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单词 Keen
(1) He always funked when competition grew too keen.
(2) We are keen that Britain should get involved too.
(3) She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture.
(4) He told Hayling that he was keen to help.
(5) Eagles have very keen eyesight.
(6) Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
(7) Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.
(8) I'm not keen to go again.
(9) He was a man of keen perception.
(10) Prince Charles is a keen polo player.
(11) I'm dead keen on Chinese paintings.
(12) She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.
(13) John was very keen to help.
(14) This knife is very keen.
(15) I wasn't too keen on going to the party.
(16) He's mad keen on football.
(17) A keen north wind was blowing.
(18) Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.
(19) Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was.
(20) McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom[/keen.html], rather than a pop one.
(21) Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.
(22) I am a very keen runner and am out training most days.
(23) He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
(24) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
(25) Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.
(26) The Government was keen for people to get married rather than shack up.
(27) Nobody was keen to take on such a thankless task.
(28) He became a keen golfer after his retirement from politics.
(29) To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
(30) Doctors are short of time to listen and are therefore keen to dish out drugs whenever they can.
(1) We are keen that Britain should get involved too.
(2) She's very keen to learn about Japanese culture.
(3) He told Hayling that he was keen to help.
(4) Eagles have very keen eyesight.
(5) Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
(6) Mrs. Miller is very keen on art.
(7) Prince Charles is a keen polo player.
(8) She was keen to exploit her discovery commercially.
(9) John was very keen to help.
(10) I wasn't too keen on going to the party.
(11) A keen north wind was blowing.
(12) Companies are increasingly keen to contract out peripheral activities like training.
(13) Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was.
(14) McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.
(15) Ministers are as keen as ever to wrap their activities in a shroud of secrecy.
(16) I am a very keen runner and am out training most days.
(17) He is keen to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds.
(18) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
(19) To be quite truthful with you, I'm not very keen on this colour.
(20) Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.
(21) The Government was keen for people to get married rather than shack up.
(22) Doctors are short of time to listen and are therefore keen to dish out drugs whenever they can.
(23) He became a keen golfer after his retirement from politics.
(24) He's such a keen fan, he even goes to all the away matches.
(25) They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.
(26) He's keen, but his youth is a minus factor.
(27) With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in China.
(28) The parents were keen that their daughter should become musician.
(31) He's such a keen fan, he even goes to all the away matches.
(32) They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.
(33) He was a keen music lover .
(34) She herself was not a keen gardener.
(35) They are both very keen cyclists.
(36) Mrs Hill is keen on Tom's marrying Susan.
(37) She's keen to get ahead in her career.
(38) I got quite keen on the idea.
(39) They are rather keen on your new-type woolens.
(40) She's not keen on being told what to do.
(41) It was the subject of keen debate.
(42) The government is keen to allay the public's fears.
(43) He's mad keen on planes.
(44) The children are well-behaved and keen to learn.
(45) He's keen,[] but his youth is a minus factor.
(46) There is keen competition for places at the college.
(47) He is not very keen on jazz.
(48) She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.
(49) The company negotiates very keen prices with their suppliers.
(50) She has a keen eye for talent.
(51) The kids in my class are all very keen.
(52) I'm not too keen on jazz.
(53) She's very keen on do it yourself.
(54) She's still keen to keep in touch.
(55) I'm not awfully keen on fish.
(56) She is a student of keen observation.
(57) John's always been keen on music.
(58) They are rather keen to purchase Chinese goods.
(59) She's keen to do something in the fashion line.
(60) There is keen competition between the two motorcar firms.
(61) A dog has keen scent.
(62) She has a keen sense of the absurd.
(63) The boy is keen to go to sea.
(64) Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time.
(65) Keen competition for first place.
(66) A keen fly-fisherman caught a record-sized salmon.
(67) She was naturally keen to make a good impression.
(68) They were desperately keen for information.
(69) They are keen to progress with the scheme.
(70) She was always keen to hear the local gossip.
(71) They'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.
(72) I wasn't keen on going there on my own.
(72) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(73) She has a keen eye for spotting talent.
(74) He's a very keen sportsman .
