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单词 Bureaucracy
1) I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
2) We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the company.
3) He described the new regulations as bureaucracy gone mad.
4) Bureaucracy can entangle ventures for months.
5) They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.
6) The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress.
7) The peace talks are mired in bureaucracy.
8) Too much bureaucracy represses creativity and initiative.
9) The company was burdened by a top-heavy bureaucracy.
10) They are faced with a mountain of bureaucracy.
11) For years,(http:///bureaucracy.html) the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.
12) bureaucracy is the cancer of our society.
13) This is an example of bureaucracy writ large.
14) He spent ten years struggling mightily with the bureaucracy.
15) The whole process was encumbered with bureaucracy.
16) His firm must contend with the unwieldy Russian bureaucracy.
17) Our work is hobbled by the amount of bureaucracy involved.
18) A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble.
19) a colossus of bureaucracy.
20) The end result of these changes will be more bureaucracy and fewer resources.
21) The organization has promised to eliminate cumbersome and unnecessary bureaucracy.
22) Instead of doing something about the problem, the council is hiding behind a smokescreen of bureaucracy.
23) People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.
24) She fears that the matter will simply be swallowed up by the maw of bureaucracy.
25) There were a few articles in the newspaper inveighing against bureaucracy.
26) It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy.
27) We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy.
28) It's almost impossible to get through the maze of bureaucracy.
29) He also conveyed his views and the views of the bureaucracy.
30) It was impossible to understand the workings of such a huge bureaucracy.
1) I had to deal with the university's bureaucracy before I could change from one course to another.
2) We need to reduce paperwork and bureaucracy in the company.
3) A large praetorian bureaucracy filled with ambitious and often sycophantic people makes work and makes trouble.
31) Judges are under the thumb of the bureaucracy.
32) He exhorted delegates to fight corruption, bureaucracy and incompetence.
33) Bureaucracy for them will have two important dimensions.
34) He disliked committee procedures and bureaucracy.
35) The plan will remove unneeded layers of bureaucracy.
36) But how precisely does the bureaucracy make that determination?
37) Is there a reasonable argument against a Weberian-style bureaucracy?
38) The company's huge bureaucracy limits creativity and independent thinking.
39) Renaissance bureaucracy treated offices as saleable property.
40) These concepts emphasise class, crisis management and bureaucracy.
41) The federal bureaucracy has been bloated.
42) The privileged position of the nobility seemed threatened, too, by the growing professionalization of the bureaucracy and the army.
43) But what it is like to exist and survive within a bureaucracy?
44) His energetic commitment to the idea of openness and cutting through bureaucracy to give employees more responsibility will be an enduring legacy.
45) It worked in close co-ordination with the government bureaucracy and with the soviets.
46) Once we have created a great bureaucracy, it will be there for ever.
47) Bureaucracy, long absent from the country, was making a rapid return, both at central and at local levels.
48) The state bureaucracy works very closely with firms to implement a comprehensive, collaborative strategy for economic growth.
49) Functional as opposed to philosophical rationality is experienced by men and women in work, by government and through bureaucracy.
50) Let us take, as an illustration, the boundaries of bureaucracy.
51) The bureaucracy benefits disproportionately from the absorption by the state of pre-capitalist institutions, offices, powers and duties. 9.
52) If they can not, councillors develop policy only in so far as the bureaucracy permits.
53) The people have the spirit to overthrow oppression, but their imagination can't yet cope with overturning their stifling bureaucracy.
54) This approach is influenced by a more developed analysis of bureaucracy associated with public choice theory.
55) Stretch and Spoon rush her to the emergency room, only to be stalled by bureaucracy.
56) This corresponds broadly with the approach of the previous chapter, and owes much to the Weberian analysis of bureaucracy.
57) Written texts found in Crete give a picture of complex bureaucracy.
58) We need less bureaucracy in the school system - teachers should be allowed to make more decisions.
