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单词 Irrelevant
1, We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
2, These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.
3, Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head.
4, What you say is irrelevant to the subject.
5, These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.
6, A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things.
7, The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
8, I am your irrelevant, you are one of my beginning and end.
9, Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.
10, That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
11, Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.
12, She dismissed their arguments as irrelevant.
13, Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail.
14, Her statement is irrelevant to this case.
15, Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.
16, The details are, for the present purposes , irrelevant.
17, Many people consider politics is irrelevant to their lives.
18, That evidence is irrelevant to the case.
19, The choice of subject matter is irrelevant.
20, Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.
21, It's all irrelevant to me.
22, Last year's report is ancient history and totally irrelevant to the current situation.
23, That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.
24, His age is completely irrelevant if he can do the job.
25, It was all irrelevant,(http:///irrelevant.html) but I didn't dare interrupt him in midflow.
26, Making a large profit is irrelevant to us - the important thing is to make the book available to the largest possible audience.
27, A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
28, He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.
29, He acknowledged that Mr Taylor's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances.
30, Read through your work and edit out anything repetitive or irrelevant.
1, We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.
2, These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.
3, Ludicrously irrelevant thoughts swarmed in her head.
4, These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.
5, A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things.
6, The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.
7, A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip what he thinks is boring or irrelevant.
8, That is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion.
9, Her statement is irrelevant to this case.
10, It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in midflow.
11, That is irrelevant; we must keep the main purpose of this meeting in sight.
31, The defendant's lawyer argued that his past offenses were irrelevant to this case.
32, The matter is strictly irrelevant at this point in the proceedings.
33, That is irrelevant; we must keep the main purpose of this meeting in sight.
34, All these things, if I may say so, are entirely irrelevant.
35, The source of the information is irrelevant. Moreover, the information need not be confidential.
36, She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.
37, This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material.
38, What you have just said is irrelevant to the subject.
39, Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.
40, Their skin colour, sexuality or hair hue is irrelevant.
41, The consequences seemed irrelevant(), too distant to consider.
42, Political and nationalistic considerations are totally irrelevant.
43, Disgraceful, if true; but almost irrelevant.
44, The question is not irrelevant to our own times.
45, Low Machs are easily disrupted by irrelevant emotional factors.
46, The precise timing of this process is largely irrelevant.
47, His political views, however, were presumably not completely irrelevant.
48, For satellite communications, geographical boundary lines are irrelevant.
49, Where obligation is the key, policy is largely irrelevant.
50, Cranston just nodded, accepting his explanation as something irrelevant.
51, Trust me to find the completely irrelevant question.
51, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
52, The gay aspects of the story are almost irrelevant.
53, Any negotiation has a limit. Otherwise, war is irrelevant. Toba Beta 
54, Information that is irrelevant is filtered out.
55, Once again the goodwill is irrelevant to the minority interest.
56, Whether that is so in other societies, which is highly questionable, is irrelevant.
57, Psychology has recently gained the respectability it should always have had with respect to pain, for two completely irrelevant reasons.
58, What puzzles a philosopher and taxes his mind to distraction may look completely irrelevant or quite obvious to a businessman.
59, Blocs are being seen as increasingly irrelevant today largely because the global capitalist system is perceived as increasingly salient.
60, Chris continued to annoy her with questions on totally irrelevant subjects.
61, The identity of the genitor in such cases is largely irrelevant.
62, He had told Wyatt that family names were irrelevant to him, and, besides, he had always liked birthdays.
63, To me, the top Teamster officers seem disconnected from the Teamsters, almost irrelevant to it.
64, The danger is that all Twelve risk making themselves equally irrelevant, even when crises erupt on their own doorstep.
65, The comfort, or lack of it, at training camp is largely irrelevant.
66, Most Contemporaries will not make the transition; they will merely become dated and irrelevant and will eventually go out of print.
67, To many young people, the church seems outdated and irrelevant to modern times.
68, The fact that it was much pleasanter doing things for John was really quite irrelevant.
69, Maximum clarity, he wrote, for as long as it takes. Total elimination of all that is irrelevant, he wrote.
70, However, the concern was gender-specific, focusing on men and appearing unnecessary or irrelevant for women.
