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单词 Deutschmark
释义  Related topics: CurrenciesDeutsch·mark /ˈdɔɪtʃmɑːk $ -mɑːrk/ (also mark) noun [countable]  PECthe standard unit of money used in Germany before the euro 马克〔欧元使用前德国的货币单位〕Examples from the CorpusDeutschmark• Therefore an arbitrageur could make virtually riskless profits by exchanging sterling for Deutschmarks, Deutschmarks for dollars and dollars for sterling:.• For example, suppose that currency 1 is sterling, currency 2 is dollars and currency 3 is Deutschmarks.• It was only when the Government decided to shadow the Deutschmark that it dropped its commitment to sound money.• It is absurd to disagree about whether we should be fixed to the Deutschmark or not, while behaving as if we were.• But if we are to be fixed to the Deutschmark, that should be an agreed and acknowledged policy.• The Deutschmark falls out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.Origin Deutschmark (1900-2000) German “German mark”Deutsch·mark nounChineseSyllable  the standard Germany used of unit in money before Corpus




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