59) Indigenous economic interests and institutions become dependent on the state bureaucracy.
60) The bureaucracy enjoys more material rewards and privileges than other sectors of society.
61) More than 40 years' experience of the planning system has established a powerful plan-making bureaucracy in central and local government.
62) This bureaucracy, for reasons still obscure, had decided that my posture was a disgrace and had to be corrected.
63) How great ideas like the Church got bogged down in bureaucracy.
63) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
64) In a society still shackled by regulations and bureaucracy he was astonishingly impudent.
65) The bureaucracy represented a stable social group with a specific psychological style.
66) Many are high-level members of the federal bureaucracy and commute up Route 5 each day into Washington.
67) Even where secrecy was not ordered from above, the squabbling Soviet bureaucracy worked against the efficient collection and distribution of data.
68) As he rose in the county bureaucracy, rich people brought him gifts to stay on his good side.
69) Meanwhile, organized labor and the thousands of new patronage jobs in the federal bureaucracy gave the president powerful political leverage.
70) There appears to be a universal crisis in centralised decision making and considerable public alienation from bureaucracy.
71) For Weber, a bureaucracy was a special form of social organisation particularly associated with modern, large-scale industry and commerce.
72) Radical elite theorists regard Weberian, or organization theory, conceptions of bureaucracy as ideological.
73) Government has reduced the burden of regulation and the need for central bureaucracy.
74) The disaster in Rangoon had touched off an extensive reorganization of the bureaucracy dealing with North-South and international affairs.
75) The consequence may well be the forms of bureaucracy that so occupy the attention of administrative reformers.
76) In the United States a number of factors have combined to render the bureaucracy more open to public scrutiny.
77) Therefore, their secret agenda is how best to strangle the utilities with as much bureaucracy and red tape as possible.
78) Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy.
79) Unfortunately, there is a mentality in the federal bureaucracy that defies change and rejects innovation.
80) Tighter control of the bureaucracy by one group of politicians may work to the disadvantage of others.
81) None of this, however, precludes diversity within both bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
82) The corollary to this is the claim that bureaucracy in police stations is chimerical.
83) The glow from a thousand points of light seems less reliable than that from the lightbulbs of a well-financed bureaucracy.
84) The evolution of a rudimentary bureaucracy was, by 1180, the distinguishing feature of royal and princely administrations.
85) The economic interests of the state bureaucracy are largely realized through state revenue-raising.
86) For the bureaucracy, allegiance to the Emperor came before democratic representation.
87) The greatest irritant most people experience in their dealings with government is the arrogance of the bureaucracy.
88) But running through all these was the belief that an advanced state could not be run without a bureaucracy.
89) Tony Vaux follows him through the comic-horror jungle of Third World bureaucracy - and corruption.
90) What power it had was in the hands of an aging bureaucracy.
91) Dash had looked up from his phone one day and seen a growing bureaucracy, and it disturbed him.
92) Corruption is rife and bureaucracy can be a nightmare, Western executives say. Property ownership rules are muddled.
93) Bureaucracy was also a necessary evil to cope with the ravages of war.
94) To the extent that it avoids medical bureaucracy and so on, it is an improvement, but self-assessment is a radical change.
95) Surprisingly, among the inside players the bureaucracy did not occupy a particularly important role.
96) It has been said to be a fundamental contradiction in the Weberian model of bureaucracy.
97) Stalin emerged as the chief political representative of the ruling bureaucracy.
98) The central bureaucracy was embryonic and his provincial officials were spread wafer-thin and proved very difficult to supervise.
99) Today the old-fashioned kind of graft mostly gets stamped on by a fiercely nit-picking bureaucracy.
100) The trust is also worried that it took six weeks for the emergency stop-order to progress through the Whitehall's bureaucracy.
101) It muddles facile loathing of a parody bureaucracy with the great issues of statesmanship.
102) The profits of jurisdiction may well have been outweighed by the costs of the bureaucracy.
