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单词 Eventual
1 The Dukes were the eventual winners of the competition.
2 Sweden were the eventual winners of the tournament.
3 The failure of this scheme contributed to her eventual downfall.
4 Several schools face eventual closure.
5 Both parties expressed optimism about an eventual solution.
6 The village school may face eventual closure.
7 She was taken prisoner and suffered eventual execution.
8 Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks.
9 The merger will mean the eventual closure of the company's Sydney office.
10 It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome of global warming will be.
11 Sweden was the eventual winner of the tournament.
12 The motor industry remains hopeful of eventual success.
13 The eventual headliners, believe it or not,[] were Mud.
14 The eventual outcome was the 1986 Social Security Act.
15 The eventual aim is reunification.
16 Applications are the key to its eventual success.
17 The higher the eventual rank,() the more likely was blame to be similarly apportioned.
18 But a come for an eventual second runway has whipped up the inevitable storm of controversy among local residents.
19 Whatever the eventual outcome of this contentious issue, it is not likely to be resolved in the near future.
20 This despite the fact that the eventual outcomes, nationalism and defence of territory, are quite similar.
21 Eventual guaranteed success is often a very desirable aspect, especially for young or slow learners.
22 The race turned out to be a great duel between Meade and the eventual winner, Chris Stoney.
23 It was difficult to see what the thinking was behind their eventual decision.
24 Although the original budget for the project was $1 billion, the eventual cost is likely to be 50% higher.
25 Counselling can often deal with the personal anger, frustration and eventual depression caused by the losses such illness brings.
26 Each measure, however, adds a cost factor to the eventual price of the electricity to the consumer.
27 The procedures cover each stage from initial reporting of a problem through to eventual correction.
28 When Lord Leverhulme abandoned Lewis, the crofting villages seemed doomed to a steady decline and eventual extinction.
29 The stability of the wall is obviously affected, and if left untreated may lead to eventual collapse.
30 Many civil law systems find room for oral evidence at the eventual hearing.
1 The Dukes were the eventual winners of the competition.
2 Sweden were the eventual winners of the tournament.
3 The failure of this scheme contributed to her eventual downfall.
4 Several schools face eventual closure.
5 Both parties expressed optimism about an eventual solution.
6 It was difficult to see what the thinking was behind their eventual decision.
31 Mr Donaldson emphasised the delay had not contributed in any way to the eventual death of the mechanic, William Donnelly.
32 The second hazard is that old bugaboo, moisture, encouraging mildew growth and eventual decay.
33 The eventual winner will receive an all expenses paid night out for two in London, staying at a top hotel.
34 This program is totally free to the kids who participate, and the eventual national champions win college scholarships.
34 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
35 Prime Minister Alberto Pandolfi said that police were securing the area in anticipation of eventual talks between the government and the rebels.
36 The Listing Particulars Directive of 1980 sought to harmonise disclosure requirements, with a view to eventual mutual recognition of listing particulars.
37 The eventual landfall of the aircraft could only be within that limited area.
38 Each stood out in different settings, creating a sense of inevitability about their eventual accession to the White House.
39 No matter who finally has the lion's share of the market, the eventual winner will be the user.
40 Will people be prosecuted when their co-operation is needed to implement an eventual peace agreement?
41 The feed needs to be as iron-free as possible in order that the eventual meat will be the light colour preferred by consumers.
42 But ominously, there was no hint of an eventual return to the Cabinet.
43 Young people frequently dismiss remarks which older people may make about their impending or eventual death.
44 This department was responsible for the eventual establishment of school clinics throughout the country, but only slowly and after considerable controversy.
45 They are potential rivals, maybe eventual allies, in the Democratic primary.
46 The initial cost of the computer system is more than made up for in terms of eventual profit.
47 The eventual release loses a Co-Co mix and has a re-edited Ultramarine one instead.
48 The eventual aim should be to include all schools in the authority. 3.
49 Therefore, free will itself is any good only to the extent that it contributes to eventual reproduction.
50 One of the factors which will determine the eventual success or failure of the Dip.HE is the extent of transferability which develops.
51 He allowed this to continue in expectation of eventual compensation, but in April 1962 issued proceedings against the company.
