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单词 Nineteenth
1, At the end of the first round,he was nineteenth.
2, Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
3, She collects paintings by nineteenth - century Australian artists.
4, In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.
5, This custom dates from the nineteenth century.
6, The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
7, Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace.
8, This building epitomizes the spirit of the nineteenth century.
9, The city grew rapidly in the nineteenth century.
10, I'm planning to leave on the nineteenth .
11, The custom died out in the nineteenth century.
12, It was built in the late nineteenth century.
13, She collects first editions of nineteenth century authors.
14, The term "acid rain" was coined in the nineteenth century.
15, The old temple was restored during the early nineteenth century.
16, Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social mobility.
17, From the late nineteenth century Britain and other European powers began to gain control of parts of the Ottoman Empire.
18, The hotel has the splendour of a nineteenth - century mansion.
19, This ranks with the great paintings of the nineteenth century.
20, Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.
21, Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the nineteenth century.
22, The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France.
23, His new book is a survey of European theatre in the nineteenth century.
24, They need to recruit more people into the prison service. But another point I'd like to make is that many prisons were built in the nineteenth century.
25, There were many voyages to survey the ocean depths in the nineteenth century.
26, At the end of the first round,[http:///nineteenth.html] he was ( lying ) nineteenth.
27, George Washington Carver and Thomas Alva Edison were American scientists who were born during the nineteenth century.
28, The city's rise to prominence as a port began in the early nineteenth century.
29, Many Native Americans were killed during the settlement of the American West by Europeans in the nineteenth century.
30, The present political system is a hangover from the nineteenth century colonial era.
1, At the end of the first round,he was nineteenth.
2, Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
3, She collects paintings by nineteenth - century Australian artists.
4, In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.
5, This custom dates from the nineteenth century.
6, Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century.
7, Millions of Germans emigrated from Europe to America in the nineteenth century.
8, The following quotation is taken from a nineteenth century travel diary.
9, Perhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace.
10, At the end of the first round, he was ( lying ) nineteenth.
11, The hotel has the splendour of a nineteenth - century mansion.
31, The nineteenth century witnessed a revolution in ship design and propulsion.
32, The nineteenth century saw a flowering of science and technology.
33, Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.
34, She was a prime mover of social change in the nineteenth century.
35, Let's have dinner on the nineteenth.
36, Throughout the nineteenth century fertility in Britain remained high.
37, This art remained deeply rooted in the nineteenth century.
38, Neither became nation states until the nineteenth century.
39, The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the development of a considerable antipathy to trade unionism among influential public opinion.
40, Assorted armed groups emerged during the nineteenth century, some encouraged by the imperial court, others fighting on their own.
41, It was built in the early nineteenth century to provide cures for numerous illnesses.
42, Midge had lost an elder brother, killed by a shell on his nineteenth birthday in the Second World War.
43, Lisa lives on the nineteenth floor of a black of flats in London.
44, In the first fifteen years of the nineteenth century re-exporting still accounted for between a fifth and a quarter of total exports.
45, In the early years of the nineteenth century methodists had divided over the matter of their relationship with the Established Church.
46, The farming achievements of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were also motivated by the need for more food.
47, A group of nineteenth century greeting cards and valentines, types of ephemera now a popular field of collecting.
48, The moderate socialist and trade-union leadership which had established itself since the late nineteenth century came under severe pressure from below.
49, This principle was gradually extended in the nineteenth century but never reached all areas of state activity.
50, John Barrell pursues a similar insight more cautiously in relation to landscape painting and poetry in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
51, When in the nineteenth century naturalists first examined it, they were mystified as to how any animal could feed on it.
52, In the U.K. the concentration on manufacturing in the nineteenth century was balanced by the importing of food.
52, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
53, But for the rest the similarity in the descriptions of station encampments shows a remarkable continuity between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
54, By the end of the nineteenth century the lower middle classes were actually seen as the bulwark of respectability.
