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单词 Singularly
1) The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion.
2) We did some singularly boring experiment.
3) This treatment was singularly inappropriate in her case.
4) The script was singularly uninspired.
5) He chose a singularly inappropriate moment to make his request.
6) He has singularly failed to live up to his promises.
7) It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake.
8) But a toothache can be a singularly uncomfortable experience.
9) But the public interest duty is singularly missing.
10) In appearance he was singularly unprepossessing.
11) These were singularly dry of any news.
12) But the government did a singularly poor job in getting its patient-centred message across.
13) He is to be congratulated on this singularly structured approach.
14) He thought the name singularly inappropriate: either side was lined with a wall of Victorian terrace villas.
15) He committed himself to a singularly foolish plan for Empire Free Trade.
16) That experience was to prove singularly rich in its diversity and in its legacy of Sussex church architecture.
17) National Public Radio is singularly effective in promoting a national culture nationwide,[http:///singularly.html] reaching where no other institutions penetrate.
18) That sheep dip is singularly disagreeable to a golden eagle is one reason for its rarity.
19) Jeff Tweedy gave a singularly honest, heartfelt performance that carried him off the stage and into the crowd.
20) What interests me is the singularly local nature of some phenomena.
21) Nevertheless, there is something singularly stupid about racing to the video store at closing time.
22) The mystic person who singularly failed to appear during a 20-year span of abuse was my doctor.
23) Their desks were equally neat and tidy, and singularly bare of paperwork.
24) Astrophil has been trying in the sonnet to proceed by imitation and been singularly unsuccessful in doing so.
25) But now that the truth is out on both sides, they are surely singularly out of place.
26) The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.
27) As early as 1901 L. T. Hobhouse wrote a book entitled Mind in evolution -a work singularly ignored by most modern scholars.
28) She had found it in the dray horses and in Barney, who was a singularly unimpressive animal except for his listening skills.
29) Shannon had watched the encounter with interest, while remaining singularly unmoved herself.
30) For a government supposedly obsessed by the dark arts, it can be singularly cack-handed at spin.
1) The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion.
2) This treatment was singularly inappropriate in her case.
3) The script was singularly uninspired.
31) George Luks was singularly qualified to introduce Margarett to the world of progressive art.
32) Although H-I did what it set out to do, it performed so singularly that people were perplexed by its success.
33) Her exultation being quite undisguised was singularly inoffensive.
34) It was the traditional maidenly interrogation, and he felt ashamed of himself for finding it singularly childish.
35) A class of nonlinear singularly perturbed elliptical problems with boundary perturbation are considered. The uniform valid of the constructed asymptotic expansion is proved.
36) In this paper the "cover layer" phenomenon of solution for a class of singularly perturbed boundary value problems of third order semilinear equation is revealed.
37) The dawn of the March morning is singularly inexpressive,[/singularly.html] and there is nothing to show where the eastern horizon lies.
38) A class of initial boundary value problems for the singularly perturbed semilinear elliptic equations with nonlocal boundary conditions are considered.
39) In that way, Blair remains a historic center-left statesman, singularly representative of contemporary liberal interventionism, its climax and denouement at once.
40) Tokaji, sheltered by the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, has a singularly balmy microclimate.
41) The singularly perturbed elliptic equation boundary value problem with turning point is considered.
42) We should regard this, on the evidence so far available, as a singularly profitless enterprise.
43) The point in which the Americans singularly outdistanced the Europeans was in the science of gunnery.
44) This book is an outstanding and singularly practical reference work for all managers in the trade show industry and in related service segments.
45) The proposed design method is suitable for both standard and nonstandard singularly perturbed systems.
46) There were certain names which he often pronounced to support whatever things he might be saying,--Voltaire, Raynal, Parny, and, singularly enough, Saint Augustine.
47) It was a singularly inopportune moment to stage an antil - British demonstration.
48) Lodz was cruel and unusual. Singularly picturesque with its dilapidated buildings, dilapidated staircases, dilapidated people.
49) One called it a singularly pointless waste of technology destined for techno - oblivion.
50) But with the world economy slowing, it is singularly ill-timed nonetheless.
51) The singularly perturbed functional boundary value problems for the discontinuous nonlinear ordinary di? erential equations are considered.
52) By the standards of history, his execution in 399 B.C. was singularly humane.
53) It is singularly cased. Although, she was examined by X-ray spinal canal graph, CT scan and enhanced scan image diagnosis, our hospital and others still diagnose it is tuberculosis of the spine.
54) Vertex boundary layer phenomena of solution of singularly perturbed boundary value problem for a kind of fourth order elliptic equation is studied in this paper.
55) Using the singularly perturbed theory and the matching principle, the shock problems for a class of the nonlinear singularly perturbed equations are considered.
56) With every advantage of lungs and elocution, the effect is singularly vapid.
57) Using the matching condition, a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed problems for two boundary layers are discussed. asymptotic expansion of solution for boundary value problem are obtain.
58) Singularly perturbed differential equations ( SPDEs ) appear in several branches of applied mathematics.
59) We show that for quasi-linear singularly perturbed problems the monotone iterative method is globally convergent.
60) It is the names that make this volume harrowing, singularly distressing, exceptionally depressing.
61) The linear quadratic optimal control problem for a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems is studied.
62) This result is an application of the singularly perturbed theory for research on the higher order differential equation.
63) By most accounts, the origin of anatomically modern Homo sapiens was a singularly African affair.
64) It is the names that make this volume uniquely harrowing, singularly distressing, exceptionally depressing.
65) HONEY, a most assimilable carbohydrate compound, is a singularly acceptable, practical and most effective aliment to generate heat, create and replace energy, and furthermore, to form certain tissues.




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