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单词 Compensate
1. Nothing can compensate for losing my husband.
2. Nothing can compensate for the loss of one's health.
3. Drinking more water can compensate for you let me shed tears.
4. The advantages of the scheme more than compensate for the risks associated with it.
5. The factory will compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.
6. Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood.
7. The firm must compensate you for your traveling costs.
8. He did not have the means to compensate her.
9. The firm will compensate workers for their loss of earnings.
10. They gave him a one-off payment to compensate for the extra hours that he had to work.
11. No supportive words could ever compensate for the pain of being separated from her children for 10 years.
12. She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.
13. Nothing can compensate the young mother for the loss of her favrourite daughter.
14. Some kids become high-achievers to compensate for their parents' disinterest.
15. The company will compensate you for the losses you have suffered.
16. I took her swimming to compensate for having missed out on the cinema.
17. Photography could compensate for certain deficiencies in nature.
18. The fund will compensate victims of smoking-related diseases.
19. Your brain will think it's boiling outside, and compensate by cooling your skin down with a film of sweat.
19. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
20. To compensate for the design change in the application, Implementor records and automatically updates each part of the application affected.
21. Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.
22. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate.
23. The company agreed to keep up high levels of output in order to compensate for supplies lost.
24. MPs say it is crucial that a system is found to compensate for inflation.
25. A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.
26. The government now owns a lot of our land — one possibility would be to compensate us with other property.
27. She would then feel guilt for her anger and compensate by doing even more for the children.
28. The growth of the export market has helped to compensate for sluggish demand at home.
29. Damages are not designed to punish the person in breach, but to compensate for the loss sustained.
30. We were late and I was driving fast to compensate.
1. Nothing can compensate for losing my husband.
2. The advantages of the scheme more than compensate for the risks associated with it.
3. Because my left eye is so weak, my right eye has to work harder to compensate.
4. The hospital staff were very apologetic but that couldn't really compensate.
5. The firm must compensate you for your traveling costs.
6. A baseball player who is not a speedy runner can compensate by powerful hitting.
7. She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.
31. In all such cases the plaintiff is entitled to damages to compensate him for the lost benefit.
32. After abandoning an appeal against the decision, Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings.
33. If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate, they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.
34. No amount of money can compensate for being bedridden or a semi-invalid.
35. More women will be promoted in order to compensate for discrimination in the past.
36. Admittedly these recipes call for extravagant amounts but you can compensate by eating smaller portions.
37. No amount of procedural fairness could compensate for lack of knowledge of the complexities of the law.
38. As with fat-free products and artificial sweeteners, people will probably compensate for olestra by eating more calories elsewhere in their diets.
39. Agitation does not completely compensate for the lack of direct activity.
40. Nor do the wages from the plantations compensate the families left in the villages for this loss of labour.
41. When the curbash was abolished they set it up to compensate anyone who was whipped after the abolition.
42. To compensate for differences in flow rates during perfusion, the appearance rates of myeloperoxidase and cytokines were calculated.
43. A network of subsidized cargo barges and water taxis would be introduced on the city's canals to compensate.
44. Congress is considering a supplemental appropriation to help compensate for that loss, Moos said.
45. In reaction, the last node tends to compensate by ordering a large correction.
46. The children need to be taught to move head and eyes to compensate for the field loss.
47. For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
48. He will get one year with Cleveland to return to elite status and compensate for loss of Ramirez.
49. So they set up this fund to compensate victims in serious cases of abuse.
50. Not all such performances are inspiring, however(/compensate.html), and a plenitude of decibels does not compensate for lack of quality.
51. Therefore, no amount of personality can compensate for mediocre chili. o Judging chili is very personal and subjective.
52. But here again the gain in freedom from aversive stimulation may compensate for any loss of admiration.
53. If the company refuses to compensate you, you can take your complaint to small-claims court, Sack said.
54. It is hoped that the new car's style and design will compensate for its lack of speed.
55. Some investment managers may compensate by making a slight switch in emphasis towards capital growth investments and away from high yielding equities.
56. Is not it time for the Government to compensate the people whom they damaged in their first Tory recession?
57. In our bakery we have to compensate for that in other ways, through our relationships with one another.
58. It is important therefore to build into the existing legal disincentives a heavy penalty to compensate for the difficulty of detection.
59. The firm was ordered to compensate clients for their losses.
60. It is being asked to compensate for the failures of the education system by teaching school children art and history.
61. The question then arises: how far did the Black population compensate for this catastrophic deficit by increasing the birth-rate?
62. Given diminishing marginal utility of income, more income in one period can not compensate for lower income in another period.