103) Wage incentives were needed to motivate officials, thus giving bureaucracy an institutional and material basis for power.
104) Large firms have the expectation that prolonged recession will provoke assistance from at least some parts of the bureaucracy.
105) The public mood seemed to be that more organizations mean more bureaucracy, complexity and expense.
106) It is a bureaucracy of incarceration beyond the dreams of the bleakest writer.
107) The haphazard bureaucracy of the early Meiji years was reorganized into a formal bureaucratic hierarchy, its entry governed by examination.
108) The first was a developed bourgeoisie which needed bureaucracy as a weapon against revolutionary movements.
109) Persian bureaucracy was still tiny and the Cadgers had embarked on almost no public works.
110) A new bureaucracy, the darling of the administration that establishes it, has a missionary zeal about its function.
111) Why have a separate bureaucracy charged with one small thing-delivering hot meals to the elderly?
112) To adapt to the increasing complexities of modern business life, an organisation can not afford to be a sluggish bureaucracy.
113) He started with the upper reaches of government and the bureaucracy.
114) They demand, therefore, that the social security bureaucracy should more effectively control and discipline its subordinates.
115) Ironically, one of the big pushes for telecommuting is coming from that traditional bastion of bureaucracy, the federal government.
116) The Bill perpetuates all the anomalies, unfairness, regional variations and bureaucracy that made the poll tax unpopular.
117) For the bureaucracy itself, Marx noted how a Bonapartist regime virtually eliminated the risk of public scrutiny and criticism.
118) Only a bully could have stood up to the bullying party bureaucracy.
119) A small point in a big-city operation, but one more shift of responsibility from elected officials to the unelected bureaucracy.
120) Structurally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organization and specialization by means of an elaborate division of labor.
121) He also flouted the censorship efforts of the Vatican bureaucracy, the Curia, by talking to journalists.
122) Such a proliferation of bureaucracy is an inevitable consequence of the expansion of the activities of the state.
123) It is a mix of staff, says Shandell(), which also helps get things done when dealing with ministerial bureaucracy.
124) Are you puzzled by the fact that Congress does little to remedy those defects in the bureaucracy against which it constantly rails?
125) But not in the bureaucracy, save by death or retirement.
126) Lastly, there is the question of the extent to which the bureaucracy is responsive to citizens in general.
127) Thus he failed to build a base in the bureaucracy for the policy.
128) In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
129) It is the peculiar nature of the bureaucracy that sensible initiatives like this arouse great resentment and efforts at evasion.
130) The make-believe could be eliminated if Congress systematically traced its laws through the bureaucracy to see what finally happened after their enactment.
131) These various forms of differentiation within the bureaucracy are vital in the understanding of the formulation and implementation of conservation programmes.
132) It is, of course, possible to infer some aspects of bureaucracy in capitalist society from the functions assigned to the state.
133) However, this increasingly self-contained stratum is broader than the bureaucracy.
134) One more small step away from control by elected officials and toward a government run by the bureaucracy.
135) Most ministry officials are confident that their bureaucracy will survive in its current form.
136) That has been achieved without the need for massive bureaucracy or supranational government or any loss of sovereignty.
137) But the largest part of the permanent government is the bureaucracy, which has about three million federal civilian employees.
138) A further level of pre-censorship, imposed by a bureaucracy headed by government appointees, is an unnecessary institutional restriction on programme-makers.
139) The first is to create a new bureaucracy to make sure that insurers obey the rules.
140) Once the process is under way, empire-building adds fuel to the fire, and more fat to the bureaucracy.
141) Red tape and bureaucracy are the most frequently given reasons for people working underground.
142) In theory this process could go as far as equating marginal cost with demand so that the bureaucracy obtains all the consumer surplus.
143) For all these reasons the inner workings of the bureaucracy remain hidden from view.
144) The EU bureaucracy in Brussels has grown in size and authority.
145) How the bureaucracy relates to the ruling class is more than a matter of origins.