71, First, the view that oral culture is irrelevant or even hostile to the acquisition of literacy.
72, The role of women in fomenting male aggression is, I now believe, marginal, even irrelevant.
73, It would also become clear which of the 70 pots of money were in high demand and which were irrelevant.
74, By the late 1980s, debates surrounding the rate question became largely irrelevant.
75, Think what a clutter there would be if your mind were filled with sights which were totally irrelevant to you!
76, From the child's viewpoint arguments over management are largely irrelevant.
77, Is it a completely irrelevant coincidence that almost every person who makes large sums of money dresses up when they do business?
78, This does not mean, however, that the effects of competition are always an irrelevant consideration.
79, It is not viable to create agenda items which partners will find irrelevant or unmanageable.
80, The original cost is an historical cost and is therefore an irrelevant sunk cost.
81, Parliament and party became increasingly irrelevant, and trade unions and employers' associations came into positions of political prominence.sentence dictionary
82, But this is irrelevant to the question whether it is in relation to the grant of a further advance.
83, This is not to say that mass markets have disintegrated or that economies of scale are irrelevant to competitive performance.
84, This, the court said, was an irrelevant consideration which rendered his decision unlawful.
85, Our subjective judgement of what seems like a good bet is irrelevant to what is actually a good bet.
86, That it assaults the reputation of one outside the House is an incidental and irrelevant consideration.
87, The cultures of some 40 indigenous peoples are considered backward and irrelevant to the values of the modern, free-market state.
88, On what basis could counsel claim such a data file was irrelevant or privileged?
89, Agency is irrelevant unless there has been some default on the part of the agent which can be attributed to the principal.
90, Lambert's mind registered the presence of aircraft high above, but they were irrelevant.
91, Although we are now talking mainly about darkness, rather than light, this is not entirely irrelevant to the Lady of Light.
92, Whether the tape said to be in the possession of a national newspaper is genuine or not seemed last night almost irrelevant.
93, To regard them as a formal but irrelevant accoutrement of educational reform would be a severe managerial mistake.
94, There is, however, a clever way in which matters otherwise irrelevant may be lightly introduced.
95, The gender of a subject is treated as irrelevant, unless it is under specific investigation.
96, Correct punctuation is neither an irrelevant luxury nor a pedantic affectation: it conveys and alters exact meaning.
97, Not for the stuffy - white collars and ties are irrelevant and the atmosphere could be described as flamboyantly casual.
98, By now, an artificially cosy chat with an old school friend would have been irrelevant, even an irritant.
99, Yet one would hesitate to describe these lines as irrelevant.
100, In any event, according to Bethe, the test had become almost irrelevant by that time.
101, Let's stop talking about irrelevant issues(), and get to the heart of the matter.
102, But that is an increasingly irrelevant justification for present attitudes.
103, An irrelevant monoclonal antibody, J13, to human small intestinal brush border membranes served as a negative control.
104, That the environment is not animate enough to want to communicate with us is irrelevant.
105, This was further aggravated by the continual irrelevant mention of the various printers of our publications.
106, From the title onward, quotations are abundant in the novel, yet they are often either inappropriate or irrelevant.
107, The other differences between these different ways of acquiring true beliefs are irrelevant.
108, On the one hand, the examiner wants to be told nothing that is irrelevant to the question.
109, The budget was widely criticized as being unrealistic and irrelevant to the real needs of the eastern economy.
110, They have accorded it blind respect while considering it totally irrelevant to the real world.
111, It was pathetically inadequate for the poor and totally irrelevant for everyone else.
112, However, in cyberspace, geographical boundaries are irrelevant,() and people of different views are thrown together.
113, Secondly, Rutter evidently holds that any behavioural effects of lead are irrelevant to social phenomena, eg juvenile delinquency.
114, And of course in many clerical jobs courage or openness is irrelevant.
115, Men are now recruited into a national labour pool and their home base is largely irrelevant to where they take ships.
116, For years, I tried to fathom the mentality that simply waves off concern about the cost of regulations as irrelevant.
117, It seems that such facts are wholly irrelevant, at least in the standard case of discovery by a party to the action.
118, Whether or not that helps to fill church pews is totally irrelevant.
