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单词 Obliged
1. I was obliged to abandon that idea.
2. I felt obliged to ask them to dinner.
3. You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.
4. She was obliged to go.
5. Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.
6. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.
7. When riot broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.
8. Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.
9. He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.
10. The smuggler was finally obliged to inform against his boss.
11. He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal.
12. He's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements.
13. The principal shall be obliged to pay the wages to the employees.
14. The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months.
15. I am much obliged to you for the loan of the book.
16. We are much obliged to you for your help.
17. She obliged us with another song.
18. Doctors are legally obliged to take certain precautions.
19. I'm much obliged to you for helping us.
20. Circumstances had obliged him to sell the business.
21. They felt obliged to resort to violence.
22. By law,(Sentencedict) you are obliged to wear seat belts.
23. We were obliged to go by force of circumstance.
24. Doctors felt ethically obliged to continue the treatment.
25. The police obliged him to leave.
26. You need not feel obliged to contribute.
27. They are contractually bound/obliged to finish the work.
28. He was obliged to pay a £40 speeding fine.
29. I'm much obliged to you.
30. The fans were looking for another goal and Owen duly obliged .
1. I was obliged to abandon that idea.
2. I felt obliged to ask them to dinner.
3. You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.
4. She was obliged to go.
5. Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.
6. When riot broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.
7. Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.
8. He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up work.
9. He was obliged to resign when one of his own aides was implicated in a financial scandal.
10. He's obliged to take his turn at reading out the announcements.
11. The minister was obliged to report at least once every six months.
12. Because of the war they were obliged to conduct their courtship by post.
31. Economic exigency obliged the government to act.
32. I was obliged to diet myself.
33. I should be obliged if you wouldn't say so.
34. Poverty obliged her to live a hard life.
35. I would be obliged if you could read it to us.
36. Under the terms of the alliance, Japan was not obliged to enter the war.
37. I'd be obliged if you'd treat this matter as strictly confidential.
38. The Georgian forces defended the capital but were finally obliged to concede.
39. The President was obliged to concede power to the army.
40. Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests.
41. I needed to get some sleep. 2. to have to or to be obliged to do sth:Will we need to show our passports?
42. She felt obliged to offer him a bed for the night.
43. By law, you are obliged to install smoke alarms in the factory.
44. I felt morally obliged to do the best I could for her.
45. Half the road was up in Leadenhall Street, so their taxi was obliged to make a detour.
46. We are in no sense obliged to agree to this.
47. He was obliged to stand down as a Parliamentary candidate.
48. Rank was contractually obliged to hand him a cheque for $30 million.
49. They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts.
50. When rioting broke out, the police were obliged to intervene.
51. You are not obliged to answer these questions, but it would make our task easier.
52. Thank you very much indeed, Doctor, I am extremely obliged to you.
53. We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.
54. Management are obliged to consult with union representatives about possible redundancies.
55. The government might be obliged to put its money where its mouth is to prove its commitment.
56. I'd be obliged if you would complete and return the form as soon as possible.
57. She asked for his autograph and he duly obliged by signing her programme.
58. As the mother of the bride, I feel obliged to wear something really spectacular.
59. Some of the men were obliged to fall out from fatigue.
60. Sellers are not legally obliged to accept the highest offer.
61. I'd be obliged if you would keep this to yourself.
62. The storm got worse and worse. Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.
63. Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars.
64. Many parents feel obliged to pay for at least part of the wedding.
65. Because of the war they were obliged to conduct their courtship by post.
66. She feels obliged to be nice to Jack because he's her boss.
67. 'Much obliged,' he said as I opened the door for him.
68. You are obliged to assign to me your firm by the contract.
69. He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.
70. Companies will also be obliged to pay clean-up costs.
71. Much obliged for your assistance.
72. And dancing and music and other cultural activities were provided which the hands were obliged to attend.
73. It would have obliged local authorities to draw up a register of contaminated sites in their area(/obliged.html), and supervise their clean-up.