52 Our eventual aim is to bring him onto thatching and so continue to expand.
53 I was one shot behind eventual winner Steve Richardson after three rounds and then shot a 79.
54 Colchester were defeated in the semi-final of the runners-up competition by Rochford, the eventual winners.
55 The mentally handicapped person should, wherever possible, be encouraged to live outside his or her home with a view to eventual independence.
56 The first of these is characterized by state control of the press and its eventual emancipation from such controls.
57 This document asks doctors to avoid making strenuous efforts to prolong your life if the eventual outcome is known to be terminal.
58 With so many Bay Area districts solidly Democratic, the winners of the primaries are surely the eventual winners in November.
59 The eventual success of the venture depends not upon ministers but upon the managers and the workforce in the companies themselves.
60 Its immediate economic aim was to work for the reduction and eventual elimination of tariffs on most industrial goods among its members.
61 Out of deference to me, and for the eventual eradication of our corneas, we sat in the absolute front row.
62 The eventual urban appellations reflected the flavor of the individual faces: New York, Geneva, Chicago, and so on.
63 Johnson ignored the critics and his eventual success proved justification enough.
64 Some observers feared a chaotic situation that could deprive the eventual winner of the legitimacy needed to govern.
64 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
65 And yet our eventual objective must be to prepare learners to cope with the natural conditions of language use.
66 No one was sure what the eventual outcome of the war would be.
67 Marx believed that the basic contradictions contained in a capitalist economic system would lead to its eventual destruction.
68 Library staff will co-operate in the production of a computer catalogue, and in the eventual integration into an image database.
69 We reserved our position on the choice of interpreter for the eventual rehearsal period, hoping to bring Rosenshveig.
70 Hardest to predict is whether an eventual movement for reform will adopt a distinct and more hopeful political and economic orientation.
71 The first program for the office block was enormously different from its eventual design.
72 High-performing enterprises maximize as a means of achieving eventual success, then position this success as a rationale for system-wide change.
73 I would not inflict on her either this knowledge, or this eventual indignity.
74 Gore has assiduously cultivated his eventual presidential candidacy without undercutting or overshadowing Clinton.
75 At the same time, realistic encouragement should be given to ensure that the patient remains hopeful about his eventual outcome.
76 This acceptance of the democratic rules of the game and the eventual sharing of electoral victories leads to democratic consolidation.
77 In short, genetic factors are regarded as crucial in determining the eventual performance n sport.
78 The eventual aim is for Firhill to have a capacity sixteen thousand seats.
79 And he adds his personal guarantee of company and protection, with the assurance of eventual safe return.
80 Businesses must synchronize their production choices with consumer choices or face the penalty of losses and eventual bankruptcy.
81 Despite his eventual betrayal of me-for which I have forgiven him-Hu was a superb implementer and an outstanding public servant.
82 Since impacts are the product of population numbers and consumption, all nations should grasp the nettle of eventual zero population growth.
83 At the age of nine I wondered how I would handle my eventual initiation to the back row seating.
84 In fact, Darwin initially distinguished only six of Gould's eventual 13 separate forms as members of the finch family.
85 Its eventual success acted as a springboard for the union boss, who looks much younger than his 56 years.
86 The eventual interracial mix will herald the success of that process.
87 Later, the press was able to seize avidly on some tactlessly conceived marketing strategies for the eventual release of the films.
88 It helped to bring the system into disrepute and played a major part in the eventual breakdown of the Plowden structure.
89 It is simply a free trade area with not even vague plans for eventual political union.
90 In some cases, the earnings growth will more than make up for the eventual de-rating.
91 And, in concert with other friends, he worked patiently but assiduously for Pound's eventual release.
92 Identification of the gene encoding s-ADH and the eventual search for polymorphisms are awaited with interest.
93 It is also the intention to match the expectations of the parties and their legal advisers against eventual outcome.
94 But Leeds may not be the eventual takeover target.
95 I fervently believe in our eventual victory.
96 Thus, the eventual errors of the analysis phase can be detected quite early, without any of the notorious impact on development planning.
97 Detractors call it Wahhabism, after the 18th-century puritan reformer whose family alliance with the Al Sauds laid the foundation for their eventual conquest of Arabia.
98 To ensure that the correct feed reader implementation is used, you also create a factory class that provides the appropriate feed reader based on your eventual desired output format.
99 SS 1921 deals with "Augustine and Neoplatonism, " where the title-theme is concerned with Augustine's eventual relapse into Greek cosmological categories.