119, As in the previous example, the historical cost is irrelevant.
120, The pages of the draft speech lay beside him, unattended, unimproved, and now completely irrelevant.
121, Wage, pension, and housing were important considerations for working men with a skill irrelevant to civilian occupations.
122, If the War Crimes Act, denial law and Holocaust day were unarguably just, calculations about malign side-effects would be irrelevant.
123, The fact that we create the artwork electronically is almost irrelevant - it's the words that really count.
124, Pike, who says his legal past is irrelevant to the business venture, has been reluctant to surrender full control.
125, For most people, these side effects are minor annoyances and are irrelevant to the desired effect of mental stimulation.
126, This is not to say that power in organizations has become so diffuse and fleeting that it is irrelevant.
127, Prices in such circumstances become an administrative convenience or merely irrelevant.
128, As l have just remarked, the particular physical embodiment of an algorithm is something totally irrelevant.
129, Costs were irrelevant. Which brings me to what may turn out to be the tragedy of this election.
130, The historical context in which the evidence is acquired is irrelevant.
131, It follows that these costs are irrelevant to future decisions.
132, The fact that they controlled the company which consented to the transfer was irrelevant in the light of their dishonest appropriation.
133, Whether that is true or not is all but irrelevant, for the cardinal rule in politics is that perception is reality.
134, Geography will be irrelevant, and people on opposite sides may be living close to each other.
135, It retreats into the ghetto and dismisses the work of the historian as irrelevant to its needs.
136, For the Terrells a good many of the obvious answers are irrelevant.
137, Not only will human goodness be unable to operate effectively on such a system: it will become increasingly irrelevant to it.
138, Today, the argument goes, old-fashioned barriers separating countries, and even continents, are as irrelevant as the Berlin Wall.
139, He's completely irrelevant to my life, and he always will be.
140, Much of the work of the previous fortnight securing evidence to counter the original charge was suddenly irrelevant.
141, A testimony may be fascinating but at the same time quite irrelevant to the basic questions touching on faith and doubt.
142, But our hopes and fears are irrelevant as the train rushes on.
143, If economists did nothing but study events, they would be merely irrelevant.
144, The revolutionary intelligentsia seemed doomed to doctrinaire squabbles over increasingly irrelevant issues.
145, The Tyrrell Society and all that pining after defunct Oxford cabals - it's irrelevant, Harry, don't you see?
146, Scientists for their part have tended to consider the layman's admiration as their right and the real world as irrelevant.
147, And compared with so self-evident a need, the matter of where the money was to come from was quite irrelevant.
148, However, if functionally one is considered an unequal, ontology soon becomes irrelevant.
149, The Giral government, consisting entirely as it did of bourgeois Republicans, was increasingly irrelevant to the new situation.
150, The civil service and institutions based on this style see feeling as irrelevant in work performance.
151, The results in patients with chronic renal failure are interesting, but clinically irrelevant.
152, The old laws were so irrelevant to post-Soviet life that even the police tended to ignore them.
153, Bill Clinton is no longer irrelevant to the House Republican freshmen.
154, Because of this statistics are often dismissed as irrelevant or to be left to specialists.
155, Court awards of compensatory damages for deaths are irrelevant to benefit-cost analysis for similar reasons.
156, In a world where guns are readily available, decommissioning is almost irrelevant, having only a symbolic meaning.
157, I felt childish and rebellious and irrelevant to all that was happening.
158, The fact that he was entirely unsuited for military command, being incapable of making a decision, was irrelevant.
159, To take a causal circumstance as having no redundancy is obviously to exclude things wholly irrelevant to the effect.
160, It is irrelevant to the Purchaser whether or not the Vendors know the warranties are right or wrong so long as they accept the risk.
161, Before the departure for Paris, Mrs Maugham fortunately forfeited her position by various gratuitous and irrelevant remarks about the expense.
162, The fact that the goods are of defective quality is usually irrelevant in deciding whether they correspond with their description.
163, Whereupon the media, denied the excitements that they had trumpeted, declared the whole event a big, irrelevant bore.
164, The creation of the Premier League is therefore irrelevant and potentially harmful.