74. She was obliged only to pay court costs of £400.
75. He was so damned humble that O'Hara was obliged to offer him a cup of coffee.
76. Developers were obliged to adopt a highly active role in locating land.
77. Had she insisted on the couple marrying in the village church she would have been obliged to attend the ceremony.
78. Individuals and businesses are obliged to pay $ 49, but many never get around to sending in the check.
79. They complained that the Law of Similars often obliged them to use overpriced components, handicapping their products in world markets.
80. We are obliged to disclose the name of our client and such other relevant details concerning his business.
81. Local authorities are legally obliged to record unmet needs and disclose details of these.
82. Conrad and his wife obliged, then donated what little was left to charity.
83. McSorley obliged, first propping the poor-skating outfielder up in the left corner, then checking him into the boards.
84. He would be obliged to call new elections within three months.
85. It used to be culturally acceptable to burn witches, but not every judge obliged.
86. If interest payments are waived, the society is not obliged to pay arrears of interest in future years.
87. He'd been obliged to commit too many crimes in this joyless world.
88. The travellers said that as gypsies the council was obliged by law to give them a camp site.
89. Patients eventually develop a resistance to AIDS drugs, so doctors are obliged to rotate the type of medication.
90. Second, most scientific disciplines, including molecular biology and genetics are obliged to seek funding for research from industry.
91. He was obliged to eat with the servants, and was completely at the archbishop's beck and call.
92. As the editor in chief of such a magazine, I am obliged to answer a lot of questions about men.
93. Ruth found herself obliged to share a bedroom with Polly Beard.
94. Legally, the government was obliged to maintain strong control of transport, making privatisation problematic.
95. After the judgment the Government was obliged to alter the law on the right to beat one's children.
96. Dismissal may include constructive dismissal: the employer's behaviour proves so objectionable that the employee is obliged to leave.
97. What animal products are used in other wines, and why are producers not obliged to list the ingredients?
98. Faced with such a direct question, and from Mrs Langham, he felt obliged to reply.
99. But we are not obliged to join in a single currency if we do not want to.
100. Users have to register, but aren't obliged to enter into a lengthy contractual agreement.
101. The Independent, in London,(http:///obliged.html) obliged with another blast of hot air.
102. I would also hold that he was not obliged to do so in discretionary life sentence cases.
103. The income from private tutoring was falling and the Joyces were obliged to move to a basement flat near Brompton Cemetery.
104. Creditors are all too frequently obliged to terminate the consumer credit agreement because the debtor is in default.
105. The corporatist countervision argues that corporate managers are obliged to weigh the interests of a whole range of different constituents.
106. The band obliged with musical chairs, but after two of the dining room chairs were broken, they left off playing.
107. Perhaps being gay, they do not feel obliged to conform to traditional male standards.
108. Careers officer LEAs are obliged to set up a Careers Service, which is staffed by careers officers.
109. Instances occur where the courts feel obliged to construe a statute in a way that they themselves acknowledge creates outrageous injustice.
110. Bob felt obliged to go and look at a certain number of these places out of politeness.
111. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. Galileo Galilei 
112. She had wild visions of being obliged to invite him to dinner every night.
113. Disappointed, we retraced our footprints and were obliged to camp on the same patch of ice as the night before.
114. Science may be obliged to find a new word free from religious associations.
115. That is why soldiers called Metaxas and Papadopoulos have from time to time felt obliged to step forward and try a spot of military dictatorship.
116. Nevertheless, in accordance with the regulations of the shipping company, they had all been obliged to buy return tickets.
117. The Mayor was obliged to adjourn the meeting pending discussion by the Corporation.
118. Instead, she was obliged to subscribe to Emerson's misleading account of their acquaintance.
119. As there are no plans to examine, the council is not obliged to issue any formal letter of approval.
120. By the 1890s civil servants had become obliged to retire on reaching pensionable age.
121. Physicians performing abortions were obliged to file detailed reports on each case to the state health department.
122. Forum obliged to comply with netiquette.
123. Nowadays, obliged regulations on collision safety of bus has not been carried out in China, of course, experiments about roll-over collision have not been done.