100 Possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class.
101 Some are buying China's listed securities, which are multiplying fast, while others are taking the leap into direct investment, expecting eventual fat payoffs.
102 The eventual denunciation of a failed withdrawal, even after consecutive solicitations from the clients, will be considered as proof with regards to the bank's unsuitability to operate.
103 I went home before the end of the meeting. What was the eventual decision?
104 A leisurely process of decision - making creates a presumption in favor of eventual inaction.
105 The ADB report says that, even if the markets may have reached bottom, the eventual recovery could still be drawn-out.
106 His Pitt teams split two games with eventual national champion UConn. Wanamaker put in 14 in the win and 17 in a March loss to the Huskies, going 5-of-11 from the field.
107 Finally, the eventual forecasted results are obtained through wavelet restructure.
108 When the food ran out, they subsisted on lamp oil and sulfur-tainted water until their eventual rescue.
109 An abundant supply of energy in the long term may hinge on its eventual success.
110 Because of the rapid reaction in soil and eventual disappearance of XDE 537, ACID and DIACID, it was suggested that the herbicide Clincher is non persistent in the environment.
111 The eventual goal would be to move to a completely voluntary system where people only pay payroll taxes into Social Security and Medicare if they choose to participate in those programs.
112 Next, we viewed the business process as a service collaboration that represents a business Service Requirements contract that must be fulfilled by our eventual solution.
113 The upstream states, including Ethiopia, source of the Blue Nile, which merges with the White Nile at Khartoum, and supplies 86% of the river's eventual flow, were allocated nothing.
114 CDB recently received government approval to set up a stockholding company, which could lead to an eventual listing of the bank's shares.
115 To test the development potential of AdSpecs, the Word Bank bought 10,000 pairs to help Ghanaians in an adult reading program, and monitored the eventual impact.
116 Well, actually, our obsessive-compulsive tooth-brushing practices lead to deteriorating oral health, including increased numbers of cavities and eventual tooth loss.
117 General consensus is that eventual adoption of WebSocket in inevitable yet in an altered form to alleviate the current security concerns, but some feel XMPP sufficiently solves the same problem space.
118 For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.
119 Migration will always involve building a new queue manager, a logical move of the application and queues to the new queue manager, and the eventual decommission of the old queue manager.
120 That decision led to sanctions against apartheid South Africa and eventual independence for Namibia.
121 I often hear the argument: Labor standards can improve wages and working conditions, without greatly affecting the eventual retail cost of goods.
122 The Africans became indentured servants, trading labor for shelter and eventual freedom.
123 If premiums exceed the total of expenses and eventual losses, we register an underwriting profit that adds to the investment income produced from the float.
124 Demographic forces are decidedly in favor of soccer's eventual success in the land of the forward pass and the knuckleball.
125 Shareholders as investors are the eventual owner of property of company.
126 Of greater value to the stencil designer is the area ratio,[] which can be related directly to eventual solder paste release.
127 And the eventual wipeout of most of the life on earth.
128 Governments will count the eventual cost: health-care spending on an obese person is 25% more than for someone of average weight.
129 These dislocations are at the root of the eventual credit crisis, which follows the boom period that was caused by artificially low interest rates.
130 It's shrewed business, but smacks of unadulterated greed as this practice leads to eventual end-user scalping.
131 The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go, for life is a paradox: we cling to its many gifts eventual relinquishment.
132 The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go.For life is a paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.
133 He was thinking that with such affection there could be no bar to his eventual happiness.
134 Initially, the thyroid is enlarged and there may be transient hyperthyroidism, followed by a euthyroid state and then hypothyroidism with eventual atrophy years later.
135 Maecenas shared Augustus' dynastic hopes and worked for the eventual succession of Marcellus, the emperor's nephew.
136 And America must lay out a credible route to the eventual unwinding of its massive stimulus.
137 Your (eventual) profits would also be tax-exempt, and the foundation could continue its noble battle to keep Microsoft on its toes.
138 Isaac Asimov set out his famous three laws of robotics in 'I, Robot,' thereby laying the foundation for our eventual robot overlords to show us some decency.
139 In 1887, the federal government sought to divide up Indian lands for individual ownership, a step leading toward the eventual demise of native tribes.
140 Little could he have imagined the problems that his eventual successor, Sir Howard Stringer , would face.
141 Only a few days before he had predicted an eventual smash to Addison.
142 Accordingly, perhaps the first job out of college is not a good indicator of eventual professional performance, and less so than in previous decades.
