单词 | Barring |
例句 | 1, Nobody else knows barring you and me. 2, Two police officers were barring her exit. 3, We should finish by tonight, barring hold-ups. 4, We shall return at midnight, barring accidents. 5, Barring accidents, we should arrive on time. 6, Barring accidents, we'll be there. 7, Barring strong headwinds, the plane will arrive on schedule. 8, He stepped in front of her, barring her way. 9, Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed. 10, Barring the boss, we all went out for drinks on Friday. 11, We should arrive in half an hour, barring hold - ups. 12, The court upheld an injunction barring protesters from blocking access to the company. 13, His back is broken and, barring a miracle,(http:///barring.html) he won't walk again. 14, Barring market collapse, they should retain their premium. 15, And barring divine intervention, also its last. 16, She stood in the hall, barring my way. 17, And here, barring the road, was the familiar old farm gate still in place. 18, Aside from specifically barring reporters, Matsch ruled that only credentialed victims and their families would be permitted inside. 19, Barring unexpected defections from the coalition, Mr Hashimoto should be confirmed in a special parliamentary session on Thursday. 20, Barring a redrawn international date line, which is unlikely, the Chatham Islands it is. 21, Y., consented to permanent injunctions barring them from violating securities laws. 22, Alexei was barring his progress along the passageway and Rostov sighed inwardly. 23, Advertisers also point out the hypocrisy of barring sponsored programmes when sports coverage is awash with branding. 24, Barring a compelling reason, governments should not discriminate between classes of citizens. 25, Barring power outages, the only use for candles is decorative. 26, Even as her hand fumbled to open it, he thrust himself between her and the door, barring her way. 27, The vote would ask approval of stiffer penalties for corruption, including barring convicted officials from office. 28, The basis for the rejection was the section of the immigration laws barring people affiliated with the Communist Party. 29, The civil liberties group is seeking a preliminary injunction barring Republican Gov. 30, At issue is a provision in the 1986 immigration bill barring the hiring of illegal aliens. 1, Nobody else knows barring you and me. 31, Agency staffers want the Commission to seek a Federal court injunction barring Microsoft from what they consider abusive practices. 32, Barring last-minute troubles, the book will be on sale by early March. 33, Since 1984, the party platform has called for a constitutional amendment barring all abortions. 34, Spotting rather than barring on tail is a useful pointer, as is contrast between heavily spotted underwing and pale wing tips. 35, California and 29 other states have similar statutes barring the prescribing of medication to end life. 36, Call waiting, call divert and call barring facilities will also be included in the package. 37, As he spoke, the sideboard barring the entrance toppled over in a heap of shattered crockery and wood. 38, The freshman dean happened to recognize me in the c owd of unknowns barring entry to the building. 39, His back is broken, and, barring a miracle, he's crippled for life. 40, Within a day, a county judge granted a restraining order barring enforcement of the new law. 41, Yet, barring the little mishaps, always a feature of Danu life, the work progressed. 42, President Clinton issued an order Tuesday barring federal contracts from companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants. 43, At that time, church officials said Yakunin flouted a rule barring priests from being involved in politics. 44, Barring an emergency, the jurors will not be sequestered until they begin deliberations. 45, A bond promises a fixed interest rate, fixed maturity and guaranteed return of your principal, barring default. 46, Barring a handful for specialist duties, every locomotive was equipped with air brakes. 47, She stood beside McAiister; her feet splayed as though barring the door. 48, Barring the nightly message of encouragement captain Kardar stuck to his bathroom mirror, there were no instructions from the skipper. 49, Barring any objections from Democrats, about 50 Senate subpoenas were expected to be issued Friday. 50, Barring unexpected delays, work on the tunnel should be completed by the end of next month. 51, Nothing barring a major disaster can prevent her from becoming a main attraction - Barbara Dennerlein is a star in the ascendant. 52, Barring another honourable war, that may yet be Grumman's fate - if slightly delayed. 53, Call barring password change was successful. 54, Barring accidents, I'll be there. 55, Barring special circumstances, the plane will arrive on schedule. 56, Barring rum, his match were never seen. 57, Is there outgoing call barring during the period? 58, We shall arrive at noon barring accidents. 59, Enter your call barring password and press'Done '. 60, The products ( barring using ) sale and kind is a top priority. 61, But as credit-card issuers and Congress race to crack down on over-borrowing, do we risk barring the door so tightly that teens miss out on opportunities to learn financial responsibility? 62, Based on the existing GSM-R functional addressing, the call barring technologies in the functional addressing are studied in details, including access matrix and call barring based on locations. 63, Barring any sea-borne dangers, there is no biological reason why it can't live forever. 64, Barring any last - minute problems we should finish the job by tonight. 65, Barring a few ungoverned pockets in Yemen and on the fringes of the Sahara, al-Qaeda has failed to benefit from the democratic wind. 66, In fact the T - BFP set is in much need of the barring equipment. 67, Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls. 68, Now , barring all that, I mean to say she is a deuced fine girl! 69, He would prefer barring executives from cashing in stock until age 65 or two years past retirement to encourage long-term decision making. 70, Thousands of same-sex couples have tied the knot in California since May, when the State Supreme Court ruled that barring gay marriage was unconstitutional. 71, Barring gunpowder and the printing press, his world and Hadrian's were close enough to let Gibbon swap breeches for a toga and barely notice the difference. 72, And barring a miraculous drop in energy prices, the coming year will bring continuing cost pressures. 73, Barring a credit downgrade, Berkshire probably doesn't have to post margin collateral interim. 74, Barring women from competing and halting wars during the Games. 75, Barring any market meltdown, I predict that one year from now AAPL will be at $550 or more, $650 by the end of 2012, and at least $850 by the end of 2013. 76, And since doing nothing was not an option, Washington's only logical alternative was to "actively seek the overthrow of the Islamic Republic" by whatever means necessary, barring all-out invasion. 77, You can also pick up a grey market version in many markets, including China, but barring a full SIM unlock, these things aren't very portable right now. 78, Barring some kind of revolution, this amounts to the prospect of another Kremlin leader for life, a tradition that stretches back 450 years to the reign of Ivan the Terrible, Russia's first Czar. 79, Most credit agencies run a 15-year blacklist effectively barring bankrupts from receiving credit. 80, To begin barring calls, enter the password provided by your mobile phone service provider. 81, The Socialists meanwhile were criticised by other left parties for including in the government bill a prevision provision barring same-sex couples from adopting children. 82, ON AUGUST 28th, barring some dark manoeuvre by seething Clintonistas, Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for the presidency. 83, Barring a sudden, unlikely, uplift in the national mood, Mr Obama's prospects look peachy. 84, In 1060, a strict law was enacted in Mt . Athos: Barring any female's entrance. 85, The products ( barring family using ) sale and kind is a top priority. 86, And she had in fact tried to die, barring her bedroom door and eating nothing but bread and water for three days, until she was overcome by the reverential terror she felt for her father. 87, You should take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness. 88, The "buy American" provision barring the use of foreign steel and iron in the economic stimulus package approved by the U.S. House of Representatives is a stark reminder. 89, "I don't think any Japanese banks now have to raise capital on the back of this, barring any sizeable acquisitions," said Ismael Pili, Macquarie's head of Asian financials research. 90, The Socialists meanwhile were criticised by other left parties for including in the government bill a provision barring same-sex couples from adopting children. 91, Since free water is given off rather rapidly, barring physical interference to it release. 92, Barring a genetic mutation, the search for noumenal reality is a journey along an asymptotic sinuous trail. |
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