55, The evolution of state education during the nineteenth century provides a good example of a series of adhoc responses.
56, Le Corbusier's admonitions echo much of nineteenth century morality in terms of emphasis on order and health, and by inference cleanliness.
57, The industrial and commercial expansion of the nineteenth century required land to be available for development.
58, There speaks the nineteenth century: all gone, but in a good cause.
59, Among the discoveries of the late nineteenth century were several new chemical elements, including radium.
60, Not until the late nineteenth century, the era of the great amateur naturalists, was the catalogue complete.
61, Rituals of transgression, sensationalist violation and titillating naughtiness became the stock-in-trade of popular news reporting in the late nineteenth century.
62, Grappling with the many varied problems of the nineteenth century, it tackled innumerable tasks and faced innumerable obstacles.
63, It showed itself to have a horror of socialism already in the nineteenth century.
64, The South Slav nationalists of the nineteenth century could also boast of medieval greatness under Slav rulers.
65, By the end of the nineteenth century, the political side of this process was far advanced.
66, One perplexing feature of this conclusion is that since the late nineteenth century far fewer children with right hemisphere lesions are aphasic.
67, There was some fiction but not one of the great nineteenth century novelists was represented in it.
68, The forest is new: the ultimate victor in the conflicts, economic collapse and depopulation of the late nineteenth century.
69, Administrative changes during the late nineteenth century should have resulted in a higher proportion of cases being reported.
70, Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest also based his judgment on the nineteenth century jurisprudence.
71, In each square that represented the day until today, October the nineteenth, was an exquisite pen-and-ink drawing.
72, Her present show, at Janis until the nineteenth, continues her explorations.
73, The first half of the nineteenth century saw a notable development in deaf history aside from the growth of educational facilities.
74, Population anxiety among the ruling classes was crystallized during the colonial periods of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
75, In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, enlightened despotism, secularism, nationalism and liberalism had all fanned the flames.
76, The use of soldiers as diplomatic representatives was far from unknown before the nineteenth century.
77, During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries many studies were undertaken in hopes of solving the difficult problems of animal locomotion.
78, In the nineteenth century, economic expansion through imperialism was seen as the panacea for the mounting social problems.
79, Food production, though largely neglected by the government in the early nineteenth century, remained very important.
80, Nevertheless, the events of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries established a crucial background for the diffusion of Marxist ideas.
81, It was first investigated in the late nineteenth century, and by 1932 its formula had been deduced.
82, As society evolved from the end of the nineteenth century, so pressure for local government reorganization increased.
83, It gained currency during the period of national reawakening in the nineteenth century.
84, The interior received unsuitable eighteenth century classical additions, then nineteenth century Gothic Revival alterations.
85, It would, however, be incorrect to deduce that in the nineteenth century only outright deception was commented upon.
86, But during the nineteenth century soldiers were perhaps more continuously prominent in this way than ever before.
87, The expanding copper and tin mines of west Cornwall depended on mule trains until the second quarter of the nineteenth century.
88, Part of the remaining walls became incorporated into a police barracks in the nineteenth century.
89, Government policy in the nineteenth century was important, but it did not determine the extent and geography of cattle stealing.
90, Human nature and human achievements have come to appear far more ambiguous than the progressive hopes of the nineteenth century admitted.
91, The basis was laid for the flowering of secular literature in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century.
92, The social Darwinists or Spencerians of the late nineteenth century viewed human evolution from a unilinear perspective.
93, The aeronautical pioneers in the nineteenth century were constrained by the lack of a lightweight power source.
94, It was only in the late nineteenth century that a sustained campaign for pensions for manual workers began.
95, Between 1900 and 1910, more people migrated to the United States than in the entire second half of the nineteenth century.
96, As the nineteenth century progressed these three groups came closer together.
97, The government's outmoded attitudes are dragging the whole country back into the nineteenth century.
98, In the nineteenth and for most of the twentieth century, the theory of comparative advantage explained what needed to be explained.
