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单词 Manoeuvre
1 We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.
2 Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
3 The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre.
4 She managed to manoeuvre expertly into the parking space.
5 There was very little room to manoeuvre.
6 Loaded supermarket trolleys are often difficult to manoeuvre.
7 Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.
8 A rapid manoeuvre by the driver prevented an accident.
9 Small farmers have limited room for manoeuvre.
10 I feel the company has little room for manoeuvre.
11 The amendment was somehow introduced by political manoeuvre.
12 This was a crafty manoeuvre to outwit his pursuers.
13 The other directors are trying to manoeuvre her into resigning.
14 Teachers feel they have little room for manoeuvre when the curriculum is so demanding.
15 The government has very little room for manoeuvre on this issue.
16 By this manoeuvre, he hopes to gain an advantage at a later stage.
17 The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates.
18 I'd like you to go through that manoeuvre again and then bring the car to a halt next to the kerb.
19 Nevertheless, the State's room for manoeuvre was increasing.
20 And the director-general has little freedom of manoeuvre.
21 The manoeuvre succeeded, though at a dreadful cost.
22 It was a manoeuvre replete with irony.
23 Must not allow her senses any room to manoeuvre.
24 A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.
25 The economic conditions are restricting the Chancellor's freedom of manoeuvre.
26 The law in this area is very strict and doesn't allow us much room for manoeuvre.
27 With an election looming, he has little room for manoeuvre.
28 The new laws have left us little room to manoeuvre .
29 As I see it, Lisa, you don't really have a great deal of room for manoeuvre.
30 Saunders' body was lying against him as he tried to manoeuvre it against the protective barrier.
1 We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.
2 A careful driver will often stop talking before carrying out a complex manoeuvre.
3 Her withdrawal from the contest was a tactical manoeuvre.
4 The clutter of ships had little room to manoeuvre.
5 Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane.
31 The platoon commanders shout their commands and the recruits manoeuvre into the required formations.
32 Following this manoeuvre, the Harvard dealing director and dealers questioned the performance of Harvard's corporate finance department.
33 She saw that Defries and Johannsen were attempting the same manoeuvre.
34 What room for manoeuvre is there in different productions of the same play?
35 That's a rookie manoeuvre that a lot of people do.
35 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
36 For what else could so many well-connected old buffers do if not manoeuvre themselves into and around the Senate?
37 From a business perspective it is a manoeuvre which meets a much-recognised need for the agency to offer clients international service.
38 Again, as we will see, this kind of manoeuvre plays an essential part in the Roslin cloning procedure.
39 MacDonald's lack of trust in that slippery manoeuvre emerges from his conversation at the palace on Sunday morning.
40 The idea was to manoeuvre the two modules together so that the probe entered the drogue.
41 As he settled, he looked well pleased with the manoeuvre.
42 Each manoeuvre in their rearguard action has taken them further away from intuitive notions about that exciting enterprise referred to as science.
43 He is playful, too, managing the difficult manoeuvre of translating wit into sound without resorting to slapstick.
44 We manoeuvre in the world constantly looking out for Number One.
45 He stretched out his arms but had no room to manoeuvre.
46 That manoeuvre might lead to a diamond ruff for West at trick two, but even that is unlikely to prove fatal.
47 Compounded by their own unconscious survival strategy, their room for manoeuvre appears to shrink until it vanishes.
48 It constituted an even clearer expression of provincial mobilisation and disregard for parliamentary initiative and manoeuvre than 1833.
49 This category has the least security, but the greatest freedom of manoeuvre.
50 Just about every collective pitch helicopter available should be capable of performing this manoeuvre, but some are more capable than others.
51 Although the political future remains unclear, the new circumstances have allowed much more room to manoeuvre than in the past.
52 The combination of low export prices and high oil import prices means Mr Kufuor's government will have little room to manoeuvre.
53 Small farmers too have limited room for manoeuvre to adopt new technologies.
54 Sly spun round, or tried to, he had little room to manoeuvre.
55 I manoeuvre the dental floss into place in front of an aghast Lucker, and whip them away, as Laverne instructed.
56 Bathing huts, a steam engine, cavalry on manoeuvre and beached fishing boats: it must have been lovely.
57 A pulley block was used to ensure the safety of this manoeuvre.
58 At the last moment she stopped the manoeuvre and drove on instead.
59 Recognizing a manoeuvre on the part of the company to avoid indemnity pay, the workers occupied the factory.
60 The manoeuvre he had planned was highly dangerous and quite illegal.
61 Arsenal really do keep things tight; they gave little or no room in which to manoeuvre.
62 In the circumstances it was best to leave himself room for manoeuvre.
63 But it all seemed very appropriate and didn't seem like a headstrong, desperate manoeuvre in any sense.
64 Solicitors had feared the veto might limit their new rights, but the framework restricts the judges' room for manoeuvre.
