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单词 Emergency room
1 The emergency room was in disorder.
2 Somebody to accompany victims to the emergency room.
3 The doctor in the emergency room notified the police.
4 At several hospitals, emergency room personnel said they increasingly fear for their own safety.
5 Stretch and Spoon rush her to the emergency room, only to be stalled by bureaucracy.
6 In a hospital emergency room, a man awoke on a table.
7 A 33-year-old man was brought to the emergency room in coma.
8 If chest pain occurs report immediately to nearest emergency room.
9 She rushes her to the emergency room when Tamika gets sick.
10 Between 1983 and 1994, emergency room admissions due to meth-related psychoses rose 366 percent in California.
11 In the emergency room he appeared deeply comatose: his eyes were closed and he did not react to noxious stimuli.
12 It was too quiet for an emergency room,[] I thought.
13 Please page the surgical resident for emergency room.
14 What brought you to the emergency room yesterday?
15 The emergency room was overrun with walk - ins.
16 His parents rushed him to the nearest hospital emergency room.
17 Through Twitter, Widman provided updates on emergency room access and hospital operation status, re-tweeted news from Red Cross and communicated with reporters.
18 Was taken to the emergency room in a state of syncope.
19 Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.
20 Some rape victims might be lucky enough to encounter an emergency room doctor who will prescribe the drugs.
21 These very ill patients will usually be seen in an emergency room or hospital setting.
22 They were also asked how much total waiting time elapsed between triage and departure from the emergency room.
23 There were at least two private hospitals closer, but they did not welcome blacks in their emergency room.
24 All of those factors often are at play in an emergency room.
25 I moved as if in a daze through the emergency room.
26 Four nights, and on the fifth we drove you down To the Emergency Room.
27 At Massachusetts General, William Tisdale was a second-year medical resident in the emergency room.
28 I made my way through a long corridor toward the emergency room.
29 A few years back the city closed down half of it, leaving only the emergency room open.
30 Robinson's first rotation at the hospital was in the emergency room.
1 The emergency room was in disorder.
31 After cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he was intubated assisted with mechanical ventilation and transferred to our emergency room.
32 How did the man in the emergency room hurt himself?
33 Nem was sent to the emergency room where several stitches were put in.
34 Mr. Brown, a 52 - year - old , is admitted to the unit the emergency room.
35 The average head trauma, ambulance ride, emergency room visit, x-rays.
36 Emergency room doctors diagnosed a stomach flu, but a week later the child's pediatrician took an X-ray and saw what he thought was a quarter.
37 All cases were undergone external fixation in the emergency room and dermatoplasty, flap transfer and bone lengthening in second stage.
38 Objective To discuss the results of emergency room thoracotomy (ERT) in the management of critical cardiac penetrating injury.
39 So in the emergency room, a divorce was agreed upon.
40 Method Applied the MKJ air disinfecting machine and methanal plus potassium permanganate Fumigating to disinfect the air in emergency room, and then compared the disinfecting effect among them.
41 Groans of pain can often be heard in a hospital emergency room.
42 This diving lobsterman was struck by a needlefish on his anterior neck and presented with extensive subcutaneous crepitus and hemoptysis on arrival at the emergency room.http:///emergency room.html
43 It does not include treatment at a private doctor's office or in a self-help group, emergency room, or penal facility.
44 The mother rushes her son to the hospital's emergency room.
45 Cut across the neck of one of otorhinolaryngology more seen in the emergency room, Because of injury throat, trachea, esophagus, neck artery, severity of illness, Affect quality of life.
46 And it will prohibit insurance companies from limiting a patients' access to their preferred primary care provider, ob-gyn, or emergency room care.
47 They closed the doors and sped toward the emergency room.
48 But on June 24, 1993, Alicia had sudden chest pains and went to the emergency room.
49 It's a hundred-bed hospital with two operating theaters and tens of care wards and an emergency room and we'll be able to hospitalize patients following the surgical interventions.
50 Bring this patient to the emergency room for first aid at once.
51 He collapsed just inside the doorway of a hospital emergency room.
52 The Emergency Room at SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, had been designated as a Disaster Treatment Center within hours afterthe 9/11 Terrorist attacks.
53 It was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December twenty-fifth.
54 A man appeared in a hospital emergency room alone, and critically ill.
55 Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston, where Dr. Halamka is a practicing emergency room physician, was one of thefirst hospitals in the nation to adopt electronic health records, a decade ago.
56 A teenaged boy had been brought to the emergency room after trying to castrate himself.
57 The doctor says the patient has to be stowed in the emergency room.
58 Although expensive, allergy shots may not cost more than the combined cost of medicine, doctor and emergency room visits, and missed days of school or work over several years.
59 Here families of bird flu patients wait out side the emergency room in a hospital.
60 But she died in an emergency room later in the day.
61 Objective To summarize clinical experience of treating penetrating cardiac injuries patients in emergency room thoracotomy ( ERT ).
62 This time you're a doctor in an emergency room and six patients come to you. They've been in a terrible trolley car wreck.




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