99, It was in the nineteenth century that fiduciary duties were extended to company directors.
100, The second half of the nineteenth century was a time of religious revival and controversy, especially in the Low Country.
101, The tower did not last out the nineteenth century; the danger from erosion caused the owners to destroy it.
102, They were allowed to lapse in the late nineteenth century and were not revived until after the last war.
103, Covering artists from Byzantine times to the nineteenth century, it should allow scholars to establish underdrawing styles for individual painters.
104, The purpose of the vast megalithic constructions, for example, remains almost as mysterious now as it did in the nineteenth century.
105, The same half-hearted recognition of the concept of human capital can be detected in government education policies during the nineteenth century.
106, Cooperation enters politics By the end of the nineteenth century an important cooperative movement was established in West Ham.
107, The modern police services in Britain originated in the needs of the growing urban areas at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
108, She was used as a model until far into the nineteenth century and was still carrying an admiral's flag in 1848.
109, The expansion of the middle-class was one aspect of the great increase in population marking the nineteenth century.
110, Embalming was rarely practised during the eighteenth century and it had almost entirely disappeared during the nineteenth century.
111, In these respects the demography of the nineteenth century is less easy to explore than that of the parish-register period.
112, Such critical features of the peasant economy as horse-ownership showed a disastrous drop during the late nineteenth century.
112, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
113, This has been altered greatly in later times and was neglected in the nineteenth century.
114, Many documents, especially from the nineteenth century, contain redundant words which only serve to confuse.
115, In the late nineteenth century a succession of small lines had been built to connect the Malayan tin mines to the coast.
116, In the late nineteenth century, at the time when the border was defined, the area was sparsely popula-ted.
117, Once again in this phrase reaction against the nineteenth century is bound to a standpoint which relies on anthropology.
118, By the end of the nineteenth century the friendly societies were also in financial trouble.
119, Local lore has it that the hands belong to a convicted highwayman who would hold up carriage-travellers in the early nineteenth century.
120, Rich mineral deposits were discovered here in the early nineteenth century: coal, iron, limestone.
121, In Portadown in the late nineteenth century there were two Primitive chapels.
122, Many if not most of them had doubled in size during the first half of the nineteenth century.
123, The Dogon were almost certainly visited late in the nineteenth century by missionaries who were up-to-date in terms of modern science.
124, Late in the nineteenth century some efforts were made to improve irrigation facilities in these areas, where.
125, By the middle of the nineteenth century it had been firmly established that there was something curious about Mercury's orbit.
126, Villages as well as towns expanded rapidly during the first half of the nineteenth century.
127, During the nineteenth century to be noticed was good fortune, while to be praised was a professional advantage.
128, Mystery, danger, and black magic combine in this gothic tale set in the early nineteenth century.
129, The outer concourse in glass and iron had its architectural roots in the exhibition halls of the nineteenth century.
130, But it was Wolf who succeeded best in the nineteenth century in bringing drama into natural history illustration.
131, The precious place of the nude was bolstered by the economics of the art market in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
132, After all, Toulouse-Lautrec, like many other artists of the late nineteenth century, was obsessed with lesbianism.
133, It was drastically restored in the late nineteenth century from a ruined condition and with the aid of drawings.
134, Versions of his marine thermometer served for deep-sea measurements throughout the nineteenth century.
135, Throughout the nineteenth century output per person grew at a rate of 1.5 percent perannum.
136, The exhibition was set up in a room housing the work of early nineteenth century local artists, including Francis Danby.
137, This work went through three editions, each time augmented, the last being in the mid nineteenth century.
138, It was a key element in the dominant ideology of the nineteenth century in all the major capitalist countries.
139, Dr Barnardo founded homes for orphans in the late nineteenth century.
140, But there is no denying that in the nineteenth century it greatly intensified, causing a good deal of heart-searching.
141, Gas was used in houses and for street lights from the early nineteenth century.