65 Swivel/lockable Wheels are easier to manoeuvre in a busy shopping area while fixed wheels are probably more comfortable over bumpy ground.
65 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
66 There was, however, a widespread feeling that very large armies were undesirable because they were difficult to supply and manoeuvre.
67 Steel himself was a noted tactician, more concerned with manoeuvre than with policy-making, a style appropriate for the parliamentary situation.
68 The President needed room to manoeuvre in negotiated attempts to resolve the crisis.
69 All parties lose if there is no room to manoeuvre, no compromise, and no hope of reconciliation.
70 For the moment, though, a certain room for manoeuvre has been considered acceptable, and has probably even been increased.
71 It allows the vehicle to manoeuvre without tearing itself apart on the back axle.
72 The manoeuvre was different in kind, and even less justifiable, than a heart transplant.
73 In a classic Desmond manoeuvre, the big names were brought in as Ordinary shareholders for a total of £1m.
74 The Ford driver was furious and trying to regain his place, a very dangerous manoeuvre.
75 The trouble with this manoeuvre is that it can not help but demote poetry.
76 He reported improvement of the abdominal discomfort and the manoeuvre was repeated a number of times with similar results.
77 These coaches will explain the techniques required for each component and the need to start with the easiest manoeuvre.
78 Naturally, you will have more room for manoeuvre if you have avoided agreeing to detailed and specific restraints.
79 It is a simple matter of keeping the rod high above the rushes while I manoeuvre downstream.
80 She managed to manoeuvre into the remaining space and got out to give somebody a piece of her mind.
81 To put their project together, the two charities had to manoeuvre within a thicket of legal and professional restraints.
82 Each manoeuvre was repeated after a gap of one minute.
83 It would take her ages to manoeuvre back and forth and force her way into the relentless stream of traffic.
84 See their gills distend with the movement and the flurry of pectoral fins that give the subtle shunting manoeuvre.
85 What he obviously had in mind was the manoeuvre carried out by horsemen displaying their skill at a gymkhana.
86 It has more room for manoeuvre than it appears to realise, more options than it is willing to acknowledge.
87 The tame elephants manoeuvre a captive into position, acting rather like gaolers.
88 More expensive wheeled models are available and are easier to handle, but they might need more room to manoeuvre.
89 He decided to resign, not as a tactical manoeuvre, but because he did not have sufficient support to carry on.
90 On his choice of coalition partners would depend Barak's freedom of manoeuvre.
91 The solid uncooperative bundle was surprisingly heavy; it was like trying to manoeuvre a firm and rather smelly poultice.
92 Tell us about that overtaking manoeuvre with Jenson.
93 Such a manoeuvre could cut both ways.
94 They've got the money to manoeuvre with.
95 Q: Tell us about that overtaking manoeuvre with Jenson.
95 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
96 This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
97 They tired out the enemy by skilful manoeuvre.
98 Some analysts believe he has made a canny political manoeuvre.
99 The British bourgeoisie, past masters of machination and manoeuvre, are a class which knows best when to compromise.
100 Oil and Islam continue to define Saudi Arabia 's room for manoeuvre.
101 We manoeuvre through the surface of life, oblivious to the depths below.
102 A two - year programme offers room manoeuvre and more time to network.
103 Athlete on the superelevation diving platform which or specially makes after the very high cliff takes off and completes the air manoeuvre to enter the water.
104 NASA scientists rehearsed the roll - off manoeuvre in a sandbox mock-up more than 500 times over the past few years.
105 None of the three super - states ever attempts any manoeuvre which involves the risk of serious defeat.
106 This manoeuvre rendered the position of the girls exceedingly critical.
107 The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver.
108 Others, like Germany, the US and Japan have more room for manoeuvre.
109 However, that time will come and soundless and stirless flowing, no matter you with what attitude to face, it has no room for manoeuvre.
110 But Mr Streiff 's room for manoeuvre is constrained by politics.
111 However, the narrow channel manoeuvre safety theory is not yet in full shape.
112 If the manoeuvre should succeed there would be little hope of any great resistance.
113 ON AUGUST 28th, barring some dark manoeuvre by seething Clintonistas, Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
114 The manoeuvre consisted of a system in which subliminal mind-altering technology was carried on standard radiofrequency broadcasts.
115 Well, we'll see if Golz can manoeuvre them a little.
116 Objective To evaluate the effect of particle repositioning manoeuvre for posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
117 Mr Henderson will have the financial and operational manoeuvre that was always denied to Mr Wagoner.
118 This means that if the kayak capsizes it will not fill with water and the paddler can, with a manoeuvre known as an "Eskimo roll", right the boat again.
119 Schumacher's illegal manoeuvre at Jerez cost him dear - he was formally stripped of his standings for 1997.
120 But full trailer with wheel steering can lower floor level and behave with better manoeuvre ability.




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