(75) very keen on the idea.
(76) She is also keen on the ballet.
(77) She wasn't keen on the idea to start with.
(78) She has a keen mind.
(79) I'm not all that keen on swimming.
(80) They are all keen sportsmen.
(81) Dogs have a very keen sense of smell.
(82) He was keen that she should go to college.
(83) He has a keen brain.
(84) They described him as a man of keen intellect.
(85) Sally's quite keen on the idea.
(86) We must maintain keen vigilance at all time.
(87) She's a very keen gardener.
(88) Dr. Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning.
(89) My daughter is keen of hearing.
(90) I'm not keen on cabbage.
(91) Daniel's very keen on tennis.
(92) The blind have keen touch.
(93) He is keen to perfect his golfing technique.
(94) He is keen to notch up yet another success.
(95) Tom's very keen on Anna.
(96) He took a keen interest in his grandson's education.
(97) Most managements are keen to avoid strikes.
(98) She was a keen amateur photographer.
(99) She unites keen business skills with a charming personality.
(100) Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.
(101) My wife's a keen gardener.
(102) She's mad keen on hockey / on Arthur Higgins.
(103) He's very keen to dish out criticism.
(104) My friend has a keen eye for a bargain.
(105) She's keen that we should go.
(106) a keen student of human natureWHICH WORD?
(107) I'm not desperately keen on watching football.
(108) Tracy was a keen swimmer and water skier.
(109) She has a keen following among rock fans.
(110) He's a very keen student and works very hard.
(111) She's keen on tennis.
(112) She likes Biology, but she's not too keen on Physics.
(113) Parents are always keen for their children to get on.
(114) He is keen to see a general reduction in arms sales given the volatility of the region.
(115) Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.
(116) Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions.
(117) They are keen to get the negotiating process back on the rails.
(118) I am not keen for her to have a bicycle.
(119) The nationalists are very keen to conserve their customs and language.
(120) She's not keen on the idea but we think we can talk her round.
(121) Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her.
(122) There is expected to be a keen fight in the local elections.
(123) Please quote keen prices.
(124) James was keen to put some of the things he had learned into practice.
(125) He's a keen balloonist.
(126) They want their daughter to go to university, but they are also keen that she get a summer job.
(127) Detectives hunting the London bombers will be keen to interview him.
(128) He has had a keen and lifelong interest in astrological research.
(129) With an election in the offing, the prime minister is keen to maintain his popularity.
(130) Competition is very keen.
(131) Competition between bidders for this valuable painting has been keen.
(132) They showed keen interest in the various lathes on exhibition.
(133) He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.
(134) Mr Honda was himself a keen racing driver in his younger days.
(135) She's keen to get in on any discussions about the new project.
(136) I'm very keen that the European Union should be as open as possible to trade from Russia.
(137) George, despite his great height and gangling walk,[] was a keen dancer.
(138) Fitzgerald is keen to emulate Martin's record of three successive world titles.
(139) She was already a keen and experienced sailor, having crewed in both Merlin and Grayling.
(140) He shows keen interest in his friends, hearing out their problems and offering counsel.
(141) The children are mad keen to go to the zoo.
(142) She's a keen horsewoman.
(143) American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.
(144) She wasn't keen at first, but she loved it once she got the bit between her teeth.
(145) She is keen at all costs to avoid a court case .
(146) He wasn't keen on the plan(), but we managed to bring him round.
(147) The competition became so keen that many of smaller companies were frozen out.
(148) The wind had veered to north, bringing clear skies and a keen frost.
(149) With sharp eyes and keen sensibility, she has uncompromisingly tackled the hot issues in China.
(150) We were keen to get back to the hotel before the storm broke.
(151) She was keen to do anything that would further the cause.
(152) The chairman is keen that the company should expand its product range.
(153) This is why Sir Colin Marshall, British Airways' chairman, has been so keen to buy shares in US-AIR.
(154) She takes a keen interest in politics and current affairs.
(155) The President is keen to notch a political triumph that would foster freer world trade and faster economic growth.
(156) They were keen rivals.
(157) He wasn't keen on the idea of working on the shop floor .