146) He says no company of that size can be run without some bureaucracy, and turned down job offers in big corporations.
147) Excessive bureaucracy is one accusation levelled against the group by analysts.
148) That means fewer laws and less power in the hands of the county bureaucracy.
149) The threat of imperialist attack remains, and the bureaucracy uses this threat quite consciously to periodically silence the voices of opposition.
150) The lower and even the middle ranks of the bureaucracy were to a considerable extent decentralized and independent of royal power.
151) What characterises bureaucracy is the rational and systematic way in which official duties are defined and distributed.
152) In fact, internal conflicts may exist within the bureaucracy as different sectors within it compete for scarce resources.
153) In a truly democratic state the bureaucracy would be transcended.
154) The organization is made up of 346, 000 lawyers, you see(/bureaucracy.html), and there is bureaucracy on top of bureaucracy.
155) At first glance it looks as though the structure might belong to the Social Security Administration or some other elephantine bureaucracy.
156) The task of bureaucracy was precisely to maintain a system of social relations which consolidate class domination.
157) But the way Rembrandt's nose is worked should equally provide a corrective to rhetoric or elision in the writing on bureaucracy.
158) The civil bureaucracy as a whole was never committed to liberal democracy.
159) Secrecy is a weapon in the political armoury of bureaucracy.
160) Stella the personnel administrator will not simply push paper around in Personnel but will take action to cut down on the bureaucracy.
161) Perhaps the most significant aspect of the technical and rational mastery of the modern world has been bureaucracy.
162) Mr Birt himself has stressed his desire to transfer support services out from the central bureaucracy in London.
163) The case dragged through the federal bureaucracy for seven years, before she finally gave up her citizenship voluntarily in 1971.
164) This is difficult if policy makers can use only one method-services produced by their own bureaucracy.
165) The business of claiming from a company is becoming wrapped up in more and more paperwork and bureaucracy.
166) In July a Pravda editorial had attacked perestroika for creating a new bureaucracy without solving the old problems.
167) It locates bureaucracy in a class context rather than in a constitutional or even institutional context.
168) According to the Marxist view of bureaucracy, this is indeed the case in capitalist systems.
169) The use of state posts as a source of patronage and control was reflected in the hypertrophy of the state enterprise bureaucracy.
170) The contradictions are reflected in the political arguments - and political rows - between socialist feminists and the fledgling labour movement bureaucracy.
171) Weld said he thought some federal student loan and job training programs were mired in bureaucracy.
172) Together, they come up against an extraordinarily barbaric state bureaucracy and not a few disappointments.
173) The new bureaucracy of alphabet soup agencies was in harness.
174) Unfortunately, Tucson Water is an agency with an entrenched and willful bureaucracy.
175) In fact, without evolutionary and learning pressures, the society of mind in a brain would turn into a bureaucracy.
176) But it decided against setting up another global bureaucracy to monitor countries' plans.
177) The relationship between the bureaucracy and other institutions is not a consequence of the exercise of political power by the dominant class.
178) Such creativity simply does not exist in Washington, and if it did, it could not surmount the federal bureaucracy.
179) Nor should the bureaucratization of society as a whole be confused with the emergence of the bureaucracy as a ruling class.
180) Bureaucracy is a particular structure and style through which the administration can operate.
181) As such, the bureaucracy, far from sustaining a universal interest, served to reinforce particularism in society.
182) The bureaucracy also offered a means of social control over potentially antagonistic classes.
183) The constitution creates an independent Election Commission to keep the government bureaucracy from manipulating voting.
184) All this is a product of corrupt bureaucracy.
185) In some organizations bureaucracy and politics overshadow constructive logic.
186) He blames Brazilian bureaucracy for this set-back.
187) One of the problem is the bureaucracy the claimant have to face.
188) I won't go into bureaucracy today and will deal only with subjectivism and sectarianism.
189) He is no doubt determined to shake up the bureaucracy and act against corrupt officials.