165, A change along one irrelevant dimension always seems to imply changes in the relevant dimensions for the preoperational child.
166, But his part in the proceedings had been made almost irrelevant.
167, U., studying some arcane subject that turned out to be completely irrelevant.
168, Discuss why it is classified as an irrelevant cost in decision-making.
169, The old religions under which people lived for ninety-nine point nine percent of human history have decayed or are irrelevant.
170, The fact that Niall Grant was a very attractive man was totally irrelevant.
171, The farm owners weren't working class, so the ways this put them at a disadvantage is irrelevant.sentence dictionary
172, Scientists noticed discoveries, apparently irrelevant to their work, which contained an inspiration for solving some current problems of their own.
173, If films have little peripheral information in them then it may be that memory for such information is largely irrelevant.
174, To say that a question should be answered fully is not to say that irrelevant matter should be introduced into the answer.
175, The comment is irrelevant and demeaning to indigenous peoples living a traditional lifestyle.
176, Her poor memory was altogether irrelevant to her status as an alien.
177, The fortune-teller will probably agree with the problems, and then tell you how irrelevant they are.
178, It is irrelevant that the partners are foreign nationals and resident at the time of service outside the jurisdiction.
179, The thrust and strain which has dominated these twenty-five years now seems quite irrelevant.
180, Even if Maastricht is ratified intact, the past four months have made it seem backward-looking, or even irrelevant.
181, You may get thousands of hits that are irrelevant to your question.
182, Why do you drag in such irrelevant facts?
183, Don't confuse the issue, eg by introducing irrelevant topics.
184, Even your gender and skin color will be irrelevant.
185, Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant.
186, The actual time of the event is irrelevant.
187, Given audit procedure may only provide relevant audit evidence for some determinations and be irrelevant to other determinations.
188, Because the news feed is the stream of activity from all your "friends" you get bombarded with irrelevant information.
189, As a painter pursue not cloggy will pursue irrelevant artist as its curatorial object.
190, Although large amounts of irrelevant patterns can be removed by setting a threshold as the pattern importance degree, the final results are still very great when a huge database is faced.
191, The diel vertical migration of zooplankton was irrelevant to the phytoplankton density.
192, The new parsing process doesn't make the discussion in Part 3 irrelevant.
193, It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant.
194, Photographs can also point out the extraordinary or magical in the seemingly irrelevant, as in Bolucevschi Vitali's prizewinning image of ants poised like dancers in stellar form.
195, C. Do not use computer in matter irrelevant to working, turn off its power when off duty, periodically clean it to keep clean, neat, dustless.
196, So while the irrelevant inbound link was ignored, the outbound links still got counted, diluting the relevancy score of many websites.
197, However, it turns out that whatever currency is used for settlement is simply irrelevant to our export value.
198, The study results are irrelevant to the initial status of the network and quite approximate to the lower limit of the optimum solutions.
199, It's irrelevant to the user whether the underlying code is the same -- deposits and withdrawals are different logical operations.
200, What Modigliani and Miller said, if it's pure dividend policy, then it is totally irrelevant; it means nothing, so companies can do whatever they please-- I don't care.
201, Another feature is that the process of nucleosynthesis is determined by conditions at the start of this phase of the life of the universe, making what happens before irrelevant.
201, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
202, The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands insides cofferdam.
203, Technocratic contentions to the contrary, the argument that social factors are irrelevant to the objective assessment of risk is sociologically uninformed.
204, Indeed three rows of ringside seats are filled with foreigners, all pop-eyed, but they're actually irrelevant.
205, The distribution of waders is irrelevant to benthal biomass in the wetlands cofferdam.
206, Many nervous job seekers blabber endlessly about irrelevant information. They create a poor impression and cut short the hiring manager's time for further questions.
207, Open the books, but I don't know the teacher's lips niches move in where, continue wirtting, also do not understand what is irrelevant to the dash in one.
208, Probe into the design principle of cipher systems irrelevant to computing power, design cipher systems with provable safety, and analyze the defects of existent cipher systems.
209, His skin color is irrelevant to weather he is a good lawyer.
210, And students with a primary interest in art who may have registered for courses in this condescendingly tolerated specialty found themselves confronting a perplexingly irrelevant literature.