(158) She was new in the job and keen as mustard .
(159) I am as keen to do well as the next man.
(160) He's keen on cultivating his friendship with the Edwards family.
(161) They've been keen walkers ever since they read about the benefits of exercise.
(162) It seems that while the Kiwis are keen to have him,[] he is still open to offers.
(163) A many-sided character, he wrote poetry and was a keen cricketer and cook.
(164) The banks were not at all keen to lend to somebody who actually seemed to need money.
(165) She's keen on sailing.
(166) Keen to preserve his artistic integrity, he refused several lucrative Hollywood offers.
(167) He is keen to point out the benefits which the family network can provide.
(168) The scheme has proved very successful, and now other local authorities are keen to get in on the act .
(169) The parents were keen that their daughter should become musician.
(170) Most party members are keen to dissociate themselves from the extremists.
(171) He's been a keen supporter of the Labour Party all his life.
(172) The country is very keen to host the Winter Olympics in six years's time.
(173) We won the contest in the face of keen competition .
(174) The company hopes its keen pricing policy will increase sales.
(175) Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats.
(176) The receivers are keen to sell the stores as one lot.
(177) Her skill at working with wood is coupled to a keen eye for design.
(178) Their keen eyes can penetrate water to a depth of four meters.
(179) He's very keen on her but she's always brushing him 'off.
(180) She was quite keen to get onto the management committee.
(181) The government is keen for peace talks to start again soon.
(182) He was always keen to avenge insults, real or imagined.
(183) She's keen and I'm sure she'll succeed given half a chance.
(184) My father was very keen that I should fulfill my potential.
(185) She's a very keen reader - she devours one book after another.
(186) I'm keen on providing signers for deaf people and readers for the blind.
(187) He was always very keen to point out my mistakes.
(188) As she walked away, Joe felt a keen sense of loss.
(189) My roommates are very keen on bridge cards among other things.
(190) With her keen mind and good business sense, she soon became noticed.
(191) He was up bright and early, keen to get started.
(192) He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.
(192) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(193) My flatmates want to have a party, but I'm not keen on the idea .
(194) The commanders were keen to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north.
(195) I was keen to strike up a conversation with him.
(196) I was mad keen on dinosaurs when I was little.
(197) With her keen sense of smell, she could tell if you were a smoker from the other side of the room.
(198) The college is keen to build links with local industries.
(199) She was keen to take on the role of producer.
(200) Caroline was keen to make her marital home in London.
(201) We are not very keen on floral patterns and fussy designs.
(202) Susan has a keen eye for detail, so each dress is beautifully finished off.
(203) The company is believed to be keen to sell its extensive brewing interests.
(204) Josie didn't sound very keen when I spoke to her.
(205) He's too keen, if you ask me.
(206) Keen is a Texan charmer who delights in storytelling.
(207) He is keen on angling.
(208) Some dictators had been keen to forge triple alliances including foreign firms; other had kept them at arms' length.
(209) Areas on which the organisation is especially keen include semiconductors, telecommunications, factory automation, medical instruments and electronic office systems.
(210) Throughout his life Cayley showed keen interest in science and engineering developments, particularly in aeronautics.
(211) Of course, every fly-blown congressman is keen to install fresh weapons of death in his own backyard.
(212) Their keen intellects and powerful personalities could spark off more than just brilliant ideas at times.
(213) The Minehead resort gets 5,000-strong audiences at weekend breaks so more and more top stars are keen to play there.
(214) But I am not all that keen on boxed sets anyway.
(215) The competent, professional teacher, keen on his job, but with no wider political aims.
(216) Thy tooth is not so keen, because thou art not seen, although thy breath be rude!
(217) Special thanks to Sheri Torrance and my co-chair, Deb Scott, for their keen attention to detail.
(218) Though it has made its name as a mainframe software house, Compuware is keen to broaden its horizons.
(219) The high priests and elders being still keen to press charges, Festus invited them to Caesarea to put their case.
(220) As a keen writer and avid newspaper reader, Jenny had always wanted to be a journalist.
(221) Competition for entry to these programs is keen, and applicants need above-average grades to gain admission.