190) In the meantime he left me to manage the bureaucracy.
191) Liberalism should be found not striving to spread bureaucracy but striving to set bounds to it.
192) He represented himself as a hard - working, self - made small businessman victimized by mindless(/bureaucracy.html), bullying bureaucracy.
193) Bureaucracy is the derivation of feudal despotism, it is a long and complex historical phenomenon.
194) But the scholar-officials thought the privacy life of anchoret who were bureaucracy was the best style, so a kind of unique cultural spirit of the privacy life came into being that time.
195) At the same time the State Department bureaucracy tended to tempt fate.
196) For them to prosper, they need an open business environment free of bureaucracy and too many governmental regulations.
197) Privatisation and other economic reforms are impeded by a secretive , Soviet - style bureaucracy.
198) We can find the way out of bureaucracy only when we temporize and manage well the relations between the country and the society and facilitate the progress both.
199) The bureaucracy nominally under his control is huge and probably unmanageable.
200) Everybody says Tony is smart as a whip. He knows exactly what he can expect from the bureaucracy and how to get what he wants without the usual delay or trouble.
201) So all we need to do is to kick start the project and avoid the infamous Indian bureaucracy.
202) The ever - expanding bureaucracy of CONCORD has become a - empirical, swearing fealty to no one race.
203) The choice between bureaucracy and adhocracy represents a common dilemma.
204) Unfortunately, his words did not seem to percolate through their bureaucracy with customary efficiency.
205) The dead hand of bureaucracy is exerting its enormous influence on our work.
206) Corruption and bureaucracy was far too entrenched in the economy for legislation to make a dent in the economic crisis.
207) If it is a government bureaucracy or a powerful monopolist, thats a loathsome but sustainable choice.
208) As the Taoist pantheon developed, it came to mirror the imperial bureaucracy in heaven and hell.
209) Traditionally, the Secretary of State is judged on his or her ability to formulate policy, negotiate deals and manage the striped-pants bureaucracy.
210) The bureaucracy has been employed by many modern countries, which was efficient once in industrial times and criticized for the rigidity, big organizations, putridity and inefficiency.
211) France needed to spend less on its bureaucracy and on running expenses and more on investing in the future, research and the green economy.
212) Our planet may burn, millions may die, and cities such as Moscow and New York may smoulder, but at least we will be free of petty regulation and bureaucracy. It seems a stiff price to pay.
213) But the development of the administrative structures and the bureaucracy of the imperial period increased the amount and role of writing in the political sphere.
213) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
214) The Stalinist bureaucracy imitates also in this domain the words and gestures of Bolshevism.
215) Provincial towns and their rising merchant class, desiring to have some influence on the central bureaucracy, were keen to ensure that a steady stream of locals won places within it.
216) As for shortcomings, are we totally free from subjectivism or bureaucracy?
217) The government of the Shang dynasty was highly centralized, with a king and royal bureaucracy.
218) Shang Yang believed that defending and fathering bureaucracy delict was the chief assignment of law building.
219) Will it undermine our Party's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism, bureaucracy and sectarianism?
220) A large praetorian bureaucracy, filled with ambitious, possessive. and often sycophantic people, makes work and makes trouble(Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
221) To streamline the government bureaucracy, officials place their faith in a new public-management council, chaired by Jorge Gerdau, a businessman.
222) The guy in question is the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), a venerable federal bureaucracy that markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia river basin.
223) You can enjoy your life without the stress of managerial bureaucracy.
224) It is hard to understand all the minute gradation of their bureaucracy.
225) Bureaucracy is charged with controlling the target group to ensure compliance.
226) I would be ground down between the Congress and the increasingly assertive bureaucracy.
227) Determined by a tension structure between the Confucian School and the Legalist School, traditional Chinese political system shows the characteristic of hereditary bureaucracy.
228) In fact, it now seems that a third of posts will go to diplomats on secondment, and the rest to the Brussels bureaucracy.