142, Britain set the pace in the first half of the nineteenth century.
143, Young people of the nineteenth century were, in general[http://], extremely inhibited about sex.
144, During the nineteenth century it retreated west of the Mississippi, and by 1880 was a rare bird everywhere.
145, The coffin furniture industry moved away from London during the early nineteenth century, transferring itself to Birmingham.
146, Running alongside these personal connections, however, were material changes affecting these societies during the late nineteenth century.
147, Works on comparative anatomy continued this tradition, though by the nineteenth century there was more caution about using mankind.
148, In the nineteenth century there was a need to protect children from exploitation by parents as juvenile labour.
149, To go no further back than the nineteenth century, we have had the fateful dates 1815, 1871, 1914.
150, Although the Alsops' fortunes waxed and waned through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, certain family characteristics remained distinct.
151, They fell into clearly identifiable categories, many of which can be traced back to the nineteenth century and beyond.
152, At its most basic level, the railway station was the nineteenth century's distinctive contribution to architectural forms.
153, Colourful velvets for the outer case began to appear in the early nineteenth century.
154, New River Company shares were worth a fortune in the nineteenth century.
155, The nineteenth century Germanic philologist Jakob Grimm believed that grammatical gender was in some sense a more advanced form of natural gender.
156, The fine Byzantine church was considerably restored in the nineteenth century, but retains its original character.
157, In the nineteenth century architects had largely been concerned with special buildings produced for civic, commercial, ecclesiastical and landowner clients.
158, The institutions of economic, social and community development invented in the nineteenth century have kept pace with neither need nor aspiration.
159, Navarre was a conservative,() stable agrarian society in which Catholic Credit societies flourished in the late nineteenth century.
160, The two went hand in hand until the later nineteenth century.
161, The project is also incorporating existing machine-readable data files, relating to the nineteenth century, into its relational database.
162, We have already noted the obstacles preventing any renewed dialogue between medicine and morality in the last decades of the nineteenth century.
163, Even elsewhere, its role has grown enormously since the nineteenth century.
164, No precise official figure on emigration exists before the end of the nineteenth century.
165, In the nineteenth century, religion was not admitted as a legitimate basis for national independence.
166, Three-quarters of the population throughout the eighteenth and most of the nineteenth centuries lived by the land.
167, The early nineteenth century saw major developments in embryology, which challenged the mechanical concept of generation and overthrew the preformation theory.
168, The higher infant mortality rate among the working class was probably a major element throughout the nineteenth century in encouraging frequent pregnancies.
169, Only at the end of the nineteenth century were they outclassed by steamships.
170, In the early nineteenth century the quality of working-class houses, as structures, deteriorated rapidly.
171, Before the nineteenth century women had to make do with their chemises and petticoats.
172, After a consideration of the theories, the case law from both the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be examined.
173, It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that houses for the rural working class really began to improve.
174, Although I know that the novel was published in the nineteenth century, the actual date escapes me.
175, It is a stone-built structure of the early nineteenth century, and stands overlooking the river east of the town centre.
176, It was a prosperous and fashionable area in CD's days but deteriorated into a slum in the late nineteenth century.
177, The Turkish Empire decayed in the nineteenth century.
178, the rise of the bourgeoisie in the nineteenth century.
179, Until the nineteenth century, yeasts for bread making were obtained directly from the nearest brewery.
180, Its many frank references to nudity and sexuality offended nineteenth - century notions of decency.
181, Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century.
182, By the late nineteenth century the recurrence of this pattern had become obvious to many observers.
183, Scientific socialism originated in the middle of the nineteenth century.
184, To come back to what I said in the Introduction, in the nineteenth century Spain was fully a part of Europe.
185, The great dynasties , the Seventeenth Dynasty and the Nineteenth , raised Egypt to high levels of prosperity.
186, Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships.
187, That theory fell into disfavo ( u ) r in the nineteenth century.




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