143 Primary focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a major cause of nephrotic syndrome and eventual end-stage renal disease.
144 To conservatives, moreover, physical evaluation seemed to be the first step in eventual nationalization.
145 Unless the eventual buyer is able to determine the specific leaker(s), then everyone must go.
146 Honestly, not even the best scriptwriter could come up with the revelations that followed in the police investigation and eventual trial.
147 The Metrication Ordinance , enacted in 1976 , provides for the eventual replacement of non metric units by SI units in all legislation in the HKSAR .
148 If they survive the crisis, they will help an eventual synchronised recovery in trade.
149 The positive invariant property, eventual boundedness, non-persistence, permanence, extinction, and globally asymptotic stability of the system was investigated.
150 Eventual consistency is not some esoteric property of extreme distributed systems.
151 The film, which was directed by David Fincher, was thought to have the best chance of beating out odds-on favorite and eventual winner, "The King's Speech."
152 Then we viewed the business process as a service collaboration that represents a Business Services Requirements contract that must be fulfilled by our eventual solution.
153 Some say the CECA will cause eventual unification with China.
154 Moreover, intermittent fires burn away the undergrowth that might accumulate and make any eventual fire uncontrollable.
155 even aside from the political dynamics, which said that we'd only get one shot(), the economic dynamics also said that not doing enough early on only makes an eventual solution harder.
156 In his left hand he confidently wields a writhing two-headed serpent, which represents his eventual mastery of the deadly two-sided lightsaber.
157 If our premiums exceed the total of our expenses and eventual losses, we register an underwriting profit that adds to the investment income that our float produces.
158 We recommend that this simple and safe maneuver be introduced routinely after administering a caudal epidural injection, to aid in the eventual outcome of a potentially difficult clinical problem.
159 Completion of the control requirements, the eventual realization of pre - baked carbon anode blocks Health organize tasks.
160 The total GM IPO will represent at least one quarter of the company, the source said, but added that Friday's filing will be for a nominal amount, below the eventual amount to be raised.
161 I bought a five-year-old used car, and have been very happy with it. Meanwhile, I'm slowly saving for an eventual replacement Mini.
162 The resource manager is now described as in-doubt, since it has delegated eventual transaction control to the transaction manager.
163 An eventual ceasefire left Hizbullah claiming victory and Israel's generals and politicians locked in recrimination.
164 The eventual tally will depend on the choicesindividual couples make when they engage in that most intimate of human acts, the one Leeuwenhoek interrupted so carelessly for the sake of science.
165 There are some mostly characteristics in the course of the health humanity's image sculpt:the contradiction of humanity, no all roses of humanity, the eventual failure by accident.
166 Only the post-condition method receives the eventual return value, through the returnValue parameter.
167 Plans for eventual missions to an asteroid and to Mars could be decades away. But Daytona Beach, Florida resident Rob Hansen is more optimistic.
168 Her eventual trip to England with Rolfe and their newborn son proved a fund-raising boon to the colony, with Pocahontas serving as a kind of poster girl for the Virginia Company.
169 For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.
170 The primary path length difference between asynchronous and synchronous polls is the allocation and eventual clean up of control blocks.
171 Of course, the Celtics almost wrecked our theory dead zone separating shock and eventual glory season.
172 Kim Jong Il had 14 years in which to build up loyalties between his anointment and eventual succession.
173 UN figure of around 4, 000 eventual deaths as a result of the Chernobyl accident is lower than the official annual death-rate in Chinese coal mines. Yet there are good reasons for public concern.
174 With no major economic data on the calendar, traders said $1.4825 may be the next target in euro-dollar, with many predicting an eventual move back to $1.50.
175 The eventual realization of a traffic signal control and research.
176 Rapid economic growth may lead to an overextension of resources and lead to an eventual catastrophic meltdown .
177 Kalou was a part of the Ivory Coast squad that eventually finished fourth in the tournament – losing out to Essien's Ghana in the third place play-off having been eliminated by eventual winners Egypt.
178 In a move that would represent its first return to the capital markets, GM also plans to arrange a revolving line of credit in preparation for an eventual IPO, Henderson said.
179 However, I do believe that widespread public belief in the inevitability of profits from investment in stocks will lead to eventual trouble.




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