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单词 Astronaut
1. The astronaut was welcomed with joyous , resounding acclaim.
2. The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.
3. An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
4. My son's dream is to be an astronaut.
5. Astronaut Pierre Thuot tried to latch the 15-foot robotic arm onto the satellite.
6. Lucid will be replaced by Atlantis astronaut John Blaha.
7. This girl wants to be an astronaut.
8. I wanted to be the first astronaut to set foot on the moon.
9. One astronaut used the space shuttle's robot arm to pick up an 1800-pound satellite from space.
10. Astronaut Winston Scott is scheduled to join Chiao on a second spacewalk early Wednesday.
11. I did a quick equipment check, like an astronaut preparing for lift-off.
12. Indeed, the astronaut is not really in contact with the top of the spring at all.
13. Now, in practice the astronaut would not drift across like this as the curvature of the walls would be far less.
14. An astronaut, dressing for the mission, gives a quick thumbs up to a cameraman.
15. Now Riccardo Patrese looks more like a doomed astronaut ... rocketing crazily out of control towards the heavens.
16. Unshielded, an astronaut could be exposed to hundreds of rads during a solar flare.
17. The jet packs would enable a free-floating astronaut to return to the station.http://
18. When the astronaut is in a uniform gravitational field he is incapable of determining his motion by any mechanical means.
19. Astronaut Edward White had a kind of rocket gun.
20. Many different qualities go towards the making of an astronaut.
21. The standard pressure suit came with shoes, but for walking on the Moon a lunar overshoe was made for each astronaut.
22. For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
23. A Soviet delegation arrives this month to discuss the experiments and the choice of astronaut.
24. However, the particles that emerged would not look much like the astronaut.
25. Atlantis is scheduled next month to retrieve Linenger and deliver replacement astronaut Michael Foale.
26. As the spring compresses so the force which it exerts upwards on the astronaut increases.
27. She says that Helen had to take 99 exams to qualify as an astronaut.
28. During shuttle spacewalks, pilots can maneuver their spacecraft quickly to chase an astronaut whose security line has snapped.
29. Inside a spacecraft in orbit round the Earth an astronaut could float weightless, hardly in contact with the floor.
30. The escaping gas gains a momentum in one direction and so the astronaut gains an equal momentum in the opposite direction.
1. The astronaut was welcomed with joyous , resounding acclaim.
2. The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.
3. An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
31. They are at China's astronaut training center in Beijing.
32. China's astronaut to spacewalk in 2008.
33. Oh , and before that, he was an astronaut, a naval flight officer and an electrical engineer.
34. Discovery will transport a third crewmember to the station, European Space Agency Astronaut Thomas Reiter.
35. Astronaut centered design philosophy is a new concept suggestedthe authors for manned space system design.
36. NASA was doing some astronaut training on an Indian reservation. An Indian elder and his son were herding sheep and came across the space crew.
37. In the closing moments of the clip, the "astronaut" can be heard apologizing to a " Mr. Gorsky , " a reference to a Neil Armstrong-related joke-cum-urban legend from the mid-1990s.
38. Chosen for the US astronaut programme in 1958, Jerrie Cobb had twice as many flight hours to her name as John Glenn, who became the first American to orbit the earth.
39. Alan Shepard, the first US astronaut, would not be launched until almost a month later and then on a comparatively short suborbital flight.
40. To apply engineering Methods : To the study of astronaut adaptation to weightlessness.
41. What about a race car driver, an astronaut or a spy?
42. This astronaut photograph provides a view of the central Tien Shan, about 64 kilometers (40 miles) east of where the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan meet.
43. Astronaut Tim Copra will replace Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, who has been living aboard the station since March.
44. John Glenn dubbed him "the eighth astronaut" of NASA's original Mercury Seven.
45. Astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot.
46. No one would probably prefer, as cases in point, a first-time astronaut piloting a dangerous space mission or a newly commissioned officer leading an army into battle.
47. "As a rookie astronaut, I could not ask for more," Noguchi said.
48. Other astronaut photographs also feature the Houston and Galveston Bay area, including images of Houston at Night and the Houston Ship Channel area.
49. peggy whitson Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.