211, It would, therefore, be irrelevant and out of place to examine here, whether the doctrine of Tyrannicide deserves that title.
212, When you say failed modern greek do you by any chance mean grammar?cause that is irrelevant.
213, For current linear attenuation model it draws a conclusion that arc discharge time is proportional to the product of inductance and initial current and is irrelevant to the source voltage.
214, Ken would not have him keep the names on the larger list of people world-wide. It was irrelevant, he said.
215, Hecklers in the crowd asked irrelevant questions for the sole purpose of vexing the speaker.
216, E-Newsletters sent out to members on an irregular basis, informing them of upcoming events, links, BBS posts, and any other news irrelevant to UBCTA.
217, I had a written copy with me and I knew what I wanted to say anyway, so I wasn't too worried, though it was a bit distracting to see all those irrelevant words scrolling by on the TelePrompTer.
218, Kirael : As I explained before, the actual time frame is irrelevant.
219, Using the defined context-free grammars, XSeq avoids the sequential scan of irrelevant compressed data and processes only data values that are to be matched by the given query.
220, "I would feel personally silly and irrelevant if I were doing my column right now, " said Lloyd Grove, a gossip columnist for the Post. "I think my time would be better spent going to a blood bank.
221, The MTBF values for parts like that are in the order of about 20,000 years... Availability considerations are therefore irrelevant and can be ignored.
222, Thus the bank's obligation the terms of the credit alone, and the sale contract is irrelevant.
223, The photograph which is in another Chinese website to search to pare off out, the estimate is irrelevant with above-mentioned association allied.
224, The results achieved by FEM were stable, and irrelevant to coordinate system and reference plane.
225, A question about arithmetic is irrelevant in a French lesson.
226, At the same time there are great interrelations among these indexes. So we can use factor analysis method to solve this question that can use a few irrelevant indexes to replace these indexes.
227, This paper offers an example(), suggesting that such irrelevant costs may be relevant under the framework of risky decisions.
228, In particular, feature selection removes irrelevant features, increases efficiency of learning tasks, improves learning performance, and enhances comprehensibility of learned results.
229, Since the isolated switches on the Model 7169A Form C Switch Card remain energized during the measurement of current, any offset current from the card is irrelevant to the measurement.
230, Also, since LOAD requires that data files be placed on the EBCDIC z/OS machine, the ASC or DEL file format choices presented in the Linux/UNIX/Windows context are irrelevant.
231, Effect of different modality on the inhibition of return: The inhibition of return effect of visual modality is greater than that of auditory one, and this pattern is irrelevant to the response mode.
232, We further deny that this absence renders the assertion of Biblical inerrancy invalid or irrelevant.
233, In this context, the academic debate over Stern's methods is irrelevant - it is his findings, authority and use of the hegemonic power of economic argument that carry the day.
234, The measure of carbon emission is entirely irrelevant and unscientific.
235, Conclusion The STK 15 Phe 31 Ile ( 91 TA ) polymorphisms seemed irrelevant with the risk of ESCC in She county.
236, E- Newsletters sent out to members on an irregular basis, informing them of upcoming events, links, BBS posts, and any Health ther y news irrelevant to UBCTA.
237, You commit a fallacy of non sequitur when you site in support of a conclusion something that's true but irrelevant.
238, Justice George Sutherland , speaking for the majority, dismissed this argument as irrelevant.
239, The research should focus on the designing mechanism of cipher systems irrelevant to the computing power, and the cipher systems with provable safety.
240, Combined with the MP algorithm the model can wipe off perceptually irrelevant sinusoids and control the distribution of intrinsic model noise.
241, This page contains two translatable sentences and several tags that are irrelevant for a translator.
242, The fact that you were den leader in your Cub Scout troop is irrelevant.
243, Edge detection has decreased data amount by a large margin, got rid of the irrelevant information, reserved the important structure attribute of image, and established a basis for future work.
244, The morphological characteristics and elevation presented remarkable relativity between each organ of Tilia amurensis except that floriferous number was irrelevant with elevation.
245, Plenty of lovingly calculated business indicators are irrelevant, gibberish, nonsensical, or just plain wrong.




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