229) One of its trickiest tasks would be handling Japan's unwieldy bureaucracy.
230) The Westernization of the country more and more the demand the scholarly bureaucracy.
231) One manifestation of bureaucracy is slacking at work due to indifference or perfunctoriness.
232) Acheson looked beyond the confines of his bureaucracy and joined with the Secretary of War in favor of arms control.
233) Even a small miscalculation - an underpayment of just one cent - can trigger an avalanche of bureaucracy.
234) Most astounding, the same gene bureaucracy is franchised throughout life, from fruit fly to whale.
235) They partner with the state, even when they are dismissive of its bureaucracy.
236) It's not only lofty identity questions that can turn deadly. Istanbul's regulatory bureaucracy has suffered during its madcap economic expansion.
237) Bureaucracy is ever desirous of spreading its influence and its power.
238) Our quest however, soon became an odyssey into a Kafkaesque bureaucracy, PDF scraping and broken links.
239) These interest groups can be divided into three kinds : politician, bureaucracy and private property claimer.
240) It's easy to think of the task of establishing an acceptable use policy for mobile devices as merely being a part of the seemingly endless corporate bureaucracy.
241) Everything is for the Demotic Benefit Animadvert on " Bureaucracy Standard " and " Money Standard "
242) The main source of bad style, mainly in formalism and bureaucracy.
243) Although seen in the West as a ruthless autocrat, in Qaddafi's own mind he is an avatar of an idealized form of mass democracy, eschewing the confusing bureaucracy of a representative system.
244) Bureaucracy is a dirty word and It'shouldn't be used in our company.
245) Shang Yang , who considered keeping bureaucracy away crime as the hardcore of constructing a legislated society, hold filly bringing the protect function of law into play.
246) From there, he joined the Treasury Department and began a meteoric rise through the bureaucracy.
247) Chinese scholar-bureaucrat gardens, used for recreation and touring, are built by ancient Chinese groups who like literature and work in bureaucracy.
248) The ugly evil of bureaucracy, which no comrade likes, must be thrown into the cesspit.
249) In the form of the Left Opposition, Bolshevism broke with the Soviet bureaucracy and its Comintern .
250) He would flense the corruption from the bloated bureaucracy that strangled the august government and reform it, as a new, more powerful, more secure institution.
251) Found in the ruins of a second-tier town, the Iklaina tablet could indicate that literacy and bureaucracy during the late Mycenaean period were less centralized than previously thought.
252) My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.
253) Though expatriates whinge about bureaucracy, the World Bank ranks Mexico the easiest place in Latin America to do business and the 35th-easiest in the world, ahead of Italy and Spain.
253) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
254) I mean, look at his record, his character, everything he stands for – was there ever a more perfect congruency with the culture of the EU bureaucracy?
255) The people often hate bureaucratism and the bureaucracy is a neutral word.
256) The party's hand-in-glove relationships with business, the bureaucracy and the U.S. have become liabilities as incomes have fallen and more Japanese begin to doubt the nation's direction.
257) The main causes of this are bureaucracy and isometric struggles against competition.
258) This time the movement will be aimed at three bad styles, bureaucracy, sectarianism and subjectivism.
259) For Weber, the rational bureaucracy was the major element in the rationalization of the modern world.
260) An often defensive and secretive Chinese bureaucracy up against a bewilderingly complex mishmash of competing interests in America will not make for harmony.
261) The frustration we felt with the bureaucracy was based on solid reasons.
262) In the traditional period, the patrimonial bureaucracy empire implemented simple administrative supervision because of the limit of government cost and technique.
263) The achievements in NPE, such as Public Choice, Collective Activity, Rent-seeking and Bureaucracy, have been applied widely in researches on development.
264) Petty niggling, mean tricks , bureaucracy, and Ah Q - ism are of no use at all.
265) Mr Bush struggled in part because he feared, with some justification, that the permanent bureaucracy in Washington would be hostile to a Republican agenda.




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