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单词 tamper-proof
释义  ˈtamper-proof adjective  BBTa package or container that is tamper-proof is made in a way that prevents someone from opening it before it is sold 〔包装或容器〕防拆封的,有防撕扯封条的Examples from the Corpustamper-proof• Part of the program would require states to develop more tamper-proof birth certificates and drivers licenses.• Wilson says he is only advocating a tamper-proof card for those seeking public services.• The authorities reacted by ruling that tamper-proof electronic cash registers must be used.From Longman Business Dictionarytamper-proofˈtamper-proof adjective1a package or container that is tamper-proof is made in a way that prevents people from opening it before it is soldSYN TAMPER-RESISTANT2impossible to change or spoiltamper-proof bar code labelsˈtamper-proof adjectiveChineseSyllable  tamper-proof container is Business that or a package Corpus




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