63. Several estimates of the extra wage to compensate for risk cluster around $ 200, 000 per death in 1967 dollars.
64. To compensate for the absence of its own national assembly.
65. People got snappy, and nothing could compensate for the lack of leave.
66. Sadly, even their combined efforts can not hope to compensate for the many jobs lost.
67. He introduced feeling, compassion and pity to compensate for the loss of the comic element.
68. Any tissue starved of oxygen increases its carbon dioxide production and the lungs compensate by deep and sighing respirations.
69. Here is supposed to compensate for the lack of a non-combinatorial entropy contribution in the Flory-Huggins treatment.
70. Ray tries to compensate for his shyness by telling a lot of jokes.
71. Even opting out of the social chapter to undercut the core on labour costs will not ultimately compensate for complete isolation.
72. Another consequence is that the parties will feel driven to compensate by buying up more television advertising time.
73. They are demanding that richer countries cut back their carbon emissions to compensate.
74. Tourism industry leaders have called on the government to compensate them as well as the airlines.
75. Soon, Louisa was using her strong capacity for visual imagery to compensate for her difficulty in remembering words and sentences.
76. She had also expressed great anxiety as to who was to compensate her for the loss of her fences and crop.
77. To compensate, I told him to move to his left on the return of the serve.
78. Typically context is used only in the form of spelling correction information to compensate for errors in character recognition.
79. They want the government to compensate fully all Maxwell pensioners.
79. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
80. Mr MacDuff agreed that the jury should award fair damages to compensate her for what she had gone through.
81. No amount of money can compensate for my father's death.
82. Coral growth and the accretion of sediments in coastal mangroves will compensate.
83. As if to compensate for this, he applied military techniques in the colony.
84. If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower. Adolf Hitler 
85. But for government bureaucrats the privileges more than compensate for their paltry official salaries of a few hundred dollars a month.
86. His quick wits compensate for his lack of brawn.
87. During the UK winter, vitamin D from foods fortified with the vegan form (ergocalciferol, D2) can help to compensate for limited light exposure.
88. In this paper, a short orifice between the sliding shoe bearing surface and piston head is used to compensate the damping function of the narrow-long orifice, and det...
89. One eye can often compensate for the other while an eye condition progresses.
90. This method can effectively compensate the current error caused by magnetizing current at power frequency.
91. Self-tuning memory simply reacts to observed performance characteristics and does its best to compensate for physical design flaws.
92. Taxes of any kind are unpopular, and to pass a gasoline tax, the Administration would have to compensate low-income Americans who depend on their cars.
93. That is despite new labor rules that make workers liable to compensate their employers if they walk off the job illegally.
94. Genes count for little by comparison: being a genetic Leonardo was not enough to compensate for having been born near Milan instead of Florence.
95. I propose we compensate you total value plus inspection fee.
96. These bearings typically offer high thrust load capability and dynamically compensate for any misalignment.
97. In the system, APD is used as photoelectric detector and intelligent temperature compensation method based on hardware and software is applied to compensate APD.
98. Given asymmetric information, it is believed that China's IPO's AIR results from under-pricing, which may compensate for the risk facing investors.
99. Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cultural efflorescence led by the Beatles accompanied the economic woes.
100. Designs, builds, fits and repairs splints, braces, callipers, artificial limbs and related appliances to restore function or compensate for muscular and skeletal disabilities.
101. Besides, feedback compensation is used to compensate the irregular disturbance in the system.
102. It is shown that CR can compensate partly the phase distortion in inhomogeneous medium.
103. To calibrate and compensate the compass error of magnetic heading in a carrier with constant pitch angle, the deviation compensation algorithm(DCA) for magnetic deviation compensation is put forward.
104. If the victim suffers other great losses therefrom, the infringer shall compensate for those losses as well.
105. Shoring up Fannie and Freddie will also compensate for tighter credit elsewhere.
106. The crush increase was to compensate for lower Indian soybean production and soybean meal exports.
107. Face up to history! Show true remorse! Apologize and compensate!
108. In my opinion, you shall compensate us for the short weight of 30 tons.
109. To compensate, he began to brag about how smart he was, and his classmates responded by calling him "crazy" and "show-off" and by totally excluding him from their social life.
109. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
110. In order to compensate axial displacement, an axial sliding mechanism is often used in the intermediate shaft of a double universal joint.
111. The length of laser resonate cavity was changed by high voltage amplifier to compensate frequency drift so that to obtain closed-loop system.
112. A new fusion algorithm of the measurements from global positioning system(GPS) and inertial navigation system(INS)is presented to compensate the weaknesses of current integrated navigation system.
113. The research indicates that under the condition of subtropic region, owing to the abundant rainfall and the high temperature , the promoted oxidation of sulfides can compensate the dilution by rain.
114. Auto Signal Compensation (ASC), no DIP switch setting necessary to compensate for distances of up to 150 meters between the console module and KVM adapter cables.
115. SIGVD can be used to compensate the dispersion of medium, and a diffraction-free and quasi-dispersion-free pulsed beam, similar to a spatiotemporal soliton, can be produced in a dispersion medium.