(222) As a keen amateur astronomer I take a dim view of being mistaken for a fortune teller!
(223) Some older people are keen to live in sheltered accommodation where they hope for a combination of independence and security.
(224) He has a keen interest in contemporary music and is a founder member of the ensemble Capricorn.
(225) But with being a keen golfer, I developed a keen eye for a golf ball and a distance.
(226) However, others saw in it greater advantages than we had and were keen to invest.
(227) Some agencies are particularly keen to attract nurses who have had a break in practice and provide reorientation for new staff.
(228) They were keen to combat acid rain, freeze carbon dioxide emissions and improve public transport.
(229) Thesaurus are predicting that dealers, academics and financial analysts will be keen to use their services.
(230) The couple, both active members of the powerful Church of Scientology, are still keen to adopt.
(231) He is a keen sportsman and enjoys marathon running for charity. joined the purchase ledger department in August.
(232) His redeeming qualities are his keen aesthetic sense and his carefree response to failure.
(233) Mr McGuinness is keen to channel money to parents who want to start schools that bring Protestant and Catholic children together.
(234) Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements.
(235) Keen on promoting venture capital, Viney owns a chain of wine bars as a sideline.
(236) Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything. Napoleon Hill 
(237) Although speechreaders learn the necessity for keen attention and mental focus, it is not humanly possible to focus attention all day.
(238) He'd been a pharmaceutical salesman, mad keen on amateur dramatics.
(239) Jasper wasn't too keen to start with and you can hardly blame him, but now he's fine about it.
(240) By contrast older established partners may be less keen on expansion in view of the added pressures it will produce.
(241) Although it was McCartney who announced the breakup, he had been most keen to continue.
(242) But the buildings he developed during his heyday are still there and the federal government is keen to find buyers for them.
(243) She played her part to the end, grateful that Ace didn't seem keen on prolonging the agony.
(244) Radio people are keen professionals so find out who makes the decisions and seize opportunities as they arise.
(245) His left eye under its shaggy eyebrow regarded me with keen amusement.
(246) London had been grit grey for months, and Jay fought the sunless skies with the blade of keen memory.
(247) In our dealings with the police we have found that they can blow hot and cold. Sometimes they are keen to have media help in solving a crime, other times they are more reluctant.
(248) If these people are so keen on farming, why did they bother forming a band?
(249) He was clearly keen to up the pace after the hosts averaged just two-and-a-half runs an over yesterday.
(250) Competition for the few places available is keen and a high academic standard is required.
(251) When their businesses were booming, they could afford to pose as tough-talking entrepreneurs keen to take on the telephone companies.
(252) The aerospace companies, and the elected representatives of their employees, are keen to salvage what jobs they may.
(253) According to new statistics, most of us buy the bulk of our wine from supermarkets and are keen on own brands.
(254) It was widely believed that City were no more guilty than a great many other clubs keen to do well in the emergency competitions.
(255) The little man was ambling along in the middle of the street(), looking around him with an expression of keen interest.
(256) He was a generous man with strong abrasive streaks and keen hatreds.
(257) Brookner probes with scrupulous attention, keen irony and a profound appreciation of the endless ambivalences that beset human relationships.
(258) Recommended to anyone keen to delve beneath the stock images of this troubled but beautiful country.
(259) Run by qualified volunteers, the club is keen to attract people of all ages and all abilities.
(260) Lloyd's is keen not only to increase its market share but to broaden its spread of risks.
(261) Later in marriage a particularly keen sense of commitment may be felt towards aged or ailing parents.
(262) Don't become despondent just because it seems that your employer is keen to drive a hard bargain.
(263) A leading authority on menswear, he is still, at 82,(http:///keen.html) a keen tennis player.
(264) Pempie wanted to go to the psychiatrist because she's very keen on astrology and sends away for readings.
(265) Lowther was a confirmed Londoner and absentee landlord who took a keen interest in the detailed affairs of his estate.
(266) He broiled inside his own deep anger, keen for reasons to writhe and scream.
(267) The Department of Health is also keen that this formula should be used as the basis for sub-regional distribution.




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