124. Over competing in the limited market obliged the national industry making a "regulated" path choice.
125. If we are honest, we shall be obliged to admit that this picture is gappy and unsatisfying in many respects.
126. The Topeka, Kansas, case involved grade-schooler Linda Brown, who had been obliged to attend a black school 21 blocks from her house. There was a white school only seven blocks away.
127. The Catholic feast of the circumcision is considered so important that on the 1st of January every year, all Catholics in the world are obliged to attend Mass under pain of mortal sin.
128. Some bankers believe they may even retain assets should other clients feel obliged to come clean.
129. After implementation of the Accounting Act, person in charge of the institution is obliged to be responsible for the authenticity and integrity of accounting work and data.
130. This is only to be expected since men are obliged by patriarcal culture to protect women even at the risk of their own lifes.
131. He had been obliged to join the army during the first World War.
131. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
132. Just when he thought he was safe, along came a scandal, a talking point Scholes was obliged to comment on.
133. Delivery of goods without bill of lading Bill of Lading is a document of title, the goods to the port of destination, the carrier is obliged to deliver the goods to the original bill of lading holder.
134. A downstream user who is not manufacturing or importing substances has no registration obligations and consequently he is not obliged to pre-register a phase-in substance.
135. On revocation under this Chapter, the donee is obliged to return the goods.
136. I was obliged to reprimand him for the sake of discipline.
137. In the late fifties, the Sino-Soviet Schism took place,() and Communists were obliged to choose between Moscow and Peking.
138. After the 2006 coup, the 15th in Bhumibol’s reign, officials tried to tell foreigners that protocol obliged the king to accept the generals’ seizure of power.
139. I am obliged to leave the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan before visa expiration.
140. In what correspondents describe as a rare climb-down, manufacturers will no longer be obliged to equip every computer sold in China with the controversial technology known as Green Dam.
141. The desire for knowledge with its consequences had been put in question, and always in order to put in question what knowledge believes itself obliged to forge precisely as final cause.
142. He made several attempts to rise but was obliged to desist.
143. Of all the misconceptions about her work, the one that riles Gordimer the most is that, while writing under apartheid, she felt obliged to use her fiction for liberal agitprop.
144. We are obliged to decline your offer of sale agency proposal.
145. Regular staff who remain benefit from lifetime employment but feel obliged to work extra hours lest their positions be made temporary.
146. Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance.
147. They are obliged to make decisions that go against the grain.
148. We are obliged for your order, no . 500 , of yesterday's date, for 100 doz. silk handkerchief.
149. But I slipped from her bed carrying away no memory of the caresses and loving words which she had felt obliged to lavish on me in exchange for the six thousand francs which I left for her.
150. Each association is obliged to keep anup-to-date list of all the players' agents to which it has issued a licence andpublish it in an appropriate form (internet, circular letter, etc.).
151. Note that your device is obliged to accept this factor whenever it is in the suspended state.
152. We shall by very much obliged if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling them to catch the brisk demand at the start of the season.
153. We are greatly obliged for your trial order, just receive.
154. After the imperial profile disappeared from the Legion of Honor, he never dressed himself in his regimentals, as he said, so that he should not be obliged to wear his cross.
155. Western multinationals feel obliged to have a presence in China, and since the country is as tricksy as it is potentially lucrative, they often send their most capable staff there.
156. And satellite-launchers should be obliged to buy insurance to cover the risk of extra costs before they venture into space, rather as car-drivers must before they take to the road.
157. Hydatidosis, however, is the most hazardous parasitosis in Qinghai, so control practice is obliged to focus on this diseases.
158. If the theme were hackneyed, I should be obliged to deal gently with the reader.
159. The sense that I try to instill into materials is beyond all rules of composition, and their tangibility , smell, and acoustic qualities are merely elements of the language that we are obliged to use.
160. We should be obliged if you could arrange for the immediate shipment of this order.




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