50. Shadows accentuate several features of the Pico de Orizaba, a stratovolcano, visible in this astronaut photograph from the International Space Station.
51. Atlantis astronaut John Grunsfeld wields a specialized power tool on the mid - deck of the space shuttle.
52. I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut. . . .
53. Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.
54. Despite providing no funds for human spaceflight, science minister Paul Drayson is optimistic that a British astronaut could one day walk on the moon.
55. Li Yongzhi: Professor, Astronaut Research and Training Center of China, Beijing 100094.
56. This astronaut photograph features Mataiva Atoll, the westernmost atoll of the Tuamotu chain.
57. Far from flavorless cubes, the menu selection includes such astronaut favorites as shrimp cocktail.
58. After the picture taking, the Soyuz — carrying Nespoli, American astronaut Catherine Coleman and Kondratyev — fired its engines and headed back to Earth.
59. The mission will deliver Army Colonel Timothy Kopra to the station to join Expedition 20 as a flight engineer and science officer and will return JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata to Earth.
60. Good health physique and fine psychological quality are required for an astronaut.
61. The astronaut makes an final attempt to salvage secondary planet.
62. Morgan rejoined NASA in 1998 as a mission specialist and educator astronaut.
63. Secondly, even though other objects are visible at this distance, according to Shuttle astronaut Jay Apt, the Great Wall is barely discernable, if not invisible.
64. NASA space shuttle astronaut Barbara Morgan laughs while being enveloped with smoke during a plaque ceremony at Walt Disney World's Epcot Center in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, September 10, 2007.
65. Astronaut Leroy Chiao, Exp edition 10 commander and NASA ISS science officer, watches a water bubble float between him and the camera, showing his image refracted, on the IISS on January 15th, 2005.
66. There also is an image of a New York City street sign named for astronaut Kalpana Chawla.
67. Neil Armstrong was working as a test pilot when NASA chose him to become an astronaut.
68. Former astronaut John Grunsfeld told reporters Tuesday about a stargazing experience he had on the station.
69. This astronaut photograph shows the Calabria region of southern Italy--the toe of Italy's "boot"--outlined by the Ionian and Tyrrhenian Seas to the southeast and northwest, respectively.
70. Local cop: Yeah, lapse from the sky. I dont conceive hes an astronaut.
71. This astronaut photograph illustrates slash-and-burn forest clearing along the Rio Xingu (Xingu River) in the state of Matto Grasso, Brazil.
72. Shortly after the shutters were removed from the windows on February 17, 2010, Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi took the top photo while looking out from the new cupola.
73. Let's take a look at the following examples from the internet: Dr. Taylor Wang, the first Chinese astronaut, was given the red-carpet treatment at his alma mater.
74. East Taiwan the woods reportage stressed reported three soon the apsaras astronaut.
75. The name of the Russian astronaut who performed this feat was Leonov.
76. Egypt's Lake Nasser glimmers in the sun in a photograph taken by NASA astronaut Leroy Chiao from the International Space Station.
77. "If Yuri Gagarin had not made this flight I would not have flown to the moon," said US astronaut Thomas Stafford, commander on the first US lunar landing in 1969.
78. The former astronaut accused to trying to assault and kidnap romantic rival plans to enter a temporary insanity plea.
79. During the six-hour, 46-minute spacewalk, Good and fellow NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman completed the installation of the final two new batteries for the B side of the port 6 solar array.
80. This shuttle mission marked the return ofU.S. Senator—and pioneering astronaut—John Glenn to space.
81. The former astronaut accused of trying to assault and kidnap a romantic rival plans to enter a temporary insanity plea.
82. This astronaut photograph features a large impoundment area (image center) containing light tan and gray waste materials ("spoil") from of the Escondida mine complex.
83. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to walk on the moon.
84. In 1965, the American astronaut Edward White dropped a glove, and ever since it has been orbiting the earth at 17,000 miles per hour.
85. You do the astronauts in space before you become an astronaut after personality change?
86. According to flight procedure arrangement, astronaut, in the extravehicular activity has about 20 minutes.
87. Astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
88. Stephen G. Bowen of the Navy, a former submariner, and Piers J. Sellers, a British-born astronaut who arranged to carry a piece of bark from Isaac Newton's apple tree into the weightlessness of space.