116. I propose we compensate you by 3 % of the total value.
117. A dispersion correcting circuit of SLO is presented. The circuit can compensate achromatization produced by the acoustooptic deflector and enhance sharpness of the colour image for better diagnosis.
118. Right. Can I compensate for the damage with the travel accident insurance?
119. If be in, divide except authority is stock compensate poundage bought to be opposite before breath?
120. To compensate for this side - effect, we have developed a time alignment monitoring and feedback controlled system.
121. You can set the type of the geometrical projection and use Elevation, Azimuth and Tilt controls to compensate geometrical distortions.
122. It describes clearly the software of vector signal demodulation, including the frequency offset calculation, magnitude and group-delay compensate, and pulse shaping filter.
123. MEGA OIS hand - shake and the lens system shifts to compensate, helping to prevent blurry images.
124. Conclusion The HIV/AIDS-related health education directing at male populations should be strengthened to compensate for tendentiousness due to the personality characters.
125. Simultaneously, the defaulting party should bear all legal consequences and should compensate the other party for all kind of losses.
126. This thesis proposes a document clustering method combining ontology and lexical chain clusters to compensate the disadvantage of only using lexical chain.
127. The phase frequency detector adjusts the minimum pulse width of the one or more output signals using the temperature sensing circuit to compensate for temperature variations.
128. Most such stems hae a few degrees of anteversion built into the neck to compensate for this, and separate right and left stems are required.
129. Develop integrate open NC system's auxiliary function such as move function, cutler compensate function and go home function , etc.
130. More labor-intensive factories will close or move inland where cheaper land and labor often compensate for less developed supply chains and higher transport costs.
131. The design compensate for the instability of software methods to great improved circuit reliability and security.
132. Posts will not compensate for other loss or indirect loss.
133. Blind equalization is one of the key technologies of blind demodulation to compensate the channel distortion.
134. The first party has violated the contract, so it is obliged to compensate the second party.
135. The minimum target velocity needed to compensate is computed , and the range rate compensation method is dis-cussed.
136. The Tort Law should be perfected to protect the civil right and compensate the damage.
137. The trial deal via trading house Vitol was likely to clear the way for Europe to resume badly-needed purchases of the light Libyan oil - definitely difficult to compensate for.
138. Print Standardizer is using TVI method to compensate the variation, in their early version, they even integrate their PDF Standardizer and CMYK Optimizer in the Print Standardizer workflow.
139. Then,(http:///compensate.html) some methods to compensate the dynamic tracking error are introduced.
140. According to the logically coherent argument, here "pays indemnity for damage" refers is the moral damage compensate.
141. Then a vector expression which can compensate the first- and second-order PMD at the same time is derived by using the PMD vector of PMF.
142. The authors allocate more bandwidth to MS when it is within a low interference region in order to compensate the service loss of the MS.
143. Dissert the principle of power equilibrium, and present the method that is making use of equivalent resistance to compensate harmonic source.
144. This way can offer us the reference for busbar design collocation and non power compensate.
145. Meanwhile the air intake gets the compensate control, and the inertia air wave pressurizing effect is changed.
146. A bimetallic element is fitted between the movement and Bourdon tube to compensate for fluctuations of ambient temperature at the case.
147. Rectilinear distortion: All three binoculars show a moderate amount of pincushion distortion as it is commonly employed to compensate for the globe effect and to provide a smooth panning of the image.
148. He transiently transferred to Treasury and set a trap to compensate for his trivial loss.
149. The SAPF prototype can compensate harmonics and reactive well under varies load conditions, especially in the case of a distorted or unbalanced current of power supply.
150. A nulling circuit adds an adjustable DC voltage, positive or negative, to the output of the instrumentation amplifier to compensate for initial bridge offset.
151. Completion date shall prolong and compensate for actual loss if Party A fails to fulfill the responsibility stipulated in contract.
152. Dynamic Voltage Restorer ( DVR ) is considered as the most effective device to compensate the voltage sag.
153. The grind affect gene train of correct or error define on compensate fuzzy control is showed. The total error of grind affect gene on compensate fuzzy control is 0.4 percent.
154. As if to compensate for that public role of helpfulness and deference, at home they're nagging and dominant, hypercritical, unhelpful, frigid, and unpleasant.
155. For staff who leave the service, they are required to compensate the cost of the items unconsumed.
156. It can also compensate the change in flux and the inaccuracy in slip frequency instruction.
157. The experimental results shown that this modulating device can effectively compensate the effect of light source variation due to electric source unstableness or aging of the light source...
158. The Lotus Sametime client uses what is referred to as jitter buffer management to compensate for any delays that occur in audio transmissions caused by network congestion and disruptions.
159. They also need a shoe with extra cushioning to compensate for their high arches.




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