger on a facsimile machine, it might seem unnecessary to decentralise research.
126. The formalization of learning was not only unnecessary and inhibiting, but politically divisive.
127. It has attempted to be very explicit about what it considers to be unnecessary local expenditure.
128. It involves a lot of unnecessary digging, it is time-consuming and exhausting.
129. Some employers have said that they believe that a requirement to review the check-off annually would be unnecessary and burdensome.
130. General Leclerc's troops had shown great skill and speed, Gracey said, but much unnecessary brutality.
131. An amount which is still a matter for pride, if tinged with apprehension at the increasing number of unnecessary restrictions.
132. The offices around were empty and dead, street lights in the backwater thought unnecessary in the emergency.
133. Optimal treatment of attacks can be life saving but suboptimal treatment or unnecessary delay in the provision of care can be fatal.
134. The last gamble, which would make concession unnecessary, was a new expeditionary force to defeat the rebels.
135. I am writing to complain about manufacturers who use unnecessary packaging.
136. It is best done at this stage to avoid unnecessary disturbance later on.
137. In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
138. It could, indeed, help to establish the kind of ethos which might make recourse to legal remedies unnecessary.
139. A multiple transfer of assets may be time consuming if consents are required and may give rise to unnecessary stamp duty.
140. They blocked the entrances in protest at what they claim is the unnecessary culling of badgers organised from the base.
141. This is achieved by eliminating not only functionless parts but also unnecessary machining operations and simplifying the shape of the sand castings.
142. The new regulations will require unnecessary expenditure of time and money.
143. Faculty examinations are unnecessary because there already exists a suitable alternative in the form of the IoT examination.
144. Gramm suggested recently that the partial government shutdown was evidence that furloughed federal workers were unnecessary.
145. It follows from this that what is necessary hi for one may well be considered unnecessary hi by another.
146. This exercise will increase overall flexibility in this area and will guard against unnecessary shoulder injuries.
147. For surface transport, although an equally high energy density fuel is unnecessary,() an effective method of energy storage is vital.
148. Order, order Always plan ahead to save time and unnecessary effort.
149. If assignees do not qualify to be treated as depositors for compensation purposes, the Order was unnecessary.
150. Although U/V, ozone and protein skimmers were known, reference books often claimed they were unnecessary.
151. It is an unnecessary constraint, since without it the manager would do better.
152. Not all authorities agree on this point and many experienced flyers maintain that the horizontal stabiliser is unnecessary.
153. Faculty examinations are also unnecessary because they will add greatly to training and development costs.
154. The economic impact studies in sports most often tend to exaggerate the benefits making these reports misleading and unnecessary.
155. It was an unnecessary extravagance, since I would have to be driven a hundred miles back in a car.
156. As he declined the invitation it is unnecessary to consider further what would have been the effect of such a joinder.
157. Adam's next problem was how to obtain a translation of the document and Goering's letter without arousing unnecessary curiosity.
158. Today it is calling for the abolition of the Budget, dismissing it as an unnecessary annual charade.
159. Filmgoers, unfortunately, are subjected to the unnecessary trauma of seeing the brutal crime depicted from arty camera angles.
160. The boy jerked them in over the gunwale, his father giving an unnecessary push from underneath.
161. Every unnecessary pound of steel meant several unnecessary dollars added to the cost.
162. This can save time,(http:///unnecessary.html) worry and unnecessary expense for your family.
163. The working party have taken the view that the small company audit is unnecessary and have virtually accused us of being parasites.
164. Stimulants in the form of pills are unnecessary; coffee, fresh air, and light exercise are effective substitutes.
165. Because you are wrong to build unnecessary walls around yourself.
166. A pair of racing shoes could lift your performance or leave you with an appealing but unnecessary extravagance.
167. Rivalry between them is unnecessary and tends to disappear once each fully comprehends the other's role.
168. A junta official said recently that a dialogue is unnecessary as evidenced by improving foreign investments and relations.
169. I know that it is unnecessary to rip animals to pieces to preserve the balance of nature.
170. Even within head office, the level of unnecessary detail with which headquarters committees were burdened attracted criticisms.
171. Meaning wrapped up in waffle Meaning may be wrapped in so many layers of words or unnecessary phrases that it almost disappears.
172. But McCurry also said the bill is unnecessary, echoing the views of many House Democrats.
173. As is now clear, it was this totally unnecessary act of hubris that more than anything else frightened the voters away.
174. He is expected eventually to rule that the Union flag must fly, and he called the row unnecessary.
175. The jackets had to go back to the sweatshop, making for an unnecessary and annoying delay.
176. The professor shrugged, casting an eye over Davide's good jacket, to inform him that his information was unnecessary.
177. From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.
178. Sometimes a little lie helps to strengthen relationships, or to avoid unnecessary conflicts and tensions. Sometimes omitting certain truth serves to protect ourselves and others. Dr T.P.Chia 
179. The accountant checked this unnecessary spending in good time.
180. The purpose of intervention is to prevent unnecessary duplication of lawsuits.
181. And then all ties were irksome, all earthly attachments unnecessary.
182. Automation has largely dispensed with the need for manual checking, ie made it unnecessary.
183. Unnecessary variation is the enemy of a coherent, usable design.
184. We'll have to be ruthless if we want to eliminate unnecessary waste.




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