89. It was used in 1961 during the fight flight of astronaut Alan Shepard.
90. "You're moving the largest mother lode imaginable " said former astronaut Rusty Schweickart cofounder of the B612 Foundation an organization dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid strikes.
91. The moon gravity meter has good experimental effect on the earth before landing on the moon, but it can't normally work when astronaut set up the gravity meter on the moon on schedule.
92. The necessity of computational multi - body dynamics simulating the astronaut extra vehicular activity ( EVA ) was described.
93. The STS-95 mission also marked the return of pioneering Mercury astronaut and U.S. Senator John Glenn to space.
94. Such bursts occasionally deliver in excess of a couple of hundred rem over an hour or so—a lethal dose to an unshielded astronaut. The great flare of February 23, 1956, is a notorious example.
95. The fire was so big that American astronaut John Glenn could see it from space as he orbited Earth.
96. The main flight strip system is an important part of manned spacecraft project for callback the return modules and rescuing the astronaut in time, and the communication is the information pivot of it.
97. On board with Ansari were Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and US astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, who were to join German astronaut Thomas Reiter on the station just over 48 hours after liftoff.
98. The third member of the Expedition 13 crew is European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Reiter, who arrived at the outpost on the STS-121 mission.
99. Astronaut Soichi Noguchi of Japan watches as a baseball floats toward the camera on the mid-deck of the shuttle Discovery during his "crew choice" video segment from the orbiter August 7, 2005.
100. Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson set in motion equipment shutdown procedures and, with crewmate Douglas Wheelock, installed a jumper cable to keep all the rooms cool.
101. Astronaut Michael Good rides Atlantis'remote manipulator system arm during a spacewalk.
102. The fifth objective, was astronaut training, mainly a useful byproduct of the program.
103. On Thursday, the president began with words to one attendee, astronaut Mark Kelly, the husband of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
104. Centuries after storytellers' imaginations first sent Persian rugs airborne, a Japanese astronaut has demonstrated a real flying carpet aboard the international space station.
105. European Space Agency astronaut Paolo Angelo Nespoli sits inside Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft in the assembling hangar at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Russia.
106. On June 3, 1964, Edward White became the first American astronaut to perform a spacewalk, otherwise known as an extra-vehicular activity (EVA), going outside this Gemini IV capsule for 20 minutes.
107. One day I could draw a fortuneteller; the next, an astronaut.
107. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
108. It was used in 1961 during the flight of astronaut astronaut Alan Shepard.
109. Reporter found, the astronaut spaces walk when puts on the astronavigation clothing and the cabin the astronavigation clothing has the huge difference.
110. I want to be an astronaut, Can you put that in your pipe and smoke it?
111. Another current ISS crew member, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut and flight engineer Thomas Reiter, is scheduled to stay aboard the station until December.
112. Space shuttle Discovery performed a slow back flip and then docked at the International Space Station. It's delivering a massive lab and two new occupants : a NASA astronaut and Buzz Lightyear.
113. Polar mesospheric clouds are also known as noctilucent or "night-shining" clouds—a property that is clearly visible in this astronaut photograph.
114. This phenomenon is caused by sunlight reflecting off the water surface, in a mirror-like manner, directly back towards the astronaut observer aboard the International Space Station.
115. A compact man with a handlebar moustache, he heads the orbiter closeout crew; he's the guy who shakes hands with each astronaut just before they lift off.
116. The expression A-OK means the situation is fine . A-ok is a Space Age expression. it was used in 1961 during a flight of an american astronaut .
117. Two Russians and a U.S. astronaut aborted a return to Earth today when their space capsule failed to separate from the International Space Station.
118. One thought that long periods ent in ace might make it nece ary for an astronaut to have a private line of communication to his stock broker.
119. She's had over a hundred careers including art teacher, presidential candidate, and astronaut.
120. Schweickart, chair of the foundation's board, is a former NASA astronaut who piloted Apollo 9's lunar module in 1969 and served as the backup commander for the first Skylab mission in 1973.
121. (Recall also the work of astronaut Soichi Noguchi, who famously fired away with the same gear during his time aboard the ISS).
122. Before space flight, how does astronaut also have in the training uses the restroom an item.




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